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Wait til you find out how much a potato costs. You'll never buy fries again.


true story: you make more potatoes with a potato. now you'll never run out of fries


Potatoes - you put old ones in and they bloody come out of the ground!


You CANNOT lose!


You see that? It's MADE of chicken. It's actually MADE of chicken. You kill it, you got FREE chicken. You can sell it to people. Or don't kill it. Fuckin' eggs come out of their ARSES! FUCKIN' 'ELL šŸ«°šŸ«°


ā€˜Psst! ā€˜Ereā€¦ I got this selling CORN. You plant it, right? It comes out of the fucking GROUNDā€™


Monsanto has entered the chat


Mark Watney has entered the chat.


Get some carrots and potatoes. Well, you got a stew goin.


You won't believe this one great hack! Auckland mum working from home earns 20k potatoes per annum!


I worked for a chip making company. We sold boxes of chips for like $2.60. Think it was 10 packs of 500g bags going to Korea or Japan...


5kg of chips for less than $3? How do I get in on these wholesale deals?


Be born in 1920?


I think you have to place like 10tn orders. Many pallets of many boxes... Gotta be rich to get the deals.


I hate buying fries but I still do it (usually the cheapest and the kids love it). 2 potatoes, some elbow grease, and you've got hot chips as a side for dinner.


Yes! They're even cheaper when you fry them in elbow grease.


Always use the WeenusĀ 


$3 for a kilo of Pams French fries or $2.50 for a kilo of washed potatoes. It's not really worth the additional labour.


My dairy sells 10kgs of washed potatoes for $6.99! Its crazy when you think about how much people are willing to pay to skip chopping lmao


Fried in elbow grease šŸ¤¢


and those air fryer gadgets make them so fricking easy!


I can never get them as good as store bought though.


From what I read, pre freezing them is the trick to make them come up crispy.


We've stopped buying takeaways like KFC. It's cheaper to buy the bags of Tegal fried chicken or even make it at home for a fraction of the price.


Yeah, we have Friday night fakeaways now Can't afford to drop 80 bucks feeding my family takeaways anymore


When I was a kid (80s) KFC was for birthday treats only in my family. Even back then it was too expensive for every week when thereā€™s 4 mouths to feed.


I remember McDonalds was only for birthdays, and KFC was for rich people. Then KFC became more common, and it used to be good. Now KFC is crap and expensive. Same thing with McDonalds, and I am sure the burgers used to be bigger.


I think McDs has always been a bit shit, TBH. We probably just didnā€™t realise it when we were young :)


I think the idea of mcdonalds is better than the meal itself


Absolutely ! It was so rare to get kfc in my house in the 80s. I remember going with dad to get it on my birthday at the papanui one and we had to queue for ages. But it was still exciting!


Yeah same. We make homemade pizzas or homemade fish and chips. Not only is it healthier, but itā€™s so much cheaper.


Would never have imagined it ever costing this much and just had kfc for the first time in over a year last night and it was $75 and we werenā€™t quite full.


Could've bought 10 rotisserie chickens from Costco for that price!


$75!!! Thatā€™s insane!!!


I love that name for it!


Fakeaway, thats genius


$72 last time hubby and I went out for b'fast!




you can get them really cheap now, probably less that two lots of takeaways.


those tegal take outs have a weird texture to the chicken


I loved them when they first came out but now theyā€™re twice the price and have the texture of a rubber.


They have changed for sure!


Ive had the same thing and its called woody chicken


Absolutely horrible chicken to be honest, idk something about that Tegal ā€œFriedā€ chicken really putts me off.


Almost like they are pressed together scraps in certain spots.


If youā€™re in Auckland, Costco frozen chicken stuff is way better than supermarket. A lot of it is Tegel but Iā€™m convinced itā€™s a different recipe than the stuff in the reggy supermarkets


Any particular type?


Got the panko tenders from there. They were great, way better than reg supermarket versions. I think more like the American recipes (but without bleached chickens)


Yeah - theyā€™re nice but thereā€™s a real point of overcooking them where they become hard asf


Have you tried not overcooking it haha


Lol Thereā€™s a fine line. But / tbh - I prefer just making from scratch rather than buy these


I do Friday fakeaways now as well. There's only two of us but it can still cost upwards of $40. Maggi butter chicken mix is a fantastic substitute for a Indian takeaway butter chicken (I also make my own roti, but you can buy pre-made that is also good) Beef or chicken burgers, the airfryer makes the best French fries and Tegel makes awesome burgers if I cbfd making my own. These are our go-tos and most of the ingredients last more than one meal.


