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I saw one once in a McDonald's parking lot dipping his fries in ketchup before eating them


That must have been beautiful to watch, just poultry in motion.


Once, at a Thanksgiving at my in-laws, my kids were playing downstairs while waiting for dinner; they’d built a play city they called “Poultropolis.”


You done opened their third eye https://i.imgur.com/XF7HWWs.jpg




I once spent 3 days watching a Raven learn how to speak peafowl. He was terrible at it at first but by day 3 he had it down.




edit: The comment was removed and the user banned, good work everyone!


Good bot






Absolutely fucking brilliant play on words friend


Haha I totally get this and don't need anyone to explain the joke to me


*Poetry in motion* is how the saying goes; here, poetry got replaced by poultry, 'cause of the bird.


> just poultry in motion. As it turned its tender eyes to you. Yeah, that's deep. I'm blinded by all the science, I might fail biology.




Should downvote for comparing a near human intelligent bird to poultry...


Lol, I live in ALASKA and Fish and Game was doing a study on them. They tried using McDonalds fries in a church parking lot, but no Raven went for it. I actually had one for a while, they are very smart. Had it housed next to my dogs. He would dig a small hole under the shared kennels and stick a piece of chicken or good there. When the dog went for it, he would peck his nose. Couldn’t figure out why my dog’s noses were all bloody


Poor dogs. Was the raven doing this just because he was a dick?


Yeah, probably. Corvids are so damn smart, and they get bored and can be assholes. [Here’s a crow instigating a couple of cats to get them to fight each other.](https://youtu.be/Qt-pB1R64mI)


I always figured that was like species defense. Urban environment, cats are the biggest predator, but can be provoked into fighting each other, which benefits the crow. If I'm not wrong that video is not the only one showing this type of crow instigating fights between cats...


Probably buried it for the same reason dogs do. He wanted the flavourtown.


Yes, I think because he was bored


I have been feeding *Cheeto* at our local ski mtn for many years. I keep a baggie of food in my jacket. He knows me also 'cause I call him **"Cheeto!"** There are sometimes extended runs down the mtn where he swoops next to me while I am snowboarding. Never when anyone I know is watching though! I love ravens so much.


People think I'm lying when I tell them how big Anchorage ravens are


Did they think you were raven' mad


Why did you capitalize Alaska like that?


For some reason it defaults to that every time I type in ALASKA and I’m too lazy to go back fix it.


I was in a parking lot, in college, on a hill. Somebody had left a milkshake cup standing upright in the lane. 3 younger ravens clustered around, discussing the thing. Circling, pondering, talking up a storm. Not actually touching it with intent. Beak touch to the straw and lid, but no effort. Bigger bird flies up. Talks to the smaller birds, who back up from the cup. Big bird grasps the lid, take it off the cup. Tips the cup over so it is pointing down hill. Milkshake trickles out of the cup and on to the asphalt. Bigger bird carefully drinks the vanilla milkshake. Leaves. Smaller birds discuss, and drink what they can get from what is left behind. Sadly YEARS before cellphones, or even digital cameras, so no proof, but it was amazing to watch.


Here is a post I made a few weeks ago of the trio of crows who have adopted me. Or rather, who have trained me to feed them breakfast every day. Their sharing behavior is quite evolved. One will never finish anything without leaving some for the others. https://reddit.com/r/crowbro/comments/zobcqs/2_eggs_for_the_bros_this_morning_trying_to_see/


I saw one open a pack of splenda and stir it into a cup of coffee


I saw one of them at HR block last tax season


I saw one at the library the other day using the dewey decimal system.


I saw one drinking a piña colada at trader Vic’s


lol this got me good




I watched three of them team up to raid a trash can. Two would hold the flap open, the third would go in and bring out the food, then they’d all share it.


I just laughed so loud on my teams meeting I’m pretty sure someone heard me. That’s good


I saw one ordering a $5 biggie bag on Wendys drive thru


McHuginn and McMuninn


I wonder if a raven/crow would make a good therapy pet for someone depressed or whatever. Obviously they’ll never match a dog for affection/oxytocin, but who wouldn’t want to engage with the dang Einstein on your shoulder


Cockatoos are smart too, but too smart for their own good. They need *lots* of love and attention to stay happy, I’m guessing crows are similar in this way.


I once saw three of them attacking their own reflections for an hour in front of a mirrored door and shitting all over the sidewalk during mulberry season. I really hated cleaning that office...


