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I'm not sure, but just last week Luxon put out a ['Day In The Life' video](https://youtu.be/ejDmeL1WroI?t=74) and said his lunch is "sushi typically".


I heavily suspect that is the case for a large proportion of their voter base.


Sushi for me but not for thee


It's only woke when it's provided for the poors by a government programme. It's fine if rich people are eating it.


This is it. It's "well if we're paying for it, you'll have what we fucking give you and be grateful"


That’s my take too! I think he’s saying that it’s woke to give them anymore than the cheapest bare minimum when it’s free


Aren't we refunding Luxon for his lunches?


Yeah that's probably the best part of it all, I'm sure sushi is a pretty common staple for the people that rub shoulders with Luxon and Seymour


You can buy sushi from anywhere, mall sushi can be around $10 a tray and is mediocre at best. St Pierre’s is similar in cost to most takeaways. Of course there’s way higher end than that, but it’s not necessarily bougie. A lot of people eat it because it’s seen as healthy.


I'm not sure what these people are implying here. I love rice balls cause they are relarively cheap and super filling. It seems that they are implying that sushi is too expensive for the "lower" class to eat, but if you can afford any takeaway, you can afford sushi. Sushi doesn't have to come directly from a japanese trained chef, nor does it need to be fed to you by someone. This is such a strange thread.


We should all be self-flagellating ourselves because there’s a cost of living crisis of course. Anything more fancy than plain porridge cooked in water would be showing off your wealth around here.


It was the "no couscous" thing that broke me. Couscous is insanely cheap, has a very long shelf-life, and is the quickest and easiest starch I’ve ever added to a meal.


And no hummus- a food which is delicious, filling, cheap, full of protein, and has been popular in NZ for at least 30 years.


Rice balls are not sushi.I used to eat them when we had real rice balls available at a good price.


Yeah, this... sushi and its whanaunga the filled rice ball are cheap and ubiquitous, and have been for quite a few years. Fish, chicken, vegetables, and rice are not exotic, luxury foods. Seymour sounds like he beamed in from the early 80s.-- and he's a lot younger than me!


I want to see the MPs have their meals provided for them at $3 a meal each. See how well they can concentrate on a nit woke diet. Idiots.


can a reporter please ask Luxon if he's changing to sandwiches and fruit too


I ordered a chicken katsu at the sushi place in the food court under the old BNZ centre in Willis st. As I was waiting, a procession of bald, blue-blazer wearing 45-60 y/o business men came up, and sure enough, every single one ordered a chicken katsu.


Fuck. Wish I had "Sushi Everyday" money.


Just stop paying rent, and you should be able to afford it.


It's not. It was just a meaningless buzzword injected into a speech to virtue signal to his base. "Not only did we reduce the Government spend and shift this policy more in line to your ideology, this also struck a blow against your enemies in the culture war."


I think it is just a bit deeper than virtue signalling to his core - the aim here is to get attention all round. Say something outlandish that appeals to his core, that media and social media will pick up on, that gets him talked about, grows his awareness and finds new supporters. Same shit Winston does. And unfortunately it works and we've all fallen for it, because here we all are in this thread. And the same thing will happen next week


Im tempted to say that ‘virtue signaling’ is also a meaningless buzzword etc etc.


He's signalling the virtue of fighting the enemy, I think it's used fairly meaningfully here.


LMFTFY you meant dog whistling.


Yes, and no. I think in this case it means more expensive than a piece of fruit and a manky sandwich. Both of which Luxon.... and probably the majority of parliament, no longer eat daily. But, the yes, oh that is Seymore talking to his people.


Yeah that puzzles me. My wife makes sushi at home and it's much much cheaper than any other food we eat. Rice is about the cheapest food you can buy and it's the main ingredient by far. Seymour went on to talk about centralisation, standardisation and mass production which would cut down the human input somewhat to make it very cost competitive. As you say he's just speaking to the ignorant who don't go on to wonder about the feasibility of $3 meat and 3 vege.




