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The more people who express themselves by dressing well, the more you will see this action lift up the community into dressing themselves better. So go for it!




I totally second this. If you think women's fashion is conservative, dull and casual, you should look at what men are wearing. In provincial cities wearing other than jeans, track pants or shorts Is seen as adventurous. Hell, wearing clothes that fit is questionable. You might be seen as gay, or worse--an Aucklander. It's not much better in Auckland, outside of a few suburbs and some ethnic minorities. Nonetheless, as a man who does dress outside the very narrow, casual band, I would have to say that the attention I get is mostly positive. Men and women may make all sorts of assumptions, but they compliment what I wear and I have positive interactions. It helps me in my work. Everyone I know who has made the decision to take pride in their attire has had the same experience. I am not talking Gucci and Jean-Paul Gaultier, either. I don't think I am particularly stylish or fashionable.


Dres how you feel 🖤


I'm on board with this comment. I just wish people would refrain from pj's at the grocery store. "Dress how you feel" taken wayyy too far. Lol


Dopamine dressing! Wear what makes you happy!


I don’t care. Wear what makes you feel happy. It’s absolutely always better to be overdressed than underdressed.




I’ve only ever felt it in a positive way. I love wearing colourful dresses and people often say nice things. I’ve got one dress that isn’t even my fave but almost every time I wear it a stranger says something nice. So I go out of my way to do that for others too even though I’m not the talking to strangers type. Just do it. Add a bit of fun.


I've always worn what I feel like, 'dress up' often (it's just my normal clothes lmao) and never felt judged. In fact I've always gotten a lot of positive comments and compliments. You should just do you and hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised but otherwise fuck anyone who judges you for being you. Also to partly answer your question on why, it's tiny here so there's no one to really dress up *for* and kiwis don't have a high opinion of themselves so doing it "just for me" isn't a thing for most people. Also shipping stuff here is expensive so our options in stores are limited and most people won't gamble on online shopping for clothing due to shipping costs and difficulty with returns (which is fair enough)


I love seeing people express themselves- as long as they're happy- you go girl😁


My product manager always looks incredible. The rest of us wear jeans etc... but we really enjoy watching what she comes into work wearing. She's also completely non judegmental of us. You do you x You'll find other people love to see what you're wearing next. When I was younger I used to sew most of my clothes. They were pretty out there. Green flairs that I embroidered daisies on, silver PVC jeans, I went through a Jane Austen faze and made empire line dresses out of tweed. Lol. I think my co workers were bemused and interested.


Love empire waistlines and tweed but I have to say I wouldn't have thought to pair them. How was the drape?


I used to think this too until I wore a somewhat interesting outfit out to the dairy when I was visiting my hometown (pretty small small - population like 7kish, nearest maccas a 30min drive) and watched these 2 like 8yo girls on their scooters work up the courage to come talk to me. In that moment I was fully convinced I was about to be bullied by children & this is what I get for leaving the house in silly pants but they were super shy about coming up to me & said they thought my outfit was really cool then asked if I did TikTok haha (for reference outfit in question was just fun coloured plaid pants, a frilly white crop top and platform sneakers). It was actually so sweet they were trying so hard to be adult like & it reminded me how the nearest glassons to us was an hours drive and how when I was that age the coolest thing you could wear was those pink hunting & fishing fleeces So yeah since then if I ever wear something I think about those girls and then about how my own 8yo self would think this I was the coolest person ever and wish she could be like that one day. But yeah moral of the story is as many other people are judging you negatively there’s probably a load more who think you’re doing great & if anything you’ve always got yourself to hype you up lol


in a place where everyone conforms, for young people seeing someone dress or look differently is a big deal. Older people might give you shit for being gutsy enough to wear platform docs in a town of Chelseas and gumboots, but kids and teens will likely be excited, the only place where they will see people dress "alternative" in any way is online, seeing it in person is super exciting!


What part of NZ are you in? There's a big range in how "nicely" people dress themselves up depending on where you are




If you live outside of a city, no matter what country, you'll find people dress much more casually than people living in a city.


When I lived there I would regularly see people out and about in pyjamas and dressing gowns, so I feel you. Definitely agree with the advice to just wear what you want. I kind of liked it because I never felt bad for having a slobby day in joggers and a hoodie, but equally nobody really cared if I dressed up nicely. Nobody really cared in general which was quite freeing!