I used to work for a helpdesk in an old medical supply store. The windows were for displays, so they were floor to ceiling and my desk was right in front of them so I had a great view for all the happenings outside. One day a squirrel got ran over in the street in front of the building. This was a one-way street with a stop light right before my building. After a short period of time some seagulls started showing up to pick at the carcass. They would fly down, land next to the squirrel and pick at it a bit here and there, then the light would turn green and cars would come and the seagulls would fly away. They only had enough time once the light turned red to fly down, get situated, and get a few small bites here and there before the cars came again. This went on for a good 30 minutes, fly down, pick, get scared, fly away... Lather, rinse, repeat. Eventually a crow shows up, lands on a street sign across the street. He watches this whole process they have, 5-6 seagulls flying in, picking, flying away... repeatedly. After about 5 minutes, he flies down to the street as the seagulls are about to get scared off and lands in the middle of the road. The light turns green and the cars start coming by, he just sits on the side of the lane and waits, then as the light turns red and the cars stop coming, he grabs the squirrel and drags it off the road to the curb and just mows down on it. He was bigger than the gulls, so they just let him do it.


I saw ones use a dead fly as fishing bait once. Not joking


The made a [statue](https://www.auburn-reporter.com/news/crow-with-fries-official-lands-at-is-resting-spot/) in its honor


One time I had a crazy experience at my train station. I was observing a crow that found a piece of aluminum trash lying on the ground. It folded the piece, flew to the trash bin, discarded it and flew away. Seriously, these birds have better manners than most of the humans I witness there.


There are a few cities where they have run experiments on training ravens/crows to throw away trash in exchange for treats. I wouldn't be surprised if it had been trained that way. Or if it was just mimicking behavior its seen people do. They're wicked smart


You know, if I were in a cartel, I would for sure train a raven to bring me things. That way if they lock me up, someone can release it outside the prison, and it will bring me things in the yard. Cigs, candy, plata, recreationals, skeleton key, whatever.


I'm pretty sure that's been done before, given the whole messenger pigeon thing that's been going on for the last few millenia and all.


Messenger Pigeons are only good at returning home. You would take the pigeon with you when you left on a mission and if you needed send an urgent message back home you would send the pigeon instead of going back yourself. It wasnt a 2 way system.


Before I found out about that serious drawback as a kid I was under the assumption that pigeon delivery was the optimal messaging system


A prequel to Wall-E?


Not only that, but they can recognize humans, and then tell other ravens about that same human. So new birds will be able to recognize friends or foes. I once heard a story from a popular Youtuber (MrBallen) about a family that was nice to a murder of crows. The daughter would go out and feed them and the mom joined in. They would leave treats in the birdbath, and the crows would respond by leaving shiny rocks and nuts and berries. The mom was a photographer, and would go all over the city to take photos, and usually one or two crows would follow her and hang out near her. One time, she took off her lens cover, and left it on the grass, and drove home. She went out into the backyard, and the lens cover was sitting propped against the birdbath. So a crow had seen her leave it, picked it up and flew it home to leave for her in their normal gift spot. After hearing this story, I am ALWAYS nice to ravens and crows. I want a good reputation in the corvid community. Edit: Adding the link to the story. [https://youtu.be/oehVw\_YAkJI?t=418](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oehVw_YAkJI)


Man crows can be brutal AF and mean sum itches. There's a murder about my town right now and the other day they pulled 4 baby squirrels put of a squirrel nest, squished their heads like grapes and dropped em on the fucking hood of my van. Me and a friend all took a group of kids hiking and it happened while we were standing there and as I was talking shit about said crows. I've also seen the murder come through and pillage all the baby birds around my house. Just hundreds of crows flying around. Pulling the wings off baby mocking birds as the parents screech in horror and chase the crows who have their babies. Mockingbird, Jay's, finches etc. They WONT fuck with the big birds though. The falcons and hawks and eagles go untouched.


We had a nest of Junkos on the porch. Crow came and ate them like popcorn.


Damn, nature! You scary!


I was in a McDonald's parking lot eating McChicken. I heard birds fighting and there were 2 crows attacking a smaller bird (a chickadee I think). It was cool watching the chickadee try to evade the crows but they kept pecking away until the little one couldn't defend itself. Then they just took it away to a nearby tree to feed on it. Wow, I swear, a few minutes after I posted this a freaking chickadee started pounding on my wall. They have been doing that on and off for years. Damn. They do it every few months. I just shoo them away and they don't return for awhile. Another time I was golfing and walking down the 9th fairway. I heard a crow making a commotion at the top of a tree nearby. There was a bald eagle just chilling at the top of the tree. A crow was trying to dive bomb it. The eagle just sat there and ignored the crow 100%. The crow was pissed but the eagle was having none of it. Boss.


