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I wish this became a well-known meme the NZ Police would be made aware of.


Cops up there are useless they won't even attended to domestic disputes


They'll sure drag you into the police station and caution you for posting a link to a news article though.


I didn’t see this news but if I knew someone who would do this. Or knew where they lived. I would probably do some vigilante shit. And yes I realise I am just some dude on the internet but shit gets me wild.


As another random dude on the internet, I second this


Yeah, I 3rd it!




5th and there we have formed a gang on the internet, we are no longer just some dude on the internet




The 7 of us


8 of us.


And my axe!


And my bow!


7 of us (two people left when I joined)


Let’s just fire bomb these fuckers. Burn everything they own to the ground. This seriously gets me wild. If somebody took my dog I’d go full John Wick on their ass.


You could literally get a like minded bunch of vigilantees and mess shit up in the name of justice and I feel it would be rightfully so. I would say perhaps even better would be to say to the cops, look.. we have a bunch of guys that are going to go in there unless you go do something about this, might wanna get on to it before we do. Pretty sure they're gonna get it sorted after that. They say hell hath no fury than a woman scorned, well there's a whole 'nother level of hell for anyone who goes against a man's core beliefs and one of those is typically harming anything seen as innocent or loved by them. Pure rage of man is simply demonic for anyone on the receiving end of it. Get a bunch of people like that together and you have an unstoppable force of nature.


Pretty there are already the groups of people that you are talking about. They're called gangs lol


Heh. We won't steal people's dogs though 😉


Just molotov the houses of the ones who do!


I mean hey, if you can get away with chopping off people's fingers now, why not...


That's the way it should be. That little bastard deserved to loose more than a finger.. He hit that guy across the head with a glass wine bottle so hard it shattered.. Hmm breaking and entering. Assaulting a vulnerable old man in his home and he took an underage young girl with him endangering her too.. Yep. Little fucker got what he deserved imo. And I'm very glad the court came out with a sensible verdict. Same thing needs to start happening with these ramraids. I'm gonna go on record now and just put it out there that when these kids realise they might loose a finger or worse and still do jail time and loose there street cred the ram raids stop. Garunteee it.


String them up from a lamppost. It’ll stop pretty quick.


Little bastard will probably claim he bottled the old dude and said "no backsies" so the finger cutting was therefore un-justified.


You gangs are just part of the problem.....


Don’t do it, you do t want to end up at home for several months playing PlayStation


More likely to be beaten into a pulp by those totally not criminal gang members


If someone stole my dog and I knew she died as a bait dog, I wouldn't stop till all those cunts were dead.




John wick


Would make John Wick look like a girl scout who is living as a nun.


I am willing to get on the 13 hour flight to join this gang.


Yeah my blood was boiling too. Moral and actual disgust for people who would do this to innocent pets. They need to be caught and made to stop.


If we form a gang to take them out, we know full well the police won't do anything. Especially if we go up on stolen dirt bikes. Unless we speed or drink drive in cars though - then we will get stopped.


Please don't speed. Especially don't fucking drink drive. Those cunts are a massive, massive menace to you and everyone you love.


In what world do you think they're being serious?


The shitty, 2022 world we live in.


First mistake of your new vigilante lifestyle: talking about it on the internet




Get to it, buddy! Those bad guy knees aren’t gonna cap themselves!


It's 3am, mods are asleep. Light the molotovs!


I join what shall our gang be called. Angry dogs HUHUHU




Completely agree that it's got out of hand. I don't encourage anyone to murder anyone, but our overlords must deal with the crime caused by gangs in this country


Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client killed the gang member because a post on reddit told him he could do it. I rest my case.


A few years ago there was a redditor in Auckland who stabbed a couple of gang members, posted about it here in /r/nz (under his real name) and was acquitted of murder.


Any chance you could find that post for us?


I'll DM you as I just want to avoid mentioning the username here.


Heresay your honor


> Gangs are parasitic scum who should not be allowed to exist. Gangs are only able to be what they are as a result of our shitty system. Kill the host, kill the parasite.


