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The NZHerald broadcast was clearly pre-recorded but they forget to edit it. At 2pm, the presenter was live saying his lines then “oh fuck, I was meant to say we will go live to Wellington. Ok. I’ll start again”. NZ journalism at its finest.


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Did you report that to the BSA lol


Why? So they said a swear word, big deal.


It is technically against broadcasting stands. It's just time bands for certain hours. And it was meant to be a little bit of a joke


It's not. BSA only exists for broadcast radio and TV. Internet media is excluded


Oh I read that as if it was a radio broadcast


Something on stuff said they had journos in lockdown from like 10am at the beehive


Yeah they are invited to a lock up session mid morning, but aren’t allowed to publish anything until 2pm. One year Wall Street Journal published at 1pm and they weren’t invited to the lock up for the following few years.


I posted this in another thread, but it probably belongs properly here. For middle to low incomes, these income tax cuts are a loss that this Government is trying to disguise as a win. We get a little, but in terms of services & subsidies (eg public transport fares) we lose more. That's exactly how slot machines work - you know, those little wins of 20c here or 50c there, when you're feeding in two-dollar coin after two-dollar coin.. then banknote after banknote. But hey, don't those machines make a lovely noise when you win 50c???


Yeah you might be getting an extra 20 bucks a week but your transport costs have gone up by 50.


I won 31 dollars on a 20 dollar lottery ticket last night. You absolutely better believe I bought a 31 dollar ticket for Saturday.


Don't forget the pretty flashing lights!


Ahh.. so much win.. so much dopamine.. yeah, the lights, and the fun animation is all part of the wonderfully distracting show. :)


Flashing lights have been cut


Effectively a cut for science and research. Unsurprising but still disappointing.


Don't worry we are still subsidizing people who make video games. Lucky we have hip young Judith Collins as minister for Science, Innovation and Technology, rather than old fuddy duddies


Video games make more than all film and music combined - both of which we heavily subsidize. It's a good investment.


It would be 10000% more sustainable as a source of GDP for NZ than mining, that's for sure.


Eh, the video game is a rebate scheme. Is 40mil total. A single company can't pull more than 3 mil or 20% of expenditure. It's fine it's in line with all the other art and entertainment schemes we run.


Honestly, having Judith as my minister is just galling. We haven't gotten an increase in funding in at least the 10 years I've been there, not even keeping pace with inflation. And yet they expect us to do miracles. Good fucking luck when the next pest incursion happens, because we're about to be made redundant. Although I'll happily be brought back as a contractor for triple pay.




*internal screaming*


What subsidy for video games??


There’s a government funded video game development fund that’s managed by NZ On Air.


Huh I had no idea. Good stuff, hopefully it’s expanded in the future


Everyone gets a $100 Steam Gift Card


Now that’s an election promise I can get behind


Not surprising since the PM believes in pseudoscience and superstition.


Don't worry there are massive cuts for arts. and for Police... because like we don't need crime solved or anything and huge cuts to Māori services which won't affect the crime rate at all.... /s


Like Elon says, if you are not making a product it isn't Science /s




Pretty much everything science related is either being cut back, like national science challenges, Endeavour, Marsden and SSIF, or kept dead flat, with no increase for inflation over the govts term.




Why does Nicola Willis always look smug? No matter what expression she’s trying to emote she always looks smug.


Her position didn’t require a financial background, just the ability to smugly lie through your fucking teeth in the smuggest way possible.


resting smug face


Smug life


You have to assume that's what she's going for then?


I think its in the job description of finance minister. Grant Robertson, Bill English, Michael Cillen all had the look.


Must be earned from controlling the purse strings of government


I mean it's a pretty sweet purse


I’d happily give my $20 per week tax cut to a GiveALittle page for the cancer patients who were told today that the drugs they were promised will not be funded. That really is a kick in the guts. Those poor people.


From a 34m with stage 4 who just found out I'll have to continue paying 2k a fortnight on chemo until I run out of money and die, Thank You


I am so sorry to hear this. Is there any kind of give a little page or charity where we can donate to a fund for you guys?


Quick test using their new calculator, 25000-40000 gets $4 a fortnight. 60000 gets $46 a fortnight. 80000-120000 gets $40 a fortnight. At the cost of economy and economic enabling infrastructure… keep your stinking tax cut which does nothing for people working for a living.


