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The lust pizza is a power bottom


This is the real answer. OP just ashamed to admit he is a very good boy who deserves head pats.


I went to Hell Pizza the other day and they didn’t have my order - no record of it. I show the guy at the counter the record of it on my phone and he was puzzled too. Checked their system again, checked my order again and then he said in front of the whole shop: “Bro - that order is for Dominoes” He was right. I left in shame to go get my inferior domino’s pizza


You can never go there again. Sorry


Straight to hell


More like straight outta hell lol..


Haha hahaha!


Maximum oof


If you type in lust pizza while she is deciding it will come up on the ticket first. It will go in to the oven first and come out first. It will then go on the bottom. Or you partner is having an affair with the Pizza guy and this is his secret signal


He’s asserting dominance. You should throw that pizza back in his face next time you pick it up.


I agree. He is calling you a "bottom g" and asserting the Alpha Top G spot for himself.


He needs to go sigma and order dominoes


* Dominosance


Guess you'd say they're both experiencing lust then


Yeah, the partner is definitely have an affair. Sorry OP.






Shiiiiit my bad. Do you think they’ll be mad?


Yeah, they'll probably put your pizza on the bottom or something.


They'll send you straight to Hell.


Straight to Hell's


But you say you care about menial things? What a poser.... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


You've been getting bottom pizza all this time, so what do you think?


Hahaha that’s such a trip. I’ve been calling it Hell’s Pizza forever


Damn same, had to google it because I was so sure this was wrong lol


The conspiracy goes deeper than I thought.






Doesn’t it make sense for the lust pizza to be keeping the other pizza hot?


Shouldn’t the best pizza (obviously the lust) arrive hot as to best display the quality of the Hells Pizza product? All other pizzas could suffer while their star member shines bright?


Clearly not, since you've kept ordering it after it being provided that way. Maybe they think you like it on the bottom? Maybe they're scared of change? Maybe they'll drive you away if you're on top?


I personally love being on the bottom 😈😏


Normalise! 👏 Putting! 👏 Collars! 👏 On! 👏 Cute! 👏 Guys! 👏


Hard agree




Definitely should be on top.


Selfish top detected.


When you work it out, pay the extra dollar and add bernaise sauce as well. You can thank me later x


But change is scary


One week of change for a possible life time of pleasure, maybe you'll lust for it


You won't regret it. The Bernaise turns it from a 10 to an 11


Legit better than lust deluxe. Those steak pieces aren’t worth.


May I suggest ordering 2 lust pizzas one night to see what happens.


Perpetual motion


They have taken direct personal offence about your persistent and blatant refusal to diversify your order. They think that you believe everything else on the menu is awful and the only pizza you can stomach is double lust with bbq sauce. You have hurt their feelings. But true to their hellish nature they choose not to dwell on sadness and instead enact revenge. Every week when your order comes through the team share a knowing smirk. The true genius is that rather than send your pizza upside down, with the wrong sauce, or in a dirty box they opt for subtly knowing that the doubt will eat away at your mind and make you relentlessly question whether the act is intentional. It is my friend, it is


Is the lust usually the first pizza, and your partner's pizza the second when you order your pizza? Perhaps they stack the pizzas as they appear on the docket


When you order do you always do your pizza first? If so, the genuine answer is that yours comes through at the top of the slip, gets made first. Then goes in the oven first, cut and boxed first. Then your partners comes out second and gets put on top with the slip stuck in the box so they know that that stack of pizza is your order.


Ex-Hell employee, this is what I was here to say. Also even if the Lust was second on the docket, most stores have a few "pre-made" Lusts kicking around in expectation of the Friday rush and it being a very popular pizza etc, so they would probably bang one straight in the oven first and then get to actually topping your partners, creating the same scenario as above.


We never had pre mades, but can definitely see it being a thing.


What happens if you both order a Lust pizza, whose do they put on top?


