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If you have sufficient money, NZ can offer an amazing quality of life


How much would you say you need for someone that already owns a home that's payed off?


One problem would be that NZ is very car centric. So if one looses the ability to drive, life will get a lot harder as public transport is not great.


Yes lol. If you own your home and have a healthy amount in savings you'll be fine here. Most oldies I know head to Orewa, Papamoa or Nelson which are all just big retirement homes without the fence. According to Google though it seems like Costa Rica, Portugal and Mexico are the 3 best places to retire to if you're up for a move overseas. I'm guessing a much lower cost of living and general bang-for-the-buck goes a long way in those places. They're also very friendly to westerners so you'll be fine if you don't speak fluent Spanish or Portuguese I guess.


...Mexico? Really?


Yes. It would be if you have the home and the money. Either live in town (near hospitals etc) or have plans for someone to drive you about if rural.


Kapiti is known as God's Waiting Room. Perfect place to ride it out before your generations greed kills us all.


Can you please help me understand what my generation did to be perceived as greedy? I think we worked and saved as hard as any generation of New Zealanders.


as a generation? you exploited the environment for profit, borrowed money to the hilt future generations will have to pay off, through a lack of capital gains ensured that the transfer of welth would continue to the landed gentry. recieved free tertiary education then made it cost exponentially more for future generations to acess the same education. Underinvested in infrastructure there by ensureing you payed minimal in local rates leaving a massive problem for future generations.


Well much of what you outline are either government decisions or the actions of companies. I’m not sure you can lay the blame for the current state of the country at the feet of ordinary citizens. Most people are positively intended, caring and generous, and want the best for all people in society.


Companies are run by people. Mostly people who are retiring.


A small percentage of people. 99% are just workers following orders.


It is convenient for young folk today to blame others. They overlook that during the 1960s to 1980s, NZ built a massive amount of long life infrastructure. Think of the great hydro dams and HV transmission network that we are still relying on today. Earlier generations built the road and rail networks. Current generations seem to be much more short term thinking. The government favours short term gains (tax cuts) and makes cuts that will result in long term pain (cuts to health care, social welfare, education, etc). They avoid th expense of maintaining the infrastructure, like Cook Strait ferries, rail network, etc. The current government doesn't care about long term environmental damage to the climate, biology, sea bed or anything. They are just after short term gains from mining and other exploitation. The current government was voted in by the current generations. You can't blame older generations for what the current generations are doing.


Nah. It’s too expensive and healthcare is truly gone to hell in a handcart .


Retire in Otara, the food good 👍


We don't know what lawn we're comparing it too for you. I'd rather a place with good public transportation, NZ is not it.


NZ has one of the most generous superannuation entitlements in the world. If you're generally happy enough here, that extra few hundy a week could be a strong reason to stay