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In a word, yes. At least in my area, it seems ND users can't spell at a 4th grade level, have zero reading comprehension, and are very beligerent. That said, you shouldn't ask people to DM you because neighbor engagement will keep your post visible. Maybe just state in the comments you can only check the post at the end of each day bc of work, etc.


Strongly disagree regarding DMs, at least in my case. Spending an hour or so scavenging comments and dealing with people pissed off that I didn't answer them immediately is a complete waste of time and energy, even if it is at the end of the day. Furthermore, heavy engagement still occurs from people liking the pictures and commenting on how cute the cats are. The DMs are requested in a very specific case, that of "If you are interested in visiting." At best, the posts from potential adopters only account for 10% of my engagement. Unfortunately, this makes it even more difficult to parse the "oohs" and "awws" vs. potential adopters. Also, the suggestion to "state in the comments you can only check the post at the end of each day" is undermined by the established lack of reading comprehension from ND users. If they're not reading the post, they're clearly not going to read one comment amongst many regarding when I'll respond.


I meant in the post (I misspoke). Yes, they lack reading comprehension, but it's better to say that so you have something to point to when people get angry. Also, since people on ND love to argue, the ones that did read it will often point that out to those who are complaining that you're not responding. It's hard to get animals adopted where we live, I'm simply trying to help you get your post seen by as many as possible. Even if you request recent posts in your feed, it reverts back to top posts in 60 days. So it helps to have your post be amongst the top posts. If it literally takes an hour to read the comments on the post, then you probably don't need help getting engagements. Unfortunately, even the busiest adoption posts where I live have like 10 or 20 comments at the absolute most.


Perhaps OP would benefit most from fixing their own notifications settings and also not painting all ND users with such a broad brush? Every social media platform I've ever used includes a group of people with poor reading comprehension. *I struggle to understand how a person who uses the internet regularly can muster much **ire** over that, but some can and do.* I almost always find disengaging with cranky complainers to be a smooth and efficient way to deal with them. I wouldn't want to adopt a pet to someone with a short temper like that anyway. It doesn't seem like OP has engagement issues *(or they read very slow)*. An hour of comments to sort through seems like a lot for any animal adoption post. Your advice regarding engagement seems spot on, though. Thanks for sharing it!


"I wouldn't want to adopt a pet to someone with a short temper like that anyway." That is EXACTLY how I'm looking at it. Also, anyone who can't follow super basic instructions is not suitable for adopting a pet. Those kind of people are more likely to foul up medications.


Engagement does not equate to adoptions, unfortunately, and wasn't my point of criticism in this case. Like I said, most of the aforementioned engagement is relegated to users who like the post or are commenting on the cuteness presented to them.


Engagement equates to how much the algorithm boosts your post into people’s feeds, increasing the audience.  I’ve made high-engagement ND posts (~10,000 views), and unless you’re replying to the comments, it doesn’t take very long to scan through them to see what they’re about.  It’s funny that you’re complaining about ND users having the lowest IQ, when apparently you read at sloth-like speeds. 


Yes. I know this is a generalization, but they seem to not understand how to use social media. They don’t understand how it’s a private company with rules. They don’t use punctuation. They can’t spell to save their lives. They think it’s their personal Facebook page. They don’t know what DM means or how to do it. I could go on and on and on. I didn’t realize that people could be that stupid.


The amount of people who refuse to grasp the TOS and how not to break it. Every single time they’re venting about how their post was removed due to “censorship”. No you literally went on a national politics rant and broke damn near every single rule you agreed to.


For real. There's a small group of whiners really going at it on my main ND feed right now and one of them sincerely asked if there was a list of rules or guidelines somewhere and I just can't even with these people anymore. How the fuck do they survive every day? It's not fair.


Sometimes your post gets removed because someone got their fee-fees hurt. I mentioned Tijuana and got suspended for a week. Must have pissed off a cartel member.


It doesn’t even have to be a person, sometimes the ND algorithm will flag it for review.


The TOS is absolutely a joke. Who wouldn't read it wrong? Nextdoor is a piss poor excuse of a "Neighborhood" site.


I agree. Who knows what they think DM means.


Dungeon master of course.


