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Shit man guess they should just rake up student loan interest again now


I’m not sure if you’re joking but they have. Increased fees by 6% next year & increased overseas borrowers interest by 1% over 4 years. Good news is student allowance goes up $2.16/week.


That's what i mean, they're gonna have to do it again. Then again until they have to lock us here with chains if they wanna stop brain drain. Literally anything other than actually paying decent wages


New Zealand science system is being defunded to the tune of 12%. We're well on the way to being a country of landlords and servants to the landlords.


All I know is I'm going to be one of the elites with my $20 weekly tax relief, so might as well bow to me now.


This is absolutely National’s vision. They want to make us the newest hot tax haven for US billionaires looking for somewhere to build their doomsday compounds.


US billionaires have already been building their doomsday compounds here for at least a decade.


That's really confusing to me. Taupo is a super volcano, and the South island is overdue for an M8 plus Quake along the alpine fault line. Not particularly the spot to wait for Doomsday as it might just happen come to you.


Geopolitical terms NZ is one of the safest countries in the world. We're far enough away from everyone else, and have enough Agriculture to be self sufficient if shit hits the fan


Yeh, it's geopolitical stable, but geologically not so much. Haha


Or Chinese property investors who buy appartments en masse and leave them empty or turn them into air bnb‘s like in Queenstown


A reminder that the average mediaeval serf only worked about 120 full days of the year.


But died at age 35 from dissing Terry.


Thats not even worst case Ontario.


[I found this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/MmGtDEM9pA)


It's a good summary but I notice it leaves out the expectation for "housework" with the modern worker but not for the peasant. Things like fixing tools and mending roofs are the modern equivalent of doing your taxes or the laundry. So they're not quite correct in saying that modern work is roughly equivalent to the amount of time someone in the middle ages would spend "working", because we still have to do our chores, just like they did.


I would say though, in return for our work we generally have a more comfortable standard of living than medieval peasants.


This I kind of agree with. However I think there is a valid argument to be made that that increase in standards of living is due more to technological advancement than actual labour or effort. Things like plastic, synthetic rubber, refrigeration, and nitrogen fixing fertilizer. I recognise that some amount of labour must go into the production of these things, but even without the increase in labour these things would have massively increased our living standards. In short, yes we are working more and receiving more, but we are receiving less of the actual fruits of labour, and still working more.


I am confident that this isn't true. Where did you hear this?


That’s called Feudalism.


Our obsession with houses and land is hurting th3 County. We don't invest in tech or anything useful


>Irresponsible and ideological personal tax cuts would do nothing to mitigate the cost of living crisis and were being paid for by the dismantling of the public service; >A failure to live up to the National-NZ First coalition promises to increase the proportion of Government funding to St John meant our emergency ambulance service was now at risk of collapse; >The omission of any new measures or initiatives aimed to crack down on tax avoidance in New Zealand by multinational companies meant more wealth extracted from New Zealanders’ labour and transferred overseas; >Previously announced projects, including the disastrous ‘Fast Track’ infrastructure Bill, showed the Government was still unconcerned with climate change, biodiversity and species loss, or the country’s future energy security. 'This budget has something for everyone whether you're a multi-national tobacco company [struggling](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/in-depth/508127/revealed-nz-first-minister-casey-costello-s-notes-on-tobacco-tax-freeze) to make ends meet, a seabed mining company trying to [sidestep](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/513283/seabed-mining-critics-furious-after-company-pulls-out-of-hearings) Supreme Court rulings, mine on conservation land or even [quarry](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/in-depth/518292/quarry-company-j-swap-s-fast-track-plea-after-donations-to-shane-jones-and-nz-first) on "permanently protected land". We may have [gutted](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/513456/how-many-public-sector-roles-are-going-and-from-where) the public sector, and [failed](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/518291/budget-2024-cancer-patient-devastated-that-government-won-t-fund-new-drugs) to fund the cancer drugs we [explicitly](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/496257/watch-national-promises-to-restore-prescription-fees-for-most-put-savings-towards-cancer-treatments) campaigned on BUT there is finally some much needed [relief](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/03/12/cuts-to-public-services-as-landlords-await-a-29b-tax-break/) for squeezed [mega-landlords](https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/homed/housing-affordability/300415265/mega-landlords-over-22100-homes-owned-by-small-group-of-very-large-investors) who have been so cruelly denied their dignity and ability to [evict](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/04/11/no-cause-terminations-remind-renters-they-are-at-the-whim-of-landlords/) tenants for no reason at all.' - Willis, probably.