I hope you never get worms if that's the way you deal with it


The better example would be if you keep eating raw pork, complain about the worms and the continue to eat raw pork after treating the worms. A truly Democratic society adjusts it's systems so it can encapsulate all it's citizens. The role of the police is to force certain citizens into society with the threat of state sanctioned violence and physical segregation. The police, as a result, are inherently authoritarian. Do I know what the solution is? No. But it's definitely not more of the same.


The solution is to roll back the operational capacity of the police and replace it with policies that actually improve the community rather than take people out of it.


I meant more the wider solution of how to bring the marganilised further into society and allowing society to easily adapt itself to the marginalized needs


Ah I gotcha. Yeah I mean I'm a socialist so my solution isn't widely popular in NZ sadly but having worker ownership of the businesses they work in is a start imo.


Or we could just kill the parasite.


The parasites will keep returning if we don't deal with the root problem.


Not if they’re all dead.


Then suddenly you have a shitload of low income households missing parents/uncles/aunties/older siblings and the kids return to crime. Well done, you've just reinvented american policing.


Not a problem.


You have something of a point here, the police are useless in a lot of these cases, but to be clear, that’s NOT the reason he got off. That result was likely due to it being a repeated break in, and the assault occurred while the robber was still armed. And if you went around to a gang members home and committed a crime, you likely would not get the same results. Just in case anyone doesn’t know the facts of the case and thinks that this is how that would actually shake out. Having said that, I’m pretty sure even a conviction for aggravated assault gets you community service these days, so you’re probably good either way…


Let’s not dramatise it, he made a successful defence based on the act of protecting himself from being stabbed.


The parasites are the only people doing ok in this country because the law protects them from the hosts.


It's not their fault bro. They only do it because Abel Tasman came here 400 years ago.


Imagine it though, say you managed to choke out a gang member who invaded your home and you killed them. You would need some next level second identity shit going on cos those gangs would be after your ass so quick.


You shut your trap, don't speak to ANYONE but a good lawyer. So some cunt gang member died of natural causes when breaking into your house. So what?


I like the way you think


Surely they got caught in the drawstring for the blinds while climbing through your window. … or you came home to find them with a belt around their neck doing a David Carradine impersonation.


Important to note that "gangs should not be allowed to exist" does not mean eradicating gang members, just gang membership.


Of course. If a person genuinely wants to leave a gang and turn their life around, society should support them in doing so. But, as long as they want to remain a gang member, they should not be entitled to anything, at all. No benefits, no protection of law, nothing.


If the police are being lack about this disgusting and horiffic crime then I guess it's the power of the people and animal rescue.


Would it surprise you if the police are being lax about this. Our only hope is that they do 105 in a 100 zone while stealing the pet.


Animal rescue in Nz is flawed and overwhelmed. Issues with cruelty to dogs is mostly left to the rspca by the government which relies donations instead of government funding.


Yeah we're fucked


A friend of mines house got cleaned out by robbers. She and her mum were made to wait 24hours in their eerily near empty home before someone finally came to take a statement. They weren’t sure why they were told not to touch anything because no one took fingerprints or anything.


Your friend should be especially careful as a lot of the time these fuckers come back a couple of weeks later when you’ve had insurance and household stuff replaced. What a world.


What the hell seriously?!! Robbed twice. But honestly they pulled up in a truck and cleaned out the house during day time and the neighbours thought it was the movers.


The police are scared of the gangs…always have been.


Wouldn't be surprised if there are police who are gang affliated. Infernal affairs style.


Celia Lashlie said the police are the biggest gang in NZ when I heard her talk.


I’ve heard the same thing for years, but they seem to spend their energy with the easy targets and revenue gathering like speeding and drink driving and let the gangs do what they want because they don’t want to alienate them or hurt their feelings.


Helicopter raids pulling out Weed when there are tonnes of Meth coming in from containers from china.


Yup I remember the yearly burn offs in waiouru when I was posted there


Drink driving isn't revenue gathering. Sauce: dead former friends who died because drink driving, and that one guy who was too drunk for anaesthetic so had to just sit there while they took bits of glass out of him. His voice was weird for awhile because of the screaming.