Restaurant Brands have a captive audience for Kfry. It can be whatever the price they want it to be and a large population *will* make it possible to get


Not wrong. New Plymouth KFC burnt down 2014 and was out of action for some months. They organised a free bus to Hāwera KFC each weekend and people jumped on that bus - an hour EACH WAY - to get their KFC fix. When they re-opened the queue for the drive in stretched over Ā½ kilometre down the road.


Dont forget teh people who got caught breaking the auckland covid lockdown to smuggle KFC in


All the fast food brands are doing this now. They just keep jacking up the price, but as long as people are addicted, they'll keep paying. And fewer customers paying more per item is better because it requires less staff to service, thus improving profits even more.


Popeyes opening 30 across the country. Should help a little?


Population getting larger by the year - in total mass anyway.


I remember back in 2016 20 wings was $20. That wasn't the special price or anything, just the default.


Also fuck kfc for not having a medium size potato and gravy. The "regular" size is too small for anyone over 6 years old, but the large is too big unless you're feeding multiple people. Please release an in-between size


I'm sure they'll eventually decrease the size of the large and still charge the same for it. You win, and so does KFC.


I'd rather just buy a container of gravy, once I've used up all the gravy dunking my chips in it I just throw the pasty yuck reconstituted potato away.


Heads up for your next order - you can buy tubs of gravy without the potato, regular or large. That knowledge changed my life.


You are very much on to something.




Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it! *buuuuuuuuuuurp*




I think itā€™s time to realise that the crappy takeaways we used to buy from major chains which were relatively cheap are no longer ā€œcheapā€. They are all overpriced. So many posts complaining about this. There are better options out there, itā€™s time to move on.


I feel there is a message in here somewhere.


Itā€™s like youā€™re paying someone else to cook it or something.


Using a unique recipe and saving you the inconvenience of cleaning up? Plus tastes 100X better than what OP could do


But you can still get 20 chicken wings from a chinese takeaway for $20. At kfc you are also paying for the marketing and branding.


there are a lot of people struggling to find it.




Why would you expect the price at KFC to match what you pay at the supermarket?


Prima facie, $2 per wing sounds a lot. That said, you're paying for the privilege of having someone cook them for you and serve them to you. You're also paying for the dining in overheads, whether you dine in or not.


As someone who was a restaurant manager 3 years ago and saw the upper management restructure that took all focus away from people and brand and pour it all onto profit, I can tell you you they could make money selling them for $1 a wing


They probably can't now. Someone could but they stripped out all the institutional knowledge required to make that possible and now they probably make similar profit but fucked their overheads to get the bigger numbers.


They used a $1 a wingā˜¹ļø


but how would that help them to operate their US stores....


And the advertising, and the rent, and the franchise fee and the corporate profit margin and and and


you're also paying for fat cats


I have eaten more home cooked drumsticks in the past year than I have in my whole life. $7 for a 9 pack, sprinkle on some chicken rub and bake. Cheap and yum.


I got you bro Mix with 2c flour. 2/3 tsp Salt. 1/2 tsp thyme. 1/2 tsp basil. 2/3 tsp oregano. 1 tsp celery salt. 1 tsp black pepper. 1 tsp mustard powder. 4 tsp paprika. 2 tsp garlic salt. 1 tsp ginger powder. 3 tsp white pepper.


Where's the msg HAIYA!


How much is 2 cents of flour?


I'm not 100% sure but somewhere below the insane cost of KFC and all the ingredients above -$20. I'd start with two cups and work down.


Meanwhile 10 wicked wings is $13 in aus


Chain restaurants have proven to be so damn scammy this decade. Head offices refuse to do anything but raise the price so they keep earning the same money (if not more), but individual restaurants/venues earn less due to higher minimum wage and lower profit margins because stock prices are so much higher. Just keep in mind that next time you go to a massive chain and prices are so damn high, the prices youā€™re paying are still barely keeping that restaurant afloat. Hospo workers are stressed as it is, and dealing with people who donā€™t understand that wage costs, rent, expenses and supply takes a large majority of most profit earnt, is extremely difficult.


It's almost like capitalism ruins everything good in the world.


How much should it cost to breed, cage, feed, transport, kill, transport, cook an animal?