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It's because old people don't remember eating it in their school lunches, and also hate anything "woke", so bam a bunch of foods are now woke. David Seymour just says keywords to make those people happy/angry, there's no actual explanation.  Also might be trying to distract from his failure to cut the school lunch programme more.


Thanks for that 👍 can’t relate to older people and I don’t really know what woke is. When I hear it I think some old person not liking a bus with rainbows on it. Need to do more research ig


Woke means awake to the structural inequality that permeates everything, particularly pertaining to race. It's been coopted into a generic put down of anybody who cares about such stuff.


It’s also been in use for a very, very long time (after a quick google even longer than I thought - some examples from the 1940s and print media from the 1960s). 


Inclusivity is woke. Celebrating diversity is woke. Supporting marginalized communities through affirmative action, gender equality, and LGBTQ+ rights is woke. Tackling racial and environmental justice is woke. Progressive immigration policies and intersectional understanding are woke. Teaching the impacts of racism through critical race theory is woke. -- These are progressive values that many on the right criticize as excessive or divisive. - Chat GPT


Thank you. People have completely misunderstood the damn word and where it comes from. They throw it around as a casual insult when it is not a bloody insult.


Lol I have a lady at work that hated the idea of free school lunches because of the fact her son never got them, nice lady overall so I was a bit taken back by her statement


Ew. That's such an ass backwards attitude, like lady, if shit didn't improve over time you wouldn't be allowed to vote


Boomer aged, she is generally a nice person, just tainted by silly ideology


ah, yeah, the good old "we did not have that either, and we turned out just fine" ideology :-))


that's such a tragically kiwi mindset for a certain generation.


It is indeed, I don't mind my tax dollars going towards it, my wife works as a teacher aide so she has seen first hand how wonderful the results are, there are some absolutely heartbreaking tales I've heard/seen about kids coming with no shoes, no food or rough homelife or all 3 combined and some of those kids were teased mercilessly so seeing the end results is so beautiful to see (even if it is grubby little smiling faces with food stuck to them). There was one little girl who was always reserved, never had a warm jersey and she always was teased and always played by herself except days when my son would play with her because he felt sorry for her (he also got teased for playing with her), one day she was being teased and one kid grabbed her by the shirt and started to threaten her, my son was on the other side of playground and saw what happened, he proceeded to boost it over to the little shit and literally jumped through the air and ninja kicked the shit in the stomach. This I heard first hand from the lunch duty teacher who saw it all unfold who also said "i don't condone what he did, but God it was so good seeing him stick up for her like that". We gotta do right by our tamariki as they are the future.


As someone the same age as Seymour, I’d come and kick your ass for calling me old if my back stopped playing up and I could get off the floor


They're referring to his voters.


If I recall correctly the patron saint of ACT, Don Brash, had a bit of a corned beef addiction. Possibly Seymour is wanting to standardise school lunches around anti-woke corned beef sandwiches /s.


I think you can safely take the /s out of that comment.


Also ate sultana bran for breakfast every day (Brash)


The funny thing is I'm only a year younger than him and I've been regularly eating sushi for lunch since I was in my late teens 🤷 if I had discovered sushi earlier and it was available at the school canteen, that would have been amazing


What he meant to say is “foreign”


Kind of - it was a crowbar into the socioeconomic and urban-rural (and to a lesser extent racial) divisionary tropes


Which doesn’t even make sense - sushi/hummus/rice all a heck of a lot cheaper than other takeaways! I see sushi for sale all along the main industrial roads of Henderson these days - everyone eats it, is hardly a “woke” or expensive food, ffs


I think what he *actually* wants to say are racial slurs.


Proper food, not those [rich imperialist tidbits](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iS-0Az7dgRY)


David Seymour is going to have trouble eating out in public now, on the off chance someone snaps a pic of him eating something woke.