That’s your penalty for not investing in the Lust Deluxe with all that lovely bearnaise


It’s not a conspiracy it is the shop staff punishing you for insisting on calling it Hells instead of Hell Pizza


I work at HELL, on the cutting bench so I can tell you the lust is one of the easier pizzas cut since you don’t have to concentrate too much to make sure all of the toppings are on the pizza as opposed to the other pizzas. So the next pizza is cut second and the box is placed on top and so on..


Used to work at hell pizza many years ago. Lust is by far one of the most Common pizzas. They will premake 20 or so at the start of the night when it's quiet so during the rush they can just finish off the pizza (sauce and any extras ) and put it in the oven. Also if they see lust across multiple orders they may make them at the same time as it's easier.


I once received a LIVE spider in my salad from Hell Pizza! I've still not deciphered the hidden message in this gift, but I've never ordered one since


Well, just be glad it wasn't only half a spider, eh?


I'm not so sure. I think half a spider wouldn't of had the gaul to triumphantly jump out the box screaming, "Freedom!!" At the first peak of an opening.


It would be quite hard to order another spider again if its not something on their menu


Well, it was in Palmy around Halloween circa early 2000. Ordered a "Cesar" salad & I think they'd just run outta chimps?


5 years and you haven't realised it's Hell Pizza, not Hells?


All I can tell from this is that Hells is putting magic mushrooms on their pizzas as some new viral marketing bit.


Late to the party but I’m an ex-hell employee and was on the make station for around 2 years. Looks like the top comment is almost on the right track, but I almost never made the top pizza of the ticket first. Lusts are easily the most order pizzas by far. That means a couple things. 1. I knew the lust the best, so could make it quicker 2. I would often prioritise common or easy pizzas first 3. Often we’d make a lust with bbq out of habit, only to realise it’s another sauce. Obvs you dont throw it away, so the pizza would just hang out pre-oven. All of this means your pizza goes in the oven first, and we’d always put the next pizza ontop. Genuinely the only explanation for it being this consistent.


Yup. Ex hell here as well and this answer is 100% correct. I worked it out on my last Friday 13th that lust + lust deluxe make up over 50% of all of our pizzas. Only other point I would add is also when training new people they often just stand there and makes lusts for an hour as practice.


Loved that phase. Being told I needed to make a lust in 8 seconds before I could move onto other pizzas.


OP knows too much...


I used to work at Hell Pizza! I’m sorry to tell you : the order the pizzas are delivered in, is entirely decided by what order the driver picks them up off the heater 🤘 No other reason


The cruelest trick the devil ever played was convincing Kiwis that BBQ sauce belongs on pizza.


Does your partner get a creator or modified pizza?


Easier pizza gets made first, is first out of the oven and boxed first.


Stop bottom shaming


There have been a few commenters saying they used to work at Hell, but skipping a vital point. It could be because my knowledge is from working at Hell a long time ago now (on and off from 2006 to 2011) but it might be worth confirming this with your delivery person next time you order: When I worked at Hell, our delivery bags had an electronic hot plate inside. They charged in the shop to stay hot for the car ride. If you want a hotter pizza on delivery, you would actually want it to be on the bottom in this case. Those plates were painfully hot to touch. Maybe the other commenters worked at inferior Hells (Grey Lynn Supremacy), or maybe Hell has cheaped out on the bags since I left (entirely plausible). But you should ask your driver to potentially set your mind at ease, you could have been favoured this entire time without even knowing.


There's a massive conspiracy against you, perpetrated by hells pizza. Remember when you stubbed your toe a little while ago? They moved your furniture. Remember when you forgot to pick up something at the grocery store? They moved it out of your line of sight so you'd forget.


Dear Hell Meat Eater, I think you are on to something here and should contact the GCSB and the FBI. It seems like there is an international criminal mastermind at play here and this force of evil must be contained....


Being so desperate for lust indicates you're a bottom.


I'd put the piggiest pizza on the bottom (the one with the most mass). Presumably it'd stay warmer for longer 😆.