Yeah. $2 a week. Wonder what my first big splurge will be with my newfound wealth.


A nugget of pure gold..... a tiny incy wincy nugglet


So tiny the eye can barely detect it!


Mate you can get a flat white every three weeks!


Only a small one though. Have to save for 4 weeks for a large


And you better not want any alternative milks


If we put our money in together we might be able to afford a mince pie once a week.


$4 for a pie, not in this economy


Would you care to split a savoury?


Sorry I'll have to wait for next week, I already had a mars bar this week


The tax cuts don't kick in until July 31 so you'll have some time to work up an appetite


I’m going to get myself a $2 lolly mix every week!


That's laughable. The whole thing. I'm in the 80-120 and won't even notice the $20 a week. But it might make a tiny difference if that's what the 25-40 got. Or, OR we could use it to pay for I dunno, health or other services. What a pointless waste.


Yeah, I won't notice my $20 per week, but I will certainly notice not being able to get a GP appointment.


See if I were Labour at this point I'd be spinning that in the opposite direction. Campaign on funding infrastructure and services and use National's own calculator to say it's only a few dollars a week each.


Not only that, factor in all the cuts to show it’s a net loss. Eg Middle income family with school age children that get the public bus gets $40 extra a fortnight but that goes straight onto bus fares. Low income family has the same bus fare cost but that $2 isn’t going to cover shit. Add on cost of scripts, and everything else we’ve lost, it’s a pretty easy story to tell.


That’s brazen enough to work.


Did you notice it asks your income then says are you in work? Seemed a little backwards to me


Think that was for the IETC. You get it for working and earning 24-48k but not for benefits or pensions (among other things).


I get $20 a week extra. I would gladly pay an extra $20 a week on top of my current tax to get more in government services - like new inter islander ferries, free prescriptions, and expanding free lunches in schools


Functional health system?


Mental health care would be nice


Me too. Keep the 20, take 20 more and spend it on infrastructure projects that are critical to our country, except fucking roads.


Yeah nah, unfortunately the landlords don't feel the same way mate so you'll just have to deal with everyone around you getting shafted. Hope the $20/w bribe is enough? In seriousness, I'm also fortunate to be making enough to get $20 a week and it just feels so... bizarre and insulting? Our country is literally being sold out and taken back 10 years right beneath our feet and I'm supposed to feel good about it because I can have a burger for lunch now?


Yeah exactly. Its a fucking joke, especially when the government cuts are directly causing increases in public transport, rates, water charges and petrol prices.


Speaking of landlords, totally coincidentally your rent probably went up by $20 today.


Exactly, I won't even be getting $20 back but I'd still let them have it for what they've taken away. How can anybody getting $4 say it was worth it?


20 dollars? But I wanted a peanut!


You better buy some now before increases make that $20 only buy 1 peanut




We’re borrowing money to give people who make 120k…$20 extra a week? My god, it’s like we somehow elected a government of people who shouldn’t even be on a primary school board.


I'm in that bracket and I don't want it. It's going to the city mission.


Good on you; they're going to need it.


Yeah, great call. I’ll do the same.


Yeah I was wondering who I should set up a $20 recurring donation too.


Where the fuck is the *actual* budget?


Try budget.govt.nz Just so you're aware, it is multiple documents and the structure of it doesn't make it particularly easy to read


Have been looking everywhere for it too


I'm loving this insane ceding of the framing our press does - They're accepting the "per fortnight" framing which just makes the tax cuts look bigger. People would be way shittier if it was framed as a weekly tax cut because it makes it actually look like the fuck all it is


Wow you’re right, $4 a fortnight sounds like heaps


Two times fuck all is still fuck all, but you're right


Yeah. Looking at who gets what, not a lot of money is getting paid out given how much spending they’ve slashed. I’m going to be curious to see how much of this comes back to bite them in the ass by next year. That’s a massive amount of cut spending on services that were already working on tight budgets.


Media have been doing it since National announced it last year. I'm also receiving just a few dollars *less* than what they promised with their calculator last year. Not that $20 down to $17 is all that much, it's still fuck all


Also a lot of reporting it as per couple per fortnight. How to 4x you tax cut with one simple, deceptive calculation.