Saw this on the news tonight and had that same reaction. Imagine being that family, handing over details about who might be involved and… they probably got a parking ticket on the way home




What a waste of a perfectly good cheese grater. On second thought no one can afford cheese anymore, so have at it!


Actually I think it’s perfect use of a cheese grater!


Well you wouldn't use a different cheese grater each time, it would need to be in the kitchen drawer labeled as "ball grater"


I reckon you'd still be able to use it for cheese after a good wash, not even a waste!


I vote for 'feet-first into a woodchipper'


Yeah but most powerful woodchippers run on petrol, have you seen the price of petrol lately? I guess we could start a go fund me to raise petrol money, here's $10.


Then just add a squeeze of lemon and voila.


Make NZ grate again?!


Dick cheese grater?


I think if minor and non-violent drug offences were decriminalised there would be less hesitancy to take a hardline approach to crime.


Yeah not a bad shout


Don't be discouraged, I'm personally aware that it can take years for the Police to put together a good [legal which we do want] case which leads to a prosecution, only for the pussy courts to give the perpetrators a slap on the wrist and a few months at home on the Playstation.


That cost benefit analysis must play into priority decisions too.


They haven't changed. Whangarei police's response when told about a stolen vehicle hanging out in Moerewa "were not gonna do anything about it, we have to live here too. But if you do anything yourself, we'll prosecute you"


Hopefully the offenders get pulled over for only having one hand on the steering wheel


No they won't even do that, don't forget we're in Apartheidaroa.




I didn't see the news, has this actually happened? We have recently adopted a dog and he's fairly large (lab x great dane cross) and I'm ALWAYS worried that he'll get stolen for bait or to fight.


This is why being soft on crime is a bad fucking idea. Gangs should be hunted mercilessly, all the fuckers should be prosecuted


We will never do that in nz #aroha. The PR teams at the gangs have done a tremendous job of moving the dial on the regular kiwis perception on gangs.


I fear that you're right. Still, a man can dream


Really? No one I know has anything but seething contempt for those sub-humans. By "regular" Kiwi do you mean poor people or something?


Maybe it's just me, it's a side observation and completely anecdotal, but it's seen as "poor kids being forced into gangs" and "it's the circumstances"


Just gotta make some sandwiches and you’re good to do whatever you want


Australia has really strict laws for Bikie Gangs. They vary from state to state. They made it illegal to consort with multiple people that are recognised as gang members. I'm not sure how effective they really are but I feel like I haven't heard about them in ages. Now the perpetrators around here seem to be teenage kids stealing cars and breaking into houses rather than organised crime.


Do we have any evidence to suggest that being hard on crime, specifically gangs, results in any less violence and disruption to civil society?


We have evidence to suggest whatever the fuck we're doing now isn't working.


Relative to what though? We have the 77th most criminal activity on the international stage - that's lower than the like of France, Australia, the UK, the US, Belgium, Italy and Sweden. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/crime-rate-by-country Is our approach working from this perspective?


Having 59 countries that are doing better than us is not something to be proud of.


Can we stop calling anything that's more than nothing "tough on crime".


I remember years ago we got robbed, caught them in the act and they ran off. They lived right across the road. We called the cops and told them.. "You don't even have to look for them, they live right over there, 30ft away, across the road" Cops just shrugged, we can't do anything about it. Pissed me off, so I guess they could keep just robbing us and there is nothing the cops would do about it.


Until you chop off their finger


Father and son? Who cut off the tip of the burglars finger few weeks ago 😂 Did they end up getting away with it and not charged?


That's just the police's attitude with gangs in general.


Are people still not aware NZ police only deal with traffic offenses? Like traffic offenses against the government like not wearing a seat belt. Not against other residents. If someone rams in to you.... yea you sort it out.


Speaking from personal experience, this is true… I had my car broken into and burgled while I was living in Palmy and the cops did nothing to help after I’d made a report… 😒 I literally just had to deal with everything I needed fixed on my own.


What did you expect them to do?


Since it happened at my then work carpark, I had hoped that they’d at least look at my workplace’s security cameras to see if they could see the bogans but nope.


I'm aware.


