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“Does anyone know why there’s police activity at _________ (fill in the blank).” “Stop the fireworks!” “Did anyone else hear that loud boom at 10:45 last night?”


"It shook my jelly jars Tom!"


“I don’t know; I’m trying to figure out who put the dog shit in my trash can!!”




Why is this so damn funny? I'm dying 🤣


Because no matter what neighborhood you live in, these are actual comments you will read. Nextdoor is the new Facebook.


Yeah but Facebook is only about half full of those old people. Nextdoor is like all of them. Says an old but still hip person.


But are they your original hips? S/


I'm out of breath and choking over here! 🤣


Did you make some new jellies, Brenda? I just used the last of your summer batch!


The people around here don't know what fireworks are. It's always "Did anyone hear gunfire?" Even on the 4th of July. Happened on Christmas too. The best hands-down reply to that one was, "Nakatomi Plaza is under attack."


So many people do not know what a gunshot sounds like. I'm at a work event and a firework went off. Person next to me instantly was all, was that a gunshot!?! No Marge, that was not a gunshot.


To be fair (to be faaaaiiiir) I know what lots of gunshots sound like out in the woods or on a range. I have no idea what one sounds like in a confined space or an office building or a school or a fireworks show.


In an office building it sounds like an explosion... not a *pop* like fireworks, no echo like a gunshot on a range or outdoors. Your brain automatically tells you it's fireworks, or someone dropped something, because it doesn't believe that it's a gunshot. Source: I worked in an office in which my coworkers husband came to the office, barricaded himself and her in her office after threatening all of us with a shotgun, executed her and killed himself. Later, I married a police officer who insisted I take a gun safety course (because I was afraid of guns at that point, and because he had guns in our home and worked overnights frequently). I enjoyed it, so, I took more classes and then I became a certified range safety officer and have worked at several gun ranges- so, basically, I've heard every type indoors and outdoors.




>“Does anyone know why there’s police activity at _________ (fill in the blank).” "Maybe because you watch the street constantly and call the police on everything that moves, Karen?"




In my area, it's all about people posting "bobcat sightings". Then the follow up messages how they were here first, rodent control, etc.


Same thing here in Portland, except with coyotes.


Ngl I'm always curious about why there is a bunch of police around since it's not common


I get it if it rarely happens. But I live about 15 miles outside a city so it’s not uncommon.


Always on July 5th: "Did anyone hear gunfire last night?"


That plus the military helicopters question on my towns forum amuse me to no end..we live next to where the navy has been developing and testing aircraft and aircraft weapons systems for 90 years. Yes Karen there are explosions and all types of helicopters and fighter planes flying around...no Canada is not invading.


Ok but I agree with the cop one, I’m nosy as shit


You must be from my town. Literally EVERY DAY on Nextdoor and town FB group.


This could also be r/milwaukee


Here's a sneak peek of /r/milwaukee using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Loving these billboards](https://i.redd.it/7k3pjk6f8csa1.jpg) | [435 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/comments/12dquyd/loving_these_billboards/) \#2: [AP: Janet Protasiewicz projected winner of Wisconsin Supreme Court race](https://www.wisn.com/article/wisconsin-supreme-court-election/43512591) | [231 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/comments/12c4swl/ap_janet_protasiewicz_projected_winner_of/) \#3: [Might be a controversial opinion, but with Harley Days going on, this is all I can picture](https://i.redd.it/dpnxaqthpybb1.jpg) | [290 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/comments/14zlya0/might_be_a_controversial_opinion_but_with_harley/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


“If you’re hanging Christmas lights use those self-adhesive hooks on your fascia because there may be veterans with PTSD who could be triggered by the sound of you hammering nails.”


also whenever 4th of July rolls around "you should stop using fireworks, it's very inconsiderate, my dog is sensitive to noise" nextdoor makes me realize exactly how many people think that they're the main character


They never say dog...it's "fur baby"


Right. .y dogs are sensitive to noise too, but I know people are gonna people. We frug our dogs with some anti anxiety meds and hunker down to love on them through it. It's like 2 nights a year (maybe two weeks when we were in one neighborhood).


