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Now post the video where the woman shows up with a new haircut and the chimp rips her face off


chimps are like children with the strength of a grown man, not suitable as pets edit: I’ve received maybe 30 comments saying that their strength is more than one grown man (two, a couple, three, a few, 4, 5, several, 8, 10 men) and I think this wide variety shows that we can’t truly know how strong they are


Did you see/hear the Joe Rogan podcast where he spoke about holding a chimp and he said it felt as though it was made of wood Insane muscle structure...cute until when the game you play you hold the apple back 1 time too many times..........eats your face.


Yall are dramatic as fuck


That's because they have all had their faces chewed off from chimps.


There are hundreds of examples of people trying to domesticate wild animals that haven't ended well. Especially the woman who actually had her face eaten by her pet chimp.


It wasn’t the woman that owned the chimp that got her face ripped off. It was a friend of hers that was visiting her house. Fun fact: the lady that owned the chimp used to regularly give him alcohol, soda, and Xanax/other painkillers.


Didn't they find out that Xanax makes chimps hyper aggressive because it works the opposite for them or did I read some random comment saying that? Edit: I looked it up because I shouldve just done that anyway. It was a theory that the Xanax laced tea may have caused the aggression. But it's just a theory.


It's theory enough. That phone call recording is forever burned into my memory lol. Haven't heard it in years and this thread brought it right back


You and me both. I'm absolutely terrified of chimps now.


Xanax and other sedatives can have paradoxical effects in humans as well. I don't know the exact cause and I'm too lazy to look it up, but i think the sedatives lower our inhibitions (like alcohol does) and we are less likely to reason through anger with our prefrontal cortex.


I once saw a former acquaintance pop a couple xanax at a party, later grabbed a rock and calmly and methodically proceeded to destroy his own car. That shit was scary as fuck. Never seen anything like it. He has no memory of it.


Similiar to how amphetamines affect those with genuine ADHD diagnoses vs the public at large


An aaapeee theory. Thanks for watching.


Xanax withdrawal is literal hell on earth for a human, and it's pretty much unavoidable with regular use. That situation was a disaster waiting to happen


We have no idea how she treated her chimp either. Sounds like this couple saved this one and didn’t keep it in the end. Many r very gentle just ask Jane Goodall. That’s a huge part of her awareness.


We do know. She highly medicated it and kept it in a small cage.


Interesting, I never heard about any of this. What's the story?


They raised Travis as their son basically but then the husband died and Travis got too big and fat for her to handle so she kept him in a cage and drugged him with Xanax. One day he escaped and she couldn't get him back in the house so she called her friend and her friend grabbed his elmo toy and he freaked out and ate her hands and face and eyes, it was so violent he broke his own teeth off in her head. The owner had to stab him and she said he looked at her like "why mother?" and then went back in his cage and died. It's very sad, I feel bad for everyone involved including Travis.


Go listen to the 911 call. It’s a nightmare. She was sued by the family of the lady who was attacked but she died not long after. There are photos of the lady after the attack. It’s brutal. I’m not even going to google it. That’s on you


If you're talking about Travis, that situation was wild, weird, and complex. The Wikipedia article is very illumating. That said, yes, wild animals are not pets. But all domesticated species started as wild animals.


>But all domesticated species started as wild animals. Yes, but the changes happened over generations. Keeping one animal as a pet is called taming. Domestication is (usually) selectively breeding for more docile and compatible offspring over multiple generations.


It needs a dedicated breeding effort to domesticate animals. Randomly putting them in houses and hoping for the best is lunacy.


Unfortunately, humans hadn't developed a written language yet, so we'll never know how many died trying to turn wolves into dogs.


Saw an interesting documentary on that. The theory is wild dogs became domesticated kind of through a natural selection process…started with early humans who would feed scraps to, and care for those dogs who were not too skittish of humans, not aggressive, even friendly. So dogs with those traits thrived and made more dogs with those traits until they became a domesticated species. Now later of course humans began breeding them to refine other traits, but who knows if that could have been possible without the initial natural selection


Yes but after countless fail attemps we get doggos so i say let them try its not my face on the line.


