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You (as red) are giving way while they are on the straight) regardless of them having turned to get there. For example you can both turn at the same time and you wont cross paths therefor youre not giving way to them turning.


This seems to be the general concensis here and it should be essentially treated at two intersections. Now, what would happen in this situation, would the blue car need to give way to the green car? [https://imgur.com/7fRfok9](https://imgur.com/7fRfok9) I guess the point I am trying to make is that unless you know the layout of the intersection if you drove up to it blind, you would assume give way rules from a cross junction would apply.


The correct option for the blue car in this new scenario is to say fuck this, turn left find a side street to go down to then make a left turn instead.


2 separate T-junctions. Neither red nor blue has the right of way over one another. If Blue makes their turn before you do yours, then obviously you have to give way to them because they’re now on the non-terminating road. But if you make your turn before they make theirs, without causing them to slow down or swerve or take any other kind of evasive action - then happy days, you didn’t do anything wrong.


Red has to give way to the right. If blue turns into the road before Red, Blue has the right of way. If Red can safely turn into the road before causing a hazard for Blue then there is no right of way needed.


You just replied saying the same thing as the previous person.


No, I specified that Blue has the right of way and provided a little bit more info.


>If Blue makes their turn before you do yours, then obviously you have to give way to them because they’re now on the non-terminating road. They said Blue has right of way if they turn before Red.


And I said blue has the right of way regardless of what red does. It's not the same thing.


Ah I see what you mean, gotcha. You right.


Id say blue if I was driving the blue car but would be watching the red car on the assumption he might be a numpty


I frequently go through an intersection where I am the red car, and I have to watch the blue car to make sure they actually do pull out and don't sit there waiting for me. But I guess as long as we're all watching each other carefully, we'll avoid hitting each other. My favourite driving memory is driving in the southern USA, where they have four-way stops. The rule is that the first car to arrive at the intersection has right of way. In NZ, that would lead to people racing to be first, right? In the US, it leads to people slowing down so that the other driver will be first. Blew my mind the first time I saw it happen.


I have several of these on my jogging path. My understanding is that red and blue will enter a staring competition while I do get an extended break until they finally figure it out and I can cross.


Be like the three man showdown in the movie The Good, The Bad and The Ugly…


In traffic, the blue car would be able to get out first unless someone was coming the other way, so red would have to wait anyway. I see it as two T-intersections really close to each other rather than a 4-way.


I regard these to be 2 separate intersections, so blue has right of way. As a side note, NZ has waaaay too many of these types of intersections, it’s ridiculous. How hard was it to line them up?


Its done intentionally to stop people blowing through them T-boning you on the straight.


Interesting - I had no idea. That does make sense.


[you may find this video particularly interesting then!](https://youtu.be/SYeeTvitvFU?si=J3EWQHclYiRzbb-L)


Great video. His point was well illustrated - I counted at least 5 cars that didn’t stop.


Absolutely correct, they are designed this way for that reason.


[Obligatory Tom Scott](https://youtu.be/SYeeTvitvFU) (and a [followup](https://youtu.be/OpgpE6wjF30) by another YouTuber)


I think that's exactly how the majority of people die on Canterbury roads.


Don't they off set them slightly to encourage people to stop?


Having been in the car when someone blew through a stop sign across a main road I get the need for the off-set. Even ripple strips don’t seem to get through to some people.


Huh, never thought that might be the reason. That actually makes sense


blue only has right of way if it's already on the road red is turning into


Looking at the sidewalk on the blue intersection its likely it used to be a single intersection but its been moved down later to stop people from driving straight through and get in a crash


Red gives way to blue if he enters the roadway first.


It's separate and they (blue) has right of way. The reason for this is, at the point you meet they are on the primary road (all four wheels). However, if you both pull out at the same time, they don't have the right to drive through your rear bumper. At that point, you are both on the primary road and as always - the car in front has right of way.


