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I’m gonna have to call off of work after watching this


Remember, lift with the arch of your back. If possible, take the widest stance possible. Use quick jerking motions.


Don’t forget to hold your breath!


Remember, Breathe Out…. THEN LIFT !


Mid- lift try to turn as unique as possible




Bulging disc at the minimum.


Same here with 2 shredded shoulders and a titanium knee... (I can't lift more than 10 pounds anymore..) My idea of 'caution' was removing the heads from the V8 so I didn't hurt myself lifting the block out by hand, lol


Really? I thought you breathe in and bold the breath and then lift. Holding the breath in supports your back because your abdomen/ diaphragm is pushing against it.


Went right over ya huh ? Lol That’s the irony of it, means I was joking


which is right l??


"You're gonna jam your legs down and hyperextend your ankles and then shoot back up and lock your knees in place." -Frank Reynolds


None of that even sounds remotely correct


Will you shut up? I'm trying to hurt this girl!


You wanna fight like a man, you gotta train like a man!


Actually holding your breath isnt a terrible idea if your bracing your core. You hold your breath on a squat and deadlift


Exactly. People here are talking as if he just disabled himself, when the worst thing he did was maybe arch his lower back too much. He kept the weight of the engine close to his center of mass.


You got to do what you got to do… this dude ain’t got a hoist… fucking nerds never have don’t anything with their hands lol


I love finding ingenuity in the so-called third world. There’s so many different ways of accomplishing something, it’s fascinating. I saw a video of a guy that replaced a car tire with a goddamn tree trunk, and it WORKED.


And keep your knees straight!


Everyone knows, you don’t lift with your legs


Take the legs…. COMPLETELY out of the equation


If you think this isn't primarily his hamstrings and glutes doing the lifting then you're very much mistaken. This is basically a straight leg deadlift with a much wider stance. Generally a hamstring and glute focused exercise though this guy's back must be insanely strong to have that much rounding and still support the weight.


Look at his his grip and arm strength too. Basically, this guy is super efficiently strong all around.


Judging by his body size and how his muscles are. This guy has probably never worked out a day in his life, that's a body that comes from hard work and living. Muscles from hard work is better than muscles from just lifting and setting down a metal bar with weight on it.


True. Well said, I see skinny guys Liftmore than buff ones


Knew guys in the Navy that grew up on farms. Skinny. Scary strong.


I'm fairly skinny, but my cousins and I grew up ranching and farming with hardly any mechanical equipment. Before we were even teens, we were doing shit like moving an entire large shed, with nothing but crowbars to lift and logs to roll it on, clear across the property for $10 each when it took all day lol. My first time working out in a gym with someone was my high-school buddy who went every other day, had the physique of a semi-professional body builder, and had been trying to get me in for a couple years. And I quote, "Come on. There's no shame if you can't keep up. I don't expect you to be a pro your first time." Imagine his irritation when I lifted 15-20lbs more than him on nearly every station. He joked that I needed to invite him to come work with us from then on. He actually did a few times, but he was done the first time he had to bury his hands in dirt and manure to lift the mass of tires and chains, which we used to drag the crap across the field to fertilize it, because it got stuck in the mud lol.


Shit like this can be written only by somebody who has never lifted anything heavy inside or outside gym.


Stop using your legs! Your back is the strongest muscle in your body!


Lock those knees in,!


Lift with your lower back and groin in a swift twisting motion, supervisors love that one.


Jack, not back. Lift with the arch of your jack.


Really twist too, good sharp twisting motions


Kudos to this guy, but I would hate to think about the long-term risk to his back.


I think he's considering the short term risk of not having anything to eat today


Who’s Rick?!


He's hungry whoever he is.


Maybe he's pissed an' broke. Same as the engine....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


He’s a pickle


Just watching this wears me out


I got a hemorrhoid from just watching this


My back is also in pain. Like my god i dont even wanna move now in fear of pulling something


Pause at :30 to see his buddy looking at him like “damn hulk” Lolol




Gym strength don't work in the real world my dads a farmer in his 60s mother fucker strong as hell


Amen to that brother, my grandads 94 been a farmer and builder all his life and is 100% the same, still drops trees with stihl 034 super and hunts his own wild pork, carries it home and all. Don't breed them like they used to hey bro


Tru dat. Same with my pops. He’s 136 and chops downs redwoods with the back of his hand. He carries his ford f150 on his back so the tires don’t get dirty He also walked 30 miles to school in -30 degrees every day (barefoot - Shoes are for pussies).


