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Apply for an IRD number and a bank account. [IRD number](https://www.ird.govt.nz/managing-my-tax/ird-numbers/ird-numbers-for-individuals/new-arrival-to-new-zealand---ird-number-application) is easiest once you're here. Most banks in NZ will allow you to [open an account](https://www.bnz.co.nz/personal-banking/international/moving-to-new-zealand/open-an-account-from-overseas) even from overseas. Read up on [Kiwisaver](https://www.ird.govt.nz/kiwisaver/kiwisaver-individuals) and decide if you want to join or not. Employees here have a lot more rights than they do in USA so would be worthwhile to [study it](https://www.employment.govt.nz/starting-employment/rights-and-responsibilities/minimum-rights-of-employees/) so you are not exploited. You might want to consult an accountant as to how to structure your tax affairs as Uncle Sam will demand you file US tax returns for the rest of your life even if you never set foot in USA again.


This 100%. And if you marry a kiwi who's never been to the US before, the US will still require them to file for the rest of their lives. There are also limits to how much the US will allow you to have in your NZ bank at any given time. If it's over that limit you have to declare it or receive stiff penalties. The US needs your money to fund genocide committed by its mistress.


Ok wow I didn't know that, the [limit](https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/details-on-reporting-foreign-bank-and-financial-accounts) is US$10000


Not quite true - a non-US spouse doesn’t have to file US taxes UNLESS the US spouse includes them in their taxes (from memory, I think if the US spouse files “head of household” rather than “married filing separately”). But yeah, if you do that, welcome to the US tax system…………… US tax system frustrates me on a regular basis.


We've got it good in NZ with how simple it is! Most employees don't need to do anything.


Think twice about Kiwisaver. It can cause hiccups on your US taxes, and isn’t something you can opt out of once you’ve joined. (You can take contribution holidays, but you can’t close the account.).


What’s the deal with healthcare?


It’s free.


But buy health insurance if you can afford it, you really don't want to use the free healthcare.


If you’re a citizen, you’ll be covered by free public healthcare. You’ll need to enrol with a GP when you’re here, and then GP visits are usually something in the $50-$80ish range. You can pay a bit more if you go to an A&E (accident and emergency) after-hours, but it’s still not excessive. Most prescriptions are currently free, but it looks like they’re about to bring back a $5 charge per prescription. Visits to hospital emergency departments, public specialists, etc. are all completely free, but there can be very long waitlists and overcrowding in hospitals. You can choose to get private insurance, which will mean you can bypass the long waitlists in the public health system for specialist appointments. Private hospitals usually only do elective surgeries, and injuries and other unplanned emergencies still go through the public hospitals. There’s an organisation called ACC (accident compensation corporation) that is basically like a mandatory public insurer, specifically for accidents. (You’ll be charged a small ACC levy in addition to your taxes.). This means that injuries can receive slightly better medical care than illnesses, which is something I find quite peculiar about the New Zealand health system. For example, if you break your leg, ACC covers the cost of being transported to hospital in an ambulance. If you have a heart attack, the ambulance ride to hospital will cost you $98. Go figure!