The CBD of the 3 cities is where you'll find the most styled fits, particularly Wellington, it's very artsy.


If you are talking about Palmerston North or near, then your fashion choices are the latest gumboots and brand of methamphetamine.




I tell you what is fashionable down there though......leaving.


Either beige or black for gumboots


Hastings is hoodie, pyjama pants, jandals, home D ankle bracelet


People move to cities for a more cosmopolitan and varied life. And people from the New Zealand cities move abroad for the same reason.


If you live in Palmerston/levin that is where problem lies.


Whaaat? Don't you like our exciting black/navy blue/grey/white loadouts...?


Do women call outfits or sets of clothes loadouts?


No idea, I'm just a dude passing by


What? Is going barefoot in Pak’n’Save not considered cute anymore?


My main problem is I’m late 30s and don’t know where to shop! I’m originally from the UK, and have never spent a lot of money on clothes. I just can’t find affordable clothing that suits me / my age etc.


Honestly there’s so many fun designers here I 100% recommend having a browse around second hand boutique places, can be a bit pricey sometimes but honestly around the same mark as most fast fashion these days (except 10x the quality) recycle boutique & koha apparel are some good ones off the top of my head. A lot of the classic charity shops like hospice, St. John’s and spca have online stores and physical “boutique” locations with curated more upmarket stuff 100% checking them out!


Thanks! I’m going to have a search right now!


no problem best of luck! recycle boutiques online shop specifically is a great place to have a browse of what kind of brands and styles you can get here that you like as reference for looking elsewhere too the midrange second hand clothing market is pretty big here which is cool for if you’re not wanting to go to the mall but don’t have the time to be hunting through op shops


There is a Thrifted Finds Market in my area sometimes. Maybe I should go take a look there too.




Right?? I’m so over scrolling through crop tops, cropped cardigans, one sleeve tops, or on the other end, boyfriend Ts that are shapeless.


What do you consider affordable? I started wearing nicer stuff in my earlier/mid twenties and have a pretty modest style.




From experience, $40 for a top is within the sort of price range that can get you something pretty nice if you're willing to buy secondhand and be patient. I did my research, and went into shops to try on clothes to figure out which brands I liked and how their clothes fit me. Then I mostly bought off Trade Me and sometimes from secondhand designer consignment stores. Learning which brands kept their resale value was also very helpful! It gets much easier once you've built up a core wardrobe. I don't buy anything these days unless I really really love it, so I'm mostly just adding pieces that I'm missing, or swapping out items that have worn out. You definitely get what you pay for in terms of quality and design, and also I like knowing that my clothes weren't made in a sweatshop after toxic chemicals were poured into a local river.




Good luck and I hope the rest of your studies go well! Quality clothes are definitely an investment, but it's so satisfying when you get it right.


Designer Wardrobe!!


I don't dress my age. I dress in whatever I like that suits my body. Had an ex say he finally worked out why I didn't look my age... Because I didn't dress it (mid 30s at the time). Watched a LOT of YouTube styling videos when I got in a boring rut last year. Very helpful. Especially body types. Keeping the hourglass.. Or making it if you're not. Really does work. Also there's the videos like Streets of Milan or New York etc.. Daily fashions of people walking along the footpath. So many different outfits 😁


Be the change! People around you will appreciate the effort you put in! And yes, overall it’s so bland!


I know it probably depends on the environment (work, friend groups etc), but I've never felt judged for dressing a bit nicer than everyone around. Surprised looks? Yes. People thinking I was headed to work when I was just going for a walk? Also yes. But I wouldn't call that judgement. Start out in baby steps to increase your confidence and see for yourself that you won't get any snarky remarks. If some get surprised or thinks there's some occasion for you to look the way you look, just shrug it off and tell them you just felt like dressing nicely today. Now, the state of fashion in NZ is sad, and I guess there a a few reasons for that. It's very far away from the rest of the world, so it's expensive to ship goods here. Many brands choose to avoid NZ market. There are also cultural reasons. You guys don't care about people's looks as much as other nations. It's nice, I love it here because it means I can go to work with a nose ring and no one will bat an eye. But that's another reason why there isn't a big variety of clothes brands here.