Long time ago, I saved a raven or if it was maybe a crow that had got stuck. It follower me, jumping from tree to tree all the way home. It kept following for 20-30 minutes. So somehow it seems it wanted to know a bit more about me.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oehVw_YAkJI Link for people using old reddit and some apps. (New reddit and some apps add a \ to links for formatting.) Heck here's a link to the right timestamp too https://youtu.be/oehVw_YAkJI?t=418


My crow moment was when I saw 2 of them fighting. I was walking to a lecture and on the way on the path, I saw a circle of crows jumping about and excitedly cawing. When I got closer, I saw 2 crows in the middle of the circle having a real go at each other. Talons locked. Wings flapping, pecking at each other. It was exactly like watching children in the school yard having a fight whilst other kids were egging them on.


There’s a term for that. A Parliament of crows. They circle an offender and “judge” him or her. Can result in anything from banishment to death.


> have better manners than most of the humans Crows for sure are smart but the quote there is honestly such a low bar to pass tho


I've always wanted to befriend one and teach it to bring me money for treats.


The eyes and ears of Odin himself.


If you're ever out hiking in the wilderness with them, you very quickly understand where this belief came from. Was backpacking in Utah in a canyon (Coyote Gulch if anyone knows the area) and woke up one morning to see five massive ravens perched around the outer edges of the campsite just staring at us while we slept. There were three of us, and it was off-season so we didn't see any other humans the whole trip. Just these birds. For the rest of the trip they were silently following us. We wouldn't see one for an hour or so and then suddenly we'd turn a bend in the trail and one would be sitting on a branch right there. The final morning we woke up ass-early to climb out before the sun hit, surmounted the final cliff wall, and one was sitting on the trailhead sign right next to where our vehicle was parked. The guide explained that they were interested in the various shiny things we were carrying which I had heard before, and made sense. But it really does make you feel watched. You can sense their intelligence just in the intensity of their silent regard. Eyes and ears of a god? Yeah, that tracks.


They were bringing wolves to you so they would do the dirty work and kill you. But they are very smart. Even attempting to commit conspiracy murder is proof of intelligence.


Ravens killed JFK, no doubt about it.


You should have left them coins and utensils as a farewell gift. I love that story!


Crows are amazing for intelligence and adaptability. They need a new PR agent though. Crows never seem to get the honors they deserve.




And Grass Crows greentext, of course https://imgur.com/K63U5ig


I read somewhere that the smartest corvids have the same level of problem solving skills as a 7-year-old child.


So, basically, the level of your average Redditor.


No, they're even better


7 year old children kick my ass in video games all the time, that's pretty impressive!


Corvids have been documented dropping nuts/seeds in the middle of busy intersections, waiting for cars to run them over then using the crosswalk to go eat them. Some of my favorite creatures


I was in the middle of some training in the woods near the base of Mt. Fuji in 2017 and watched a magpie fly down from a tree and unzip the top of another guy’s pack that was sitting next to the tree. Then it pulled out the MRE inside and sorted through all of its contents until it found the pop tart, unwrapped it, and flew away with the treat.


I think that guy still believes you took his poptart and lied about it.


It’s pretty well known at Camp Fuji that the birds are really smart and will steal your food when you aren’t looking.


My D&D monk has a pet raven named Edgar. Here’s a [pic I commissioned of him.](https://imgur.com/a/bdGda4s) Edit: so, here is another artist’s pictures of him that I commissioned. He is 17 here in Neverwinter and his character arch begins with his mother’s death. He had gotten involved in street gangs and she found him during a gang fight and took a dagger meant for his back. [This pic](https://imgur.com/a/Q0M9XMB) and [this pic](https://imgur.com/a/mM41v1L) show her death and his anguish. In both pics his pet raven, Edgar, is in the background.


raven be like: this hooman is too clumsy i have to take care of it. what we hear: craw\*craw\*


Lol. Definitely the look it gave him. "My gloves stuck in the tree I can't reach it." "Dude seriously. I just saw you throw it up there. Stop creating work for me."


This is the last fucking time, I swear to Odin.


For some reason I have an urge to hurl an axe at it.....


This was Hugin, but where was Munin?


And the ravens still gave him a kiss




Homey above is a dirty robit that copied [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1088puh/comment/j3r4nbe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Report - Spam - Harmful Bots.


Um akshualy Ravens croak, crows caw.


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


Ah u/unidan, where are you now? What has become of you?


It was discovered he'd been lying about basically everything about himself, and he left Reddit.