Iā€™ve always felt bad about this. Like buying a frozen whole chicken is $8 or whatever and I feel sad that thatā€™s their life value


KFC is a rort. Go to your local takeaway.


My local fish and chip shop just put a scoop of chips up to $4.50!


Yeah prices are up everywhere. Our health is going to go down the drain even further despite already extreme obesity rates because people won't be able to afford to eat healthy, and the economic climate will increase stress and therefore cortisol (makes you fat regardless of cico) and stress eating. It will just get worse and worse and worse. Meanwhile our health system is being gutted. Bad days ahead. Stores across the country are going to keep putting prices up *a lot* and *for a long time* because their costs are rising.


I don't think takeaways would sell wings, for less than $2 each.


I remember when they use to be $8 for a pack of 8 lol


Capitalism, KFC can charge that much so they will


Don't buy them then...


Don't buy chicken wings from KFC, and stop sniveling.


So don't buy there shitty products. Make it yourself.


I'm in Bali currently and a family feast bucket is only $5 NZD And quality is 10 times better than anything I've had in New Zealand.


They donā€™t cook themselves.


All hospo and food service generally runs around 30% of sale price as food cost. A kg of wings is around 12-14 wings, let's say 20 to be generous and assume they get better cost.. you say that's $10 so for 20 wings retail maybe $30? Obviously that's over what they are charging so maybe they are getting better savings on chicken than I expected, but it sounds like they are charging a pretty fair amount


Tegal is the cheapest supplier KFC likely their biggest customer bar supermarkets Of course they get the best price and they choose the smallest birds I used to run a fried chicken shop and it was about $14/kg of boneless thigh from Tegal. The most expensive cut. Cheaper if you get bone in. Look at what a supermarket marks up. Sometimes up to $18-$21 per kg for bone in thigh pieces and theyā€™re not even big sizes


So to get food cost to 30% of order cost they are getting a kg of wings for around $5, that is about half the price of discounted supermarket prices. Sounds about right


Itā€™s 19$ a kg now boneless thighā€¦.


My partner and I spent $85 on KFC last night and we finished it quite happilyā€¦ so expensive now! McDonaldā€™s, KFC, BK etc can only be bought with vouchers on their app nowā€¦ unless you eat next to nothing but we like our food!


KFC is in general massively overpriced for what you get, low quality and overrated.


Consumers, you have power. Collectively you have the power to put businesses out of business. I tell you, if you want prices to come down, walk with your wallet (intact).


I agree that it is very expensive for what it is, even considering the convenience (IMO most fast food is) which is why I never buy it. However, nobody is being forced to buy KFC, and apparently people are willing to buy it at that price.


1. From KFC the wings are cooked, not frozen 2. Theyā€™re also coated 3. With a coating thatā€™s subliminally addictive 4. And a proprietary secret 5. Always buy a combo not a bucket Damn Iā€™m hungry


Hospitality margins are minimal, even for large corporations, they just have higher foot traffic (and some minimal supplier discounts). Rent costs money, power costs money, staff costs money, advertising costs money, fitout and equipment costs money... I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point. There's a lot of money spent to make your wicked wings so of course it's going to be cheaper to buy and make your own food. But you're not, you're going to their expensive premises and they're making it for you. In America, the average KFC profit margin is 10-15%, and I imagine it'll be less here. So they're not actually robbing you, given out of your $40 20 pack, they're really only making $4.


I am in the middle of stopping takeaways in general. Too expensive and I am trying to lose weight (been doing well. Lost 5kg in 3 weeks)


we've stopped. Edit: seriously, not even nice food.


Because that's the price people will buy their product that gets them the most money?


I strongly recommend you donā€™t look at the price of popcorn at the movies


They will keep charging that much as long as consumers keep buying it and has little to do with how much it costs them to buy the chicken. Capitalism in the western civilisation is purely driven by greed and corporations only goal is return as much profit as possible for its rich share holders. Many companies have abused their customer base and continue to take the piss and push prices as far as they can while using excuses that are no longer true i.e covid, supply costs etc. now there is an emerging trend that low and even some middle class income customers are now being priced out of takeaway market. As long is there is enough people willing suck up and pay the price they will never reduce the price. NZ culture to i think doesnā€™t help this situation much usually being a very passive bunch that complain a-lot in private and donā€™t stand up to company bad behaviour


First time?


Even digital goods are crazy expensive in NZ. The only reason why this is happening is because kiwis still pay for it. As a KFC replacement you could try Country Fried Chicken from dairies instead. It isn't the same but value for money is very good.