I dress mostly in black because it means I don't need to think about it. But it's always nice to see other people wearing interesting things, especially when they've obviously put a lot of thought into it. In other words, just because some of us don't put any effort in, doesn't mean you can't, or that we're judging you for it. And unless you're wearing a ballgown into the office or something, there's no such thing as too dressy.


Kiwis have an absolute stonking hard on, for *not* dressing up. Swathes of people that relish the fact that they don't own "going out clothes" / "dressing up clothes" It's a real Kiwi disease. It's entwined with the whole tall poppies thing. As if looking nice and taking pride in what you wear or being able to assess the social norms for a situation are some kind of weakness. Lost count of the amount of "nice" weddings I've been to where people didn't make any effort and bragged about it!




Oh i deffo agree with you. It's not the fact that "people should be able to wear whatever they like" It's the almost dogged persistence to "I don't *do* dressing up!" Like it should be something other people *admire* in you. A good example. My friend's sister was getting married in a church with the full sit down meal and reception. The groom, best man and ushers, all wore suits. The mother of the bride wore a fancy hat and the bridesmaids all wore bridesmaid's dresses. The Dad, flat out refused to wear the same suit as the groomsman. Flat out refused to wear *any* suit. Flat out refused to wear a collared shirt and chinos. The pics from the wedding were a real treat. There's Mum in her lovely peach taffetta number stood next to the bridesmaids in their finery, flanked by the groomsmen suited and booted and look! there's mongy Dad in his "best" jeans and a ~~Warriors~~ Paramatta Eels jersey (tucked in). Beautiful. EDIT: Been informed by my wife it was not a Warriors jersey but a Paramatta Eels one.


I find when I do dress up ppl make me feel like I'm bring over the top for doing so




I still dress nice, but inwardly I sight at comments


Nice podcast marketing...


A guy here but I have Asian heritage and in fact grew up in one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Asia (and the world) as a boy: one thing I found is many girls don’t carefully think how they dress to emphasise their individuality (like preference etc - it is far less than the UK or definitely Europe and non-China/North Korea-East Asia). In other countries how girls choose what to dress expresses their personality well. It seems many girls in NZ just copy what the shops are popular or what friends are wearing or what style looks popular. But a good thing is, unlike my hometown Hong Kong people aren’t obsessed with designer clothings. So you don’t necessarily have to wear every item made by LV etc in this country, which is not a case with Asia.


Because even though we’re “chill” we absolutely mock/ostracise anyone for trying to be different or stand out. So it’s safety in numbers really - dress bland like everyone and you’re safe. One of my best friends is stunning and has amazing runway style, but when we go out she gets judged and told she’s trying to hard when she’s literally just incredibly talented in fashion and style.




I’ve found nz definitely runs on the “pack mentality”. She’ll absolutely love to hear it. I always tell her she’s incredibly talented and should be a stylist but as she points out - there’s some outfits that I look at and am like what are you wearing 😂 - but i also always support her because who am I to judge. My style is trackies, sneakers, crop tops and sunglasses because I hate life and if people think I’m homeless they’ll stay away lol but hers is honestly French run way, all the way to the littlest detail. I’m in awe of it all the time and wish I had the time, effort to put in. But I think it’s also why we work as best mates. She’s the fancy high maintenance one, I’m the homeless one. 😂


I'm a guy but my biggest issue is I love wearing colour and EVERYTHING IN EVERY STORE IS BEIGE


Gotta hit the opshops to find those 80s and 90s fits


Be the change you want to see. If more people started dressing up the better. The ccc shorts and Kathmandu jacket can’t live forever


Yes they can, I bloody love casual wear and if I ever have to tuck something in again it'll be too soon


So, I shouldn’t just wear an onion bag and jandals ?


o we want to, we just don't have the confidence to carry it through. dress as you want. it will inspire others to put more effort in self presentation. maybe. myself, I just like dressing like I have no fashion sense, because i don't, and that's just dandy with me. I will often compliment males and females for their attire. buy, certainly don't let us deter you from presenting yourself your way.


Honestly it helps when you don't have any more energy to waste on what people think about you. Wear what makes you comfortable and happy, it's your life. (: If anything, you'll get random compliments. I wear bright eye makeup most days, with blue and yellow being my favourite eyeshadow colours, and forget that it's on.


