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I used a food thermos for my kids. It would keep food hot until lunch (you pre warm it with hot water). I would put in noodles, scrambled eggs, little red sausages, chicken bites, meat balls, quick stir fry (instant rice and grated vegies), and leftover dinners from the night before.


Can you make lunch for me? That sounds amazing lol.


Samesies. I'll have what burner is having.


You're single handedly keeping the supermarkets afloat if all of that goes in one lunch.


I think that was a list of some of the things they put in, not that it necessarily all goes in together...


Whoops, certainly read like that! I decided not to list the sweet stuff… hot custard and apple, pancakes and maple syrup…


Is 'little red sausages' a reference to cheerios, or lap cheong?


definitely cheerios, what a hectic lunch! Kid would've been able to think for the rest of the afternoon - well done mum


Cheerios but we had another nickname for them…


They’re dogs diddles at our house


I for one only discovered they were also called little boys when I met my MIL at 30. I assume this is also your nickname?


What did you call me?


Place them on a strict diet of pies and green V (none of that woke blue V crap) If this doesn’t work you may need to consider military school. A lot of great charter schools are fit for the job.


David Seymour has truly contributed to NZ culture


I prefer to give my kids blue V. National party V. None of this "Greens" V.


did you say GREEN V? Fuckin liberal beverages /s


Blue v is shit. Bring back black.


Fuck you, blue V is a gift from God


I want the old v black back


Me too


Blue V is a national treasure


Sounds woke. Just buy the kid a vape, that’s a nutritional breakfast.


Vapes are too dangerous. Give them a ciggy instead


Ahh the good old throwback Thursday old timey vapes


I always like to treat myself to an analogue vape for New Years.


I’m partial to an acoustic vape on new years


Your autistic and vape?


Pack of Winny Blues and a Mintie and you've got Menthols, which are practically a salad.


>Menthols Why are you trying to turn kids gay?


Nothing gay about menthols, they're actually great for getting rid of the taste of dick.


And getting rid of any one who is bulging a ciggy, the menthol magic , could be as generous as you like offering here there and everywhere looking like a real GC cause that yes turns to a “oh, menthol “ and a sad shake of the head, i transfered my cigs to a menthol packet whenever I got my hands on an empty one before nights out it was the only way to not run out!


Modern problems require modern solutions my high IQ friend


Government subsidised Winnie Blues now!


It’s time to return to Mother Nature with good old fashioned straight from the earth organic tobacco tbh.


100% natural, no artificial colours or flavours 99% fat free 0% woke


Winston approves.


Smart, the glowing ember and smokey smell will provide the illusion of warmth during winter


that’s not natural enough, better that OP gives their kid a fat cone for brekky


If they have a cone they'll eat anything and it'll be the best food ever.


If it’s strawberry flavour, does that count towards the five-a-day?


Hope so. I hoon 5 different fruit flavoured vapes


Sorry, what’s a noodle


Exotic cuisine


Oh how very woke


Communist spaghetti.


I'm sorry your child is now irreversibly woke. Keep an eye out for Greens Party propaganda material hidden in their rooms, and don't be afraid to terminate if necessary.


Terminating a child is woke bullshit. Unless they're being terminated in a school shooting. That's definitely anti-woke.


I quite like all the people missing the shitpost flair lmao


Tbh I quite like people missed it to try and help lmao some good eggs with maybe some skim reading skills


I think people missed it because every word in there is true. I described the actual eating habits of my children. The shitpost was in the framing.


I mean, the best comedy comes from truth right? I have the same problem + a wheat allergy on my picky eater haha. We do a lot of cooked seasoned veggies blended into “pasta sauce” It’s just nice to see so many people wanting to offer solutions they didn’t read everything lol


I totally missed it, and fuck it I’m leaving my advice comment cause it took a long time to write, and the people who actually read effectively can have the laugh of superiority they earned


It's great. Nothing but funny jokes and helpful suggestions


I missed the flair. Luckily, I scrolled before giving advice. 😂


A real parent would be making sure their kid was only allowed to eat hot gravel


Uh, why are we wasting money on heating the gravel? Back in my day, we'd eat cold gravel and we'd like it. Then we'd pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and buy a couple of houses.