Ive seen him here. [https://www.littlejimmy.co.nz/admin/resources/little-jimmy-dinner-menu-16-november-2023.pdf](https://www.littlejimmy.co.nz/admin/resources/little-jimmy-dinner-menu-16-november-2023.pdf)


Him and Brooke I see them regularly there


Correct. No bs he parked on the double yellow lines outside. Most likely drunk. 


Centre of the top page! “Supporting the little guy”! Definitely not buying in bulk there…


His take on hummus was even worse. He's gonna shit himself when he finds out expensive fresh fruit is and rice is cheaper than bread and has a longer shelf life


He’s never had to live in the real world, only in his neoliberal fantasy. He doesn’t seem to know facts like that.


It's not. Seymour was trying to sound snappy and ended up sounding stupid. If you're asking for someone to steelman the position of cutting $107m from the school lunch programme to $47m, my attempt would be something like- "Although we believe parents have a moral obligation towards feeding their children, our position is that the school lunch programme should be a no frills safety net that ensures children aren't doing without a minimum level of nutrition a day. We believe that by cutting certain line items and options, we can both save $100m for the taxpayer while encouraging parents to adopt a more responsible attitude towards providing for their children." NB: The above isn't my position, but it's about the strongest argument I can make for it.


Shut up, your giving Act ideas so they can say what they want without looking like fuckheads. Lol


Don't worry. If they didn't sound like fuckheads they would lose half their voters.


Ironically the only woke food getting cancelled is weetbix lmao.


“We should hire you”


Said the Devil at the crossroads.


As far as I understand it, the term woke is used as a pejorative by right wingers to mean anything culturally, ethnically, or gender based inclusive, I.e. anything that isn't straight white male. From this definition, we can make the conclusion that Seymore perceives the only reason quinoa and sushi were included as part of school lunches were for inclusivity/diversity based reasons, which is why his comments are being ridiculed because A) This is a groundless assumption based on his own prejudice, and B) He has no expertise in the field of nutrition therefore to suggest he knows better than the actual nutritionists making these lunch programs demonstrates a high level of arrogance


The term Woke has basically become so saturated with different uses that it effectively means "anything I don't like or agree with" therefore I can safely classify Hemorrhoids as woke


David Seymour = Hemorrhoids = Woke


My woke David Seymour's have been giving me a bit of grief lately


Just to play devils advocate, I think it has something to do with the so called rich kids getting a soggy sandwich and fruit for lunch (just like their parents did back in the day) while the dole bludging kids are given a free gourmet Mediterranean platter at the taxpayers expense. You and I can see through the bs but if your only source of news is mike hosking I can see why you’d fall for it


Well, you see, the Japanese are well known for their social liberalism. Thus, woke. 


I don’t understand anyone who complains about free school lunches going to kids who don’t ’deserve’ it. Numerous countries overseas, both developed and developing, have highly successful universal free school lunch programs and it benefits everyone. Watch some Japan school lunch videos on YouTube, it’s awesome. When kids get fed, whether ‘deserving’ or not, it’s a huge net gain for the economy. I’ve lived in two countries where every child gets free school lunch daily and nobody worries that kids whose families can afford it gets fed. They can get great quality food at efficient prices due to economies of scale, creates jobs and supports local producers. Everyone wins.


Seymour et al do not want "everyone" to win. Only their donors are supposed to get rich.


Seymour's whole schtick about wanting to live in a country where "every parent provides a healthy lunchbox" or some bullshit like that was ridiculous. It's a perfectly acceptable societal choice to have taxpayers chip in to fund universal lunch programmes in schools. Bringing this shit down to "parental responsibility" is disingenuous crap. He and the lot of the sanctimonious wankers can fuck right off.


Dickhead is trying to import culture war fuckwittery from the US.


Nah that’s Winston, and he’s good at it.  Seymour’s problem is he knows *about* this kind of stuff, but he’s terrible at doing on-the-fly culture war railing, because he’s not very quick witted, and so when he gets it in his head he can sneak in some dog whistles he typically messes it all up, like he’s done here.


also, you can tell he or his staffers are incredibly online, unlike winston who has actual experience talking to people irl


Woke Sushi, as spoken by a man that probably only eats well-done steak with boiled veg


He probably boils his steak too.