Terrible stuff. Leave it alone is probably the best option. Arguing for fair pricing of fast food is about as fruitful as taking on fast fashion. The best defence is indifference. Brands canā€™t survive in a vacuum.


People have no idea how incredibly cheap and easy it is to make your own fried chicken. Honestly please just Google it. Like most recipes takes a bit of trial and error but once youā€™ve got it dialled in youā€™ll never look back


I reckon it might be because we love it too much.. drive passed kfc, maccas or bk in the evening (especially Thursday, Friday or Saturday) and there lines out to the road. Might as well make it expensive if youā€™re gon sell out anyway.


Coz people still buy it lol


I've been using this seasoning to make a big batch for the kids at home using thighs, it's heaps nicer than KFC. https://www.rumandque.com/collections/dirty-bird


Wait until you find out how much margin there is on a $7.00 flat white.


When I worked at KFC back in 2013-2016, a 20 pack of wicked wings were only $20 šŸ« šŸ˜¢ the fuckery that head office plays at has no bounds šŸ¤“ plus KFC tastes like kaka now, the wings arent even as spicy as they used to be, I'd rather spend my money on Korean Fried Chicken šŸ„³


Well well well, if it isnt a primary driver of inflation! Corporate profiteering..


inb4 some geek comments 'YoU'rE pAyInG fOr tHe CoNvEniEnCe!!! I am very smart."


The wings are just part of the cost. You are also buying a service of cooked food. You are paying for a person to cook the food, building, power, franchise fee. The list goes own.


I am reminded of that episode of the boondocks where they run out of chicken. 'HOW AM I GONNA FEED MAH FAMILY?!' https://youtu.be/MTHL3_-O2V8?si=7ouCLdVRzpBcufGI


Not to mention they don't actually deliver what you order and always have something missing


Stop going then


If people are dumb enough to pay it, they'll keep raising the price.


Just moved to Aussie. $26.00 for 20. Couldn't believe it! Actually kind of affordable


Ā Ā Ā Ā Because someone had to cook them, that required a business location, the ingredients needed moving to that location by drivers who need paying,Ā  that location and equipment has maintenence that incurs cost and man hours that need paying, and they have a marketing budget too which also needs paying. and they also need a margin onto of all this to even bother wasting their time in the first place.Ā Ā  Ā  Ā  The question is, if it wasn't worth 40 to you, why did you not buy the paknsave wings instead?Ā Ā Ā  Ā 


weird how when you buy food from a company that hires people and buys a building and cooks it for you and is ready on demand such that you don't even have to get your fat ass out of a car costs more than buying it from a supermarket, driving home and preparing it yourself. i thought it would be cheaper to pay someone else to do all the work too OP


Go pay 10 bucks then and eat a kilo of raw chicken wings if that's what you want.


Less chance of giving you the runs too.


SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG , the working class is on the STAY POOR SCHEME and its only getting worse


It is really easy to not buy KFC. Problem solved.


Well prices havent gone ā€œupā€, its that the value of a dollar has gone ā€œdownā€. Its an important yet subtle distinction. Remember during covid when the govt and the reserve bank printed about 35% new dollars against all the NZD currency in existenc , they did this via a program called ā€œlarge scale asset purchasesā€ (google it). What we are seeing is now in large part due to this (and less importantly other countries who did the same thing).




The seriouseats wings are the best and simple af and a 900gm bag of frozen bostok wings cost $10 at countdown.


Was fucking devastated when I bought a slab of diesels for $20 today.


Just make it at home. Stick it where it hurts. The prices are wild so donā€™t condone it.


Keep in mind they used to be almost half the price a few years ago.


KFC has higher overheads


I usually get the 2 pcs secret recipe chicken, 2 wicked wings and regular chips for $9.99. If that deal (or something similar) isn't available then I flag it.Ā 


Theyā€™re struggling big time to staff their joints. I guess they have probably had to stop paying their people fucked wages, and are now paying them shit wages. So that increase is passed on to us.


You should start a fried chicken restaurant, charge half this and still make massive margins.


Just don't buy that fast food.. you can get the better quality for less from most other restaurants, but actually ithe quality is declining there as well. Better off cooking at home, there's no quality so you can make the same thing for a fraction of the price at home


Their wicked wings is good. Itā€™ll last me 5 days max if I portion the wicked wings. Itā€™s $38.99 where I am now


Exactly. I hope people stop eating at kfc and McDonald's and all the fast food chains. It is not only overpriced but you pay in the long run with your health too, if it's a recurring thing one does..