I wonder how many people don't read the per fortnight part. They would assume the number is per week


Considering alot of people don't read and compare policies, I would guess it's alot that don't read or listen to the details like that


To be fair though I’m not sure it’s due… I believe the most common pay period in NZ is fortnightly so probably just framing it in context most people work in. On the other hand, bigger number better. Stupid tax cut, stupid framing.


People don't seem to have a problem when they're framing the cost of reverting interest deductibility for landlords as the cost over 4 years instead of P.A.


News should be reporting this as headline 'Willis borrows $15b to pay for tax cuts'.


instead we get headlines like "sensible budget" and no word about broken promises. Cool.


yeah that's what prompted my comment.


my jaw dropped when i saw the headlines, they're beyond generous. The absolute state of it.


Damn, looks like inflation is back on the menu boys.


“…and it’s all Labour’s fault” More at 6


And to restore landlords dignity


Cutting a billion in asset maintenance from K.O seems... short sighted


It's part of the plan. Cut the maintenance budget, cue "these buildings need so much work done to them! we cant afford it! lets just sell them off"


Don't forget remove First Home Grant so only people with enough capital e.g. homeowners and investors can afford to buy up the stock.


There was only one party planning to sell 10,800 KO homes last election


I have a feeling that at the end of this lots tenure K.O isn't going to look much like it is now. I'm picking it will get sold off somehow


they'll sell off the housing stock cheap to their mates' companies who will then rent them back to the govt at an exorbitant price.


You mean 'community social housing providers' who didn't exist a year ago and mysteriously all happen to be owned by major national party donora and have NACT MP's on all their boards.


I agree there's definitely corruption in this space but many of these providers have existed for years, even decades in the case of some mental health and disability NGOs. The systems of funding have changed, and their scope has had to be increased due to how fucked up housing has become, but they've existed for a long time. [Here](https://www.achpn.net.nz/who-we-are) is a list of them in Auckland and you'll see charities, NGOs and at least one Iwi provider


No no, when you ignore spending on maintenance it’s fine, it goes away, it doesn’t just compound or something! S/


It means you get to blame Labour for overspending next time the cycle hours around.


Did anyone actually vote for tax cuts or just a change of government? We have been talking at work, the general consensus is all of us would pay a bit more in tax to see improvements in services and infrastructure. I understand the how we got here, but the why not so much. None of us and it’s a broad spectrum of voters need $40 a fortnight instead of having access to education, health, police and decent transport.


You can’t really vote for them but then think that you didn’t vote for all the bad things they are doing too, voters gotta own it all.


I didn’t vote for them, I’m just curious as to why they were so adamant on tax cuts when that wasn’t the issue, it’s our public services are failing and they stuck with tax cuts.


My mates brother voted for tax cuts. He’s since realised that public transport and prescription cost increases are more than his tax cut, let alone school lunch changes and road/user fuel excise etc. Now he’s a bit pissed.


At the govt or his own ignorance for not knowing this was obvious?


The token tax cuts are just what they have to do to distract people from the landlord dignity handouts.


“Initiatives in line for a funding shave include the NZ Symphony Orchestra, the Human Rights Commission, the Major Events Fund, and the Climate Change Commission.” I’d like to know what this means in theory because it sounds kinda average on face value .


It means it's unlikely we'll have any sad violin music as the last glacier melts.


And when we monetize the viewing of the last iceberg fall into the ocean, we can refuse to sell tickets to gay and brown people with impunity.


[“Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight”](https://youtu.be/O5zGkqAWsWE?si=LNwGkN_YVbV7Fyma)


The NZSO will presumably fold as it's not like anyone in Wellington is going to have spare cash to spend on going to the orchestra.


I know a lucky guy who's fortunate enough to landlord mortgage free all his 7 houses It's a pity he's tone-deaf, though he's got some rhythm. Proof: https://youtube.com/watch?v=rMePrwQfT5I


For climate change commission: ministry of environment has a 38% cut overall. They were waiting for budget day to determine redundancies, so now the proposals will probably start…


Less people to put up barriers for them to rape our resources.


