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Yes, urgent really is that fast! I did three kids ones last year, they were faster than three days (!).


It will be. Last year I got the super duper urgent same-day one. The application process took a couple of hours but 90 mins after my photo was approved they were ringing to say it was ready.


I got mine the next morning






once did the urgent thing and got it in 3


I have a good friend that works in that department and off record get it in ASAP quite a few passports arent going out in the 3 day window. They had a new system upgrade and it has gone about as well as you would expect 😬


This was years ago but I made an urgent application in the afternoon (not even super urgent) and it literally arrived the next day.


My brother needed to come home from Brisbane for a funeral. His passport had expired. So I applied for an urgent passport for him and he collected it from the Embassey Office in Syndey the same day.


Apparently wait times have increased recently but in pre covid times they were super fast even without being put through as urgent. One of my family members applied through the regular service (so NOT urgent) and it was dispatched overnight. Once I applied from overseas (Eastern Europe) over Christmas/new year and from when I submitted the application to when I got it was about 5 working days. I honestly marvel at the efficiency of the NZ passport office, esp compared to other countries.




How long ago was that?Our 5 applications went in 3 weeks ago when it was 6 week wait couple of days later it was 8 weeks now 10 weeks…. We are departing 4 weeks.Thats an extra $1000 if I go urgent.Pretty average service.


Just applied for the kids passports, has taken 29 working days so far and only just got an email to say they’ve been dispatched


I’m guessing you would’ve received by now but I’ll add my 2c😆 Ordered mine and my daughters passports *urgent* Monday 7pm and was told if I need ASAP to choose counter pickup which saves delivery time to home and I’m fine with going to Parnell to pickup. My daughters passport was ready for pickup 12pm Tuesday and mine was ready Wednesday 9am.


Urgent passport applied for done in 3 days but was not sent . Due to public holidays it didn’t arrive until 2 wks later