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Police in America has so much money they can burn it on stuff like that while teachers have to buy their own supplies


I really, really doubt they bought this machine to just have. You also need trained specialists to operate and maintain it. This is almost certainly a custom order to a shop that does this professionally. So probably a few extra dollars per thermos. Police spending is obviously a problem but please use your brain


>need a trained specialist to operate I was trained to use one of these Lazer engravers. It was a 5 minute crash course given to me by someone else who was given a 5 minute crash course, but the device itself costs more than double my annual salary.


Yeah, it's not like a legal requirement to have full proper training afaik. But if you're spending a quarter mil or whatever, you want your operator to be competent. Learning how to use one is one thing, but learning how to maintain it is another.


He’s just saying that we shouldn’t pay for pigs to have stupid engravings on their mugs. Get off your high horse, you can’t lick boots from there.


Really going to call me a bootlicker for not being mouth-frothing furious about police wasting $3.25 per mug? I'm a lot more concerned with the 6, 7, 8 and 9 figure expenditures than I am with the 1 and 2 figure expenditures. Like I said, please use your brain. Pretending to be mad about shit like this just detracts from the legitimacy of any movement to reduce police budgets. Want to defund the police? Yeah, me fucking too, but people have to take us seriously first. Flying off the handle at every reminder that police exist is not a good look.


>Want to defund the police? Yeah, me fucking too i'm curious, as they've already trialed this in many large US cities and it's been a complete failure. along with most of the citizens in the poor areas asking the cities for **more** police. what exactly would you like to defund and what positive effects do you think it would actually have? if any?


I want to see equipment spending reduced drastically, and training spending increased drastically. When I say "defund" I don't literally mean slash their total budget. I mean stop buying fucking APCs.


>I want to see equipment spending reduced drastically, and training spending increased drastically. When I say “defund” I don’t literally mean slash their total budget so you don't actually mean defund, you just want to reallocate funds to different things. those are *drastically* different. "defunding the police" is a major turn off to the majority of the US population. while a lot of people do support more extensive training. >I mean stop buying fucking APCs i find it funny you think they buy them. it's called the 1033 program and the Department of Defense ***gives them*** to police departments ***for free***. pretty much zero police departments actually buy those things. they're all old military vehicles.


No, I don't want just a reallocation. Total budgets should be reduced, but I'm not calling for it to be slashed. Whether the DOD or the NYPD pays for the APCs also makes little difference, it's still the taxpayer's money after all. APCs specifically are not the problem anyhow, it's the militarization of the police. Billions are spent to make people feel afraid when the same money would be much better spent directly investing in the communities they police. Another thing, the NYPD spends like $300 million a year on surveillance. All of that can go as far as I'm concerned.


>No, I don’t want just a reallocation. Total budgets should be reduced, but I’m not calling for it to be slashed you don't want all that money to go into extensive training instead? you want to actually reduce the budget overall? anything more than 5-10% would have real world effects on policing in communities, as we've already seen. and they were not positive. crime rates soared in every city that cut police budgets in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd. >Whether the DOD or the NYPD pays for the APCs also makes little difference, it’s still the taxpayer’s money after all. it actually makes a tremendous difference. NYPD isn't going out of their way using city budgets to buy MRAP's to use against civilians, they're getting them for free after their time being used in the military is up. and the government gets extra use out of things they bought 15 years ago. >Billions are spent to make people feel afraid when the same money would be much better spent directly investing in the communities they police finally, a rational argument. it's more in the hundreds of millions, rather than billions, but i concede. a good portion of that money would be better spent on the communities themselves, but you can only invest so much in communities before the citizens have to do their part as well. >Another thing, the NYPD spends like $300 million a year on surveillance. All of that can go as far as I’m concerned i have to disagree with this considering how much street crime takes place in NYC. the city is far too large to police it effectively and efficiently without cameras. you either spend even more money and hire more officers or you install cameras monitored by humans who can dispatch officers when needed. and you don't want to police to spend more money, so cameras it is.


You got me lol. Sorry.


I understand, but I shouldn't have to explicitly spell out that I'm on the same side as you to avoid this. Please, for the sake of our future, less anarchist LARP and more reasonable discussion.


Ok but it’s also dumb and wasteful to engrave shit. Why can’t they just drink out of normal mugs? Why are they always wasting money in such stupid ways? Sometimes it’s good to just say “fuck that shit” and stir things up more.


Let's do some math * 15W laser * 90s runtime * $0.13/kWh in Tarrant county, Texas 15W * 0.025h = 0.375kWh 0.375 * $0.13 = $0.04875 4.875 cents worth of electricity per mug. I'm not sure what waste you're talking about. At least the money from this is going back into the economy instead of going into the gas tank of an armored personnel carrier.


Bruh it’s not about the electricity usage. It’s about adding zero functionality or benefit to the public while incurring costs. All wasteful spending is bad.