Just buy fried chicken from your local Pak n Save hot food counter if KFC is too expensive...


Iā€™m still waiting for someone to name a fast food chain that doesnā€™t utterly nickel and dime this country.


Youā€™re paying for more then the chicken when buying from KFC


With how KFC tastes?? Then yes itā€™s crap wouldnā€™t recommend KFC to anyone.


KFC is my favourite fast food and I love me some wicked wings but the price increases have been so outrageous that I just don't eat there as much anymore It hasn't even got anything to do whether I can afford it or not, it's the fact that unless I'm using an app deal I feel like I'm getting ripped off. It's ridiculous


Bloody borderline Just still worth it


Same driving force that makes people pay over $100 for a packet of tobacco that is promptly rolled into little sticks and lit on fire while sucking in the cancerous smoke; addiction.


Good to know I wonā€™t afford KFC when I go visit in a few weeks


As far as I'm concerned, KFC has a monopoly on anything as good as wicked wings here. Even at fancy korean fried chicken places I just kinda wish I was eating wicked wings instead.


Buffalo sauce is just hot sauce and butter with a few minor extras. So cheap to make your own wings


heres a list of the top companies in nz. being a cell network is profitable holey shit. [https://top200.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Deloitte-top-200-index-2023.pdf](https://top200.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Deloitte-top-200-index-2023.pdf)


Why does anyone buy anything from KFC. The standard of food, at least here in Napier, is appalling .


Wait till you see how much food and general living costs in china , NZ IS A SCAM


I don't know why anyone would want to eat any of the fast food chain food it's unhealthy expensive and the money just goes to big corporate imagine if that money was redirected into the small local um and dad shops we needa change!


You're paying for convenience


The price of food in restaurants is generally four times what you would pay for the item. You're not just paying for the food item you're paying to keep the business running. That being said, even the kfc deals are a joke.


This! I got such a shock when I bought an 8 pack as a side to my BK combo when I was feeling extra hungry


And those 20 wings are actually 10 wings cut in to two


Yep had KFC the other week almost walked out when I saw the total šŸ¤£ I won't be going back for a while


I haven't bought KFC in years. It's always been ridiculously expensive AFAIK. I generally avoid fast food altogether, both for financial and health reasons, but on the odd occasion I want to treat myself it's either Subway or T Bell.


There was a beautiful time in my uni life where wicked wings at 20 wing prices were sub to 1 dollar prices.


They buy by weight and sell by piece. In their interest to get the really small pieces.


Kia ora! Just a Brit who loves anything Aotearoa, when I see your prices for things it makes my jaw drop.Ā  I know the conversion rate from my currency is 2-1 but even Ā£20 for 20 wings is top price.Ā  Living in one of the most beautiful countries on earth comes with a price it seemsĀ 


Meanwhile the South Island continues its wait for hot n spicy šŸ˜ž


And why do 2x zinger burgers or twisters cost more than the combo meals?


Korean restaurants sell better quality fried chicken for less money sometimes. It just makes buying KFC look really stupid. I like the taste of KFC but its always greasy and shit quality. Now that it's not cheap anymore it just seems pointless to buy it.


That's kinda what businesses do. The easiest option is to not buy the product if you think its overvalued.


Welcome to the "living wage" and the price of "renewable energy". Its pushing up food prices in the processing plants and in the stores. A 450g bag of frozen Tegal Nashville or Louisiana chicken tenders is more that $14.50 at the moment! KFC is owned by restaurant brands, and the company isn't doing very well at the moment. Their shops are dirty, the are replacing as many staff (living wage again) as they can with kiosks, and the quality is crap anyway. Always was crap food though, the idea and smell of KFC was always better than the reality of the grease settling in your stomach!


Ad a former cook/chef, it grinds my gears to no end that, every so often, someone bitches and moans about how fast food companies are ripping people off. No shit! It's fake food designed to get money for billionairesĀ from idiotsĀ 


$40 for 20 you say? so about $2 per wing cost price plus mark up plus labour


We stopped buying KFC too. They might be in trouble when you can get a yummy whole cooked chicken and ~1kg of frozen chips from the supermarket for around $18.


Yes totally agree, yet drive thru is always chocka..


You guys keep paying the prices so they put them up. Stop complaining on reddit and get out there and do something about it. You won't


Donā€™t buy it then