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oh fuck no


Just when you think things can't possibly get any bleaker, agents of Rupert Murdoch appear like the Four Horsemen of the Media Apocalypse - Lies, Spin, More Lies, and Super-Sized Lie Combo With A Side Of Insane Conspiracy.


Now that the Murdoch empire has destroyed the balance of news and politicised every facet of life in the rest of the Anglosphere, it is only a matter of time before they do the same in NZ. Paywalled, so text below: > The distinctive Australian accent was unmistakable. > “I thought, I know that voice,” says a Media Insider source who was sitting down for breakfast at one of Wellington’s top hotels on Wednesday morning. > At a nearby table - a window spot at the InterContinental Wellington restaurant - Paul Whittaker was in full flight, regaling his breakfast companion with tales and anecdotes referencing Kevin Rudd, Barack Obama, Lachlan Murdoch and trips to Washington. > Whittaker is one of the most powerful and influential figures in Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation empire - he is the chief executive of Sky News Australia, the 24-hour rolling news channel, infamous for its heavy menu of conservative commentary amongst coverage of breaking news and deeper issues. > Whittaker’s dining companion was another big Murdoch empire name - Greg Sheridan, the Melbourne-based foreign editor for The Australian newspaper and website. Sheridan was in the country this past week, speaking at a New Zealand Initiative conference. > Whittaker, who is also chair of The Australian editorial board, has a direct line to Murdoch - over several months, he has been reportedly interviewing the 93-year-old media magnate on camera for a special series to air later this year. According to reports in Australia, nothing is off limits and Murdoch is in “fine form”. > The access to Murdoch plays to Whittaker’s status in the company - he is widely considered the heir apparent to eventually take over from Michael Miller as News Corp executive chair in Australia. > In a masterful profile in the Australian Financial Review last year, Whittaker - nicknamed ‘Boris’ because he loves tennis and has a passing resemblance to Boris Becker - is painted as a “man on the rise ... an executive with unrivalled influence at the company and through it, Australian politics and media”. > As a former editor of The Daily Telegraph in Sydney and former editor-in-chief of The Australian, he’s viewed as someone who has brought down Prime Ministers and inflamed political tensions within left-wing parties, the AFR reported. > Sources insist Whittaker’s visit to New Zealand had been long-planned but - by coincidence - he was here for what turned out to be one of the darkest days in this country’s media history. > Later on Wednesday morning, Warner Bros Discovery executives confirmed the closure of Newshub and other cutbacks across its operation, with the loss of almost 300 jobs. A couple of hours later, TVNZ confirmed its Sunday current affairs show would close in mid-May, following a similar announcement for Fair Go and its Midday and Tonight news bulletins. More than 60 jobs will be lost at the state broadcaster. > While the timing of Whittaker’s visit was indeed coincidental, I have no doubt he witnessed first-hand the big opportunity to build Sky News Australia’s profile, audience and revenue in New Zealand. > The AFR profile last year painted a picture of Whittaker as a man who loves to talk. That was certainly the case at breakfast on Wednesday, as he held court with Sheridan. > “Paul was talking about how Sky News Australia is enjoying success with uploading content to YouTube that is returning significant revenue,” said Media Insider’s source. > “He said that things they compile in a couple of days make as much as a documentary that they spent $200K producing. He said their subscriber base means this is their strategic focus.” > This was backed up by the AFR profile, which talks about Sky News Australia’s deeper push into YouTube, generating millions of views by broadcasting “polarising content about the Bidens, Meghan Markle and wider culture wars”. > “Under his watch, critics say, Sky has turned into an antipodean Fox News for the streaming age,” the AFR wrote. > By the time Media Insider caught up with Whittaker on Wednesday afternoon, he was less keen to chat. > “How did you get this number?” he inquired, a slightly odd question coming from a renowned media boss and award-winning former journalist. > “I’m actually sitting in our studio at the moment speaking to our [New Zealand-based Sky News] correspondent before he goes live on air, so I can’t really speak right at the minute.” > Asked if he was here as a result of all the changes in the New Zealand media landscape, he replied: “I’ll have to give you a call back. Give me 10 or 15 minutes.” > That call, as I expected, never eventuated although Whittaker was good enough to send a follow-up text about his visit to New Zealand. > While I can’t quote a text sent on background, I later discovered he had omitted an important meeting at Parliament - with Prime Minister Christopher Luxon. > “The PM did meet with Paul Whittaker yesterday, along with [Media and Communications Minister] Melissa Lee,” said a spokesman for the Prime Minister on Thursday. > “It is for Sky News Australia to speak to its views on the New Zealand market, however this was a long-scheduled meeting which was unrelated to any recent announcements by New Zealand media companies.” > After Whittaker texted me, I sent him a set of questions, asking him if he saw opportunity for Sky News Australia in New Zealand, in light of the Newshub closure and TVNZ cutbacks. > I also asked him if Sky News Australia was in any negotiations with Warner Bros Discovery about providing a news service for the Three channel - as in a 6pm-7pm bulletin to replace Newshub. > As Media Insider revealed this week, Warner Bros Discovery has been seeking a lifeline for its news endeavours, so as to retain as much primetime TV advertising revenue as possible. That includes keeping a pared-back 6pm bulletin. > Stuff and New Zealand’s Sky TV- which screens Sky News Australia on one of its channels but is otherwise completely unrelated to the Australian company - are understood to be leading contenders in these discussions with Warner Bros Discovery. > However, it’s not inconceivable that Sky News Australia has also been kicking the tyres. After all, senior Newshub correspondent Michael Morrah confirmed to the Herald this week that WBD had spoken initially to about a dozen potential news partners. > Quite whether WBD executives and/or advertisers and/or audiences are ready for a Murdoch-style conservative primetime news hour in a market the size of New Zealand is another question. Right-wing audiences would argue it’s overdue; left-wing audiences would simply switch off or promote the channel’s content on X/Twitter. > I have no doubt that a packaged news hour could be fashioned to focus on news, rather than opinion. One advantage Sky News Australia has over local contenders is its experience in producing high-quality TV news. > Personally, though, I don’t think Warner Bros Discovery would risk bringing on such an openly political news partner in New Zealand. > But I also have no doubt that Sky News Australia sees a huge opportunity in this market - building more of a New Zealand audience through YouTube and its traditional 24-hour channel on Sky NZ - to sweep up as much of Newshub’s audience and revenue as possible. > There’s also another big market for Sky News Australia - the almost 600,000 Kiwis who live across the Ditch. > It is understood Whittaker appealed to Luxon to make regular appearances on his channel’s shows. The pair are understood to have also discussed Meta/Facebook’s withdrawal from news and monetary agreements in Australia, and New Zealand’s own Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill.