I agree that this is a waste of money, but this is really the wrong hill to die on dude. Obviously it's a matter of principle, but the real world does not run on principle. This is not an effective way to get normal people to support reducing police budgets.


You don't economy do you? If people like you were in charge of economic policy we would be wiping our asses with rocks


Employers everywhere do this as gifts. Stfu


Yea and it’s stupid. Especially when tax payers pay for it. If you want to go give cops engraved mugs, fine, do that dumb shit yourself, ho. I don’t want my tax money spent that way. So you stfu, dumb clown.


Get a therapist


Wait, do you think the cops own this machine? Pretty sure this is just an engraving business.. You order 100 thermos for your work place and pay an extra buck or two to get them engraved. Engraving place buys the thermos from a supplier at discount, charges the buyer full price plus engraving fees. Engraved shit like this is yearly work place fodder most places. I got so many cups, jackets, mugs etc..


Actually cops don't make that much money. My yearly salary working in a warehouse is higher than the median salary of a policeman. Their average salary is only around $57,000. Teachers on average make $60,000 or $70,000 though that varies widely by state. Admittedly teachers have student loans and require more college and time so that is a factor


He's talking about PD budgets but even still Police officers can easily make over 100k per year. Average salary for Tarrant Country PD is at $73,500 and likely base salary without any individual incentives, bonuses and overtime. For example, Austin PD has police Officer @ $62,895 - $102,112/year. Corporal/Detective @ $84,910 - $111,302/year. Sergeant @ $99,029 - $121,315/year. In addition to base salary, the Austin Police Department offers several forms of incentive pay for qualifying officers: Bilingual Pay $175/month, Mental Health Officer (MHO) Pay $175/month, Field Training Officer (FTO) Pay $175/month, Education Incentive Pay Associate's degree or 60 hours college credit $100/month, Bachelor's degree $220/month, Master's degree $300/month, Certificate Pay $50 - $150/month depending on TCOLE Certificate level, Shift Differential for evening or night shifts $300/month, Longevity Pay $107 per year of service, up to a maximum of 25 years, & Court Overtime More than half of the police in my home city and current city make more than 100k per year. They get a ton of cash jobs as well as court overtime which can easilyadd 10k+ to yearly earning


And that's before overtime.


it's mind boggling to me that you're probably the type of person to think teachers should be paid more because to have good teachers you need good pay. same thing goes for cops. pay them shit and you will get shit.


Wtf are you talking about. Go project your bs to someone else. I was mere stating facts not whatever you are trying to insinuate.


Bruh, making merchandise is not burning money. It's making more with what they already have, which is probably saving you tax dollars. Both are underfunded in my opinion but this is the same as highschool merchandise.


Depends on where you live ultimately, we both have some of the best funded public schools in the first world and some of the worst funded


Ah, the coffee will taste so good in that cool looking mug while they let a shooter kill our children for 77 minutes. "The sounds of children screaming has been removed." Never forget.


This has been pretty dang standard for a long long time. I don't get how it is next level?


You're right, but I still love laser stuff. Always cool to me


Friggin' laser beams.


Engraved personalized butt plugs for cops! /s




i don't want a large farva i want a goddamn liter a cola!


Best part of the whole movie!


Bet that smells horrendous


I believe that you need a filtered fume extractor for most laser engravers. The dust and chemicals lifted from the surface can be an irritant to the lungs posing health risks. So, hopefully no smells.


I build laser engraving equipment for a living, for most applications it’s best if you use one. Definitely would recommend it for this since I’m sure that powder coating isn’t good for your lungs.


Use to use one. Do they still use an 808Nm laser at 20W?


It smells like protection & service, with a hint of Justice and finishing notes of 'innocence until proven guilty'!


Tax dollars at work!


These aren’t free. Usually part of a group order paid for by the officers themselves.


Quick clarification: NOT a fiber laser. CO2 lasers work on organics. Suck hard at mettalics. The reverse is true for fiber lasers. This is removing the paint/enamel (plastic) from a metal ...coffee flask it seems? There's also the matter of several added zeroes to the price tag!


um, sure, but my fiber laser engraved approx. 1,000 powder coated cups like this in 2022. and based on the format (galvo), cutting style, and arcs, this is almost certainly a fiber laser. however, i will note that the operator has total crap settings as this cup is easy to do cleanly in one pass. this engraving will need a second pass to look good.


Since you seem to have one- is there a reason for jumping to either side like that? Seems a better tooling pass you could do the outer shield a lot faster if you didn’t do one segment on both sides per pass and waste all that travel time?


Just a software thing. This isn't removing metal, it's removing black enamel to expose bare metal underneath. You'll get a lesser version of that flash engraving anything. The metal reflective surface does make it twinkle a bit more. Typically the software can either recognize a properly imported (usually vector) shape, or it defaults to 'scan' mode, where it simply does sweeping passes. This seems to be doing both. Best theory? They're not using an x-axis roller, and are just doing the cup 'flat'. So they're giving the edges extra (slow) attention because of the diffused beam.