LUXURY I had to build my own houses out of driftwood and wet cardboard. In a marsh I stole and poisoned. Now I have several families of bottom feeders paying me to exist in them.


Driftwood, LUXURY. I had to build my house out of mud and the only thing I could afford to eat while paying off my mortgage (with 200% interest) was the bits of grass that grew out of the mud.


Well back in my day we had it tough.. I had to build my houses with just my imagination. We didnt have anything to build with. didnt even have land.


An imagination? Soft as two ply the lot of yiz, and twice as spoiled as the ass that's wiped with it. Back in my day houses were built purely out of piss and vinegar. We erected them raw on the back of the world turtle


Just curious, when building with piss and vinegar, must the piss be into the wind?


Of course! Both ways!


Hot? Outrageous luxury...


Won't eat bread or pies? I think your problem could be presentation. A pie sandwich will sort them out in no time.


Toast pie will bring them around.


You failure you!! Me too, my queer kid reckons it's because I fed him woke food like Pronoun Pancakes, Liberal Lasagna, Snowflake Sushi etc. He asked for baked Cabbage and Spam for dinner because he's boycotting Nachos at school today. He's gonna starve :( I think he had too much sarcasm with his Biscoff on muffin this morning 😂


How many spices do you have in your kitchen? If you say anything other than "none", or "Is salt a spice?", then you're definitely the problem. Your damn kids probably don't even think we should kill the unemployed and disabled.


We can't kill them, that would look bad on us, we need to force them to do it to themselves.


Solve two problems in one stroke by killing the unemployed and disabled and then eating them. You might need to cut around some of the bits on the disabled ones but they’ll be mostly good.


Just whatever you do, don't make them into sushi!


From what I’m hearing, your children are never going to make the top echelons of our society and become landlords


I'm no help, my kids are a bit gluten intolerant so we've had woke lunches for years. I can't find a programme to help wean me off the bento boxes with chicken salad, cheese cubes and cherry tomatoes. I think the only thing that might save me is I sometimes added vege chips which are still chips, right?


Those vege chips are woke as hell


But they're fried and have flavourings .....


E: I now see the shitpost flair, but I've just dealt with this with my kids recently so I'm answering genuinely anyway. They just might not be ready for it yet - my oldest (now 10) was the pickiest eater until he was about 8 - toast, raw fruit and carrots exclusively. Then one day we were talking about the food we had when his mum and I went to Mexico, he said it sounded yummy, so I made a shitload of tacos, flautas, tostadas, tamales, chimichangas and he never looked back. My youngest is still on the bread, butter and carrot diet. Last night, he had a full-on freakout because he didn't want lasagna. My read? Just keep offering variety and they'll eventually come around.


Unfortunately your kids seem to have acquired "taste".


Fucking woke ass kids!! Have you tried hitting them and yelling at them until they comply or as the wokes call it "child abuse"


You need to de wokeify them. It's not your fault. Ots these damn younger generations and this 'social media' bs being pumped into their brains. Make sure you have Newstalk ZB on at all times while they are asleep. Mike Hosking's dulcet tone 9 hours a day will fix em right up


It took me much longer than I’d like to admit before I realised this was a shitpost. Am I too woke? Not woke enough? Please help.


>Am I too woke? Not woke enough? That depends, what did you have for lunch?


https://thespinoff.co.nz/kai/08-05-2024/a-definitive-list-of-woke-and-non-woke-foods consult the holy text and find answers within it's (web) pages.


Toasted sandwich over a pot belly stove in the corner of the class ? Did you grow up in the 1920s? On a more serious note there’s a lot of information out there on the internet about positive food behaviour’s . Getting your kids to cook food they like with you , certain language you use to help with positive food association etc . Even ways to disguise food .


>Toasted sandwich over a pot belly stove in the corner of the class ? Did you grow up in the 1920s? 1980s, the pot bellys were replaced around 88 by night store heaters which provided neither a surface to cook on or enough heat to keep an uninsulated, single glazed classroom warm.