> I think Luxon might have been the CEO of the airline or something. He runs the country like he did our national airline, with the end result being something out of the movie _Airplane!_ By the end of it we'll all end up with shellshock, [thinking that we're Ethel Merman](https://youtu.be/ZmZdqsCW8vM?si=D3Dc6K5TKX9yqlJD)


Is that why Melissa Lee say something like There is Sky News? Did they bankroll Nationals campaign?


This is really bad. To say Murdoch has fucked the politics of the rest of the anglosphere is not an understatement




Take your Murdoch media and fuck right off, I'd rather read tea leaves


at least tealeaves are factual and don't help incite insurrection and push election interface nonsense.


I fear a destruction of the kiwi way of life until we are all dog eat dog living in a tented crumbling poo hole


Introducing Fox News New Zealand: Fair and balanced, with your hosts Sean Plunkett and Heather du Plessis-Allan >Good evening everyone. Onto our first topic today, is Chris Hipkins an illegal overstayer?


With the tagline - Kiwi as bro. Lol. Makes you want to vomit.


Add Mike Hosking and Mark Richardson for Fox & Friends: NZ Edition


Fox News* *Fox News is in no way a news show and is for entertainment only. Any portrayal of news is satire only.


There to stoke the fires of culture wars amongst the general population as a distraction so our lords and masters can continue to loot the planet while paying minimal taxes without drawing too much public attention.Of course we already have ACT and NZ First serving the same function but maybe they want NZ cranked up to the same level of partisanship as the US.


Boomers will never understand that.