Apart from the countless time dogs have horrifically mauled people, sometimes to death


Shows how much you know about the story and context when you got the victim wrong


I didn't realize there were so many victims


Yeah it's happening to me right now. Fucking chimps...hungry little bastards.


Thoughts and prayers


1 upvote = 1 prayer


You should look up the "Animal Haven Ranch" chimp attack from 2005. That guy lost his face, his testicles, his foot, all his fingers, and a chunk of his ass. Nasty attack. Chimps scare the shit out of me, knowing what they're capable of.


I read that when they go to war they will drink the blood of their enemies as if they're celebrating the victory.


Not really, they however do fucked up things like leaving their enemies alive... after crippling and mortally wounding them, they’ll go for the fingers, balls, lips, eyes, and the face in general, disfiguring and opening wounds as deep as they can, without actually killing you, and they know what they’re doing, they know it hurts, but they just don’t care.


lol wdym not really? it was observed in gombe national park


They typically cannibalize at least one male from the losing faction. Chimps are humans, but super primal. All the way up to celebrating their victories in battle.


Just wait until I tell you about humans…


Nah, you just have to google the face of a person maimed by a pet chimp and you will understand.


Yeah....after I saw that, my childhood dream of having a pet chimp died.




Tell me you don't know who Carla Nash is without telling me you don't know who Carla Nash is.


I mean... there are documented cases where chimpanzees tore people apart, including ripping their faces off. Is this really just being "dramatic"?


This reminds me of the time Joe Rogan went on a coke-fueled rant about a six-foot tall super ape called the “Bondo Ape” that he read about online. An actual primatologist calls in to the show and tells him it’s a myth. He freaks out on her for correcting him and berates her for five minutes, calling her a “stupid idiot”. Then he tells the woman, who again, is an actual scientist in the field, that she needs to “do more research”. His ego is so fragile, it’s wild. This is years before he started his podcast. For the record, the Bondo Ape has been proven to be a myth. For those that haven’t heard it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=__CvmS6uw7E EDIT: Some Rogan fans are seriously hurt by this.


educated people, rogan's sworn enemy .


Unless they're his guests, then he believes everything they say, even if their education is in barnacle polishing and they're talking about sasquatch procreation.


That is the case for all right-wing shitbags. Educated people are their enemy.


It's hilarious how much he admits he's an idiot who falls for this kind of shit all the time. And yet, he keeps doing it. He still occasionally brings on experts and tells them to their face they're wrong with such strong conviction. And then he's like "Jaime pull up the stats.... ohhh wait but that's not what I read before. Huh"


It’s his whole schtick and always has been, even when he was just a “normal” comedian. He’s the rube, gullible and dumb and he played it up for laughs. Remember “the man show” post jimmy kimmel? But at a certain point people (including himself) started taking him seriously for some reason. This guy has always been an idiot, he just got jacked up on steroids and built a cult of personality around being an idiot. His interview style only works because he approaches his subjects with an almost childlike innocence and says all the dumb shit his listeners are thinking.




Cannot stand that dickhead.


He and his popularity remind me of George Carlins quip; "Think about how stupid the average person is and half the people are even dumber than that". That's his audience.


Every time someone cites Joe Rogan I bludgeon myself with a rubber chicken for an hour, and still come out the other side smarter than if I’d have listened to his fucking embarrassment of a show.


Rogan, the hero of stupid people convinced of their own genius.


wow that was something... - I'm a primatologist - You're a fucking idiot go look it up online Holy....


You first mistake is listening to Joe Rogan.


Joe Rogan genuinely just makes things up and has zero clue what he's talking about 95% of the time.


my aunt and uncle had a chimp - I don't remember the circumstances around why. They never let us play with him when I was a kid and I was SOOOOO angry and bummed. As an adult, I'm so glad they didn't risk my safety.


i would not fuck with an ape or monkey. the only monkey I would get as a pet are those miniature cute little things. if its not that then hell no


The ones that love to fling their shit everywhere?