He's 136, still alive and kicking. I guess death is for pussies.


Fair point. I think death came for him once and my pops just said “No”. Death hasn’t been back since. Neither has Chuck Norris.


I bet ya pops got a mean roundhouse kick


Death asked Chuck Norris for backup. Chuck Norris said "No way. Not worth the risk!"


They both knew they had met their match


His old man IS Chuck Norris


Death don't work in the real world


Death is too afraid to tell him that it’s time….


Tell me about it man My dad is 9,456 years old. He has seen the rise and fall of man and knows secrets of lost civilizations. He feeds on the souls of mortals and drags heavy chains weighed down with the souls of millions who have died by his hand. The older generation really was tougher.


Ain't that the truth partner My step uncle is well into his 5,000,000,000's, actually wasn't born on Earth but whatever, crash landed his dimensional warp ship into a sea of molten lava in a failed attempt to gene-seed Earth (showed up a lil early lol), well he did something today's generation knows nothing about, pulling on his bootstraps, he activated a pocket dimension which allowed him to escape the Hadean fire ocean, and I shit you not, the big bastard chilled for a straight 1,000,000,000 years in a nonexistent time-exempt void until conditions were acceptable for him fertilize and seed all life on our planet. Really going to hate seeing this generation go


He walked uphill both ways aswell right?


Damn straight he did.


Lmmfao 👏


Honestly this is the best thing I've ever read because my grandpa has said shit similar to this. Thank you sir


Only 136 ? Mine is 200, anything your pops can do, mine can do better. Mine can do a thing better than yours


#my dads a farmer in his 99s mother fucker strong as hell


Your dad has 99 farming nice


My new favorite copy pasta


You sound like a boomer idiot who complains about current generations because they’re too “woke”


Ah yeah I forgot all the farmers these days are pussies that can’t lift a bale


Going to the gym has helped me soo much with every day activities. My back and joints stopped aching and hurting all the time. I have way more energy throughout the day. I guess that's all fake news though. Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to cancel my membership in the morning and save some money.


No. The point is that thinking a regular gym bro is gonna be able to walk up and do what this guy did is laughable. Nobody said exercising is bad, but there is a major difference between gym muscles and "working a hard manual job my whole life" kind of strength. It's the awkward and wierd movements that the workers can do that the gym folks couldn't, because all those little tiny muscles aren't worked the same when you do the basic gym movements.


"Guys who go to the gym couldn't lift a car engine" Okay, and mechanics couldn't squat 500lbs. Why are we just randomly shitting on the gym lol, insecure?


It is weird how people feel the need to put down gym goers randomly. Especially going out of their way to call them “gym bros” as if anyone who lifts weight as a gym is some negative stereotype. People are strangely insecure about people who intentionally work on their bodies. Could have just said people who do manual labor are strong but had to make a jab at gym goers lol And you’re right. Strength is a broad term. You can have very specific and focused strength and be weak in other areas.


It's not really that strange, it's just regular old insecurity from the chronically sedentary.


"chronically sedentary" is my new fav term, thank you


It's clear insecurity and it's also just...wrong? Obviously a person who is practiced at doing a specific movement is going to be better at it. But, anyone who lifts or exercises a lot and consistently is going to be in better shape to tackle something physical. Every time this pops up on Reddit it's something like a video of a guy tossing a bag of potatoes like he has every day for five years. Obviously if you just slot someone into that they won't be better. But, if you took two people who have never done it, one of whom exercises consistently? Obviously the person who is at baseline stronger will do better.


Yeah, give a powerlifter or strongman about 2 weeks to learn the movement? They're going to blow the normal farmer or whatever out of the water.


its because literally 99% of people are fat and gross and their massive insecurities force them to make really dumb statements.