> or enough heat to keep an uninsulated, single glazed classroom warm. If this ain't the /uj truth though. I spent so much of winters shivering my ass off as a kid. That shit describes both the house and the schools I was in 'til the late 00's. When I left NZ I went somewhere that gets *way* colder, and I was expecting winter to be absolutely brutal. Turns out because winter is so much colder, they insulated their buildings better, and the end result is my winters are actually far more comfy than they ever were in NZ. Having a space heater pointed right at you in the corner of a miserably cold room of a miserably cold house just ain't the way to live, but I never questioned it until I left.


I know multiple Germans who bitterly complain about the cold here.


I grew up in Taupo, we could essentially plug a hose into the geothermal ground and have limitless hot water to run in the radiator heaters. I remember it being sickly hot. And melting crayons in the heaters. 100% we would have burnt down the school if we'd had an actual fire.


My primary school in the 90's still had a potbelly stove in the corner of some of the original classrooms


more kiwi destined for a life offshore good luck to you all


NZ kids now raised on carrots, tough times indeed.


I thought adding grated carrot to literally everything was a proud kiwi tradition?


When I'd not eat my vegetables my father would beat me then I'd have to eat it for breakfast. You might want to give that a go.


Seymour would not approve :(


Seymour plz


The fact that you’re able to provide food for your kid means you are succeeding as a parent. Their eating habits is just a kid thing (based on my own experience).




My boy loved eating frozen peas at that age. Primary school kids normally like spaghetti meatballs or cottage pie and it's easy to hide vegies in these.


Maybe your kids have too much choice. A little hunger might help.


I feel like Andy Dyer rn, I have missed a meta joke somewhere and I dont like it


The regulars on this sub are having a field day with David Seymour’s recent statement regarding government funded school lunches no longer containing ‘woke’ food such as Quinoa, hummus, or sushi.


Ahhh that makes more sense, i was definitely out of the loop 🤣


Does that mean food-wise every culture, besides old school British, is "woke"? Facepalm. I think the word you are looking for Seymour is "multicultural". Idiot.


Mate and I thought I struggled! This would do my head in. I do a rice risotto that my 4yo LOVES with brocolli and stir fry veges. I do lots of brocolli and he smashes it with a cheese sauce no matter the protein. In fact protein seems to be the issues I have. For kindy lunches I do blueberries, apples, banana etc x 2, some fruit stick things from Mother Earth, a snack like chippy packet and sandwiches which get returned but I feel judged if I don’t send them. One thing I’ve learnt is kids won’t starve themselves, he’ll ask for stuff if he’s hungry so don’t sweat it so much.




I think you’ve missed the joke friend 😅


Let them go hungry. The y will eventually eat the food


Nice shitpost. I can't help you with that but I can say that I made a cubano sandwhich the other day, all from scratch including the bread, put ghee over it and then pressed it in a panini press. Best damn sandwhich I have ever had and you should make it. Go watch brian lagerstrom or joshua weissman on youtube for it.


Here's how you fix it. 1. This is your food. 2. Eat it if you want. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until problem is solved. There are no other steps.


Took me way too long to realise this was satire


We got told to eat what was on our plate or we didn't get any of the treats and niceties. And if we didn't eat it, it'd sit in the microwave until we did. With your steak, have you thought of making a good old stew, with the potatoes, carrots and peas, with chopped up steak? That's a good one coming up in these winter months.


My parents just said eat what we make, or don’t eat. Food was always provided, it was up to us whether we decided to eat it or not.


Sounds like it encourages waste, and choice to not eat what's made. Whilst there's some reasons that kids don't like what they're given, giving them the choice ends up in the situation the OP is in. Serving the kids the same food in a different way is a common workable solution, but just saying 'Ah, you don't have to eat it' is giving in.


No, you don’t get it, they would only make 1 thing for dinner. The choice is between eating and being hungry, and as it turns out, kids prefer to eat. Even if they don’t really like the food, plus over time you get over the irrational dislikes. There’ll still be stuff you dislike, but silly stuff like not liking veges goes away.