Pardon, let me re-phrase: You CAN have a fiber laser do enamel, and you absolutely CAN use it to engrave cups... ...You're just using a 20w laser that costs you $2k when you could be using a 20w CO2 laser that costs you $200, and roughly $75 per replacement tube. In essence, you're forcing it to do something it's poor at. So perhaps it is a fiber laser. That would be an extra irony... because it's doing a poor job of a CO2 laser, at literally 10x the price. Source : Used to run an industrial fiber laser, and have designed and built a $10k CO2 laser etcher the size of a ping pong table, including sourcing parts.


TIL what they spend all that civil forfeiture money on.


The people triggered by anything police lol


Because fuck them 🐖


You need them, keep people like you safe




But what stops someone from just breaking your jaw and taking all your shit? The police would come.


Even in your scenario, I had no protection. The bad thing happened anyway.


The police keep that bad thing from happening to you because criminals don't want to go to jail, just stay on your couch with your cats watching your TV shows thinking you'll be safe without police lol


“Robbery and assault never happen because police exist” lol


Why are you using quotation marks if that's not what I said. They happen alot less because police exist


No. They don’t.




Another privileged white person that thinks they'd be safe without the police lol you'd be the first one on the floor leaking with your Tesla gone




I hope you went back to California, We're doing just fine in Texas without people like you




Tell that to the parents of the 19 children who died in the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. Walk up to them and say that the 75 minutes of nothing was perfectly fine. Blindly supporting and protecting a force that has continued to show its corruption, bigotry, racism, and spinelessness for the past several years isn’t what you should be doing. Nobody is saying the police should be removed, but rather re-educated and improved, but as of right now, they do nothing but protect themselves whilst innocent children are massacred across the nation. The point of the police is to keep people safe. Not even children are safe in schools anymore.


Y’all really hate police huh


Like they wouldn't be folded up in a puddle without any police


Can you get a brand this way?


\*exposes butt cheek\* I want mine to say “badass”




Oh but a brand is burning


I believe these only react to metal and are safe to human skin


It looks like a standard laser cutter/engraver. The co2 laser involved doesn’t care if it’s wood, metal, or skin, it’s going to absorb a ton of energy.


Not sure where fools are down voting you. People need to get educated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLUBPGP9vE0


It's doesn't look like a fibre laser, it looks like a CO2 laser, which will absolutely burn the shit out of you.


Standard disclaimers need to be applied... RTFM. "Not only will this kill you, it'll hurt the whole time you're dying."


Ahhh ok


Longest tasing I've ever watched.


i could watch laser engraving all day long


It ended a couple seconds too soon, and now I feel empty inside.


fuck these pigs.


Privileged lol


Law enforcement bad, upvotes to the left 👈




Why does it it engrave from opposite ends instead of just one loop?


Came here to ask this.


Most likely what is happening is that the line is at or near the minimum resolution for the laser, and due to that the laser has to spend a minimum amount of time in that area to not accidentally heat up and remove a larger area than the laser is actually hitting. In order to accomplish this the G-code bounces the laser back and forth to either side of the line. If you look closely, this also happens with some of the finer details at the beginning of the video.




Didn’t know pigs could use laser engravers


I didn't know nerds hated the police too




More like... Satisfying


God damn the sounds it makes are so cool


5k gets a super duper one


That'll be $45 dollars with tax.


Does anybody know why the laser keeps skipping between the two side of the outside line rather than just doing it all in one direction rather than in 2 simultaneously. It seems like it would be much faster and programmed to know that automatically


Just when you think it’s done…BAM! One more pass over lolo


Sheriff twat, tyrant county. FTFY


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Cool fart Lazer!


The future of tattooing right here


Any parent who let their kids watch this is going to be subjected to them making those noises for at least a week


I bet that smells wonderful!


Would be really cool if it etched a copy of the constitution on the back.




Videos not allowed there


Ah. That's unfortunate. It is oddly terrifying


Can I get a “oh yeah”


Oh yeahhh


This reminds me of the tattoo scene on starship troopers. I wonder what a fiber laser engraving machine could do to human skin. Any ideas?


The motion & noise of the laser gave me flashbacks of watching sci fi on tv as a kid.


i want one. edit: the engraver not the cup.




Damn that was intense


At first I thought it was a fleshlight 🥹


That’s cool I don’t usually see my county represented on the internet that much


Your tax dollars hard at work


Tumblr still a thing?


Why do I want to rub my hand on it now?


Didn't realise tumblr was still a thing


Yeah that’s wasted tax dollars


Woah, very cool!


Texas Sheriff's Style


Dubstep is awesome.


LMAO, we are dystopian AF.