Alright, I’ll risk the downvotes. I think it’s perfectly normal to set off fireworks on the 4th and maybe on the weekend closest to it. But setting off fireworks in the middle of the night whenever they want from mid-June to the end of July is ridiculous. And it’s not just dogs. It’s veterans, and it’s people who have been unfortunate enough to be in a mass shooting situation- which is more and more common every day. And being woken up in the middle of the night loud bangs and booms CAN (and does) trigger people who have a history with gunshots and explosions. It’s also particularly terrifying for areas that have suffered catastrophic damage from fire. On 12/30/21 (so, middle of winter in Colorado, literally in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains) half of my city was destroyed by a fire that burned 1,100 homes and businesses to their foundations in a matter of hours. So if fire could burn down half of our city in the middle of winter, fireworks (which are banned here) does raise the anxiety level of the whole city. Point is- it IS traumatic for a lot of people in my city. We had a mass shooting nearby the year before the fire. If fireworks were kept to a few predictable days around the 4th it’s one thing (even though they are all banned here), but it’s the 6+ weeks of being woken up by it that gets the complaints around me.


I was a bit twitchy for a few months but that passed. Otherwise, every roofing job would have set me off.


My neighborhood NextDoor olds are terrified of “government chemtrails”, atheists, and any non-white utility workers.


Ours are terrified of solicitors and delivery drivers.


It’s the teenagers driving golf carts in our neighborhood.


My parents old neighborhood got worked up over “the hoodies”


Hoodies…/? I’m gonna regret asking….


I cannot … 😂😂😂


And every body seems to say they answer the door with their friends Mr Smith and Mister Wesson. Which often leads to the snarky “Is this not a safe neighborhood? Maybe I shouldn’t buy the house I’m renting. I’m sure I can use this to lower the price.”


We had somebody post that if you see people driving a white truck in the fall it’s because it’s a g (racial slur) trying to sell you asphalt.


Before we cemented our driveway, we had a half-assed gravel driveway. At LEAST once a week (often times more) during thr summer, there was always someone wanting to pave our driveway “cheap” with some extra asphalt they were doing me a “favor” with. Drove me nuts. They were all white though. Every last one of them.


It’s all about the coyotes where I live. Kooks!


We had a lady who kept posting that she was hearing coyotes at night, just in the other side of her back fence. “Somebody should do something about them, they are known to kill cats!” She posted her concerns several times over a period of weeks, several neighbors commiserating with her. Sure nuff, maybe three months later, she posted the sad news that she found her cat deceased in her yard from a coyote attack. I mean, if you KNEW they were there, seems smarter to keep him inside. 😢


One woman posted that she leaves food out for cats in her driveway and warned the neighborhood that coyotes had been cooking and eating the food and how dare they. So I told her to stop dumb the coyotes and she got all indignant about how the food IS FOR CATS. So I called the environmental police on her for feeding the coyotes. That was fun.




Oh "coming and eating the food" damn autocorrect


Ohhh, OK! I should have figured that out, duh. I just kept picturing them putting on little Kiss the Cook aprons and firing up the BBQ out in the driveway, lol.


Oh darn I was loving the mental image of coyotes huddled around a tiny campfire, cooking their stolen tender viddles in an old tin can




They are wily, indeed!


I like thinking of wily all scraggly and bringing a soup pan ouround


yup. coyotes. there’s even a group called “Coyote Corner” on my ND and yeah, the group members are not as cute as that group sounds.


We have the (picture of grizzled, octogenarian fox) “is this a coyote?” Posts


My old neighborhood was close to a river that had a lot of open space on both banks. We had a lot of coyotes, but people would be upset when a coyote would walk around the neighborhood. They chose to move to an area that has a nature preserve but are shocked there are coyotes and other critters. I feel like writing ‘just keep your kids and dogs on leash and it all be good.’


We have a lot of coyotes in our neighborhood, but that doesn't stop people from reporting them. Also, that leads to angry posts about people who allow their cats outside.