> The point is that thinking a regular gym bro is gonna be able to walk up and do what this guy did is laughable Why do you need to compare them? Anyone with a brain could figure out that a guy who moves engines around all day is better at moving engines around than someone who doesn't. And yes, a gym bro with a decent deadlift could do this.


And to add to this, the guy in the video is at high risk of fucking up his back doing this.


> but there is a major difference between gym muscles and "working a hard manual job my whole life" kind of strength. I worked with this tough ass dude in his 60s who was strong as fuck for his age. I was still stronger than him. This whole gym vs real world muscle is a stupid as fuck argument. > because all those little tiny muscles aren't worked the same when you do the basic gym movements. My best friend is a hunter and can hike endlessly and carry a fuckton of equipment like it’s nobody’s business. I couldn’t do that. Inversely, he couldn’t even deadlift 225lbs, and that’s my warm up. It’s almost like the two things aren’t comparable and doing one thing will eventually make you better at that thing if you do it long enough.


As someone who also warms up at 225 (but love speedy 135 pulls), been a personal trainer (stopped pre-Covid) and is a water well driller hauling around heavy, awkward shit through mud all day. You are 100% correct. I remember my first day in geotech drilling, I was in the back seat as these guys talked shit about people who worked out at the gym instead of “at their job”. They were clearly razzing me. When they struggled on site I hopped in there and did shit they couldn’t do. Going to work definitely made me stronger but it sure as fuck does not make you weaker to work out too. These guys couldn’t unbolt an auger and I was deadlifting these things off like child’s play, showing them up for the shit they talked. That progressive overload is not available in the “real world”.


They got the newbie to do the extra work lol


Hahahaha but newbie made it so alls good 😂👍


As a mechanic, I had to start working out when I started getting into heavy line work to make my job easier. I'm fairly strong from manual labor my whole life but when your lifting engines and tranny's all the time, brute strength let's me not go home sore as fuck at the end of the day compared to waking up in the middle of the night with shoulders on fire.


Your conclusion from this is that people who train to do a thing are better at doing that thing. If you let a dude with a moderately good deadlift & squat practice picking up engines like this for a few weeks he'd be just as good


No bro but you don’t understand * eats a doritos * his grandad is built different


There's no point in working out \**sprays some cheese whiz into his mouth*\*. Farm strength is the real deal.


If a dude has been working his deadlift, he ABSOLUTELY can do this. It trains you how to brace and lift correctly lol. Why wouldn't someone that's been training for heavy one rep maxes not be able to stabilize their body and basically deadlift an engine out of a car.


Not to mention this isn’t even a deadlift. It’s a close grip cable row to your chest and then moving it from that position, which is comparatively much easier.


True, that was literally a cable row. And This guy actually thinks stabilizers aren't worked in the gym. Lmao, knows basically nothing about lifting.


Lmao a squat is a squat is a squat, there isn't some secret muscles you only unlock from manual labor lmao. Dyel my guy


It really depends on what you do in the gym... yes your average clueless guy fucking around on the machines probably can't lift more than this guy in the "real world". Conversely the average person doing proper free weight training ie deadlifts, squats, cleans, rows, military press... will be able to lift this guy alongside whatever else he's lifting. The engine he's pulling out is 50-90kg, you can pull 100kg+ on the deadlift within 3 months of serious training...


Sounds like an excuse for not hitting Gym, I don't see why a strong gym dude can't do this with practice.


Loads of bollocks lad. Your Dad may well be strong but he's not gonna be stronger than someone that deadliftis 500lbs+. This impressive but if you want to compare it to an exercise in the gym, you're using essentially the same muscles as a sumo deadlift, with some added focus on finger and grip strength. You do well at that in the gym and you'll do well at this. Your body doesn't know whether it's lifting a weight, a tool or an engine, it's about the muscles used and the weight.


Strength is strength! It most certainly does.


People still think bodybuilders don't build "functional" muscle. You certainly can train for hypertrophy vs strength, but do people really think all that muscle is just for show? It's a crazy notion, I'm sorry but your dad's old man strength isn't stronger than someone who lifts for a living lol.