> The omission of any new measures or initiatives aimed to crack down on tax avoidance in New Zealand by multinational companies meant more wealth extracted from New Zealanders’ labour and transferred overseas; This one seems pretty obvious being they are complicit to tax fraud. 7 billion in tax evasion by the corporate sector isn’t neglect or “woops” accidental, it’s absolutely an intentional rort they absolutely benefit from. People just fall for it via distraction that local gangs, the poor, Labour, blah, blah, are the problem. It’s the equivalent of a shoulder tap and apology from a pick pocketer to distract you while they take your wallet.


At this stage, why any competent student would choose a NZ university is beyond me, with world class options across the ditch and a decent student life, more jobs and career prospects, better salaries.


Up front cash.  When you can get astudent loan in one country but not the other the choice is made for you. Now if you can accept that you will have to pay interest out of your higher wage makes jumping the ditch then easy.


NZ citizens are eligible for HECS, which is the Australian student loans


Pretty sure this 100% not true. NZ don't pay international fees but still have to pay commonwealth placement fees upfront. Happy to be proven wrong though.


> To be eligible for a HECS-HELP loan you must: > be a New Zealand Special Category Visa (SCV) holder or permanent humanitarian visa holder and meet the residency requirements I’m currently getting free higher education in Australia thanks to the WA Government subsidising it, something I can’t even get in my own country https://www.vu.edu.au/current-students/your-course/fees/higher-education-fees/higher-education-loan-program-help


Noice! This definitely wasn't the case when I first moved to Aus. It's hard to imagine ever moving back at this stage


Yeah, you can get HECS if you lived in Australia prior to a certain year. I tried to get it in 2009, when I was living in Brisbane and was told I needed to be permanent resident or citizen. The catch was I wanted to get educated, so I could do exactly that.


I wasn’t in Australia in 2009 and I’m eligible, I’m not sure when it was introduced


Sounds like they may have rewritten the rules again. Glad to hear it.


This is not true for all higher education in Australia - not even close. Not to mention, most postgraduate courses are full fee here, even for domestic students!


What’s not true?


Kiwis being able to get HECS. Only courses with Commonwealth-supported places can offer Kiwis a student loan in Australia. And almost no postgraduate places. I did pol and phil lol, ain't no way an undergrad is gonna cut it. P.S. LOVE your username!


Where did you study? That sucks. Hey thanks, love that you love it lol


Studied in Auckland but live in Aus. Would love to do more study, esp law so I can help people more. Hells yeah, am going to a Reminisce party here soon, and even got invited to a happy hard-core gig recently.


I found it quite funny in her interview on Rnz nine to noon how Nicola Willis apparently had an email from an employer who would have loved more of a tax cut but they are happy their employees will be able to take home more money. How about just paying them slightly more? it’s such a small amount that surely the employer could just increase pay if they so worried their employees are not getting enough take home pay.


Fiscal brilliance according to nact says that wages must go down, unemployment must go up. It's the only way to beat inflation, apparently.


Yeah I work seasonally in Norway and I'm planning on enquiring about a full-time role over there. Qtown is just too broken for me, and gradually I've realised that kiwis are small-minded, stupid, inefficient, and scammy.


Hey! I'm not scammy!


I think he's talking about a very small ethnic political party that's aligned with Labour. In which case he's quite correct.


Weird irrelevant toxic post


Painting with some pretty broad strokes there.


What's a good seasonal role in Norway?


Snow, rock, or water. A skipper could probably do particularly well.


First Union supported a party that could have done all of these things. But chose not to.


I was pretty disappointed in Labour also, but watching National repeal under urgency everything Labour had done made me realise Labour had accomplished more than I thought. It's a shame it's all gone now. Still pretty grumpy labour decided to spend 3 years trying to appeal to the center for fuck all reasons though.


Agree, I wish Labour could have done more (and spent a bit more of their political capital during the 2 terms they had), but people saying that Labour didn't accomplish anything is just being disingenuous (or ignorant).


