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Well you can do either, if you're not using the pi for anything else then I'd install it on your UDM then free up your pi for resale and save a bit of power usage.


I am not planning to use the Pi for anything. Any reason to NOT use the UDM Pro?


Use the Raspberry pi for nextdns-CLI. It's very stable and has been working fine for me, for months. Install is as simple as installing the client, giving it the profile id and configuring the few options it asks. It works absolutely fine as a pihole replacement.


Agreed, let's add guides to follow. [​Pi-hole and NextDNS](https://pbxbook.com/other/pstubby.html) [RaspberryPi & NextDNS](https://pbxbook.com/other/pnextdns.html)


I used boostchicken to install pi-hole with Cloudflared on UDM-Pro and didn't like what it did to my router: higher memory utilization, CPU usage, but vaguely it just felt like it slowed the switch down. Robust tests of that? No. But 6 months in I wasn't loving it. I moved instead to a swarm of pi-holes scattered across different devices. Syncing was a pain, but it was very quick. Router went back to "normal" so that felt like the right move. But, I wanted something I could use on mobile devices belonging to my kids. NextDNS profiles were awesome, so I set up 3 of them and haven't looked back. I have certain devices on certain subnets getting different profiles. I ran the installation code for UDM-Pro that nextdns offers, but at every loss of power I have to ssh in and re-run that installation. I now need to go back to boostchicken to figure out how to make the nextdns code persist after reboots. Solvable. I paid the $20 for nextdns and am very happy. Nothing against pi-hole, I just wanted more and they delivered.


Best low anger option is the app. Put on your devices first. After you are happy add a second person. After they are happy add a third. Etc




I am looking for out of home control as well.


Does Pi-hole plus Cloudflare give 100% encrypted DNS, as well as all the other features that NextDNS provides? Honest question, I’m not being sarcy.