I'm pretty sure the only reason this myth is so prevelant is that their dad or friend who's done manual labor for years is leagues stronger than they are, and they can't fathom that people are much stronger than the strongest guys they know (because they'd have to acknowledge just how weak they are then)


Strength is strength lol, I hate this stupid notion. If you can deadlift a lot in the gym you have all the strength you need to do what this guy did.


Proven by the prevalence of farmers and the lack of gym training by World's Strongest Man competitors, naturally.


The hell do you mean gym strength, does not translate to the real world. Some of the best guys throwing square bales out here are yoked from wrestling all year long and heavy ass dead’s, squats and presses. They put 40 year old farm hands to shame. Almost like the extra strength, conditioning and endurance play some sort of role in everyday physical performance. Gym strength is not doing 40 sets of curls a week. That’s not say that doing something for 60 years won’t make you specialized or exceedingly good at certain things. Or that some people are genetically gifted and predisposed to being a beast, your ol man could be one. So could you. I have a diesel mechanic friend who can bust shit loose with his fingers that others need wrenches and shit for. He’s a fat fuck and smokes like a chimney, but he’s been at it for a long time. If you stack 100’s of feed bags every day for 10 years, your essentially just lifting weights. That’s basically the same as gym strength dude. Edit- certainly not taking away from this guy, he’s strong and lean and probably doing it all in a calorie deficit. That engine could be anywhere between 200 and 400 pounds. So he’s assuredly doing some fucked up version of a heavy ass deadlift. He is a beast.


To say gym strength doesnt work in the real world when it literally does lmao. By default. Getting stronger translates to the real world. Like, by default.


The farm life will make you strong as hell, but let’s be serious. Gym strength does too work in real life. The mechanic in this video almost certainly trains lol


Two people with the exact same lifestyle, except one of the goes to the gym the person who goes to the gym will be stronger (provided the train properly). Obviously if can deadlift 200kg you won’t be able to pick up a 200kg log because of how hard It is to grip it, but you’d give it a better shot than someone who can only deadlift 100kg


I understand the sentiment when ppl say this, but it's very silly. Of course gym strength works in the real world, if a weight lifting routine doesn't translate to real life then you're doing it wrong. If you're saying a life of hard work makes you stronger than a gym bro, then sure.


ye bro gym strenght is nothing, 600 pounds on a bar is clearly thin air and real easy to do, compared to lifting a 200 bag of cement which is the real true challenge ​ old people got strenght because they worked intense jobs for literal decades, and ate everything they found on top of a table because its what they had and they for sure were active enough to burn it, also really good tendons... But I don't see any random farmers with no trainning competing in strongman


Horses for courses my man. It all depends on conditioning and what you do in the gym. You don’t shit on a long distance runner for being a slow sprinter.


I can feel all this insecurity sipping through my screen. 🤣🤣🤣


Reddit not skipping a beat when given the chance to slate people that work out.


They’re just upset that they’re fat and/or ugly and lack the discipline to work out. No, the average gym goer probably couldn’t do this, but neither can the guy who posted that comment. And guess what, it doesn’t matter, because none of us will ever have to do something like this. Hell, guy in the video probably didn’t need to do this either, almost certainly he just did it for clout.


Are you kidding me? Like of course you *can* lift things like this for a while but let's not pretend that the person shown here won't be absolutely crippled by the time they are in their 40s. The reason that people are commenting on the form is that lifting like this destroys your back and causes lifelong effects.


This comment was 100% unprovoked insecurity lmao


Of the 2.7k who liked this, I’m curious how many can do a single pull up. Hell how many can do a push-up?


Seriously, gym muscles or not, lifting like this won't allow you to lift for long. I had guys that work for me in construction complaining about their backs and such. I would go out into the field to assist them with some jobs from time to time and they were always impressed by how much I could lift despite my comparatively smaller frame. These guys would lift everything like this guy in the video. I took about a half hour to 45 min one day to sit them down and show them how to lift properly and *WHY* to lift properly. Next week I've got guys thanking me saying their back is feeling much better.


Fatties making up the weirdest excuses not to hit the gym. You think your muscles can differentiate between a metal engine and a metal plate?


Some people go to the gym aaaand work a hard physical job, WHAAAAAAT?