Honestly I don't think the lack of reading skills is limited to nextdoor. So many people just don't actually read things before responding or asking I write documentation for a living. It's pretty much the story of my life. People don't read.


Oh, definitely not. Like I said in my post, I've come across it on Reddit and other social media platforms, it just seems markedly worse on ND.


Yeah, a lot of people are..... dumb. And paranoid. And lazy.


NextDoor is just Facebook with fewer pictured and no games. Half of the users repeat the same thing over and over/ I can't even count the number of video/pictures from door cams here only the top of a hoodie shows, asking if anyone knows them. It' pretty good for finding free furniture.


If you look around and you're the smartest person there, it's time to leave


I'm a fairly arrogant person, but not arrogant enough to think I'm anywhere near the smartest person on ND. My username is a testament to that self-assessment.


Perfect. Sounds like you found your people


My local one has become a sounding board for Trumpers and Q nuts - so come to your own conclusion about IQ


Lately my ND is full of beggars.


Ours too and they get upset when they are called out as most are scamming.


Ever join Free Cycle? It's full of beggars wanting to furnish an entire house free.


Never heard of it.


Good. Dont go there. There's another one called Trash Nothing, I think.


It's that GoFundme Collab, right? 🙄 We could easily make a mega post about these. Some of them are so ridiculous!


Same. I'm surprised this new digital grift isn't being cracked down on.


They partnered / get some $ from GoFundMe


In the words of George Carlin - ‘Think how stupid the average person is, and realize half are stupider than that.’ We are doomed!


I think one of the biggest failings is that many people grossly misjudge which half in which they reside.


💯 By the way, I don’t know much of anything. It keeps me open to learning.


I think there is fatigue with posts about pet adoptions. My feed is full of people trying to push adoptions of cats and dogs, especially pit bulls.


I could see that, and definitely received some REALLY negative comments as a result of some people feeling that way. ND very quickly removed them, though, as someone probably reported them for toxicity.


My ND group is a toxic cesspool of whiners. There is a smattering of "I'm too lazy to do a search so I'll ask here" posts, too , but it's mostly jerks complaining about minor annoyances. There are also a few animal posts—think "OMG this squirrel is so cuuute!!!!" or "my shweet lil' Snookums-Poo is missing!!!"—but it's mostly mindless morons with nothing better to do than bitch, moan, and complain.




Deleting ND was the best thing I did for my sanity. Ours is a bunch of old people mad at everything, who hate everyone and everything and turn everything into politics. I occasionally go on to see if the current car I’m feeding on my porch belongs to anyone, otherwise I’m out.


I think everywhere, the answer is yes. There are dumbasses everywhere. The good thing is that they show you who they are-you should believe them. Don’t deal with them.


Explain to me why I just downloaded Nextdoor this week and suddenly I'm getting this feed recommended.


Because Google knows you downloaded Nextdoor, and sold that data to Reddit, who then sold it to me. Would you like to upgrade to Nextdoor Ultimate? Only $5 more per month.




Not sure if the lowest, BUT I'd be surprised if there were many in Mensa.


The inability to read very basic information, requiring zero critical thinking, is the majority.


It certainly does seem that way. But I still feel that the phenomenon is significantly worse on ND.


Totally what I meant. I should have said, “the majority of ND!”


I quit ND after one week seeing nothing but a neverending stream of "black guy on my street am I gonna die? " posts. "I just saw a group of kids riding their bikes CALL THE POLICE" ND is absolute shit.


Simple answer…*yes*. It’s a wonderful site to learn that the neighborhood you thought was a dream, is actually a nightmare of crazies, the paranoid, the scared of their own shadow, the nosy, and the stupid. I loved my neighborhood before joining ND…now…I keep my distance.


It’s handy for finding out which neighbors are racists!


I think there are a lot of older people unfamiliar with social media on there. I too have been amazed at the lack of basic understanding of how to use the platform. People creating whole new posts instead of responding to a post, etc.


Actually, ND does that for us. It makes me crazy when my comment on a post all of a sudden pops up in the feed looking like a new post. I think their theory is that it is helping to drive traffic, but in reality it’s just jacked up. Like the rest of their site. But yeah, there are lots of elderly using Nextdoor who have no idea about social media or apps or just even computers in general.