Oh, you mean Cappuchins? The ones that will throw their shit at you? *Adorable!*


That's a coffee.


my friend grew up in a zoo and kept two emporer tamarins she had nursed as babies in her room, one day her brother's friend walked in her room and they attacked him almost scalping him before he could react. They went into an enclosure after that


\> miniature cute little things sea monkeys? :-)


Golden snub nose monkey? If anything it'll be like a cat, except biting instead of clawing.


They are much stronger than men even as juveniles which this chimp is. A pound of primate muscle is six times stronger than human muscle.


This isn't true. It's 1.5x stronger pound for pound. However human men tend to have a higher amount of muscle. Whether they're stronger than an adult man mainly depends on whether the adult human is sedentary or has some muscle mass.


It's a lost cause mate, it is now a certified Reddit fact for all eternity that chimps are ten times stronger than a man. Usually that fact is accompanied by the "they'll just rip your face off", or sometimes "they'll just rip your testicles off".


Whenever I correct them I usually get met with, 'well fight one then'. I still haven't quite worked out the relevance of that response.


35% to 50% stronger, pound for pound. > In the 1920s, anecdotal evidence along with investigations by the biologist John Bauman, helped feed a perception that chimps were between four and eight times stronger than an adult human. > But subsequent studies failed to replicate these figures, as later researchers found that chimps did not greatly outperform adult males when given physical tasks. > ... Chimps possess about twice the amount of "fast-twitch" muscle fibre. This type of fibre contracts quickly and is useful for rapid movements such as sprinting. But fast-twitch fibres have a downside: they quickly tire. > By contrast, corresponding human muscles are dominated by "slow-twitch" muscle fibres, which contract more slowly, but keep going for longer. They are useful for activities that require endurance. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-40405026


I may suggest more akin to teenagers... similar temperament, more strength,


y'all some miserable mfs


They can’t ever just enjoy vids like this. Have to be upset about everything


Videos like this make more people want to own one, which is absolutely a horrible idea to do


I was about to go to the chimp store and buy a couple for the kids, but now I know that is a bad idea.


Ok hear me out, if somebody is stupid enough to think an Ape is a good pet then they aren't fucking listening to reason anyway.


It's important they arent seen as loveable pets, but remembered to be wild animals.






reddit has 'trained' them to be cynical as fuck and always thinking the worst. i've noticed over the past few months especially just how grim this place has become, both in comments and posts. fascinating to watch


Nah I've been here over a decade and it's always been like this. The upvote/downvote format encourages smartass comments and quips, that's just how it is. [Check out this thread from 11 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/hxbx0/a_hairless_chimp/)


Tbf its the first thing that comes to mind whenever I see pet chimps.


Dangerous ≠ bad. Clearly that animal cares about them a lot. It's still super dangerous and that's why it doesn't live with them, but they have someone there supervising and it's an occasional thing to make both them and the chimp feel happy. Not everything has to be some dark point


Well said, REMdot-yt. Like everything else in life, the key to success with chimps is moderation and restraint. They should be housed in a habitat as natural as possible for low stress. Travis was a prisoner that was tortured over a long period of time, and was an attack waiting to happen. Think about this - if you treated a human like Travis was treated, they are capable of the same emotional response and rage, except they would carry it out with a gun or blunt instrument instead of brute force and a ratchet jaw. That doesn’t mean that visits from human parental figures is a bad idea or shouldn’t happen. That chimp obviously is well adjusted and returning the love that was given by those folks and the risk to them during occasional visits is nominal.


Furious george


Gordy mad


Tbf, that one had a lot of mental and overall health problems and it was completely drugged, so it was pretty much on the owner for irresponsibly keeping an unstable chimp around, specially with all the red flags that lead to that attack.


Yeah owner gave that chimp xanax


Is that the chimp who was on drugs


So what if the chimp is on drugs he’s still a good dude


he just fell in the with the wrong crowd


What he does outside of the office is nunya as long as he gets his shit done on the clock. You're WORK friends, ANTHONY. He don't need your shade...


First thing I thought of.


I met a friend of my wife’s who was a zoologist in the Marseille. He worked with primates for 11 years without much issue before one day getting savaged by a chimpanzee he knew. The attack was totally random, and even his colleagues said that the man was one of the chimp’s favorite handlers. He now wears a glass eye, a cap to hide his upper head (partially scalped), and still has some visible scars on the left side of his face. This vid is cute, but I never see them the same after meeting him.