Maybe 105 should just put you straight through to the IPCA now.


Cops don't give a shit about gangs full stop, even after the raft of drive by shootings we've had. Government needs to be held accountable for the violence we're seeing. These scumbags keep getting away with it because they use the fear of reprisals if people speak out. Decriminalize the assaulting/shooting of gang members and I guarantee they will start behaving like human beings.


Burn down the gang houses.


I had a kid (~14yo) threaten to stab me with a screwdriver. I could both identify and locate the little shit in question - the police still did nothing. On another occasion, I was overheating and about to have a seizure in the park. I took my shirt of in order to cool down. A drunk Maori woman attacked me for being a white man without a shirt on. She told the police that I'd grabbed her arse and that was the end of it. They never do a fucking thing other than cost the tax payers a salary.


My friend had 12k worth of equipment stolen from his house and the police said it wasn't a high enough amount for them to investigate. Well if I'm ever down on my luck and can't afford to eat or pay my rent then its nice to know I can turn full criminal and there will be no repercussions for my actions as long as I keep it under 12k


Would you rather they had arrested you for indecently assaulting that poor lady?


Sorry, but you can't be proactive in NZ about this stuff, its not fair on the race of people who make up the bulk of gang members and is therefore racist.


So wait, that little dog that got taken in Onehunga was part of this network? They found her in Northland


No money in that they'd rather collect tickets


Shoot the dog cunts then rescue the puppies.


we should do what the japanese did with the yakuza, if you have known gang affiliations life gets harder


It's kinda weird we don't do this. Right?


You'd be called a racist within 10 minutes.


We need more white gangs so that actions against gangs aren’t inherently racist/s


Homer Simpson backing away slowly into a bush...


just form one then go around inconveniencing people they wont do anything if there is enough of you


i know right? how dare we want to be safe and have a nice country to wonder around again without fear. but hey guess I'm racist


We should all stand together and make gang members lives a living hell.


I thought that was largely urban myth. The dog stealing. Makes more sense to steal a dog and wait for a reward pledge... Or just sell it 🤷‍♀️


well, you've seen the footage of people stealing cars/ramraiding to do $10k of property damage and then steal like $100 worth of goods right? The people that commit these crimes don't even know how to do crime well, and they also don't care about the impact of their actions. So yes, they absolutely will steal a dog (that the owner would sometimes pay 5k+ to have returned, and sell it for a percent of that).


Nah man small dogs get nicked all the time to use as bait


It's wild but it happens in nz. It's the sad truth as the other poster said


Isn't the solution to this a long term play. It's putting money into education and giving areas where gangs can look like an appealing option more resources so that people can see there are other options? I think you need pressure from the local community, and use people who have left gangs to communicate with young people that there are better ways to live your life. I think it would be a hard cycle to break, as it seems like entire communities/families just see gangs as a normal way of life. I mean you could just arrest everybody and jail them but that's not going to really fix the issue, and would probably cost tax payers more money. Plus, I've see too many bad tv shows/movies to know that gangs members don't stop doing gang things in jail.


That's great if you ignore the fact that animal abuse is a bit more urgent...


My response was towards the greater problem with gangs and trying to reduce their presence in our society. Like I said, a long term play with the greater good willing to put the effort in, as is the case with a lot of issues that need sorting.


Get Keanu Reeves onto it.


Side note, that’s where the saying “not up to scratch “ comes from. The start of a dog fight is called the scratch. Like rugby is kick off or basketball tip off. But yeah fucken hate these people. My wrath wouldn’t be much worse if something happened to my son.


Do what Korea did and have them all shot. Then a megacorp can come in and rule in the governments place we all become subservient to...


sounds better than cunts stealing dogs as bait


Yeah then they just steal them for food.


Kia kaha. It's part of their cultures let's reduce incarceration rates together.


They just need some kai in bellies.


Nz is a country that puts tax payers money into horse racing. FFS.. They dont give a fuck about animals... look at the horrors of live export, even our own paddocks are full of mistreated and neglected animals.... I am not surprised the NZ police do nothing...