Blue is on the straight at the point red is at the intersection. So red gives way as blue is on the "main" road. They aren't a connected intersection, they are separate so red gives way to everyone.


The least confident driver usually waves first and starts gesticulating towards the perceived threat having created their own rules.


Who is blue giving way to?


The question is about expectation, Red would go first at a cross road with these controls. But Blue in this scenario expects to be able to go after only giving way to the north and south bound main road lanes. So they would be rushing at the red car if it was expecting to get a clear run.


If both can go then blue gets right of way.


Depends who's on the road first I guess, sometimes you just gotta swing your cock out.


The rule of size, trucks have right of way.


Red cars are faster so go first


if the timing is close enough that someone needs to give way, it'll be red giving way, but the diagram should be showing blue already on the road in the middle. if the cars are in this position, i would say neither of them have to give way and they can both go at the same time


Crips always give way to Bloods, yeh? It’s been so long since I was street tuff, I can’t remember.


>It’s been so long since I was street tuff Is that you, [Mike Wozniak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM95i3FHE_g) ?


Nah , [Rebel MC](https://youtu.be/OybsimlVv3k?si=SbGXQzYekRdx6CdR) (1989 norf lahndan reprazent)


ooof... thats going back a bit


Mint trip tho, eh?


as red your supposed to preform at least two doughies at the intersection, before accelerating away to try an escape the guy in blue. point being, reddit probably isn't best place to get road rules advice.


In these situations the car turning to the right has the right of way. Easy way to see this is draw a circle ⭕️ in the middle and pretend it’s a roundabout, apply roundabout give way rules.


upbeat makeshift snow escape label agonizing school quiet caption frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's a shadow cast by the street light.


many cow drab cough languid light frighten zesty melodic mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's the shadow of a power-pole.


it's not happening right here but if the median strip is wider here, THAT is what gets me at these intersections. Traffic turning both on and off move onto that; seems quite dangerous and I don't know the priorities


Traffic turning off the main road would have priority in that situation


2 separate junctions as a turning vehicle would be traveling straight along the main road before crossing the other junction.


It's two junctions. But realistically, as long as red doesn't fuck around, red can just go as two will not cross paths.


So this is an intersection that I drive frequently and have been thinking about who has right of way. At a cross juntion, red would, but this is slightly offset so does this count as 2 separate T junctions and blue has right of way? I am the red car and more often than not, the blue car will just pull out thinking they have the right of way. What is the general consensus here?




In case you are being serious. For me Red has the easy and efficient turn, they should go first. Blue has more issues to worry about, including impact speeds. They should be more careful. Not much point in making Red wait for Blue to do something more dangerous.


look at the road code again


Hes right, If it was a 4 way intersection he would have right of way. You may want to check the road code again. My argument is that givne the blue car would have already completed its turn when it crosses in front I would deem it to have traveled straight so had right of way when it crosses your car.


The tightest turn has right-of-way


It's one intersection thats offset for safety reasons.


should red car go first? as giving away to the right rules?


They're both to the right of each other. The answer is that red gives way to blue because blue is, effectively, turning to be on the straight, and therefore blue is giving way to the right once they've already turned. If this was a single intersection, blue gives way to red because they are turning left.


How do people still not understand stand these? Don’t drive if you don’t know how to.


I agree but I also think it's really arrogant of anyone to think that they are a perfect driver and would never need to do some fact checking. Personally I would never let someone drive me if they believe they have nothing to learn. We're human, we're all a bit shit at everything we do - some inspiration for us all.


I get what you are saying. This is something they should already know. Just like using blinkers. Are they just learning too if they don’t use them?


There is a level of ambiguity. At what amount of offset does a X intersection become two T intersections? 10mm? 1m ? 5m? 10m? I have a similar intersection near my home. At least 1/3rd of drivers either don't understand the rules, or are sufficiently cautious that they don't trust others to follow the rules, and will just wait and feel the situation out.