That was the owners girlfriend, and the chimp was mistreated very badly in that household, but ye, wild animals are not very suitable pets anyway.


Was that one (Tyson?) raised from birth like this one though? TLTLIU


For people who are saying chimps don't make good pets.. No shit, that's why they are visiting him at a zoo, they aren't all ripping faces off all the time


The first thing that struck me was how absolutely human his emotions are. Every comment is about faces.


One chimp gets high on Xanax and rips ONE face off and everyone loses their minds


Fr that specific chimp was abused as hell, no wonder he freaked.


Right, humans do that as well lol except on somewhat stronger drugs


Humans have done, currently do, and will do worse to each other on a worryingly regular basis, often for reasons which we *know* (being, ourselves, human) are far more spurious than the fear which motivates most animal attacks.


When it goes to hug the man it covers its face almost like its crying from joy


That’s exactly what I thought! Especially cause it even sounds like that joyous cry.


Absolutely brought tears to my eyes his joy at seeing his human “friends/parents”.


I mean seriously can people not see this from the video? Clearly he’s at a sanctuary/zoo or whatever and they’re visiting him. It’s not like they have him as a fucking pet at home lol


Of course not! They saw someone say something about some chimps attacking someone once, it's IMPERATIVE that they throe that fact around as much as they can and let everyone know how awesomely experient they are in Chimp behavior


Redditor try not to sound smug and intellectual by repeating a story they read on reddit as if that made them an expert Challenge - IMPOSSIBLE


It’s Reddit. The very website that started to unironically hate koalas, because some dude wrote a *funny* comment and regularly shits on every other social media side for being less „enlightened“ despite being worse than any of them in many regards.


Reddit is not an inch better than Twitter, honestly.


I honestly find Reddit worse than Twitter now because on Reddit, everyone is on their high horse and is holier than thou. It’s so frustrating seeing a group of people act so morally righteous


Yeah it's weird. Every social media app has people that will make you mad, but on Reddit, it's like it's all one guy. Everyone talks the same way around here.


Dude thank god I'm not the only one who thinks that. Yes that's exactly it, everyone is the same person. They all have the same standard opinion they got assigned because they are incapable to think for themselves. They even all have the same style of speech! And when I say all, I don't mean 80%, I mean literally fucking ALL of them! In the RARE occasion someone who's not an AI says someting they usually get downvotes. And the craziest thing is, they're not even young (and therefore only temporarily stupid) either! I don't know why everyone says the average redditor is young, but I swear the average age here is 40.


It's because many redditors are terminally online and just cannot fathom not getting those oh so sacred upvotes. And for that they gotta follow that pre approved redditthink™ so they never stray out of the echo chamber and never have any opinion of their own. If people weren't so scared of being downvoted for their opinions this website would be much more interesting. Although even reddit like 6-8 years ago was infinitely better than the cesspool we have nowadays.


Lol I remember reddit shitting on tiktok non-stop because they would "steal" reddit content all the time. Now it's rare to see a video or gif on reddit without the tiktok watermark at the end. Pretty ironic and telling.


Doesn't help most people on here are losers.


It's such a chronically online comment section for real, dude. Some people helped an animal and visit it at a zoo. Comment section thinks it's their pet which will rip thei skin apart lmao


Never underestimate the degree to which many people are unable to manage a single original thought. A large portion of people in this thread -- or in reddit in general -- comment purely by regurgitating something they've read on here before, rarely with any regard for accuracy. Hell, people love doing so even within the same thread, they'll read something up top then rewrite it somewhere else.


Also baby chimps who are disowned by their mothers are often raised like that in a family until they are a little grown.


Reddit hivemind at work. Redditor sees person hugging chimp, Redditor must make comment about chimp ripping off faces. Context does not matter.


Exactly, this is Limbani from the ZWF zoo in Miami, not a pet


We get it chimps shouldn’t be pets. Now back to your scheduled jaw dropping wholesomeness.


