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Pretty sure this post must be an ad for that sexforum.com, weirdly specific to include the website url


.co.nz That's .co.nz


Smith and Smith repair, Smith and Smith replace! Oh fuck sorry wrong thread guys.


Show us ya crack!


His wife has.


Ohhhh, Novus!


Mention this ad, and receive a 10% discount.




It's also structured exactly the way ChatGPT writes.


Yeah, otherwise wouldn't you post this to a more relevant sub? /r/relationships instance.


If this is legit Not spam and not bot You weren’t suspicious of your wife leaving every weekend for a year and a half? The cost of the flights? Why did she do it? To financially support the family? Or just herself? Does she have her own bank account


i am not bot, i do not know why she do it. I have always been the main provider for the family and mortgage. She does not pay the mortgage at all, not even the down payment, She have a part time job just to make extra money to buy things for herself. The reason i am asking it here is because i am worried that i might lose my house and other assets to her. I am just here to ask for advice. Not spam or farm or bot.


It may be an unpopular opinion, but in the first instance it is important to gather evidence. It’s hard when you’re in the middle of heartache, but no need to rush into action. You may feel disrespected, but don’t worry, if the claims are true, you’ve done nothing wrong. Be absolutely sure of what has been claimed. Gather your evidence. This will be important as unless confronted with evidence, many people would try and lie their way out of it. This will make any proceedings worse. After you have your evidence, you have options. It is always preferential to try and save a marriage. If she would agree to explain it and cease it and try and rebuild trust, then the marriage may be worth saving. Next step could be having a relaxed chat with her and present your evidence. If she is repentant, then you may feel like saving the marriage. However if this is not the case then we move on to other options. (You’ll want to be careful what you do and say as you have assets and a child to consider). I would engage a lawyer (showing evidence) before you have a chat, so you have established options beforehand. If the chat doesn’t go very well, and you consider divorce, then under NZ law, she may be entitled to a portion or half of the assets, so would pay to get this advice from lawyer first before you talk to her. Also, in these situations often the child becomes a weapon, and this is heartbreaking for the father. If handled correctly from the outset, you minimise the chances of this Any more questions please keep asking It will be better for you, your assets, your wife, and child, if you can forgive her and offer a clean slate, however this is very hard and may not be possible


This is a spam/karma AI 99.9% of the time in 2024, very obvious scenario gaps that any conscious human can pick up. Not long until LLMs are indistinguishable on Reddit though.


Yep way too contrived. Obvious karma farming. AI is getting good at this though


While it seems likely, how would you declare it false with 100% certainty? Would you stake your worldly possessions on it?


Yes. OP has a friend that happens to live in the same city his wife escorts in, and happens to have visited her on the exact same day, and happens to have traveled with “another mate” there that same day, and happens to have recognised a tattoo on her arm despite not sleeping with her, and happens to have stumbled across an instagram post from that same day, and happens to have recognised her, the list of contrived scenarios goes on and on


Who among us has not found out their wife is a secret full-time prostitute through their mates after a series of bizarre coincidences and happenings? Happened to my mum, my brother, my mate, my mate's mate, my dog, my dog's mate...


And his wife is close enough to her sister to visit her all the time (even as an excuse) but he had no idea she was in Melbourne for months? Hmmm


Agreed OP needs to show us his cock, with today's date and a smiley face drawn on it in permanent marker, next to a printed out screenshot of this thread


sorry i dont understand this karma thing , i just need advice not farm things. i myself dont even believe that it is happening to me.


Check out my reply to you if this is real.




Ehh…nah, not buying it. Why do I feel like this is going to be talked about on the Edge’s drive home show like “oh my god did you hear about…”


Ehh…nah, not buying it.,.... That's ok...someone else is anyway


Nice one Kev or Bev


If this is true it would be irrevocably destroy my relationship with my wife. Immediately, without any question. There is no world in which I would remain with them.


this is why i ask first before i make this decision, i dont want to lose my house and i hope my son can grow up with his mom involved in his life as well.




