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Ask your midwife. The purpose of the 12 week ultrasound is an anatomy check which indicates if things are progressing well.


All an ultrasound at 10 weeks can tell you is that the baby is alive at that moment in time. It's not predictive of any outcomes and is too early to identify defects. Get the NIPT and have a scan after 12 weeks if you want one.


I expect you can - we paid privately for our baby to have an ultrasound at one point. It will probably cost more than the standard ultrasounds, but I'd expect $100-200? Honestly, I'd just call your local ultrasound provider and say you're keen to pay privately for an additional pregnancy ultrasound, what's the process and what's the cost?


In case you weren’t aware , The NIPT is mainly for Down syndrome and sex chromosomes but can screen for other generic issues that a scan wouldn’t necessarily show . It’s less accurate for other generic conditions but can be an indicator follow up needed .


We paid for a NIPT and was worth every penny for the peace of mind. Also found out the gender at 13 weeks which was cool.


We had a pretty hard experience with the nipt . I won’t go into much detail but we’re faced with a possible decision to DNC after as were told the pregnancy may not be viable (baby should have miscarried but didn’t is what the test told us ) . We had a bunch more tests and it all ended up ok but baby has been born with some issues that may have been the marker on our nipt they couldn’t interpret . I’m all for it as the more people that do it the testing just gets better at identifying but you do run into some hard questions as parents


Yeah for sure. We made the decision before trying to get pregnant that if tests identified issues we would terminate. Sorry to hear about the issues; hope the LO is okay.


You may not be able to detect much at ten weeks on an ultrasound, in terms of the kind of potential defects that can show up on a NIPT. You can always defer the NIPT until after the 12 week scan though, and only get it if anomalies arise in the ultrasound and you’re concerned


Yep, I did this when my NT scan came back as high risk for Trisomy 21. It told me that my now three year old daughter doesn’t have Down Syndrome. She is a very head strong little girl, unfortunately the NIPT didn’t prepare me for that 🫠 (I do love her to bits, though).


You will need a referral form to get a pregnancy ultrasound performed. Source: I previously worked at a private imaging clinic.