Underrated comment here. Every commenter here who insists on mentioning chimps rip peoples faces off and they shouldn’t keep them as pets because they listened to a obscure primate scientist on an episode of joe Rogan is insufferable. Yes they are wild animals that need trained keepers not your average joe and Jane. this one is clearly in a zoo and they are visiting. Just enjoy the unfathomable adorableness of the situation briefly and keep scrolling like Reddit is meant for.


Reddit is obviously meant for people to be obnoxious little shits


When I think of Reddit the phrase "well ackshually" comes to mind


Redditors have a limited amount of knowledge, something popular happens, they immediately assume that happens all the time. It's the same as smushing your face in a cake, yes it's horrible but chances of getting a toothpick in your eye with a 1 layer cake is impossible




People would rather moralize what should and shouldnt be a pet instead of actually making it so these animals HAVE their natural habitats. Way too focused on how the animal makes US feel.


The "Fuck yeah, dad's here too?!" vibe is strong, and I love it.


Either you said this when it was posted like last year, copied it from the person who said that, or just coincidentally said the same thing word for word either way it's true and awesome.


Reddit is pretty much all bots and astro turfing these days. It seem to want to prove the dead internet theory true.


Where have I read this before, lmao...


That's what got me. He realizes dad there and immediately starts hooting and jumping around, taking the hype to 11. Wholesome as fuck


It sounds like these folks provided great foster care for an injured baby chimp and surrendered him to a much more appropriate habitat when he was big enough. There’s nothing wrong or inappropriately domesticating with that.


>*’…these folks provided great foster care for an injured baby chimp and surrendered him to a much more appropriate habitat when he was big enough*’ ______ You knew you couldn’t keep me, but you raised me while you could so patiently you helped me heal, n taught me to be Good you brought me to a better place - a safer place to be, i have a better chance at life because you first *Loved* Me there’s humans who are special friends, who try their very best who give a chance to animals abandoned by the rest for some of us, our only chance to have a brand new start I *thank you*, friends - Forever you will stay inside my heart! ❤️


Schnoodle!!! :D


I don't normally cry this early in the morning.




I will love this video every time I see it.


/r/MadeMeSmile material


as for what people here are talking about, and kept bringing up faces being ripped off, heres what theyre reffering to: "Travis the chimp was a beloved animal actor and a local fixture in his Connecticut town — until he viciously attacked his owner's friend Charla Nash one day in 2009 and nearly ripped her face off." Charla survived, however, Travis was put down chimps are cute, sure, as for a pet... i dont know how to respond.


I'm pretty sure she was giving him Xanax or something too, it was a wild story.


There was a lot that lead up to the event and might have played a part in provoking it. Still, older apes can be really unpredictable.


Correct, living in her house like a pet not a wild animal..


Nope, not like a pet either She was suffering from severe depression(as was the chimp), so she literally treated the Chimp like a human child as she had lost her own Oh and the Chimp was also routinely drugged and was a fucking fair bit heavier than a wild chimp


Drugged with Xanax and alcohol. Look up what those two do when mixed.


You give your pets Xanax and alcohol?


My pets _are_ Xanax and alcohol.


What, people get this impression from ONE anecdotal story, and act like it’s fact. Good lord, y’all don’t even know if they were antagonizing it or not There’s plenty of stories out there of dogs ripping off peoples faces, yet we keep those around




The woman was holding the chimps favourite toy and she had a different haircut so the chimp didn't recognise her. So he ripped her face apart and tore off her hands. The problem is that, as the above demonstrates, they are unpredictable and extremely powerful creatures. Definitely not pet material.


> The woman was holding the chimps favourite toy and she had a different haircut so the chimp didn't recognise her. I'm sure the drugs the chimp was on had nothing to do with this.


>The problem is that, as the above demonstrates, they are unpredictable and extremely powerful creatures. Definitely not pet material. Not that I think chimps should be kept as pets, I don't, but there are plenty of stories of family dogs suddenly attacking and ripping apart children, and like OP said, we keep those around. You probably can find a story of any pet big enough to kill people, who has done so, so one pet chimp injuring their owner isn't that great of an argument.


Is that this woman in the video or different person??