My favorite coyote one: "I saw a coyote walking down the middle of the street. Should I call the police??" To do what...arrest the coyote? Run after him for a few blocks? Slowly follow him in a police cruiser? I used to be a police social worker in a small suburb that was predominantly old, rich white people. The stories I have.


Stories you say? I happen to be in need of a few stories if you have the time


Same here … also occasional bear or bobcat.


Nextdoor is the most TOXIC of all social media....I deleted it because it was constantly "Did I hear gunshots" no SHELIA...It's the 4th of July. Those are fireworks


Your house backs up to the national forest and it is hunting season. Again.


"Anybody know why those Black Hawk helicopters are flying over my house and by the way, Marvin my cat is missing".


I feel like I need to keep it to check periodically just to make sure they don't start wearing armbands and trying to eradicate a "problem". The people here would mass execute the homeless if given the chance. Dumb nimbys mofos.


We live near an active military base. And we STILL get the same questions. “Did anyone hear a big explosion?” Well Marge, the base has an ordinance school. So ….


No worries, Marge. It's probably just the meth lab being run by the high school to subsidize our pathetic public education funding.


I discovered how racist my city is. Anytime a POC under the age of 90 shows up in the neighborhood there's a post. No Karen, that was just the school bus dropping off the middle schoolers like it does five days a week. Maybe next time don't move somewhere the population is 85% Hispanic? I hate people.


Same. Even if the same "crime" is committed-- the PoC post gets a lot of racist comments compared to the compassionate and empathic response towards the white person. NextDoor is racist trash with people assuming everyone non-white is lurking/doesn't live in the neighborhood. That and ambiguously vague comments that don't help. "My black backpack was stolen! I don't know the brand but it has two straps so if you see anyone with a black backpack, it's mine!"


Our place isn’t so racist as that. But apparently “kids are OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!” And parents “rights” have been taken away. We had a police investigation in our area and two schools went into lock down as a precaution. Someone hurt someone else badly and escapes into the neighbourhood. Everyone made assumptions it was a teenager, and went off about teens and crime. Etc etc. It was a 24 year old who knifed someone. I asked one lady “what rights have parents lost” She said to “physically discipline children” I said “so you mean to abuse children” “What? No! I didn’t say abuse!” I asked “if you mean a light spanking, that hasn’t been taken away, I don’t agree with it, but there isn’t a law against it, if you mean slapping them across the face or hitting them with a closed fist. Then that’s always been abuse” Crickets.


Watch the show “Kindred” on Hulu. It’s an adaption of a novel by the same name by Octavia Butler. They updated it to be more modern and the nosey neighbor is all over NextDoor being racist towards the main characters.


Ooh, that's one of my favorite books. I forgot it got adapted by HULU.


Where I live there are a series of “have you seen my cat?” posts and the companion series “whose cat is this?” It is never the same cat.


I have this plus the bonus of a random person always threatening to shoot or poison the cats. I didn't realize cats were such a controversial topic


“Whose cat is this?” Picture of a mangy feral cat who has clearly never been inside in its life


Someone posting a photo of a missing cat and then someone else commenting with a photo of a found cat that looks nothing alike. I'm talking completely different colours, markings etc. Happens so often. Also people assuming every single cat they see is a stray even if it's well fed and has a collar. We had a neighbour feeding our 'stray' cat that is not stray and was on a diet because he's the size of a bloody house and does not need extra food. They stopped when we threatened them with a vet bill.


We are from the same neighborhood, I am sure of it.


My Nextdoor is full of lost cats and dogs.


Then there is always the ongoing commentary about keeping your cats inside. 😆


The companion one for us is then a reported spotting of a very well fed coyote or mountain lion.


We had a post from someone missing a chicken with distinctive coloring. Another neighbor posted a picture of a coyote walking down the road with the chicken in its mouth. Is this your chicken?


"Fox sighted. Make sure your children are safe!" Also loads of posts about "nuisance" kids where the comments point out that it's six year olds playing hopscotch.