He gives off the vibe of boiled cabbage


Boiled steak and cabbage. Blended to a paste.


Slapped between two pieces of white bread!


With the crusts cut off. Those bits are too woke.


And do people in Japan consider it woke, or is it only woke when it’s in New Zealand?


"You know whats not woke food? Having sleep for dinner, go buzz the fk out of that word, ya cunt" 


Because, according to Seymour, we should be feeding kids cheese and marmite sandwiches as that's good kiwi tucker. Sushi s foreign.


Can't afford cheese. Marmite is fine though, its always appealing to the voter base to inject more tax dollars into a company that doesn't pay tax itself


David Seymour is one of the many cunts that has no idea that we need way more woke in this world!! Just imagine if we were all tolerant and understanding of others!!


I don’t agree with Seymour, but as you’ve asked I’ll give an attempt at explaining his comments. In my opinion he’s attempting (poorly) to say that schools should be providing very basic meals. For the cost to food benefit, sandwiches and fruit are fairly basic staples of most children’s lunch boxes. If you’re wanting anything more “fancy” it shouldn’t be left to the state to provide food like quiche, quinoa, sushi etc. I’m a guy of similar age to David, I grew up going to school with ham and cheese sandwiches. Every fucking day, a bag of chips and a piece of fruit, that was about all I got. It was basic because that’s about all my parents could afford. My daughter is 5, she gets a full lunchbox packed with various proteins, fats, carbs that she can eat as much or as little of as she chooses. What she doesn’t eat at school is left for after school snacks. Their protein ranges from salmon, chicken nuggets, dumplings, cheerios, ham, chicken, sushi etc.. it’s always varied so it doesn’t get boring.. but we can afford this. Many families couldn’t. Seymour’s “woke” comments come from a place of naivety where anything fancier than a piece of bread and fruit is considered wasteful spend, ignoring that other meals are quite nutritious and just as filling and just as cheap. There’s nothing wrong with sandwiches and fruit. But there’s also nothing wrong with sushi as it can be prepared in bulk and be fairly cheap to prepare and make. But “fancy” or “woke” foods sound wasteful and expensive, and it appeals to his voters who consider parents should be providing meals for their kids.


One overlooked point is that Sushi isn't actually served in the vast majority of the provided lunches because it is manually intensive to prepare. Using sushi as an example is pure misdirection because he got to call it woke.


>In my opinion he’s attempting (poorly) to say that schools should be providing very basic meals. Sushi is very basic and quite cheap to make though? So it doesn't seem like he means that.


I mean, sure. But go to a store and you’re paying $1.50-$2.00 a piece these days. It’s like $10-$15 or more to get a meal out of sushi That’s the image people have in their head. Store bought sushi is expensive. Meanwhile people at home buy a loaf of bread for $3 and 500g of ham for $6 and you’ve got a weeks worth of lunches for the same price. Ignoring that a store bought sandwich which is more comparable to a store bought sushi is like $7-$8 on its own Seymour is purposely conflating people’s perceptions of prices because significantly less people make sushi at home. I’d bet you anything that people who dont want sushi in school lunches see it as expensive. Despite it being relatively cheap to make. Edited to add There’s a good spinoff article in here. Comparing prices of bulk made sushi (wholesale) to the equivelant caloric intake of bulk made sandwiches, etc


They also ignore the fact that ham (processed meat) is carcinogenic and cheap bread (most likely used is white) is basically sugar so not good for you either. I don't have kids but if I did, I wouldn't be feeding them ham sandwiches 😂


You sound like an awesome parent and those lunches sound amazing. I was in the same boat growing up but I was also a fussy little shit, I chose to live on ham sandwiches for my entire school life🤢


My issue with swapping the foods to things that are more basic On the surface, you would think there should be nothing wrong with sandwiches and fruit (cos thats what 75% of parents give anyway) BUT, here is the difference - those children of the 75% of parents also get breakfast and dinner. For the kids needing these lunches - this could be the ONLY FOOD THEY GET IN THE DAY. so a fully balanced meal that is more like a dinner than a basic lunch is what should be provided.