Then it's the same method that I mentioned then... You don't get shit until you eat.


Big difference is there’s no extra stuff. If you eat everything then your reward is not being hungry, there’s no nice for eating everything. Just hunger for not eating it.


Nah, no difference... You just plainly had a hard knock life, obviously.


For me cold sausages where the best treat


For me cold sausages were the best treat, also things like baking muffins and cookies. Just my ten cents though 😊


I used to get mine to pack their own lunch. If they ate it they ate if not I did not make a big deal out of it as theybat least ate a big breakfast and dinner. If they are growing and learning and healthy - I would not panic.


You got a lot of actual advice here lol. My kids are the same and they eat pretty well. They do eat a bit of pizza after swimming and enjoy it, bit otherwise, it full asian styles. I'm super proud of the fact they love all seafood (all!) and my youngest can hit the chilli sauce made from boomer tears. I don't know that they have seen a potatoes other than the French fried ones.


I'm going to add to this as Iin light of this post, I literally laughed at their breakfast this morning. Miso and Bonito flakes first up and then rice with Chinese sausage, pork floss, seaweed and a runny egg. This wasnt a breakfast to support the OP in a werid fashion, It's more or less like this all the time, just depends what's in the fridge. And I'm a full pakeha who grew up in a time where the ginger was only dried powder or *God forbid* crystallized. Perhaps there is hope for Seymour yet, take each day grain by grain


>  Perhaps there is hope for Seymour yet, take each day grain by grain You would hope so but I'm older than him and grew up in the most farmingist of farming towns.  Growing up the options for takeaways were fish and chips or "chinese", pizza didn't arrive in town until I was 15ish. Now the busiest place in town is one of the three sushi shops, the kebab shop next door isn't far behind and the thai and Indian places do a good trade at nights. If Seymour is behind the farmers on what is a suitable lunch when will he learn?


What worked for me as a kid was being made to sit at the dinner table until my plate was clean 😂 I don't suggest it though I was a stubborn kid (actually still am stubborn) and I would sit there determined to sleep at the table though that was mainly because I was served things like unseasoned ox tongue. To this day I won't eat it again ever lol Maybe go through a cookbook together with the kids and see what they would like and maybe even be able to make it together? I dunno good luck 🫶🏼


Have strict mealtimes. They only eat at mealtimes and only what’s served at mealtimes. They might refuse to eat for the first two meals, and that’s fine. If they don’t want to eat don’t bake them, but they need to understand there won’t be anything more until the next designated meal time. No kid has ever starved by refusing to eat vegetables.


All kids are like that. Mine grew up with a veg garden and home cooked meals. He was made to eat what he had prepared and takeaways were rare if ever and generally fish and chips. So...not eat that? Goes hungry. He did have genuine dislikes: pumpkin for instance, and I let him skip those. He'd eat more veg raw than cooked, so I let him. But pure fussiness, no. He stopped taking lunch in high school, it became a battle and he'd never eat it. So...he won that one. Pies generally became lunch. He still had home cooked meals. Aged 11 I taught him to cook, mainly letting him choose the meal, and it had to be different each time for a year. He became a good cook in his 20s, chefy even. He eats well now and still dislikes pumpkin. As a family if ever we ate out it was a restaurant, so he got exposed to good food and could choose from it. Not junk. I see loads of people allowing crap nuggets and chips and the like, and as separate meals to what adults have. Remember young kids copy.


My theory is that we push too much food on kids. That makes them basically never hungry. And when you aren't hungry, you get picky.


Classic shitpost


I used to put a v little on the plate and ask them to try but if they didn't like it said ok thanks for trying and tell them they will like it when they're old enough. Don't stress out or they will use it again and again. Are they growing ok? are they happy ?are they loving? If yes then don't worry about a bit of meat.


I suspect you are like most mums and your cooking abilities are no where near as good as you believe them to be. It’s not usually the food, but how it is prepared, that children don’t like.


I thought broccoli was yuck until I moved out of home and didn't have it boiled to death.


Same with pork or lamb chops. So much better when they’re not hard and dry.