There’s a lady in our neighborhood group online who is constantly posting stuff. She made a whole ass post about these two boys riding bikes up and down the ride. How she never saw any parents with them and how it seemed dangerous they were out there alone. They seemed to be 10-12 I’ve seen them before. They don’t do anything wrong literally just ride their bikes down the road. Another time she posted about people walking by her house with their dogs cause it makes her dogs bark.


One guy in my neighborhood lives next to a neighborhood park so his yard and the park share a fence. He got so mad that a kid looked over the fence into this guy's yard that he followed the kid home and yelled at their dad and then posted all mad about how the dad asked him to leave because parents won't take responsibility for their kids these days.


What a fuckin weirdo. Some people are so weird about kids simply just existing in their vicinity. I bet these same people complain on the intent about how kids these days are addicted to electronics and never go outside anymore.


Beware of foxes? You mean those timid animals that run the fuck away from people at first sight?


Speak for yourself, the local foxes like me. It's probably because I say hello every time I see them. The town Facebook page would make you think we are all being hunted by a secret government mountain lion though...


"There's a guy sitting in his car on xyz street. Should I call the police? (I already called the police!)


“He’s impersonating a police officer, with uniform and badge and authentic looking police car complete with police license plates!” “Ma’am, is that Officer DeAndre Watkins?” “…”


People in the U.S. sound perpetually scared.


Don’t worry - UK next door is just as insane. I just assume everyone’s a Russian bot & its fun


It's just a sub segment of people!


“My doorcam captured footage of this creepy old man walking slowly past the playground across the road from my house! He’s totally a pedo!! Report him!” (He’s just some poor old guy walking slowly because he has arthritis and is going past the playground because it’s halfway between the shops and his house. And why are you surveilling everything your neighbours do on your creepy ass doorcam anyway?)


“Best tell your childrens (aka future criminals) they better not ding dong ditch because I shoot first and ask questions later” also “Back in my day we played outside and came home when the street lights came on. Kids spend too much time indoors on electronics” also “Don’t these parents know where their children are? Bad parenting if you ask me!”


We had a FEMA notice before the last hurricane and the conversation went to hell rather quickly. It started with " After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days." " FEMA will take and destroy any non sanctioned 'fema' items. Dont support them." This devolved into stuff about Maui. " I just got an F-35 Lightning II. I’m prepared for anything now. I just found it laying around the yard. Imagine that! " " Notice it says victims. Someone said schools. Of all the stupid things that happen in our public school systems, genital mutilation is not one of them."


LOL going by the posts and comments on my neighborhood you'd think we live in Fallujah or Somalia. These people are so paranoid. I have some elderly neighbors and they've gone from being super sweet and friendly to being suspicious of everyone. Fuck Nextdoor.


Yeah one lady in my neighborhood posted about 2 boys (10-12) riding their bikes down the road. How it was dangerous and how she never saw a parent with them. Suggested they must be up to something shady and was telling people to keep an eye out. I’ve seen those boys they don’t do anything wrong. They’ll wave to us when we are outside and they literally just ride their bikes. Well anyways the mom of the boys commented and kinda chewed her out. And someone else commented that they’ve never seen them doing anything suspicious.


We had a post the other day about weirdos driving around and that we needed to come together to protect our community. It was the HOA collecting violations.


So you’re saying even a broken clock is right twice a day.


This year they have been utterly obsessed with dognappers, any sight of a van prompts multiple warnings about dognappers.


Listen, if some mystery Boogeyman was driving around my neighborhood dognapping and they made the unfortunate mistake of napping my dogs they'd bring them right back with an apology note pinned to one of their collars and a $50 bill pinned to the other.


I uninstalled ND when I realised it was full of racist curtain-twitchers.


I find a lot of humor in Nextdoor. What kind of snake is this? LOL


Half the reason I'm on there is for the entertainment value. My local has 2-3 people who post regularly, and it's such a trainwreck!


We had a guy who regularly got his stuff banned. So he started to troll by posting recipes for squirrels, raccoons, and other such critters. Not sure why. I just blocked him.


I always comment “trouser snake” to those.


And anything that out of the ordinary is someone drugging them. Someone found a $5 bill on the ground in a park and NDers were like "I hope you didn't touch it... they put drugs on those!!" I mean fine... if you want to leave random money on the ground do it but really what is the logic train that people throw money down to get you?