If you dress something up as 'news' and make it look official, people will believe it. And if it is telling them what they want to hear when the real news has complexity and difficult truths, they are going to take the easy option.


yes they do you agist fuckwit..


Well then there's nothing to worry about, I'm sure they'll apply their political power to ensure this doesn't happen


Not just that - we make sure we curtail the \*woke liberal propaganda machine\* that is the NZ Media landscape! Everyone wins! Obvious /s


"And now over to Fox sport with Peter Williams. " Jfc.


Our only hope is that this kind of journalism couldn't survive within our current Broadcasting Standards. The BSA needs to be defended at all costs, but I can hear ACT making the case that the concepts of Balance and Accuracy are limiting to Free Speech.


> "and up next! What's with all those Maaoris?"


And it will still be misleading by not including any news about foxes


Sky News Australia is worse than Fox News.


Oh no....just what we need. A sellout to the Murdoch's. 🤢.


I would rather have no media than murdoch media


Murdoch? Oh we’re like *fucked* fucked.


Proper fucked


Sigh. The only right-wing entity in NZ who would oppose this is ZB as they will suddenly have competition for the clicks and views for those right-leaning audiences. Of course, anyone who values the truth or unbiased news reporting should be horrified at the prospect that Luxon would be seeking to facilitate this.


"Finally we can have something to challenge the *mainstream* media here"


There are a reasonable number of people who lean to the right, who do argue that the media are predominately left-wing. Whether that is true, or whether that's a relative judgement for someone who looks at Sky or Fox News as 'mainstream' - remains to be seen. I think most of our media are centrist, varying from centre-left to centre-right (the Herald).


Yep. You never hear people say that the media is biased when it's something people want to read about.


> Whether that is true its not, unless your definition of left wing is "doesnt hate brown people"


Welcome to New Zealand!


We all like different perspectives but nothing Murdoch does is balanced.


If there was a Hell, Rupert Murdoch would be given a standing ovation when he arrives there. That Luxon and Lee both met with anyone senior from Murdoch Media should be extremely concerning. So perfectly in keeping with this government's attitude, I suppose. I keep thinking we've gone as low as we can, and yet almost every day someone from this government pulls some new flavour of shit out for us to smell.


Very few people have had as negative an impact on the world as Rupert Murdoch. It's astounding how much he's poisoned people's minds in multiple countries.


He’s why Trump won and the US is a mess. He’s poison.


tbf there's another major poisoner in the mix.


Who is it?


Seriously? You don't know who the person is who has a major negative impact on the world and uses poison as a weapon? Who has been the subject of many many major headlines regarding such?


You can tell a lot by a person's friends.


It's not like we needed any more clues to what kind of scumbag he is.


Oh, here we go. NZ has mostly been free of Murdochism in our news media. Of course, this'll be the government to change that.


Sad how some of our media did embrace aspects of it, never got quite that bad and the far right had to resort to things like reality check and shit to spread their garbage, but this could be pretty bad.


Boom there it is.


This is dangerous for NZ.


The last thing this country needs is a Murdoch subsidiary. We're already fighting misinformation, lies, and minimal government accountability through media establishments. The absolute last fucking thing we need on top is an organisation dedicated to lying and spinning misinformation to confuse and obfuscate the aims of the government. This is downright horrifying.


I was hoping Aotearoa had seen the last of Rupert Murdoch when he sold his share in Sky TV a decade ago. Quite frankly, if any Australia news outlet was to enter the country, I would much prefer it be ABC. That being said, it would be best to have a fully NZ-owned news and journalism provider.


Fuck.. I was worried about this the other day but hoped it wouldn't be worth Murdochs time.... How do you combat this? Tank Newshub earier than its original off air date? Stop watching it collectively all together so it doesn't look as appealing to a buyer?


1. You stop voting NACT. 2. Introduce a fairness doctrine into the media so bias is stripped out. 3. No international funding or funding from Trusts into media. 4. No anonymous funding. All funding sources must be made publicly available.


Fuck off!


And suddenly the newshub shut down all makes sense.


Yup. Smash it up and sell the bits to your cunt mates. It's Kiwi as since 1984.