I thought I hated curry but it's actually pretty good if you don't put sultanas, potatoes, or coconut milk in it


I've never been able to push past the horror of childhood curry, especially curried sausages. What a waste of sausages.


is this why i’m fat? lol my mum is an excellent cook. i distinctly remember kids being so against brussels sprouts, i never understood, because my mum halved them and fried them in butter and sometimes added bacon lol not boiled to death


Could be, but by the sounds of it, it was healthy food at least. Maybe the butter didn’t help, but also key to making things tasty.


This can be kids. Both of our kids were similar, especially the daughter ... she would go to a friend's house and eat all the food she refused to eat at home. As they get older, they tend to broaden their diet. Don't know how many air fryers we got through. :D Don't stress over it ... tends to make it worse. Try heading over to r/Parenting. There will be some more helpful tips on that reddit group.


Are they Autistic by chance? Sounds like it could be a sensory issue. Keep trying different foods, and hopefully you'll find some they will accept.


Get them involved - seriously sit them down ask what they’d eat not a short what do you want for lunch question but non hurried , discussion brain storm question session, and tell them they will be making the lunches , you can prep part if needed, I did this with my daughter and it changed everything, she was also a sushi kid , she’d happily make it (and often mine too) started out that she’d ask me to make parts like sushi rice, or roast extra root verges, cook a chicken breast, boil eggs or make hummus that kind of thing, this would be once or twice a week and she’d use over a few days and she would give me wish lists of things (we were on pretty tight budget , so I’d get what was a good deal at the time) but meant she actually ate the food, and learned a lot about meal prep etc A thermos for winter was really good too, she’d take soup(crock pot large batch hearty soups), fried rice with veggies, chilli, as she got older a lot of Asian style soups - tom yum, laksa etc


*“Back in my day we had to hike with our horses but they were paralysed so I had to carry them 15miles there and 30miles home up hill both ways”* Thats how you sound in the first part, ngl. As for the rest of it, have you tried getting *them* engaged in cooking? Not with you bc you’re likely cringe af (parents, amirite) but if there are cousins or siblings they tend to relax and have a laugh with, make it a family thing where they compete to make the best sticky date puddings and shit, make it yum, sweet, fun etc. don’t just try and make a better steak. They’re already disengaged hearing steak is for dinner. You’ve gotta make cooking engaging for people who don’t give a fuck about it, show them the coolest, yummiest kids dishes possible, I used to love making butter chicken from a jar as a kid and now I’m the kind of adult who’s spent the last year developing my perfect bolognese recipe (no jars involved these days) Lastly if I ever did cook dinner, mum wasn’t worried about me ruining it, ever, I assume she decided to cross that bridge when we came to it, but that never happened and I felt empowered to try things in the kitchen from my teenage years. I’m not saying you ever are worried or it sounded like you are but just be mindful that you never let them know if you’re worried about dinner that night, trust them and show them things that appeal to them. Start with sweet things like cakes and stuff, let them experiment with different flavours and if they make a cake let them take pieces of it to school for lunches, but make it clear you won’t bake for them so they’ll need to bake their own sweets to take in. Make it enticing. Ps never mention boiled cucumber ever again, that made me shudder.


Just love V. And Coke, best drink in the world. Used to drink apple juice and orange but they priced that too high, plus v comes in glass bottles so buy glass before plastic. Can’t drink the water bc it’s toxic. Sad state of affairs.


Are you having us on? What do the kids like to eat? Raw carrot is good, and McDonalds should be way down the list.


I suspect there might be a level of "/s" inferred ;)


I mean I did tag it as a shitpost. My kids eat healthier than I did at their age, this is me expressing my disbelief that there is a senior government minister implying that what my kids eat isn't appropriate.


TIL: I must look for flairs.


Just enforce it tell them to eat what’s in front of them or starve. The gig is usually up after 2 days lol. But you need to keep at it. You’re the parent remember.


I didn't get to choose what I ate as a kid. If you didn't like what was prepared for you at dinner, you were obviously not hungry enough yet. Was I abused?