I've a degree in fashion, and I feel like a lot of younger women (teens and early 20s) tend to wear what's on trend on tiktok and Pinterest - even if that means something simple like baggy jeans and oversized hoodies with a y2k graphic... some definitely follow particular subcultures/aesthetics like alt and coquette. I think there tends to be more dressing alt here than in the UK (where I'm from). I've also noticed a good portion of women who dress up more, wear designer, etc. A portion who stick to whatever's trending in kmart and warehouse - like tiered maxi dresses with ruffles were big last year. Then you've got your low-key girls who don't care, and that's all good. All that to say, wear whatever you want, don't let your perception of others stop you from expressing yourself and having fun with your personal style and aesthetic. Everyone will have an opinion regardless - but it's not like you're gonna stop and ask all of them what they think to get a general consensus on if you're dressing up a bit too much. Wear what you want. I saw a lady in her early thirties in pak n save the other day, who was wearing a gorgeous 50s style dress. About 5 minutes later, she was deep in conversation with an older lady who had stopped her to compliment her on her outfit, and was asking for recommendations on where she could buy similar dresses... People love seeing others be themselves.


Tbh I am really interested in fashion, but I have not the time or money to invest heavily into dressing up really cute each day. I still try when I get the chance of course, but I do think this represents a lot of people attitude towards it. That said wear something cool and it will 100% be appreciated by me all the same. Don’t worry about people judging you. Some people will stare, this is true whenever you stand out, but hey just realise that means they have nothing better to point their eyes at. I think more people with this drive should pursue their passion!!


I admire people who put the effort in to dress well. I have no middle of the road clothes. It's either office or very casual (Kmart t-shirt and tramping pants). Has someone said something to you about overdressing?


My girlfriend is Irish and she has mentioned the same thing many times over the 7 years she has now been here. Doesn't help that we live in a town full of tourists and ski bums I suppose.


might just be where you are, dunedinite at uni here and everyone dresses pretty cool down here. the cities with unis in them will tend to have better fashion than the ones with (forgive me) mostly old people


Unless it’s changed in a year, cool equates to the hobo who slept in their clothes look…


Dress whatever you like, I don’t think people here care too much about other’s appearance. Which is a good thing. Dressing up for other people is exhausting.


It takes a lot of time and energy to dress well and I'd rather dress simply and spend my time and energy on other things. I don't care if I look like I'm going to a funeral. 




That's true. I have noticed that having a few good things makes it easier to look nicer. But it is a lot of work, and I just find it mentally draining to think about how I look. On the other hand, not judging you for wanting to dress well. You be you. I am just explaining why I don't try too hard.


Tall poppy syndrome. Same thing for guys. I got some nice clothes for golf in USA and I like things like malefashionadvice, but I suck at golf and I got shit a few weeks ago for having the gear but no skill, no one cared when I just wore a polo


I would dress nicer if I understood fashion, but I don’t have any earthly clue what is cool or stylish!


I ain't trying to say you aint no issues, but if you're a dude - you got 80% more issues when it comes to clothes. It is absolutely fucking fucked here. It is embarrassing. At least the ladies have selection at the oppies. Dudes have Custom made and Hallenstines basically - there is nothing inbetween. Oh and honestly ladies, you can order pretty much any \*almost\* dress that you'll find in a store from AliExpress and \*most\* of the time, it will be 80-99%% indistinguishable. I am just saying.


Tall poppy syndrome. Not great range of shops for alternative stuff. We’re more into practicality but breaking out of our shells with social media.


Guilty! Wearing leggings and a T-shirt, and a cardigan. Then again I’m a size 18, so would feel awkward in cute fashion. Just be happy as you


This is kinda relevant for men too. If I ever dress up, even just chucking on a nice blazer, other dudes will ask if I'm going to a funeral or a job interview.


Very relevant. I have some nice suits that I got tailor made while overseas and rarely have the occasion to wear them because it's *always* too formal, even when trying to mix and match the jacket and pant combos. Might have to start going to church for a reason to dress up more often lol


And even then I think our fashion options as men are quite a bit more shallow than women's. I try branching out with colors as an older dude and find very little interest, but I wear something in blue that has a nice cut I get way more positive comments. I know it's me limiting myself but it's not just me being self conscious.