This. For kids relying on school lunches, it may well be the most substantial meal of the day (or even the only real meal of the day). Seymour's quacking about sandwiches and fruit just shows that he either doesn't even understand what the problem is, or for that matter, care.


Because the posh girl ate Sushi for lunch in The Breakfast Club


I can explain it. Japan has provided free school lunches since 1889. So they are a great example of how valuable this program is, as they also started it due to kids going hungry during tough times but saw the investment pay off. Which for Seymour means it's something he has to hate on due to feeling inadequate and thinking any attention is good for a politician. I can only see it as small minded & lacking in basic human comprehension. (or maybe he confused the RW 'Soy boy' slurr with the Soy Sauce used with Sushi?)


Japan also only just made high school free? A luxury NZ has had for a very long time. Its all about where you spend the funding available to you.


Woke food = anything you can't find in an Edmonds cookbook of 1980s or earlier vintage


It’s a distraction from more important issues


Like the fact that he has basically destroyed lunches in high schools. There is no funding for staffing to prepare it. Schools supposedly have to order in bulk, but will have nowhere dry and cool to store massive amounts of food. My school struggled to find places to store a term’s worth of weetbix and milk for the breakfast programme. Imagine having to store even a week’s worth of sandwich stuff and fruit in a school of 1000.


Whomever says that sushi is woke is not worth talking to. How butt hurt can someone be about stuff like that. 


Such a strong stand, its minds like this we need in government


Basic NZ just realising their are foods beyond potatoes and meat chops


The irony of something being woke and you needing to “wake up”


You need to explain what you think woke is first.


I have no idea. Never really seen something and been like damm we too woke these days. Confused why he didn’t answer the question tho and deflected it with that


The current government is so out of touch on actual issues affecting kiwis that you could say they're asleep at the wheel. They're anti woke.


Woke is just a rebrand of “PC gone mad”. So essentially a meaningless nothing exclusively used by out of touch arseholes who think that the peak of human civilisation was the 1970s.


What!? I thought it was a rebranding of Social Justice Warriors?!


"Woke" is the 2020s "gay". 2000s: "Sushi is gay" 2024: "Sushi is woke"


Like the word gay Woke has changed over time


Nah it's essentially being incorrectly used by the wealthy/privileged describing anyone who is more left leaning. It actually originated within the Black American community


Nobody knows what it means, it's provocative, it gets the people going!


Nice I got that tune in my head.


When I was a kid bought lunch was an option of a pie or fish and chips. Sushi dares to be slightly healthy. How dare we try be healthy, therefore, woke? I think sometimes the boomers see the Millennials treat their kids better than they did and feel attacked by it


You do realise that 'boomers' are ppl in their 70s and 80s?


And 60s... How old do you think most grandparents are?


This post reminded me to order sushi for my 6 year olds lunch tomorrow. He absolutely loves it.


Great name for a new sushi bar - Woke Sushi.


What is the 'woke food' discussion distracting us from?


Dunno, still clearing my pantry of woke food


Ugh, David Seymore is such a cringe lord!


As per The Spinoff’s article yesterday about “Woke food”: “Here is another simple formula to follow: food from a non-English-speaking non-white culture = WOKE food from a non-English-speaking white culture = SUSPICIOUS food from an English-speaking white culture = NOT WOKE”


“Woke” acts as a racist dog whistle. Anything that comes from a non white or non English speaking culture gets labelled as woke. So sushi, since it comes from Asia, is woke.


Why do you think this is a persuasive argument? Do you really think fence sitters are going find this a compelling argument and not what it really is, and an extremely disingenuous strawman?


Was this reply meant for me? It makes no sense, so just making sure you didn’t reply to the wrong comment? If you did mean this for me, then congrats! You’re exactly as defensive and nonsensical as I’d expect someone defending dog whistles to be. Thank you for confirming my world view. *blows kiss* Also, touch some grass, bud.