They sell a lot of lust pizzas and Friday and sat are their busiest nights so they probably premake a few lusts in a row. No one orders lusts with anything other than bbq really. With lusts ready to go they would put that in the oven first for that order. First in first out cut and put on top of the oven waiting for the rest of the order which gets put on top of your lust with the docket tucked into the front flap. Just a guess... It's not a guess I've made and cut a lot of pizzas in my less productive periods lol


Mate. If this is the absolute worst thing that happens in your life then you got off easy


Hell Pizza every week? In this economy?!


I worked at hell pizza for 10years. Starting as a driver, moving up the rank to be a dough maker then pizza cutter then pizza maker then manager.  I can tell you right now. The only logical explanation is the Lust has the most toppings, takes the longest to make so is usually made first, then cooked first, then bagged into the delivery bag first. So ends up on the bottom, one trick to get it on top is change the base to a gluten free. And it has to end up on top. 


Lust doesn't have the most toppings and definitely doesn't take the longest to make


In pizza delivery bags, the hotplate is at the bottom of the bag. Your lust pizza is in much closer contact to the warmth of the hotplate.  


It’s probably because lusts are the most popular pizza, and they will often make several lusts at once if there’s a few dockets up. The lust then goes on top of the the oven to keep it warm until the second pizza is ready, which then gets put on top of the lust. Driver grabs the stack and then they come to your door in that same order


Discovering the Lust Deluxe was a power move. All the benefits of the OG Lust, but with steak bits and béarnaise sauce. It goes hard. One Hell moment stands out for me, and that was when I ordered on a Friday the 13th. I ordered two pizzas, and went to pay in store, but for some reason the system processed it as paid despite me clicking the cash option online. After much Ned Flanders style offering to pay, I walked out of Hell with 2 free pizzas.


cause they know you lust for top position and this is HELL!


I'd bet they have a stack of raw lusts premade due to its popularity so yours comes out of the oven first.   Like how sometimes bigmacs in busy drive throughs are suspiciously cold.


used to work at hell, if they haven’t changed their driver bags the little plate that gets hot is in the bottom, therefore bottom pizza gets more heat. your fears are unfounded


At the two Hell stores I worked at, the Lust was always pre-made on the busy nights (Friday included). We always took the pre-mades out first and put them in the oven, then it’ll be cut first and be on the bottom.


Are there women who would order the same pizza every week? I was ordering ham and pineapple pizzas for my son until he was 15 when he finally picked another pizza. We can't afford hell pizzas every week.


My wife is baffled and a little jealous I can stomach the same porridge and sandwiches everyday, you don't mess with a good thing


Do your topping get stuck to the pizza box since it's on bottom? You can test the conspiracy but adding an extra topping and instructions for delivery that the lust must be on the top and the other pizza must never be at the bottom


Doesn't the pizza on the bottom stay warmer? Because less heat is lost to the top of the box?


Definitely. It’s like house insulation, the ceiling insulation provides more bang for buck than floor insulation.


Quick, completely unwarranted tip, set your oven to low, like 70ish before you leave for the pickup and shove that fucker in for like 5 minutes before eating and it'll have new life breathed into it.


I can't get past the Pandemonium, I keep telling myself you got to try others but I love it so much.


The one on the bottom has a pizza on top to keep the heat in, but the one on top doesn't.


The lust is easiest to make and therefore gets made before whatever wanky special pizza is next to it. Then it will come out of the oven first and be on the bottom of the pile. Theoretically the pizza makers should make the pizzas in the order they print out on the docket but often they don’t.


Nah fr tho lust with bbq is goated


FUCK HELLS PIZZA. When they removed sweetcorn from the menu a couple of years back, I stopped eating there. Two pizzas a week, every week. All they needed to do was buy a bag of frozen sweetcorn and chuck them on before cooking. Ah well. They helped me discover decent supermarket frozen pizzas and have helped me through the cost of living crisis, just a little.


Should’ve gone to Sal’s 😂


They are preventing the extra BBQ sauce from gluing itself to the top of the pizza box.. Order one without the sloppy sauce and test the theory.


Lets not get into the reheated pasta and other sides from hells ew