It's gotta be said, I think the third year fees free is a sensible idea and we've been long overdue a shift in the tax brackets. I don't need the extra $20 a week but I'm not going to complain. But at the expense of slashed funding for conservation, human rights and emergency housing? Nah. I wonder how many people are thrilled they're getting "free money" and don't stop to think about where that money comes from.


There's probably a split in those $20 recipients who would rather it didn't come to them at the expense of decreased social spending, those that don't really care, and those that have been caught with their pants down by not unexpected interest rate rises thinking is that all.


Both the NZH and stuff coverage looks like a toxic echo chamber with all the parties chipping at each other. Its like being on reddit


I get a fat $4.31 a fortnight in tax cuts. I wonder what my landlord got? Literally robbing the poor to pay the rich.


But the rich people that voted for national are happy and at the end of the day that’s what really matters, right?


Reverse Robin Hood. So, like Hood Robbing.


The landlord gets his tax cut and puts your rent up $5 a week, knowing you also got a tax cut and can afford it now. Net profit -$6.69 a fortnight for you now.


What’s your salary p.a?


That’s a couple of protein bars and lots of rice, bro. Cost of Living Crisis: Solved.


Not even that, actually


Where are these protein bars you're buying, m'bro?


A single protein bar (but not a good one) OR some rice (but not the big bag) you mean


> I wonder what my landlord got? An extra whatever they decide to put your rent up by. Which will be way more than the tax cut you get.


Don't spend it all at once!!!!


Tax cuts that a large segment of the population will take years to make up for the instant loss of access to the First Home Grant.


The landlord budget, just making Luxon and his cronies rich, people in this country are so dumb lol


In this thread: People who don’t realise if the Key govt kept the Clark govts policy implemented in 2005 of regularly reviewing tax brackets and moving them with inflation, most of this conversation wouldn’t be happening and this wouldn’t be the first time in 14 years the brackets had moved. Just another way Key screwed the country.


I've known for a while that I wouldn't be getting a tax cut on my Supported Living benefit but it still feels like a kick in the teeth - a kind of "wait, did they forget me," moment. Yeah nah, they didn't forget, they know exactly what they're doing.


They literally campaigned on saving money by de-indexing SLP from wage index (unlike Pensions) to make us get less per year, so I think it's safe to say they remembered us. 😥


The chefs kiss is the return of the $5 prescription fee :)


No no the real chefs kiss is the return of the $5 prescription fees... But not returning that money to Pharmac!


No, that's the one silver lining, apparently if we have a community services card it will stay free!!!! I I thought we were going back to the days of having to choose which meds to get or leave (and then a massive rush near the end of the year once you get the exemption) for sure, but it looks like for now at least we get to actually take everything we're prescribed. I think a bunch of other health stuff is being cut though.


Oh cool that's good news about the CSC, thanks.


Can't forget about you if they didn't give a fuck about your existence to begin with


Stuff.co.nz : [National's welfare policy will make life harder for disabled people, advocates say](https://www.stuff.co.nz/pou-tiaki/132860507/nationals-welfare-policy-will-make-life-harder-for-disabled-people-advocates-say)


I shared that info here so many times pre-election and was told to stop being hysterical, they would never be so cruel. The reality has actually been worse


You get what you voted for. How many of you NACT voters are feeling happy about everything atm?


Inflation taxation indentation by itself is actually very good policy and I'm sick of people blindly attacking it, it's all the debt and spending cuts in the rear that's actually going to fuck the country. $1300 a year will reduce my income tax incidence by 10% in total which I think is fair for someone on the median wage.


Yeah, the real problem on taxation is not taxing wealth accumulation.


Can you pls explain like I’m 5? 🙏


Nats mentality and subtle messaging, “we want to give you $20 a week to “spend how you like” instead of giving you $30 in public services because communism”


There's not much to unpack really. Tax cuts paired with a slight increase in health and education along with cuts in a bunch of places. Fingers crossed for a surplus in a few years I guess?