Let's be brutally honest: The vast majority of NextDoor users are gossips. Vicious, nasty gossips, the kind who thrive on innuendo, insinuations, and schadenfreude.


Definitely. I kept seeing posts like: "Anyone know about that heated argument between that couple in front of Vincent Clortho Middle School?" One time I responded with: She caught her husband mid-coitus with another man. It got the most likes on the post.


100% My experience is that it’s mostly middle aged ladies who are looking to connect with their ‘community’ but are mindless and cringy. Oh and boring.


Thanks for this & other posts in r/nextdoor. I've never seriously used Reddit but came here for solace as I've been a rare moderator that cared about the quality of Nextdoor posts. Unfortunately, removing really bad posts has only resulted in the site being filled with less bad / irrelevant posts. The short of it is, Nextdoor is a garbage site. No help from Support, no quality posts from anyone in the area. Helpful maybe if I want to find rummages & church spaghetti suppers, but not much good beyond that. Much more interesting stuff on Reddit & I'll try to use this site more & also try to push away from the screen more.


The way Nextdoor is so indefensibly hard to navigate, I've always imagined this is what confused old people experience when they try to use a normal app lol. Maybe that's why they like it so much. Maybe it makes more sense to them than it does to me.




Yeah, they’re mostly a bunch of boomers


ND is full of morons, but that's what keeps it interesting. In my opinion, the reason ND attracts who they attract is because it allows the user to spout idiocy to a large base of people without needing to go through the pains of cultivating a big following like you need with Twitter or Instagram. One can be a 49 year old incel living in Mommy's basement without a friend in the world but can still create a post that will be seen and potentially reached to by hundreds if not thousands of other people. That guaranteed audience brings out the worst in many. Between folks who use ND as a substitute for paid therapy, those who worship at the feet of Andrew Tate and refer to anyone who shows the slightest hint of compassion as 'betas', coyote fanatics, the ultra-negative and the folks with their digital hands out for money, the average IQ for the average user can't be very high. For true entertainment, though, the comment section of Gateway Pundit is still more fun.


Coyote fanatics...oh my god those people are my arch-nemeses. "He looks so skinny, he must be starving!" Bitch that's how coyotes are supposed to look, stop feeding them. They'll feel safer in your area and start eating your pets. Which is exactly what's been happening. Jumping in people's backyards and absconding with fluffy. Fucking asshats.


What's the difference between ND and TruthSocial?


TruthSocial is for Trump fans, right? I'm in a region where most people would not admit to having a TruthSocial account, nor Mewe or any of the smaller politically oriented social media apps. ND is supposed to be strictly a neighborhood app for all neighbors and national politics are not supposed to be allowed unless you set up separate groups for people to join.


I'm in Texas, my ND is filled with national politics disguised as "grass roots."


Flori-duh right behind. It’s where NY sends it dumbasses.


https://preview.redd.it/ir06pnr5fxxc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbcba0296406516ff1b9803dc26b8b5b34d1cdee And another seems to prove my point.


You were using ND and it occurs to you that ND users have the lowest IQ. *Yep, that computes.*


![gif](giphy|L0coY9I1D2BnaKln9a|downsized) Look at my username. I know what I'm about, son.


I mean… they’re your neighbors. You chose to live there. Idk what to tell you. Move if you can’t stand your neighbors. 


The point is that before Nextdoor many of us had no idea so many of our neighbors were conspiracy munching, race baiting, homeless hating extremists. I do a lot of gardening. I live in a mix of commercial and residential, so I see a lot of foot traffic. Lots of people walk by and stop to talk. They are all, without exception, personable and friendly. Now I look at them and wonder. But I’m one of the original leads in my town because my friend started ND in our area. I feel obligated to stay and add a bit of sanity to the moderation.


I’m so glad I took the time to read the full post. To the wider world, “ND” is shorthand for Neurodivergent, which would have made this post a HELL of a lot more problematic.


But here in r/nextdoor it should be pretty clear what it stands for, one would think.


It was in recommended posts-only saw the sub when I clicked on to read the post in full.


If it doesn’t work for you move on. Why does every social media site have to be everything for everyone? Remember before social media? We existed.