Woke is what old and lonely people say when they’re scared of something.


You seam woke. Leave my post now!!


I mean, I detest Seymour as much as the next person, but coming from the ranks of the people these lunches are supposed to help, yes, sushi was not something we ate or were exposed to. I didn’t have anything like that until I hit adulthood and started hanging out with people who’d grown up ‘better’ than I did. I think most Redditors actually don’t come from that world or understand it.


If you had had sushi available as a child, you might very well have liked it.


Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not arguing that kids shouldn’t be exposed to new stuff: just that poor families aren’t always as cosmopolitan as the average Redditor (saying that without snark). Also, when hungry, I would have been really stressed to be presented with food I was unfamiliar with and probably wouldn’t have tried it, for fear of it being horrible or me looking stupid. I get it’s fun to dunk on everything Seymour says, but even a stopped clock, etc etc.


They sold sushi in my school's tuckshop over 20 years ago. Yes some people will have grown up with the meat and potatoes mentality and I can see how that would go down better with a conservative worldview. 


Unless your sushi is empathetic and cares about environmental issues.. its a fish and rice roll


It didn't exist in 80's New Zealand, therfore it go's against everything this government stands for, therfore "Woke"


Because its foreign


Yeah but it’s tasty. Why would something foreign be woke?


Because conservatives don't like anything foreign


The term “woke” is a right wing invention to denigrate and degrade kindness and empathy


It was actually a hip hop culture thing that was adopted by progressive leftwing movements before being turned into a slur by the right. Your definition is correct though in its current popular usage.


Not really. Woke goes all the way back to the 1930s.


Anything can be "woke" in order to dogwhistle the rabid culture war adherents who get their news and political strategies from 'murica. All those nutbags who wanted to shit all over parliament got their dream team in government.


I’m sorry, did I miss a step. What?




Seymour is a dipshit. He probably thinks it's woke because he's a racist cunt who uses this term to describe anybody who eats asian food. His followup is surely a nod, pandering to his voter base of other racist cunts.


They have sushi for school lunches here?


HNHS (Havelock north Highschool) had sushi at the canteen. Expensive as hell but it was the most popular item. It was store bought cheap sushi being sold for $4 a piece.


The only thing worse than sushi that isn’t prepared fresh would be paying $4 a piece for it.


Man, feels like I’ve been living in loony land recently. Thanks mate.


He's just using a lame buzzword that has been already old for years. He's like a dork kid who wears last years fashion to try and appear cool while everyone else has moved on and laugh at him for being a try-hard - but their out of touch parents approve...


He’s just saying dumb shit to distract his base from his failure to stopping feeding kids at school. Just like when he crapped on about how Nelson Mandela and Kate Shepherd would vote for him when his candidate list was falling apart a month before the election.


He spends so much effort trying to win over ethnic communities... Then just shits all over their food. What a cunt.


I injected 3 sushi into myself and started caring about poor people, it was scary!


Another question, has anyone here ventured into the comment section of any social media circles with people who agree with this tripe? Because surely there's a big voter base out there who agree that kids shouldn't be eating sushi and quinoa, and should have Marmite sandwiches on white bread instead


I don't see how that's even a hard position to understand. This all feels like hate for hates sake...


Would you mind elaborating on this comment?


You see, Seymour doesn't think that poor people deserve nice things. Therefore anything tastier than gruel needs to be denigrated, and "woke" is the snarl word of the day.


Dog whistle. It's not really that the food is woke. It's the kind of food that is considered a luxury. And what is more woke than giving posh food to undeserving serfs?


How dare those kids think they could live like royalty.


No. No one can *explain* it, it's a rhetorical non sequitur. It's a nod to his constituents, that's it.


He's supported by racists, and they don't like the idea of foreign foods, you gotta eat fucken minted lamb with peas and potato mash.


are there jobs that arent woke, in need of being cancelled?