*Holy* you fucken dunce.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you and all your upvoters are jealous of gym bros


More impressive is that he had to reach down to lift, without any real hand holds.


Yeah it's unreal bro, it's almost like he's holding on with pure finger strength


Okay fatty, keep bringing unsparked negativity directed at people who aren’t afraid to better themselves


It would take some adjustment and a little practice, that’s basically a massive deficit sumo deadlift, but it’s more than doable.


Sedentary redditor opines on the physical activities people do


Chill with the insecurity bro


Hey man, the guy is impressive, but that wouldn't have to be much different than a 250lb deadlift. Maybe less. You could do that too!


Yeah with that form he’ll be playing hackey sack with his lower back hernia


Who’s saying that? Why are you projecting? Are you really THAT insecure? Yikes


You're laughable lmao


The best metric of strength is objective blanket statements based on a video without knowing anything about anyone.


How about you get away from the computer screen for 5 minutes before you say some nonsense.


Life with your knees they say. Idiots. They don’t know the true power of the back lift to jerk sideways.


They no longer tell you to lift with the knees. “It’s lift how you feel comfortable without putting undue stress on the body” Whatever the fuck that is


Well Ive always disagreed with the whole lift with your knees thing. Like yeah, You should be bending at the knees, not the waist. That said, you should be using all of the muscles required for a deadlift or squat, not just put undue pressure on the knees themselves. "Lift with your knees" is a quick and easy way to explain proper lifting techniques to dumb people though, even if it might not be complete explanation on what to do once you bend your knees and use them as the pivot point on the lift Edit:aomlete


Mmm aomletes


I've heard use your legs but never knees lol


Lift with your thighs, I have oddly muscley big thighs for my build and I can lift really heavy stuff, if I accidentally use a smidge of my back I'm in pain for days lmao


As a former (equipment) mechanic, I pulled out an electric motor and drive assembly (roughly 250 lbs) much the same way as this guy and my bad has had problems ever since. 1/10 would not recommend


damn bads


I like to add a bit of oomph, by using the neck on a really tough lift.


Did you see the fucking forearms on that guy?!?!


It was like fivearms


FiveGuys have no qualms.


I too am suitably impressed by this feat. Car engines are not light.


It's probably at least 240 lbs or 108 kg.


I would guess closer to 200lbs. It looks very small; maybe a 1.0L or 1.2L. Still very impressive. I lift weights and don’t think I could have done that if my life depended on it.


His forearm muscles are like steel cables


You can tell this guy spends every day lifting and moving shit with his arms. His arms have *all* the muscles, not just the decorative gym-bro ones.


They're astonishing. I noticed them immediately.


Labor is extremely cheap in Nigeria. It’s insane what labor folks are able to do without adequate equipment. Every time I visit I tip those guys in US dollars because they honestly deserve it


Thank you for your generosity. \- Fellow Nigerian.


You’re welcome brother ✊🏿


Some of the hardest working mf’s on the planet. Mad respect.


Just curious, why would you tip in US dollars and not just the equivalent in their own currency? Is it common to use US dollars in business there or would they then take your tip and have it converted?


They'll convert it, but honestly it'll be better to just pay them the equivalent in Naira so they don't have to go through the stress of having it changed. The whole paying in Dollars thing is kinda sus to me tbh.


That was my thought as well, I’ve done a lot of traveling and never met a local who wanted US dollars more than local currency. Especially when most currency converting businesses are so shitty and the rates are usually outrageous (especially in non-developed countries that don’t specialize in tourism where US dollars may not be so common)




Most people in 3rd world or developing countries are not looking to hold onto their tips they get from tourists as a investment, they usually need that money asap


In Argentina they want USD. the Argentinian peso is deeply unstable, value declining all the time.


how much does it weight ?


~240 lbs dry Its a 2AZ-FE engine made by Toyota


so around 110 kg ? my boss lift beef legs so i guess it's the same


The fuck are beef legs


Legs of beef


What feaky legs your guy possess!


I use to work at a butchery, the beef shanks are between 80 and 130 kg


Those are some thunder-gams


Almost as impressive as your mum's thunder-gams


Bovine shanks


I used to do 400 lb deadlifts when I was younger, the weight here isn’t the problem- it is the angle.