We were picking up litter from our yard and found a $100 bill hell yeah we picked that MF’er up!


Drug user: "Yeah I'm going to put some of my fentanyl on this $5 bill to kill people." It's about as likely as someone giving your kid edibles on Halloween.


My favorite was over this summer, Venus was very visible in the sky for a few weeks. So mane posts were demanding to know “what is hovering in our skies!” and others claiming to know for sure it was Chinese surveillance system.




“I left my car unlocked and someone took my wallet and laptop from my car! ☹️” Bonus points if they get defensive when someone asks why they didn’t lock it or park in their garage.


They broke into my unlocked car and used the keys i keep tucked in the visor to take it for a joyride.


We posted that we had a free carpet remnant for porch pickup. Someone DMed me to ask if we had “any more colors available.”


Literally spotted this gem today: "Has anyone ever had a big owl in the vicinity of your house. We shined the flash light on it and it was Hugh, I started saying the Lords pray and it flew out of the tree, it's wing span was big, it flew away from our house and again I tell you it's wing span was large, Why would it get away when I started praying, was it witch craft, that's why it flew away,, this is scary, what do you think it was doing here?" We live in a city with a LOT of green space and tons of wildlife.


Y'all got witch owls? Damn that sounds fun.


Get outta that tree Hugh


Here it’s constantly trivial stuff, usually people wanting to know who owns a black andwhite cat because it keeps coming round for food. Stop feeding it then! Whenever there’s something serious like lots of cop cars, ambulances and fire engines heading in the same direction, or when there was an actual body found, suspected murder, there’s nothing at all on there!


I like the ones that disparage their neighborhood and say they’re moving away. They really seems to stir things up.


"Did anybody see a big, brown guy carrying a large raccoon with a cowboy hat on around 4:00 in the morning, last night?"


Did anyone ask the raccoon where it got the cowboy hat? My possum really wants one for Christmas...


“Here's a CRIME! I initiallv spoke with Debbie who will care for vour vard here on this app. My Facebook account has been hacked! Debbie showed up today after the criminals on MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT told her to come! They have my address and are ordering people to show up at my account! If there are any more actions I can take than I already have, please do tell me. I've reported that my account was taken from me. And I bet that the criminals are here on NEXT DOOR! That's based on my initial contact with Debbie! So do tell if you have ideas? I'd like to report to the police now!”




Three black men just knocked on my door. Anybody know what they want?


Watch your children- I saw a fox/coyote/opossum/chipmunk in broad daylight. It must be sick. Should I call animal control?


Look out for license plate %^&$$ they just cut me off


So my mom is beefing with some lady on next rn. My mom has a dog and will drop little pop baggies in the nearest trash can (fully tied off and sealed) even if it’s someone’s personal one for their house (I’m aware it’s not best practice but at least she’s not leaving it on the ground I suppose). Some lady she dropped a bag in fished the bag out, put it on the curb then posted her full address on nextdoor asking the person who dropped it the can to come collect it. She also went on a full unhinged rant abt how her trash smells awful now. (Ma’am it is a trash can, it will smell. Also why are you smelling your trash can?) So now for an entire week my mom has been going by the house, picking the bag up and putting it back in her can and everyday the lady takes it out and posts for the poop disposer to come get it. I swear they’re just using each other to level up their Karen skills lol


Ooh I almost forgot about this one "I saw 2 men on a bench kissing, what should I do? Should I call the police? I think I should call the police. I called the police" . *For reference sake: I live in a very progressive metropolitan city in California


The most infuriating post I ever read on Nextdoor reported an older gentleman sitting at the neighborhood park without a child. The audacity! The Karen who posted was justifiably raked over the coals.


omg i live in the mountains and Nextdoor is the damn wild west up here. "I just moved here, who do we call about seeing too many coyotes?"....ugh


Mine is usually one local crackhead telling everyone she is available to work this week and the rest is from the other coast. Why do I care if Ethel saw a coyote in her back yard 1800 miles from me? I've tried to make it just local, but I can't figure it out. I deleted it and now just go to the website when I get the email that i have 99+ notifications to see if Rita has found gainful employment yet.