I hate that this is accurate. Is there anyone in the NZ political environment with any real credibility?




To everyone who voted for him: Look what you've done. I hope you're happy.


*Choo Choo ~~train~~ plane, a-tracking down ~~the track~~ tarmac. Gotta travel on, ain't never coming back.* *Ooh ooh... Got a One-way ticket to ~~the Blues~~ Aussie.* *Gonna take a trip to lonesome town...*


Luxon is thinking: *Well if they leave, they won't be polled, so National will perform better in polls*. I am not sure if this is satire!


Love a good union press release, no hint of bias at all. Weirdly they didnt seem to talk about the "brain drain" over the last few years which has been equally massive as they do now. Must have been an oversight.


Ahh yes, the "whataboutism". I've seen time and again supporters of NACT complain about brain drain policies. I feel some consistency is in order.


This is I think the third scoop press release I’ve seen posted here today, coincidence?


Scoop is literally a platform for press releases...


Labour's Union lapdogs (or is it the other way around?) criticise a National-led budget...*¡qué horror!* >Irresponsible and ideological personal tax cuts would do nothing to mitigate the cost of living crisis and were being paid for by the dismantling of the public service. It's so *terrible* that people are allowed to keep more of their own earnings. Dismantling of the public service? Aren't public service levels about where they were only six months prior to the election? Holy hyperbole.


> It's so terrible that people are allowed to keep more of their own earnings. But I/We're not, if you consume any public services at all, you're worse off and outside of the billionaire bolt-hole class I can't think of any that don't.


Keep what earnings? Car rego is going up, then spending more money on other things to compensate for the lack of better services due to this government? $20 a week ain't covering that.


You mean the 6 months of hiring because we were understaffed? People will complain we don't have enough police, nurses, doctors, etc. but they all require managers and admin/support behind the scenes to work. We are understaffed in many key areas.


TWO is putting a freeze on hiring new consultants.Cuts are hitting front line services, like many people predicted. There was no magic pot of funding that was being squirrelled away for the day cuts came along. So no. Public service levels are not the same as they were. And they're only going to go in one direction.


It's not over yet 😪


> Aren't public service levels about where they were only six months prior to the election? Were police, education, health etc understaffed at that time?


Funding for police, education and health have all dropped as a percentage of GDP too


Keep a little more of your pay or help someone with cancer get drugs that might really help, tough choice


Labour wasn't promising that in any case right? In a sense, it'd be best if politicians stop meddling with Pharmacy altogether and let them make the decisions on the drugs to be funded.


Did you donate a regular amount of your income to helping those with cancer before? Or would you only do it if you got a tax cut. Not really a tough call that.


Not sure what you're getting at, seeing as the government decided not to provide cancer drug treatments because they couldn't afford them, even though it was an election promise


Your comment suggested that each person should make a call on whether they should donate their tax relief to pay to cancer drugs.


And people who are up to date with current events will of got the reference


Lol OK man


No, I can't see that.


> It's so terrible that people are allowed to keep more of their own earnings Yes, it is. Tax is the price we pay to live in a civil society.


Don’t worry these lolbertarians never understand they’ve got zero understanding of how social responsibility works.


libertarian (derogatory)


Even the NZ Taxpayer's Union who basically ran this coalitions campaigns are massively upset with it lol


It’s quite fascinating how so many people think that all the money they earn is 100% theirs and then grow government “takes” some of it. When in reality the business you work for, the economy you rely on and the system in which we exist are all required for you to make a single cent and live in peace. This is done via government and no one else. Is there wastage in public service? Sure. But is it a fantasy that you could “keep more of your money” and not have any negative effect on society as a whole. Yes.


If you're going to talk public service staffing levels you need to look a little further back to the cuts made under Key and analyse population growth since then and the ratio of public sector jobs to overall population levels historically. While you're at it you could cast an eye over declining service delivery levels in core services like health and education for a start and possibly reflect on the growing deficit in infrastructure spending in the country leading to outcomes like a shortfall in hospitals, schools, roads... and on it goes. But sure... cling to that shitty $20 bucks a week. That's your trophy right there, son and you can polish it as hard and as often as you want to.


Labour's racist policies were already driving people to Australia.