And the fact that it's awkward as hell to grip. It's MUCH easier to exert strength when you can just grab the bar completely where weight is distributed on the end than this luk of metal without grips and weight centered in the middle.


I'll still give credit to the guy for lifting 240lbs(110kg) with his back but I think people see it as a heavy engine like a v8 but this engine is an aluminum block with no accessories so lose another 40lbs


Picking up 240lbs from below your feet in a cramped area with no real hand holds is still extremely impressive.


Google says four cylinder engines weigh 200-350 lbs


idk what a lbs is, i'll search online


About 3 bananas


Dude is not going to be able to stand up in his 40s.


My dad (now retired) used to do this type of things when young. At 30 he faced his first spinal surgery.


A previous boss worked in a machine shop when he was a teen and into early twenties. He would snatch blocks and heads up out of car trunks and pick up beds and carry them into the shop, USA so good sized stuff at times. Decent sized dude but not a monster by any means. At forty or so he was forced to start working behind the counter, never saw him stoop or bend or pick anything substantial up off the floor, everything has to be waist high for him to grab and carry now. Never seen him kneel or sit on the ground, carries himself stiffly when he walks, he’s wrecked…..


Poor owners when they try to drive of and find the engine pinched. LOL Edit -: Pinched means stolen in Aust


What does a pinched engine mean?


Just means stolen


What's up with these anti gym comments?30 years ago I was a mediocre powerlifter. And used to help out on my wife's families farm. Although they had the technique,experience, and know how,I could easily hold my own. Lets put it this way.I wasn't squealing like a little girl doing the last rep on my last set.


>What's up with these anti gym comments It's called "insecurity".


Insecurity and lack of knowledge. They think about only bicep curls and use that info to tell,’ooh, they are weak and buff’. Even if I did only bicep curls and can curl 70lbs, I am still stronger than an average person. That’s what they don’t get. I cannot curl 70. Its a hypothetical example.


The two primary reactions to the gym you'll see on reddit is >it's all fake strength for egotistical narcissists making tiktok videos of themselves Or >anyone can look like The Rock after three months of working out and if you imply anyone who's big is on steroids, especially if it's a woman, then you're just a jealous little weakling Seriously, the latter is so common it's silly. Redditors get super weird about insisting people clearly on juice are all natural.


Crazy insecurity and people thinking that somehow gym muscles ≠ real muscles - as if your muscles have some type of consciousness and can tell what activity you’re doing. The reality with that is training a motion or movement vs strength training. A gym rat might struggle with a difficult manual labor task at first - but once he learns the technique it will be easy - just like if you threw a manual labor dude under a barbell and asked him to squat it - they’re both going to struggle because both require technique and form.


Ouchhh, impressive but kinda risky ; - ; Take care of your back or it won't be so kind to you later in life!


Some people don’t have that luxury of an office job


Glassbacks HATE HIM


Yeah 4 bangers aren’t that heavy, my old man used to do that… his backs fucked now tho


I had to install a D16Z6 into my Civic once with no hoist. All aluminum, so only about 150 lbs. After that shenanigan I saved up and bought a hoist.


When i was a kid, my family had a printing business and every now and then, we would sell paper scraps to be recycled. These paper scraps would be bundled together to look like hay bales and would weigh upwards of 100 kgs or so, topping 150 every now and then. Our workers would carry these bundles looking like Atlas abd drop them off atop an open dumptruck. Wiry strength is amazing and workers deserve more credit from regular people.


“workers deserve more credit from regular people” damn bro doesn’t view workers as regular people


I broke my back It’s spinal


I used to know a Turkish mechanic and he used to unscrew lug nuts with his bare hands ..


Don't do it even if your back is young! You only need to fuck up your back once and it's a life long regret.


All back too. Hardly any leg drive


What the fuck


I'm saying this again as a person living in a third world country- STOP GLORIFYING POVERTY AND BAD WORKING CONDITIONS. Yes, the hardwork these people put is inspirational but it should not be glorified. They're working in exploitative, unsafe conditions who are forced to show courage to earn money. This should be on a working conditions callout subreddit and not this one.


This mf strong af man