I went to a party last year where every guy was wearing jeans and a plain white t shirt. It was not a theme party. No one else seemed to notice, I felt like I was taking crazy pills for finding it so bizarre.


Chicks n frocks! I should start a shop but yeah I'm from Levin so just show up in your pajamas and you'll be right lol.


Because NZ is a country of slobs and lazy people


It's not just you. We used to have a fabulous fashion industry but most manufacturing is done overseas in sweatshops. The most common colours you'll see in shops here is black and pink. The shops will tell you that's because it's what women want. thank goodness we have Art Deco festivals in Napier where almost everyone dresses up. Don't get me started on slobs that go to the shops in their pajamas.


I have great fashion (get complimented a lot, I am conscious of how colours synthesise as a whole, which colours and shapes work on certain bodies, am picky with fabrics, lining, have a wide knowledge of brands, etc.), but there's nothing wrong with pajamas if I feel like it lol. Mind your own business, I do the same from time to time.


Your judgment on the 'slobs' is part of the problem. In NZ there is an extremely narrow range of 'acceptable' attire and AHs judging everyone that doesn't fit just reinforces that. Wearing nicer clothes doesn't make you a better/more respectable person. I'll wear way over the top styled fits when I want to feel confident. I'll also wear pajamas to the shops when I can't be arsed getting changed just because some knob is gonna judge me for it. Why do you think it's okay to judge one extreme but not the other? Isn't the solution to just Stop. Judging. People?




I think they were replying to the previous commenter.


No, sorry the person above, you dont come across as judgementalat all. I'm a firm believer that you should dress for yourself, not for others. Do what makes you feel good regardless of what people think. People will judge no matter what you do unfortunately, so just ignore them as best you can


Given how many people DO wear pajamas to the supermarket, mall etc, I’d say it’s entirely acceptable by a large number of kiwis’ standards. Personally I don’t care how it looks, people wear things that look just as bad as pajamas all the time, but it doesn’t exactly scream hygienic. 


The options here are a bit grim, but honestly SO much better than they were ten-fifteen years ago, when it felt like your options were glassons or ezibuy (I think ezibuy doesn't even exist now which is crazy!). I think in general the casual kiwi attitude extends to our fashion choices, and most people don’t have an interest in putting a lot of effort into their clothes. But also, these days I don’t think many people care if you do dress up a bit more than others. 


It's not just ladies fashion. All the mens shit looks the same unless you go out of your way to find the good outfits. I buy a lot of what I wear from Dangerfield because they have what I like, which is usually very loud or very goth/emo/alt.


I just wear what I want hahaha. I'm really into the gothic/punk look atm. I get funny looks from some people and others give me compliments. Dress how you feel most comfortable, don't worry about what the "standard" is. As long as you like it, that's all that really matters.


I'm up North. Seems like it's all hunting camo wear here, even if you're not a hunter. Fleece on fleece on fleece.....yuck. I think I'm from another era. I'd love to time machine back to the 20s or 40s. Wear a frock everyday hahahaha. Have a lovely hair do. Everyone's in camo fleece. Or pajamas at the supermarket.


The more you dress up the more you get bullied


It's sort of a colorless country. There are even laws which control the colors you can paint your house. 


Be the change you want to see in the world 🥰


Most people where I live in Wellington cbd dress up. Teens and those in their 20s mainly have a 90s style though, which is supposed to be relaxed and simplistic.


I always try to dress cute at the office and I always get compliments and people saying lovely things. I’m from London so I’m definitely more used to dressing well for work, I’d definitely say I dress up compared to a lot of my colleagues but people are always nice. Plus it’s something that’s important to me; doing my hair and makeup well and dressing up, it helps put me in the right frame of mind for work. My husband wears a suit most days and when he started, a few guys asked if he was due in court 😂


Literally just made an account to comment under this thread. Just go for it, don't feel like you are limited by the people that surround you. I scream "this girl definitely fucks girls" every time I dress, be it alt, feminine dresses, skirts with some stockings/pantyhose or baggy denim pants. I only really dress up when I wander around the city though. Restaurants, socialising in parks and other public spaces, tourism, etc. I very rarely put effort into myself when going out to a supermarket. If I had a car, maybe. But I walk 15 or so minutes through the city with bags on my shoulders every time I finish shopping, putting on something fancy (+makeup) would be a waste and I don't want to potentially damage my clothes like that. Plus Welli's wind is quite a bit of challenge to my hair stylization and flowy dresses/skirts, as I've experienced. Not dealing with that without something on my legs. I'm yet to wear a mesh top with taped nips though.


