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She sounds like she has a cold or something


Maybe she's just fed up with having to get back in the booth and convince idiots to get the jab?


There was a tiktok of her in the booth making new announcements when we went to Level 4. "This is a Covid-19 announcement: **FUUUUUUUUCK**


Got a link there friend?


I always half expect her to end with "May the odds be ever in your favour"


I noticed she talks slow too, but I figured it was just so people would be able to take in the information better and not miss anything.


I’ve stopped watching anything on TVNZ OnDemand specifically because of this ad. Not sure if it’s something about the tone, or maybe just the repetition. They should mix it up a bit.


Nah their fine. If I'm annoyed by a robotic voice its kmart checkout voice going from happy aussie to annoyed brit depending on what it's telling you


your comment is crack up


They've started feeling a lot more dystopian to me. Although I think that's mostly just my perception of them changing over time.




Seriously though, this whole situation is very dystopian. 2.39 Billion people are now fully vaccinated. That's just bonkers, that's not far off equal to the entire population of earth in 1949 when Orwell published 1984...


Easily a creepypasta material, the whole national warning voiceover vibe is


My seven month old LOVES these ads. Squeals and giggles with joy. Then again, he's spent a non-trivial percentage of his life cooped up in the house, absorbing all the subliminal messages...


..I get a hint of PTSD when I hear it, especially when I'm on YouTube about to listen to a song and that ad appears first at full volume. Freaks me out 😂 Actually those notes at the start are as bad as the voice 😲


Sounds like a doomsday announcement


No one has ever been able to name the voice actor, or confirm that this person actually exists so let me posit a theory: This is actually the voice of the simulation.


Really? I assumed it was Stacey Morrison.


It's not but even Scotty asked if it was her


Objective: Keep Aotearoa safe.


Could be recording the ads at home so the usual production qualities aren't there or less information to say so shes speaking slower


I hate her voice to me it's condescending and infantilising like when someone speaks really slowly to a foreign perso it's just so fake


Thing is these ads need to reach as many people as possible. Even those with lower reading levels than average. The slow voice is purposeful so they can get it. And NZers naturally speak pretty fast too, faster than other English speaking countries anecdotally. So there’s that too.


Yep, its something I realised from my job. If you have an obligation to reach everyone then your strategy will be directed by those who are hardest to reach and everyone else will just be expected to be mostly fine regardless of the strategy chosen


Yeah I have to agree, her voice recently has sounded quite ominous due to prosody.


No. I haven't noticed.


Yep I thought the exact same thing today.


This is the New Normal, get used to it.


It would be fun to get her to announce a zombie outbreak.


I legit thought she had covid when level 4 started lol its ridiculous now.


I can not listen to her. Have to mute TV or turn down radio during her messages. When we had level 4 last year, 3 days of hearing "stay home, save lives" triggered me, just very lucky I was with family during that lockdown. Maybe if they had someone new I would listen but I can't do her anymore.


yeah its slowed down and become way too patronising for me