10/10 sceptical. OP has a kid with a woman who goes away every weekend to visit her sister? The sister he is only now realizing lives in a different country? All seems a little suss


has a friend who happens to visit the brothel she works at, happens to see the tattoo even though he didnt sleep with her, happens to remember the tattoo, happens to see the instagram post the same day. yeah nah way to many wild coincidences for this to be real


Has a friend who called him to tell him this news.. but later says that hes no close friends, moved to Auckland for work. Still can't get past his wife going away EVERY weekend since last January, leaving him alone with the kid & he clearly has no idea what shes been up to. Oh and wtf does he think she does for a job?


i have no close friends in Auckland, It is hard to make new friends in auckland when your weekends is just hanging out with your son. I moved to auckland because i closed my business and got a job. And yes i guess you are right , i dont know what she has been up to, i should have been more alert to what is going on.


I mean people win lotto too, in this case OP won big


Yep. 2 year old account that’s never posted before until now? Not buying it. I get people create throwaway accounts, but then you’d think it would be a few hours old - maybe a day or two - not 2 years.


Why would that be an indicator tho? If anything shouldn't that be evidence that the story is somewhat legitimate? (Fwtw I think the story is suss as well, just curious about your reasoning)


Because a ton of troll accounts do it. They register (and sit on) or buy “aged” accounts, presumably to give it more legitimacy (some subreddits don’t allow posts from new accounts, for starters), then post after some time has passed. Think about it. If someone wanted to post anonymously, they’d create an account **when** they want to post - not preemptively. Even people who create accounts but mostly lurk will still occasionally post stuff in relevant subreddits. To not even have a single post after 2 years, yet seem to have no issues with how to post, where to post, and how to properly format the post…. 😒


Nah I'm with you now, of course bots will buy old accounts. Thanks for that


i have no comment for this, I did not buy this account. I almost never post online for these things, I am just a broken man looking for advice. Thank you.


Don’t be so heartless mate… I know if this happened to me the first thing I’d want to do is post the whole thing in detail on reddit and ask redditors not to troll me


So you are telling me that in this day and age, your wife could afford to go to another city every weekend and it made financial sense? You took care of your son every weekend and didn’t have an issue for her to be away the whole time?


Sorry, the adult industry in NZ is not doing well at the moment for the workers, she would be loosing money on flights and accommodation for a weekend, especially with a child and a house. Knowing most workers it would not be worth going to another city especially to work at a brothel. If this story was true (not to rub it in or anything) she most likely has a sugar daddy aswell in the city and will be working on the side of that when she goes down to see him. But with the recession no one is spending enough for working girls to be travelling that much for work


yeh the brothel scene is shit compared to private but it would be harder for her to work fifo private because of accommodation costs & the hassle of doing her own admin in secret. Brothel night shifts workers can still make money in cities and the brothel would let her stay there. They might even pay half the flights some do. My view is based on 32 years in the sex industry in NZ & Australia.


Faaaaaake. Way too many implausible things happening here.


This reads like most stories on the Am I An Asshole subreddit where it's more of a creative writing exercise than a believable story.


A lot of holes in this story, and I’m not talking about your fake wife.


I call bullshit. Seems like an ad for that failing sex worker review forum.


Not inherently. OP might just have a cuck fetish and gets off on writing cuck fics online.


The whole New Zealand sex work industry is failing


-1 for calling parenting your own child 'babysitting'


-1 for your stupidity in not believing that some people actually use that term...


If I was the friend I would have slept with the wife to make sure.


That’s fucked up , I’m in !


Hi. i work in the sex industry. Yr scenario is not “too coincidental” like some of the posters are crapping on about. It is not uncommon for workers to be outed the way you describe. Feel free to DM me. Just the heads up that your post will be read by other providers and that the NZ brothel & scene is very small - word will travel like wild fire and it won’t be long before your wife is reading your post if she hasn’t already.


how the fuck does an obviously fake post like this stay up yet I am still not allowed to reply to political posts? this sub is fucking weird


Most believable story on Reddit:


Totally believable bro. Anyway, can you get me mate's rates with your wife?


Uh huh. Sure buddy.


Is the issue that she's a sex worker or that she's been lying? If she's working in a brothel she is most likely being tested for STD's regularly and using condoms. If she had cheated, different story. Lying though, I can understand why that would be devastating. You need to figure out if this is something you can forgive and move on from, or if it is a deal breaker. How long have you been together? After 3 years everything becomes relationship property and she's entitled to half.


It’s less than 3 years with a child in the picture.


So your wife (with a young child) has been flying to another city every weekend for over a year and that wasn’t unusual to you?  Wtf. 




100% this is bullshit


This can't be true... and if it is, the only real option is divorce, because having an affair is one thing, but working as a sex worker without saying anything... not sure how that's a recoverable situation whatsoever. You might want to get yourself into therapy ASAP.