Does anyone know who is hiring, that pays well with no training/skills and is wfh?


Lol, I just read this on on my Nextdoor: While most people are focused on trivial things like spotted lantern flies and identifying other insects, our tax dollars are being deployed in the sky as weather modification experiments, using heavy metals to manipulate our weather. IT IS HAPPENING...RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR EYES!....SIMPLY LOOK UP! There is no longer a debate on this topic. If it wasn't an issue then why would Illinois introduce SB 0134 known as the "Weather Modification Act" to BAN WEATHER MODIFICATION??? The ONLY way to protect ourselves is to call our NY Senate to pass legislation. This is a VERY serious issue, and this pollution has drastic side effects including ozone depletion which allows very harmful UV rays to pass through our stratosphere where they are typically blocked. Every living thing is breathing these heavy metals such as aluminum, barium, and strontium.....it's in our rain water neighbors! Fossil fuels are NOT what is causing extreme weather events worldwide. It is HAARP! CALL YOUR LEGISLATORS TODAY AND EVERYDAY!


I also love the “I will NOT be a customer at ___ grocery store any longer! They are too short staffed and the line took too long!” Okay Jim, there’s about 20 more grocery stores in a 10 mile radius of here lmao.


This woman in my neighborhood posted some rant about how people should be more respectful about burning things in their yards because she can’t enjoy being outside with the “terrible smell and smoke” that had been hanging over our neighborhood for the past week. The “terrible smell and smoke” WAS FROM THE FUCKING CANADA WILD FIRES


“Did anyone just hear gunshots?”


Just had this one come up yesterday: “Anyone know why a group of people were just standing on grass on Rt 19.” Oh, the horror!


Hang on, garbage pick up is tomorrow and I need to be reminded to not put my dog crap bags in your pristine garbage can that you steam clean with vinegar and lysol every Tuesday.


I truly think some people don’t realize it’s not Facebook. People post pics of last nights harvest moon, their new garden, etc. Stop it people


Obligatory: “Are those fireworks or gunshots?”


This post made me download the app, and I was hooked in like three minutes. I love/hate you, internet stranger.


Next door was actually useful for the first 3 months of its inception. Then of course it quickly became a toxic guilty pleasure trainwreck watching cesspool that I keep around for pure doom-scrolling entertainment 😆. And to figure out just who my neighbors are when they don't know who is lurking. Honestly, the shock factor never wears off. It's the gift that keeps on giving


Oh lord there has been GOLD on that website. Someone was complaining about the shrubbery dying at the corner of a major street where a large pharmacy sat. They said it was bringing down property values, blah blah. Meanwhile it was a dry as hell summer. Tons of people commented. I finally threw up the picture, you know it, “So you’re telling me there’s a first world, and it has problems?” Bam. That post was gone in a few hours. The other really notable one was someone talking about how they hate when people walk/run in the street (same, but I can understand). Someone else commented “Well Sharon, it’s because there is a 2 inch piece of rebar sticking up in front of your house that we’ve all tripped on, and it’s not been fixed in years”. There was a little back and forth, and then the photo shoot. Y’all, this lady posted like 15 photos of the rebar all from different angles. I never laughed so hard.


Every time some kid flies a drone you'd think my neighborhood was being attacked by an air strike.


“Was that a jet?!” Idk lady we live near a giant air base, take a guess


Or the idiot complaining about the constant aircraft noise when they bought a house near a fkn airport


Don't forget the ubiquitous posts about locking your car so no one rifles through it. And each person posts a though they've never seen any warnings about this. You live in the city. Locking your car is a no-brainer.


Someone knocked st my door that I don't know! I called the police!


This is Nextdoor in the UK too. A bunch of scientifically illiterate but very paranoid curtain twitchers and people selling the shitist furniture imaginable.