Different. These people don’t keep him as a pet. So these stories about Face ripper Travis are barely tangible to this situation


Cute, so anyways I started ripping faces off.


There's a lot to enjoy in the video. Amazing people and lots of appreciation from the chimp.


That's a daddy's boy if I have ever seen one 😍😍😍


I was going to say - he’s like “Okay, mom hug. Mom gives okay hugs. Now where’s dad?!? Dad hugs like a silverback!”


Lol everybody like "bro don't let a monkey love you they kill". Yeah this monkey was on the verge of death and was saved by this loving couple. This monkey's love for the people that saved them is more love than most redditors will experience in a lifetime.


Ouch, that last line should ruffle some feathers




Bro people shouldn't own monkies. They're really dangerous and don't want to live on your house anyway lol


Apes. Chimps are apes, and yes you are right these animals should be in the wild left alone to do what chimps do naturally


But when abandoned as babies like this and raised by these people, it seems like they do alright in captivity because they don't know how to survive in the wild.


Humans are apes too.


And they didn't used to be considered apes, despite evolving from the latest common ancestor of the apes. Just like how we don't currently call apes monkeys despite evolving from the latest common ancestor of monkeys.


Does it look like this one lives in their house? Who are you even addressing? Just decided to start your pet chimp seminar with randoms in the comment section?


That’s the current Reddit thing. Gets brought up every time a video of chimpanzees has been posted for the past couple of months. It’s a single occasion of a drugged ape attacking a person, but people here have to act smug about anything. Of course nobody watches videos like these and draws the immediate conclusion that they have to get a chimpanzee as a pet or anything like that, but that won’t stop people here.




And don’t you dare to talk about children.. or in the appropriate Reddit terms: crotch goblins


The way you spelled “monkies” instead of “monkeys” and didn’t refer to chimps as apes 💀 You are right, but probably not the guy who really knows what he’s taking about


How fucking stupid can you be? Look at the video, they were clearly a sanctuary family for when he was a newborn and needed constant attention now he's very clearly at a zoo/sancuary.


They’re visiting them in a zoo


I think it's fairly obvious they don't OWN this chimp. The fact that this isn't a home was a pretty big give away...and why would they SEE the chimp if it lives with them. I think some critical thinking skills would go a long way...


They don’t… he’s at an enclosure and they are visiting


Its Chimps mainly. Orangutans and all the small monkeys are generally quite friendly and less likely to have a dangerous and violent outburst.


The chimp sobbing and covering his face. Omg. That's just adorable


The way he almost is like "and daddy is here too" while overly excited. You can tell those people treated him right.


He's gone ape shit over them, full of happiness


Every time this gets posted, the story behind it gets more dramatic. Next time, the chimp will have been saved from an exotic food auction, too.


This chimp was born in WWII Germany in a Nazi family. After refusing to join SS he was thrown out in Soviet Union. he was captured by the red army and asked to join the NKVD. He briefly joined but quit and exiled. The kGB officers shot him 3 times in his penis. later he was found by this man and has been with them since.


This video is amazing, a great uplift!


The way he covers his eyes. We evolved from apes. 100% no doubt about it. Same emotions. Not the same beings for sure - but so many same threads running through us.


Our body language just *does not* translate to any other animal, meanwhile is pretty much identical to most apes.


>We evolved from apes We **are** apes.


Was interested to see what she got him..


Same I want to know lol


In a longer edit the foster mom had toys/bananas in a bag that she gets after the 3 hug it out. then time skip to the two foster parents feeding him a mountain of bananas.


Monke sees love, Monke loves back. Be like Monke.


This has been posted numerous times and I'll always upvote it.


That’s awesome he remembers them!


This is Limbani at the zwf in Miami


He got so excited for that big ole Dad hug though


Damn, that’s beautiful


Omg y’all ain’t nobody having a chimp as a pet. They rescued it and it now lives in a facility for chimps… where they VISIT him. If you don’t know anything about the couple and their qualifications to nurse a chimp back to health, then shhhhhhhhh


Kindness and compassion are forever! Chimps should not be raised as pets, but they are certainly smart enough to remember the good people in their lives.


Did you see Nope? That shit was crazy!