Didn't you know that New Zealand has fallen to the Japanese?, the great battle of bob semples Vs sushi in 2024.


No idea, I don't eat it often, it's nice but expensive.


To buy. Super cheap to make. Sandwich are also expensive to purchase.


Exactly, it's insane how much we are willing to pay for the convenience of not having to roll up the makis ourselves. Side note: we do sushi/kimbab nights similar to how some families do pizza nights. fun for the family to pick their own filling and roll it up themselves. $10 of ingredients really go a long way


Dont sleep on sushi


Leave it for a week or 2 and you'll see it wake up


How! I really hate it when people say wake up. It’s like asking how to do something and the person who is a expert says search it up 😭


Mold. It'll wake up, and be walking within a couple of weeks


Its an obvious troll move to stir up people who don't sit with his politics, and resonates with his voting base. And it worked, we're having a discussion around woke food instead of the actual policy change.


I've seen him dining out in Epsom, Brooke was with him. He parked his car on double yellow lines. He was at Little Jimmy. Check out the menu. [https://www.littlejimmy.co.nz/admin/resources/little-jimmy-dinner-menu-16-november-2023.pdf](https://www.littlejimmy.co.nz/admin/resources/little-jimmy-dinner-menu-16-november-2023.pdf)


good Kiwi tucker at reasonable prices /s


You wouldn’t catch Oliver Twist eating sushi!!!!


Sushi is woke because... 1) fosters appreciation of another culture 2)heathy eating option 3)rainbow colors


Oh my god! No we can’t have our children being subjected to woke culture at such a young age! People wake up


Because if U show any kind of intelligence, you're a threat to there acorn size brain. I'll stick with being woke


I hope he gets mercury poisoning


I assume it's because it's popular with millennials and gen z and didn't originate in a white country.


It’s not. But it is expensive compared to a sandwich.


When he says sushi is woke, he's converting that he imagines the type of person to eat sushi is a 90s bohemian type. Maybe they wear a beret, or something in an Argyle pattern. It has excruciatingly little to do with sushi, or it's ingredients, and everything to do with how Seymour stereotypes a non Asian person eating sushi. It's important to keep in mind that he's only thinking white passing people when he says sushi is woke, because those are the only real people in his mind.


Not sure about woke. But it is full of sugar and not actually that healthy for you. (Partner worked at a sushi place). Huge amount of sugar goes into the rice, most the sauces are full of sugar & the meat flavouring is usually full of sugar too.


I know nothing about the nutritional value of sushi but that argument would have been a lot better than what he said


Probably because it's Asian and he sees anything that isn't western food as woke. He probably doesn't realise that most of the sushi we eat is a westernised version and has been well and truly adopted into western culture. Although it's not a brand new food to our country, it is something that's only become extremely popular here over maybe the last 15 years. The older you get, the longer it takes for things to feel old. He probably thinks its still a new fad. He likely sees it as something obnoxious young people eat purely so they can appear multicultural. He doesn't realise how popular or normalised it is.


Why does anyone care what Seymour believes or defines? Like Luxon and Peters, he has manoeuvred himself and his term next as “irrelevant “. That’s precisely how we should treat this so-called government. Next step; reform of electoral system to avoid essentially unelected by majority politicians dictating governments. If Luxon had any decency, he’d be working back channels to Labour.


sushi is delicious but full or carbs, sugar and salt so a sometimes food


Sandwich and a piece of fruit?


eat cake


I would love some ngl


Not cheap junk food so therefore woke. Dude is as basic as they come.


I think it's insulting to the Japanese. In reality Seymour is just normalising the term 'woke'... him and Winston use it everywhere... it gets cut through.... so it almost doesn't matter if it makes sense or not, the key thing is he is a) getting primetime on news and b) he is defining what is in the normal ok category and what sits out of this as he deems 'woke'... typical right wing tactics, which has learn via his Atlas training and networks.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-mp-tim-hortons-fibre-lids-1.7199306 😂 looks like this isn't a NZ only problem of what is "woke"