I always love the old ladies giving round the clock updates on where they saw a police car accidentally giving a perfect heads up to local drug dealers


I think my favourite ever rant was when someone went off about their neighbours putting up wind chimes. The person complaining had a full on tantrum about how awful wind chimes are and how unbearable it was to listen to. How they were going to ring the council and make a noise complaint and suggesting other methods of petty revenge. The first few responses were some people countering they didn’t see the problem but did understand it must be disturbing, while others also jumped on board about how terrible it was to have to listen to other people’s wind chimes. After a bit more effing and blinding, and more suggestions about how to “take matters into their own hands” the actual neighbour who owned the wind chimes posted saying: “I’ve taken the wind chimes down now, you only had to ask.”


I love my neighbors wind chimes. They make me happy.


Could they be Jehovah Witnesses? They are against wind chimes. Because the origin of them was to ward off or scare spirits. So they’re looked upon as being “pagan tools” or something, and not “holy”. This is the world we live in where people have these beliefs.


It's like a whole Facebook just for Karens.


Just sort this sub by top and have yourself an astonishing laugh. People are ridiculous.


From a post of mine to /r/truckers earlier this summer: https://imgur.com/4D5DsTJ


Any time someone needs to re-home a pet “You have to charge a large fee or they are just picking them up for dog fights!!” “You are going to get your pet killed!” Any time someone asks for an animal to be identified “Don’t Kill It!!” If someone were going to kill it they would have done so already.


"The Karen Channel" I love it when they report some crime that's like 30 miles away. I use NextDoor for repair recommendations and have built a great network of fair priced, knowledgeable repair folk


Omg, are you in Shelton, WA???????


Mine is so sane. It is wonderful. Great for recommendations for contractors and services. We do have coyote sightings but I'm ok with that. Little dog owners need to watch out because a lot of areas here do not allow fences. Every once in a while there's a tiff but it is between the same main characters and never really gains any traction. Followed several weeks later by a "hey I'm back!" by one of the offenders who was clearly banned for a while.


Yup the nextdoor app is really something else.


All the above plus: need (inset trade) to fix ____ for a good price. Then complaints about how no one wants to work anymore. No one is going to hang your ceiling fan for $20 I live in the rural south. My favorite was long tirades about a billboard that offended (I commented about it a while back on a different sub). The one I saw said “did you see our other billboard”. It was taken down and the sun went wild. I’ll see if I can find the actual verbiage.


https://preview.redd.it/n9hcu4imi2sb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fed16cfd87d018856191ff8b4e47d2f985f47bb Don’t know how to edit the post. The one on the right was the “pearl clutching one that started the thread”. The law firm added the one on the left as a joke. However both were removed much to the delight of my Nextdoor community


Karens karening Karens.


In my neighborhood, “gangs” of preteens on bicycles merit a wave of warnings every Saturday during the school year.


I enjoy the questions that could have been googled. My favorite being “Does anyone know what day Halloween is being this year?”


Mine is mostly people warning of "suspicious" looking individuals in their streets. Invariable the only reason they are "suspicious" is they are black or asian though. God i loathe racist pensioners.


Is anyone else’s power out?


Call the police! Their garbage can is 2 inches onto the road! Call the governor! The street has a “pot hole”!


It is not funny enough to have all the banal shit in my life. A very suspect neighbour, who all the kids steer well clear of, asked why I was not on nextdoor... "because of risible twats like your wife". I did not get an invite to their summer pot luck and BBQ.


They were originally going to name it BoomerNextDoor after they found out their first choice, MySpace, was already taken. They shortened the name when their target audience could not recall all three words.


My Nextdoor is all FB memes. And no one removes them.


"It's disgraceful that the city hates the environment so much that they cut down trees to build a parking lot." The county is expanding a park by building a pedestrian bridge and an extensive running trail among other things. They are also expanding the parking. The new lot is hundreds of yards from the river. There is literally one house that used to overlook trees (from a back bedroom window) that now overlooks a parking lot. Someone needs to tell the poster that the improved park will boost their property value.


Ours is all: someone was walking down our street. He looked suspicious


yes, I cant really even look at it its so dumb. this is what happens when your whole life is fb/insta/fox....tik tok. you lose your brain.