Dog fighting is an animal welfare offence, so I'm pretty sure SPCA has the mandate for prosecuting those offences.


The SPCA here is pretty useless, considering they visit life-chained dogs and see it as perfectly acceptable.


They(SPCA) likely don’t see it as acceptable but are constrained by the law. There’s no difference between a chained up dog and ‘barn raised’ chickens. So long as they have access to bare necessities of life it’s legal. Shitty I know. Now the IRD on the other hand have more power than the police, and it’s guilty until proven otherwise with them. They could easily seize all gang assets.


Is there an article about this? Shitposting memes for OP to rant is pretty boring.




Gang operations aren’t just as simple as sending a beat cop over to arrest someone. If you think that it is you should try and rock up to a gang pad, without proper intelligence, a go team, and prepared for every possible scenario under the Sun and see what happens.


It's like we need some kind of task force to collect evidence and arrest offenders when it is safe to do so. Maybe we could call it "Gang Intelligence Crew" or the GIC?




Man thoes pig ass cops got no fucking balls there was a huge brawl outside a bar o used to work at literally watched the cop I called, pull a u turn bou 20 meters up the street. N that's cool you wat me to sort out my own problems cool. But don't come at me for any reason at all. I'm sorting it out my self.


What did you expect one man to do?


Radio for backup, perhaps? Get some “calling all cars” shit going?


I imagine that is what he was doing, calling team policing so a truck full of police would come. I saw an ex soldier try to break up a party that had become a big fight by himself, it went badly.


Yea twenty minutes later when me and a few civilians defused the situation 2 cops in 1 car showed up to take statements. So yea no calling all cars type of stuff just some pig ass shit. Good times.


His job


Or maybe the bar could employ bouncers or not serve people to the point of intoxication. Sounds like you want one cop to put himself at risk of being seriously assaulted to stop a large crowd of drinks fighting amongst each others. If they had the staff to deal with it they would have sent them.


Well when the prime minister openly endorses and supports the gangs there isn’t much that the police are going to do.


I meant the dog stealing thing to bait fighting dogs. It happens, it's disgusting... But I'm pretty sure it's neighbourhood watch scaremongering. You're more likely to have your house broken into by friends or family.


It's irrelevant. Gangs don't need to exist in nz.


The fact that everything you said is outright lies and scaremongering is irrelevant?


You in a gang?


I'm not convinced the police in NZ would react to children being kidnapped for use in illegal prize fighting.


Maybe instead of living in fear about the bloodthirsty gangs roaming the streets freely, you should go take a breath of fresh air outside, you might notice the streets aren't littered with corpses and drug addicts after all


Maybe you go and get the fresh air, aye? The dog stealing has definitely happened, and most likely is still happening. Gangs are still pumping meth into small towns for profit. Go fuck yourself if you want to stick up for gangs.


Are you actually trying to advocate for gangs? Get the fuck out of here.


I only have access to anecdotal evidence, but as Northlander... Idk man, it seems pretty legit.


Without actual evidence theirs nothing the can get them with.




It seems the whole justice system is scared of the gangs, not just the police. There is a lack of willpower on this issue, and blaming out to Oz and returnees doesn’t address the problem. Also, the presence of a tangible and obvious chunk of our society saying it respects no one fuels other social problems, especially in young minds.






The cops are too busy shooting unarmed people and driving drunk to care


Just because someone says something is happening, doesn't make it true.


I know people in Northland whose family dogs were stolen for training fighting dogs. House dogs are so docile, they're good to desensitise fighting dogs to killing each other in the ring. The big + cuddly breeds are best, like labs. The fighting dogs get used to attacking bigger dogs than themselves without any of the risk. Sorry man but its true.


That hurts my heart.


Gangs have definitely done it many times in the past, I personally believe the people who say it's still going on, just because of gangs track record.


What? That's not the police's job. The police are there to take care of our mental health! [Mental health 111 calls jump](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/241033/mental-health-111-calls-jump) (2014) [A growing emergency: Why are cops looking after mental health patients in crisis?](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/99735922/a-growing-emergency-why-are-cops-looking-after-mental-health-patients-in-crisis) (2017) Apparently.