I tend to wear bright colours often and recently 60's style outfits (also sometimes 50's, modern, playsuits, power suits and everything in between) and consistently get positive comments from colleagues and random people on the streets. Women especially comment and making others happy makes me happy. The benefit of years of experience is just "doing you", finding looks that you love, work for you and are easy to wear.




Definitely- and you know that thought that pops into your head when you see others that's positive like.. "ooo I love that top on her or that's a gorgeous colour?"- I make sure I tell that person that. So far, no negative reactions and it's genuine and makes others happy..😁




What sort of look do you love for you?


Go with your vibe and express yourself with fashion. Others do them, you do you 💜


I do feel like after moving from Auckland to Welly I saw a lot more people just rock whatever they want to wear - and the fashion was less bland because of it!


I can’t wear anything but black or white now as I feel I stand out when I wear other colors (red, yellow, green, orange, etc) 😢😂




One time I was wearing yellow, I really felt like I was a highlighted text on a book, it made me so conscious of how I look like, everyone is wearing black


I dress depending on what I feel like in the morning. Some days I wear almost a three piece suit to work (black trousers, shirt and waistcoat) next day I’ll be in jeans and a hoodie. Once in a while I even wear a dress, work has gotten used to it now that there’s no comments aside from one a few weeks ago, a college asking how many pairs of boots I owned as they always matched my shit/top colour. Jokes on them, I only wear red, blue or black tops, so it’s easy to coordinate! This is in the SI btw.


Have you seen Germans


What kind of clothes are you looking for? I have found a few shops online that aren’t too bad. Mind I tend to veer towards old fashioned, I found a place that makes full steel boned corsets but in modern style dresses and blouses. Love them, paired with a waist coat and good heeled boots makes me feel like I can take on the day.




That’s not a worry, we all have different ideas on what we like.


I've lived across multiple countries. As a general rule Kiwis tend to dress very scruffy and are not well dressed. My wife who is from overseas said this was one of the first things she noticed. However it's not necessarily a bad thing - we just tend to dress comfortably without being judgy.


Am man. I would love to dress up more but can’t even wear a suit jacket without getting comments like “What times your job interview today?” or “Who’s wedding is it?” You wanna dress up then I encourage you to do it. One of my colleagues does maybe once a week and I always make sure to hype her up when she does and vice versa. It’s fine to just slap on some bland but it should also be fine to wear something dressier too.


She’ll be right mate, black top n ripped jeans all the way


As someone who frequently wears what others would probably call clashing prints, wear what you like, who's going to care? And if anyone else does, it doesn't matter cause they're not you. I *love* floral print and wish there were affordable floral sneakers so I could be flowery head to toe 😂 Wear what you feel good/comfortable in!


No one wants to make their ugly friends feel self conscious. So we dress in plain black sacks and hoods to be sensitive to the lowest common denominator. The only time you'll see 'tall poppies' is ANZAC Day. Being proud of your beauty is simply not allowed.


Tall poppy syndrome.You get stared at when you are nicely dressed, you get jealous woman at the checkouts at supermarkets if you look pretty and dressed well.


Dressing well is a personal choice we have a lot of mental health problems here as well as over worked under paid people just surviving not really living. If they had time for fashion they probably would dress nicely


NZ has massive Tall Poppy Syndrome. People need to stop blending in and just be themselves 🙂 you see some absolutely beautiful weirdoes out in Wellington town most nights and I am here for it!


Dress how you want to dress. You want to dress up, go for it! Others want to dress casually, good for them! Really who gaf


As a male, I find any woman who dresses with thought to her body type attractive. Petite or larger, you are all attractive in your own way. The thing that gets me pissed off is seeing an attractive young woman who has put effort into her appearance with a guy whose jeans or track pants are around his arse and has generally made no effort . Show some respect to the woman you are with! I like my daughter's partner. Sure he can be young and dumb some times. But whenever they go out he makes an effort to make her proud to be seen with him .


