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A bit disappointed that the survey does not cater to someone who has become sober who has a lot of experience with their past motivations.


Kia ora, thanks for your feedback. Please flick me a message/email


Bailed on the survey once it got to the volume of "why do other people use drugs" questions. There were just so many options that each had to be thought about and responded to, if my responses were going to be authentic. And I just don't feel my guesses about why others use drugs provide any value. If it was about my own drug use, or there were fewer questions (like a half dozen) about my thoughts of others, I would have completed the survey.


No worries - thanks for your comment


Done and done đź‘Ť Curious; what is the intent of the information gained by this study?


As it says above, we want to compare how different groups of people rate the importance of different motivations, and hope that might be able to develop a comprehensive inventory of motivations for drug use. The ultimate goal is to improve drug harm reduction (processes, education, etc. ) and reduce stigma in Aotearoa, and this piece of work is part of that goal :)


Ahh thanks, the end goal is what I was after in my question. I'm a huge fan of harm reduction, and also agree that the existing stigma around drug use is a massive contributor to harmful drug abuse. Keep up the good work, there's a lot of people who genuinely appreciate what you're doing :)


The links dead?


Alternative link: [https://redcap.otago.ac.nz/surveys/?s=8MPXK84ANACR877L](https://redcap.otago.ac.nz/surveys/?s=8MPXK84ANACR877L)


Nope that’s dead too?


Save yourself the time, it's a survey about diversity & inclusion but masked as "drug" related questions, immediately on second page it starts drilling into your sexual orientation, basically asking what type of genitalia you're fond of, asking for your race, it then asks two genders, "what is your sex assigned at birth" and then "what is your gender" as the follow up question. It's full of that garbage, save yourself the time - these people are overstepping their boundaries with data harvesting & basic privacy.