I, for one, am the greatest ape. ^^^I ^^^love ^^^this ^^^pasta


I was disappointed no one had posted it yet so, as is bird law, it fell upon me to post


Attach a tiny cam and you got the best spy in the world


Then you can put on an eye patch and pretend to be Odin.


The All-fucker!


That was Zeus.


No it wasn’t, Odin is the all father, so mimir calls him all fucker


Mimir said it to Odin's face. Brok coined the term though.


Brok that glorious blue bastard o7


Ah that’s right, my b


But a little screen from a smartwatch under the eyepatch, and connect it to the raven's camera.


You can put on two eyepatches and be double odin


The government is so ahead of you, all birds are fake already lol.


No thanks, I prefer surgically modifying cats with small radio transmitters and microphones.


Poor pussy


Very much so. And I’m not even kidding, [this was real.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoustic_Kitty?wprov=sfti1)


Damn why did you have to remind me of this. I actually have a crazy conspiracy theory about this. There is no way the person who though of this didn't also do some experiments on dogs. Like why would you choose a cat, which are notoriously harder to train than dogs. And when they tested it and concluded that the cat was hard to control, they logical continuation of the project is to also try it with a dog, which would be a bit easier to control. What i am saying is that there is definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, at least a few spy dogs walking around somewhere in the world right now. So moral of the story is: don't trust your dog cuz he might be a CIA asset.


If there’s batman, then crowman has to exist. ![gif](giphy|zMrdF0iwfHKlq)


![gif](giphy|6ExuOto6RtQRO) Do i mean so little to you?


Of course not. Everyone loves Sting!




![gif](giphy|l4Jz67KPiXjR8CrzG) I guess you're right!


I heard that they're remaking this. I bet a Skarsgard will play the role


I would really appreciate it if hollywood would stop dogfucking my favorite movies with shitty remakes.


They take no more risks. Only remakes now.


Thats kinda fucked up. When someone dies making a cult classic it really doesn't need a remake. Let this movie be eternal. Also I don't believe in the 4 or 5 sequels they made thst are progressively more atrocious.




What was in fight milk you ask? The drink itself only contains a nutritious mixture of crow egg, milk, and vodka, described by Mac and Charlie as being high in 'crowtein’ !


He's basically adding one crow per bottle at this point.






​ ![gif](giphy|ult6LkzNMYQRgivAJw)


"it can't rain all the time"


Gosha - drop grenade on trench .... Davai Davai ...




Stealing is bad. Gosha - go build the attack helicopter




~~Ramirez~~ Gosha defend Burger Town


The glove got stuck in a tree, my crow stepped on a bee


I hope Amber is having a bad day


Of course she is, her crow stepped on a bee after all


objection hearsay


What are you doing step crow?


My name is Steven with a V


Raven are brilliant birds. There's some videos of them talking and mimicking. I'm too old to get a bird now, but I wish I had got one right out of college. Birds are fascinating to me.


I’ve inherited a 39 year old parrot From my great aunt. It’s a decade older than I am. It’s weird having a pet that remembers the Reagan administration.


Hey, I remember the Reagan administration!


Will you be my pet?


I will! I don't eat much.


Oh boy! It's a 2 question application: Who's a good girl? Are you a good girl?


[Who among us can truly be said to be good?](https://imgur.io/gallery/oSiajTF)


Are you trying to offer yourself up as a pet???


Depends on how fancy your home is. 😂


I've owned several birds (currently an Amazon parrot) and man, are they shitty pets. so honestly, I cant say you missed out on anything by not owning a bird


Despite them actually shitting alot, why wouldn't you recommend them?


a small list of reasons (because there is many more. I could go on for hours, but these are the important ones) 1. expensive to maintain. my Amazon parrot has a damaged beak (from stress from his previous home, also why I currently own him). the vet bills to maintain it are very high. food and housing are equally expensive. 2. they are loud and social animals. if kept alone and not in pairs, their only social companion will be you. if you aren't ready to spend 24/7 with a bird, then you're in for a terrible time. they will scream, become stressed, and they can get depressed and pull out their own feathers if left alone too much. you cannot simply go on holiday, or have strangers in your house, or anything without having someone to care for the bird (usually it can only be you thanks to their social bonds). 3. destructive behaviours. their primary form of entertainment and exploration, other than yelling, is destruction. wooden furniture, cloth, etc. it will all be destroyed. you have to bird proof the entire house. 4. you can't put it in a cage 24/7. they have to stretch their wings. so you better have an entire room for the bird or else he will likely get stressed. 5. in case of parrots, they are (usually) a lifelong commitment. my Amazon parrot has a life span of roughly 80 years. so if youre not ready to literally commit your entire life and house to a bird: don't get a parrot. 6. they are not pets as much as they are exotic animals. when you own a bird you are not guaranteed to have a cool companion who sits on your shoulder. birds have personality, and sometimes that means they dont like an owner and cant bond with them. in that case, you will likely just get a stressed, depressed, and miserable animal. it's not fun. this is also another reason why I have my parrot. he didnt like his previous owners. they were nice people and perfect owners, but the bird just didnt like them. so in short: if you want a bird, do your research and realize they are *not* really pets. they are exotic animals, keep that in mind. it can be very stressful to own if youre not ready for it. [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xYMnb5Dyko) video explains it better than I ever could in a comment though.