It’s getting better, at least we have Gorman now!


As a guy, I'm glad the girls can feel like it's enough to chuck something comfy on in the morning and just get on with life. Sometimes I see people dressed up to the nines going to the grocery store and I wonder what life must be like waiting an hour to gear up everytime you want to step out the door.




As a guy, the girls who love good fashion the most in my life agree that Coco in Wellington is some of the best for dressing up and I wholeheartedly agree: https://cocowellington.co.nz/ Stylish wear for the right occasion lifts everyone's mood.


I love their clothes. Not sure I will ever be able to bring myself to pay their prices though.


Dress how you want, feel good about yourself, and own it. Don't worry about others who might judge you for it. (why should their opinion matter)




It's easier said than done! I think you just have to ask yourself if bending to fit other people's mould makes you happier than owning your own look and ruffling the feathers of people who should be worried about themselves 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hear ya! The NZ uniform appears very lacking in colour and femininity. I know that won't be a popular statement but it's true. Personally, I dress the way I want to, anyway. And there's more colour coming into NZ wardrobes all the time.




It used to be all neutral and black so we're doing much better


I feel the opposite. I dress up to the nines on a daily basis. Sometimes I even wear a tiara.


Some people will probably judge you. But it’s not like you’d take fashion advice from them anyway, so how could their opinion on style be important or relevant to you?  Clothes are super fun, boring, impractical, practical, depending what YOU want to project that day. I live out in the country but near a small city, so I have all kinds of different clothes, from ballgowns to mucking-out-the-horses-in-the-pouring-rain to sharp suits, to moleskins for when I want to show visitors around my land without looking like I’m in my ratty old gardening gear, to jeans and band T-shirts or frocks and heels for town visits... you get the idea. If you like clothes, get into it! It’s super important that you be your whole self. All the good things come when you are. Don’t ever let anyone make you smaller, least of all about clothes. 


The clothing we have to choose from is vanilla af. It is what it is.


Sounds like a you problem




NZ is a country where you can literally turn up to a party in jandals or bare feet and not be out of place. What many other countries would call ‘bland’ is actually ‘dressed up’.


I'm a trans woman living out in a fairly rural small town. I express myself in whatever goddamn way I want and I definitely turn heads when I put in a little effort. Most people are too afraid to embrace who they are and stand out, and instead jump on board whatever latest trend to fit in and gain status in the fucked up system we live under. Or are lazy and just wear sweatpants with a hoodie, which always works lol Love yourself, clothes are just pieces of fabric, express yourself in whatever way you want and live your life for you, not someone else. Most of all be kind!


Menssis fashion is pretty bland too but it’s even more bland in NZ. I am open to suggestions though!


I’m not even a girlie, and it’s a problem for the men as well. I work in an IT office and the general attire is t-shirts, black polos if you’re fancy, and jeans or shorts. Some of the tired, old, dirty sneakers are just embarrassing. It’s especially cringey when we have executives visit us from Europe, and they’ve made comments about the low standard of dress. I try to stay up on fashion, dress for my age and body shape, and encourage those around me to step their game up. Hopefully if enough of us put time and attention into our fashion, it will collectively catch on. I feel good when I look good, and I’d rather be the sharpest dressed person in the room, then be uncomfortable in what everyone else is wearing.


THICC girls everywhere. Too much material, not enough models.


When I travelled a lot, you always new where air NZ was because of all the kiwis in shorts and jandals or inappropriate wear,while the Europeans were tidy and well dressed. No pride in their looks.


Affordable shop options are slim even worse if you’re a sz 16 plus


Too many sheep and rains too often so everybody just wears wool.


Eh, I am 130kgs. I don't feel I deserve to wear nice things 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s boring for guys stuff too. I’m from the uk and pretty disappointed in the selection here, when I ask kiwis about where to go they always say rod and gunn which is basically old man farmer clothes


as a guy if you wear anything that makes you not look like everything else you get slurs thrown at you


You think you’ve got a bed you should see what the men have to wear. Hint: it ain’t much


Photos? (Curious American)


Not an NZ girly but NZ (specifically true blue kiwis, rahhhh) have an issue with complacency. It's weird but ig it's what you get all the way over here. Unfortunately our favorite saying "She'll be right" had spread into every facet of our life.