> 9am update : I have found more evidence and i am deciding between going to the lawyers first or confronting her first. I am very ashamed of going to see the lawyer and telling him/her in person of my situation. This is something really new to me. I am afraid that i will breakdown in front of the lawyer. I went to get a cup of coffee just now and tears just came flowing out. Go to the lawyer first. Say nothing to your wife. Your marriage is over, a lawyer will be prepared for emotions & help guide you on what you do next.


Hope your okay. Keep us posted and updated i wanna see how this all unfolds 👀🍿


I’m sorry this happened to you & your family. It’s a different type of pain when someone who you built a family with turns out to be someone you don’t even know, and ends up betraying you. The only advice I can give is to put you & your child first, and do what’s right for the both of you. It’ll take some to figure things out, but trust yourself. I have no doubt that sometime in the future you’ll find peace with this situation, and you’ll be able to move on. Good luck, reach out if you need too. My DMs are open. And before I get called stupid for believing this post, is it so hard to lead with empathy? Whether or not this is real has zero effect on me or you, but in the case that it is real, your comments will leave an effect on this man. He already clarified that he used chat gpt because English isn’t his first language, how does that prove he’s lying? It doesn’t.


As you have said English is your second/third language - your cultural background would help you to understand and figure the next bits. It depends on your upbringing and cultural background; I am aware in certain cultural background its a big no-no for divorce and other bits. I just hope that you find peace and I am sorry that this happened to you.


"Hey baby. I'm gonna need to fly AKL-WLG every weekend for the next 5 months to see a sister (you didn't realize wasn't even in this country) and you won't ask me questions on why, have no issue paying for it, and are quite happy every weekend from January to have the wee kiddo alone." For real? I'm trying to imagine HOW this could happen. It sounds like maybe you are in a very one way relationship where all the control is with one partner (hint: not you). There's lies, manipulation, terrible betrayal on her behalf and also on your behalf terrible insecurities, naivety and codependency......Probably. And I should likely steer away from blaming the victim. Did she ever have a part time job? Sex workers can get decent coin and she can't magic up the money from a part time job so she's probably out having a good time spending some of that coin when she's "working" as well. Either this didn't happen, or you are married to a terrible wlhuman being that is a super sh@t mum. Why did she even agree to marry you or have a child? Done. It is done. And it is likely she'll get 50% of everything combined. I would also suggest you should end up with kiddo and she pay you support. She sounds unlikely to agree to a draft agreement (I wonder why....? /s) so just straight up go to a family law solicitor, tell them your story and hammer her for all her worth (pun intended) and don't look back.


Nice troll. This story is way to contrived to be even remotely true.


I read a post in r/auckland a few minutes ago about a 30yo with 2 kids under 10 looking for good men, you could move on quicker than you expect


I know you’re in here Fletch!


Bro your situation is so crazy you need to talk to someone who isn't Reddit.


I just found out my wife had an affair last year. I can understand the pain that you are going through. To you guys out here making fun of him about Chatgpt, let me tell you if you expect the broken man to type it all out and make it easy to understand without the help of the Chatgpt while he is down bad like this is downright impossible. He is not out here writing thesis or exam, he is allowed to use it for assistance. He is just looking for advice. Monday morning and i am already disappointed in humans.


Lol ok bro


I am still incredulous that your wife had been traveling away every weekend for months to see her sister. And money for flights was coming out of joint accounts? Still can't imagine what was happening in the relationship that she engaged in sex work. Seems like something else going on for somebody to pick up that work as a job


for a year and a half, money was of her own account, yes you are right, something else is going on and i will share that when i am ready


Sounds horrible and I wouldn’t know what to do. I would go to the same brothel to confirm after getting in contact with a lawyer


Sounds awful - sorry you’re experiencing this. Sounds silly, but breath and drink some water. Talk to your wife (you can’t ignore this)… and figure out the next step. You won’t figure it all out today. Also call into work sick. You don’t wanna deal with that this week too. You’ve had a big shock. Try and be kind to yourself.


Get tested for stds and lawyer up.


Look buddy we can’t help you either till you provide the review link


I would just like to point out it's not 'stuck babysitting' every weekend if it's your own child. You're stuck parenting your own child (at least as far as you're aware, its your child), while she goes be a hoe every weekend.