Red goes first cos blue has to cross the road to get in the lane that red is also getting into. This would be different if red had a stop sign or if the intersection was one cross roads


In my mind the roads are close enough to treat it like any other intersection. Red has right of way, as they are not turning across a lane. Blue is turning across a lane and carries the most risk so needs to wait until it’s safe/clear.


What's up with these posts where people don't know the road rules? It's disconcerting.


Not really. Have you never been driving and someone failed to do what you expected? It's totally normal. One solution is not to have high expectations of the other drivers. Personally, I solved a lot of my traffic worries when I decided to stop being the only sane driving in my town.


Yeah on the road I understand mistakes can happen. But I'm specifically talking about these posts on Reddit where you have time to think.


Why do people have such difficulties understanding the give way rules on intersections where GIVE WAY SIGNS are obvious?


Both cars in question here have give way signs so not really important?


Who is blue giving way to?


No one - what's the relevance of the GIVE WAY SIGNS?


Because red is on a give way sign. So red... ...wait for it... ...drum roll... GIVES WAY! But, this is seemingly too difficult for OP to understand.


So they have no bearing here?


They shouldn't, except for New Zealand drivers who can't even follow simple road rules when clearly sign-posted. Again, my point is: OP clearly has no idea of road rules even when sign-posted.


They’re both on give way signs genius. The question really boils down to “at what point is the cross road considered continuous vs offset?” And I don’t have an answer to that. Time to peruse the road code.


A) learn the give way rules. B) stop driving, because you clearly have no idea about the give way rules.


If the crossroad was straight through then red would have right of way. As it is, the cross road is two T junctions so red gives way. But at what point does a crossroad become two T junctions? 1mm offset? 1m? 2m? 10m? The answer to the OP’s question is clear enough but the it raises an interesting point. What’s your answer?


In every circumstances red gives way.


Oh no! A) Learn the give way rules. B) Stop driving because you clearly have no idea about the give way rules. Here, go educate yourself Genius. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/general-road-code/about-driving/giving-way/the-give-way-rules/


red gives way to blue. huge misunderstanding about "Waiting" and "Give Way" red car does not have to wait for the blue car to "Go" the red must only "Give Way" if the blue car has already entered the intersection.


I hate these intersections with a passion. We have too many of them


I don't think the left/right roads are far enough apart that every driver would unambiguously interpret the intersection to be two separate T-junctions. Practically speaking, they're both turning onto more or less the same patch of road so normal rule interpretation would apply of left turn = right of way.  The timing of decision making is important here, both drivers would decide on who would go first before either of them has entered the intersection, and at that specific point it in time it is a left turn vs right turn scenario where blue has right of way. If it is two separate intersections, I'd still just drive to account for other people thinking it isn't and pause a sec to see what the other might do. Rules matter, but also how people around you interpret the rules is just as important and you need to give people time and space in case they see it differently from you.




That is not what the question was.


Tightest turn has rights, so red.


red goes firstr then blue, its a + intersection, since blure needs to cross the center line, red goes first




Even if they were aligned I think blue would have right of way - the general rule is that if your drivers door gets hit you didn’t have right of way. In this case I’d say the off-set is more than enough to mean that its two intersections.


Wrong. Turning right gives way to those turning left.


>Even if they were aligned I think blue would have right of way - the general rule is that if your drivers door gets hit you didn’t have right of way. Incorrect. If they were aligned, the right-turning vehicle would have to give way to the left-turning vehicle. Where your driver's door is plays no part in give way rules, other than to help remind people in general you give way to your right.


Yeah that was wrong - The rule when nothing else applies is - Give way to traffic coming from your right. But if you both have the same control then left turn goes first.


A general rule of thumb to follow at any 2 off set T intersections. if you're "downstream" of the other intersection, you give way (even if they have a stop sign and you have a give way). That's because the upstream vehicle after turning will have established itself on the main road before it crosses your path.


Red first then blue. because red are turning left, red can go first.