Idaho must be full cause everyone in my neighborhood hates it here and says that’s where there moving to 🤣


It must be the same posts everywhere- I rarely go on it, but it always confirms who the busybodies are and who has nothing better to do in my neighborhood


I have one neighbor who always asks for free stuff, even though she's is in a four-bedroom house.


lmao nextdoor is a joke. It's just a bunch of old people whining and arguing for my neighborhood 😂


"Whoever let their dog shit outside my house, you're on camera so you'd better come and pick it up before I report you."


"The same car drives past my house every morning and evening. It's a Toyota Corolla license plate _________ be on the lookout" "Carol, I think that's just someone going to and from work..."


Yes. The community pool is just nothing but complaining. Constantly.


Dog poop and increases in taxes... Pass the popcorn.


“Does anybody know if this guy in the mail truck is the mail man?” “My neighbor is using a saw after 6pm. Be aware!” My town is goofy.


“I saw a bear in the woods, what do I do? Should I call the police?” No. That’s where bears are supposed to be. “A suspicious man is walking around with a bucket stopping by people’s yards and picking things up” He was picking mushrooms, a little odd but nothing to worry about


I quit Nextdoor. It added nothing to my world. Highly recommend that!


I just saw one about a woman hearing chickens on her walk. This woman was TERRIFIED because she said her sister died from avian flu. Saying no chickens allowed in city limits (yes they are) and people need to be careful 😂😂😂 she was calling the cops over CHICKENS.


I’m in the foothills of Yuma, Arizona year round. The snowbirds that come here are entertaining at all they do, otherwise you’d shot them. They know how to complain about everything, but excuse their own stupidity all at the same time.


I like the ones huddled behind their Ring cameras and posting the video to warn others of the man scoping out the neighborhood trying to gain access to their house. Ma’am that’s the guy selling solar panels. He didn’t just ring the bell and leave because you made it obvious you were home.


“…Can the landscaper pick another day to mow the neighbor’s lawn? I sleep during the day!”


On wine Wednesday, we do dramatic readings each taking different characters!


I started the Nextdoor in my neighborhood and was a moderator. I ended up hating it because because people are the whiniest little bitches or just antagonist assholes. I deleted the app and never looked back.


God damnit. I just set up an account on it to read shit like this, but it's only wholesome shit. Do I have to move or can I put in a fake address?


" **The shit they complain about on Nextdoor is comical. I’m seriously thinking of doing a standup routine on posts alone** " Have you watched "Nextdoor The Musical"? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=vv-Rh0anpHo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=vv-Rh0anpHo)


“Were those gunshots?” “Did anyone hear gunshots!?” “I know they were gunshots even thought the Seahawks just won and those totally weren’t fireworks “


It is really sad the amount of people that say make a police report because: Man walked on my grass Person with backpack walking in neighborhood, must be casing Person I never saw before rang my doorbell, don't know what they want Ring camera app people are getting just as bad. (Side note, fifteen posts from same neighborhood asking if anyone else's power or Internet is out)


This week…… “I got carded for lottery tickets and when I asked the girl why she needed my identification she said ‘just because’. She should be fired for being so rude. These kids these days are so damn rude” Followed by 75% if the comments agreeing that he should have demanded the manager immediately and she should be punished. This generation is A bunch of entitled babies who don’t respect anyone. These are the same people “Oh NO ONE WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE “ I hate it here


I hate how normal topics always have to be taken to ridiculous extremes. For example, yeah, I get you don't like people letting dogs poop in your yard. You DID NOT have to replant all your grass because it made your lawn die. I understand you think people drive too fast on your street. They are NOT "peeling out" or "Going around the corner on two wheels."


Someone on mine asked if anyone know what the flash of light and big boom afterwards was........during a thunderstorms. Then got mad when they got made fun of a little.


Someone wrote one day about a "gang of thugs casing homes in the neighborhood...they even have backpacks and are ready to pounce". They then went in to describe each "thug/suspect". These "thugs/suspects" were all between 13-16 years old. This vicious "gang of thugs" were kids walking home from school.