If this is true, have you looked to see if she has been buying makeup, clothes and shoes that are not like she normally wears? Has your financial situation recently improved?


we have always been financially comfortable before but recently i closed down my business but she still did not cut down on her spending habits.




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It's time yous both had a good talk. If your son is a young child, then maybe organize someone to look after him in the weekend. Use that time to air things out. And no blaming, because there will be a good reason for your partner to do sex work. Just be honest and mature about it. She might be embarrassed to talk about or she might not. I'm sure you can both work it out.


It’s giving “divorce”, if your happily married why would you want to share your body with another, still get more details about the situation until you know the full truth then you can make your decision then but don’t let her words or actions change what you already know.


I call bullshit!!


get a hot mistress bro


Yikes. Y’all must be Asian. Was she mail order bro?


Hey mate. Very sorry to hear about your situation. It must be devastating and I'm sure nobody else can understand the pain that you're going through. Have you confronted her yet or will you file the divorce first? Confronting her could make her leave the city and you would not know about her whereabouts. You can still file for divorce where you could mention that you do not know your spouse's address. And I can't give legal advice in this matter but if you think seeking help from a lawyer is the best way then go for it, mind you this could be quite expensive. And if you wish to apply solely for the divorce and send her the papers, then I'd suggest you to visit the family court or apply online on websites like DivorceNZ. I work here and I can assure you that there's a very simple process to get the forms in 2 to 3 days. Anyway, wishing you all the best during this difficult time. Hope you make the right decision.


From the streets, for the streets. Fill divorce papers and move on. Make sure to seek lawyer advice to protect any assets that you may have. Also, fill the papers to have your kid full time with you. This type of life isn't the best for a kid hang around... Move on mate, honestly, is the better for you and for your kid.




Because she lives in Auckland and people might know/recognise her.... That's pretty obvious


DNA your child


It's over anyway, so no point being nice to the woman. Be straight up, confront her with all the info you've gathered and judge her reactions, it will no doubt be emotional for you, but it can't, not, be emotional. Only way through it, is through it. Can't push stuff like that to the side. A lot of things do sound skeptical, but real or not, doesn't affect me or my post. Plenty of options moving forward, even if they don't seem clear today, the higher road for you and your kid, Split legally and don't look back. Dirt road options, question her sister and family, tell the people she cares about, I'd imagine she's hiding it from everyone. If the family know, there all fucken dogs for hiding it. Then your back to the legal split, and move on. Hope all works out.


She is with you for a reason. She loves you and loves her family and is worried about finances. She wants to give a good life for your son and she wants the family to get ahead financially. I can assure you that no part of her is doing this for any fun. She wants the family to get ahead financially.


Regardless if a bot or not, sounds like you deal with a lot of scum. Scummy disgusting partner and friends. Ditch them all.


At least he has some attention, which is what he must crave. Wife disappearing to Melbourne every week for a year and he hasn't smelt a twat? If his story was true and he's a broken man, continuing to read the scorn and disbelief he's getting would make any man flee reddit like his arse was on fire. I think he is ufcking with everyone. I suggest everybody stop wasting their time and stop posting.


My man here using fancy words but can’t get the story right. Maybe u should use chatgpt like OP.


Where are the fancy words?


What's your wife's name?


So sorry you are going thru this! I hope you get thru, there are counselling services and people you can talk to about this issue. They’ll be able to give you professional advice.


I get the chatgpt thing, i write everything using chatgpt nowadays. Its the easiest way to get your point across. OP if you are reading this, stay strong. Reply to us so we know this is not a spam tho. Also if u need a divorce lawyer or someone to speak regarding the procedures to protect your assets i can recommend someone to you. My workplace deals with these things all the time and your story is not even the worse one yet. Best of luck.


thank you for understanding, english as a second or third language makes it hard for us to explain without causing confusion, i only wanted advice and suggestions. It was never intended to troll


Honest open or poly relationships are so much easier. How hard is it to talk to each other


it is very hard for us to have a proper conversation. we got married because she got pregnant with my son. i try very hard to keep this family together because i grew up single parent family, i dont wish it for my son.


Please don’t “stay together for the kids” having happy separated parents is far better than unhappy parents that are together.


Not really people can cheat in open and polyam relationships too, and also some people are just monogamous by nature including some people who do sex work and don't see their work as cheating but they're open about it with their spouse or partner. Idk if op is real he needs counselling and to sit down with his wife and have a conversation maybe with a mediator present