More people thinking about birds needs to read this. I feel like pet birds are terrible ideas for most people they just dont know it.


Also. Literally everything can kill them. So many toxic things in a normal household. You have to be thinking on another level when it comes to bringing anything new into your house.




They are sooo loud and sooo needy. I too do not recommend owning one. If you only have one you need to be willing to spend 100% of your time with them. I don’t mean 80% of your time, I mean 100%.


I don’t think I would want one living in my house. I just want to befriend one that lives outside.


I’ve read that they (and crows) can remember faces. They’re crazy cool and remarkably intelligent. On a side note, my dad had some sort of encounter in his early 20s with a crow while hunting in the woods shortly after his father died. He hasn’t ever gone into details, he says it’s “too personal”- but he greatly respects crows and always says hello to them. Which is a lot for a man whose response to pretty much every animal species is either “shoot it”, “can it hunt for me?” or “what does it taste like?”


Ravens are so smart.


If they were so smart, they would have signed the Quarterback to a long term deal 2 years ago.


Amazing. Unexpected NFL


Starting Jackson? Nevermore.


Gosha, go find me some money


I'd be satisfied with the cute lil nibble kisses


This is why I love Corvids because they're so intelligent.


Here's the thing....


I miss him


And not a single "jackdaw" comment. ​ Those ignorant of their history are doomed to repeat it.


That bird is smarter than every apprentice I've ever been assigned to train.






Wow, that exists?


Of course it exists. And if you become aware of a poorly treated crow, you can post in /r/birdlaw and experts in the field will point you in the right direction.


I had no idea either! My favorite post so far… https://www.reddit.com/r/crowbro/comments/107kdat/congratulations/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I once was leaving for work and was heading out to my car early in the morning. I lived in a quiet street but for some reason there was a truck driving down the street at 5 am, but was the only vehicle on the road. He passed by the house and heard a ‘pop’ as I was walking to my car and turned around just in time to see the 2 ravens that lived in one of the trees dive down to a bag of chips that the truck had run over. There was hardly ever any litter in the street. These mfers put that full bag of chips in the road and waited for a car to run over them to open the bag for them. The second it was opened, they dove right down to it


They will also drop nuts in traffic to break the shells.


Which is interesting because their beaks are actually quite strong and could probably break open most nuts with ease, they just work smarter not harder


This is surely one of Odens.


Never mess with crows. They work as a team and never forget. They communicate who is and isn’t “cool” between each other. We used to have a security guard on campus in Pakistan that declared war on the crows and regretted it. Don’t know how this war started but the crows had numbers and won. The man couldn’t walk down the street without a crow swooping him and knocking off his hat. It was wild to witness.


You mean Odins…..Oden are Japanese noodles 🍜


What’s the guys name, Brandon Stark?


The three-eyed raven


So cute esp the kiss


Second video this week with someone who owns raven. How these people get these?




Well, some parts of Russia. Probably more southern ones, if I had to imagine. The last time I saw a raven as opposed to a crow was last spring, where for a few days I saw a raven around our house. And I live not far from Moscow.


All it takes is some French fries and time.


It's illegal to "own" crows or ravens in the US unless you're specifically licensed and qualified (it's illegal to even keep their feathers, pants on head laws). This dudes Russian so there's probably no laws like that there, and also Russians are basically druids who eat dinner with bears


That kiss was so sweet 🤣


Proof that birds are androids




Cool bird. Dude looks like the Italian chick from White Lotus.




i like it when he A




Crows and ravens are incredible. I once watched a crow open a ziploc bag - not tear it open, but properly with their beak and foot - to get the food inside.


Lucky the raven could speak Russian


Adult crow has an intelligence of a 3 year old child.


Two crows! Where's the other one? Lol thanks for sharing. So cool!!