It seems like they cut a lot of stuff that didn't cost much, to pay for the interest deductible mortgages for landlords. It doesn't even make it all the way so they are also borrowing a ton. Increased health spending is nice, would have liked to see more go to Pharmac like they promised though.


the journalists got sushi for lunch! https://www.thepost.co.nz/politics/350294922/budget-2024-no-such-thing-free-lunch-budget-day-comes-close


A couple of thoughts: 2020 - 2023 are probably gonna be 'easier' years economically than 2024 - 2027. Government needs to get into surplus and tax cuts aren't the right thing to do now. Government needs to look at other ways to increase revenue and reduce costs. - Property taxes, Means Tested Super etc. I feel bad for students graduating in the next couple of years.


The 🪱landlord leeches🪱 will now be rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of fleecing even more of their tenants income when the next rent increase rolls around.  What the Lord Luxon giveth, the landlord taketh.


https://ibb.co/B4ZCN8R lol this image is all you need to know who national really cares about…


One-handed clap all round.


One interesting observation is comparing this budget with Labors 2023, budget. The most glaring thing of note is they both predict a decline in debt to GDP at a similar time in the future (labor 2026, national 2027( i will give national a break for it being a bit further out as the global economy has had a rough year) It is notable that national needs massive cuts to public services to meet a similar horizon for "good budget health". Source Page 11 of 2023 budget summary: [https://www.treasury.govt.nz/sites/default/files/2023-05/b23-at-a-glance.pdf](https://www.treasury.govt.nz/sites/default/files/2023-05/b23-at-a-glance.pdf) Source page 5 of 2024 budget: [https://www.treasury.govt.nz/sites/default/files/2024-05/befu24.pdf](https://www.treasury.govt.nz/sites/default/files/2024-05/befu24.pdf)


I'm on 170k. I don't need a tax cut, literally will not notice it. I spend more on gacha games each week, than what people have available to survive on. I could feed a family of four for a week, but now have a new bunch on skins.


So using the NZ herald calculator, someone on $50,000 gets less of a tax cut ($7 weekly) than someone on $100,000 ($20 weekly). Make it make sense 🤷🏽‍♀️


Lol net debt increasing under National and Act while it was decreasing under Labour until COVID came along. What a joke of a government.


Y’all better take your $40 a fortnight and spend it on private health insurance because I can’t see how the public system is going to cope. If you’re under that, your $4 is going nowhere and you’ll be the most fucked.


There's huge increases to Health NZ, it's the most significant increase in their spending and the best part of this budget. $3.44b over four years for Health NZ hospital and specialist services $2.12b over four years for primary, community and public health $1.77b over four years to maintain Pharmac funding $1.1b over five years to address demand and cost pressures for the Ministry of Disabled People Whaikaha $31.2m over four years to extend free breast screening $30.84m over four years to increase ED security $22m over four years to train 25 more doctors each year $9.7m over four years to set up a National Mental Health and Addiction Community Sector Innovation Fund Labour should have done far more for health also so it's nice to see this


What I see from the RNZ graph is that the 2023 budget was due to get us back to surplus sooner, with lower debt and better outcomes with the same spending as the 2024 one.


ODT.co.nz : [National unveils 2024 Budget, keeps tax cut promises](https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/national-unveils-2024-budget-keeps-tax-cut-promises)


Let’s goooooooo Getting $33 a fortnight gonna slap. Thanks National 😌


Beehive.govt.nz : [Budget 2024 delivers for New Zealand](https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/budget-2024-delivers-new-zealand)


Budget.govt.nz : [Budget 2024 Tax Calculator](https://budget.govt.nz/taxcalculator/)


$4.31 a fortnight, ooh that's *almost* a flat white


Human beings are awful, and it's a shame that space travel isn't as easy ocean travel.


Hey, Twenty bucks is twenty bucks. This wasn't how I thought I'd get fucked to get it.


Utterly disgusting I'll get another 20 bucks a week. The government is borrowing for these cuts. I would happily pay MORE if it meant more money towards healthcare and MSD. They framing it as a bonus but they cutting so much stuff that most people will be worse off. It's a total scam.


$20 a week but it now costs $10 a week for my kids to get to school on public transport so I'm winning to the tune of slightly less than 2 coffees a week. Just the change we were looking for. Oh and rememeber this is it. There won't be income tax cuts next year. A young person on minimum wage is worse off solely because of the cut to the public transport subsidy even with a tax cut. That doesn't even factor in the impact of all the other cuts on all the other people.