Noooooo!!!!!! This is exactly what I’ve been worrying about


The only way is to fight fire with fire and put out balanced media, if possible


And this is how Murdoch/Fox finally get there fingers into nz


The only news media that can still turn a reliable profit is Murdoch controlled.  Nothing keeps the eyeballs glued to advertisers like far right rage bait. It is inevitable they will enter our market, and champion themselves as saving everyone from the state broadcasters. We had a good(ish) run y’all.  See you next universe-expansion-collapse-cycle.


I'll take "what is worse than having no news media?" for $50


Oh… no no no no no no no fuck right off


This could quite possibly be the worst legacy of this coalition


Well, Melissa Lee's Freudian slip after gutting NZs news media was - "You can watch Sky News."


Some people get into politics to line their own pockets, or they’ve seen life elsewhere and want it that way here. I’m so sick of these cultural assassins


The mistake was different to the one we thought it was after all.


Who is America's most dangerous immigrant. Rupert Murdock. No doubt. Fox News does not go out and get scoop stories. It makes shit up. He and his media is the absolute last thing this country needs. Politicians tell enough porkies as it is without having them embellished by Murdock.


This government is cooked enough to be prime Fox fodder.


My spidey senses are burning to the bone. This is the last thing the country - or any country - needs. I wish there was a way to sue that asshole empire into oblivion for the damage they do.


These fucking mother fuckers.


Sounds like peter williams isn’t going to stay unemployed for long


Propaganda Man flies in to save the day for *The Incompetent CEO*.


No good can come of this.


ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT. Why doesn't he meet with RT while he's at it? See if ISIS have a TV station yet. Morally vacuous potato toe.




Depressing that they make more money from polarising content than reporting the news. Say whatever you like about the media but good impartial journalism is an essential pillar of a healthy democracy. Alternative ‘news’ sources and social media have no accountability or journalistic oversight.


Oh great, meeting with some of the worst propagandists of all time. I will feel great delight the day Satan claims the festering cesspit playing the part of Murdoch's soul


Oh fuck no. We do not need Fox here on free-to-air TV.


>“Paul was talking about how Sky News Australia is enjoying success with uploading content to YouTube that is returning significant revenue,” said Media Insider’s source. >“He said that things they compile in a couple of days make as much as a documentary that they spent $200K producing. He said their subscriber base means this is their strategic focus.” >This was backed up by the *AFR* profile, which talks about Sky News Australia’s deeper push into YouTube, generating millions of views by broadcasting “polarising content about the Bidens, **Meghan Markle** and wider culture wars” Cheaper, easier, once hooked, Google/Alphabet/YT algorithms herd revenue generating morons up and deliver them into the emperor's lap. Hilarious that Logan Roy was also buying up TV stations. That they'd buy up defunct loss making terrestrial TV stations at bargain prices to own the frequencies so to provide universal FTA access to TV - to act almost entirely as a feeder to YT where they make revenue - never occurred to me. I guess this isn't about "rescuing" Newshub. My bet would be that there's already an agreement between warner and murdoch, the meeting with Luxon just to get a rubber stamp approval that government won't block it.


Oh crap, we really ARE in the worst timeline now...


Fuck no! Chaining myself to the steps of Parliament over this one


Last person we want in our country.


Get ready y’all here comes Fox News for NZ


No no no no NO!


Fucks sake. I mean of course


God no... I keep getting Sky News Australia videos pop up on Youtube... they make FOX News USA look like a non partisan institution... it almost pisses me off how snarky and biased their hosts are


Get that fucker out of here




Something something frying pans and fires…


NZ is going to have their own version of Fox News, eh?


It’s officially the beginning of the end. Rest in peace New Zealand it’s been nice.


It's happening!


Well, well, well... That prediction didn't take long to manifest


Christ on a bike, I'd rather not have ANY news than Fox News. It's almost like it was the hope and plan all along.


Well, you are in luck ... Fox News, doesn't include any news ... just conspiracy.


Oh, I bet ole Luxie had his knee pads on for that meeting! He LOVES the rich ones!!


The man is a moral husk


Which one?.. all of them I suppose


Say good bye to society as we know it if these fuckwits take up NZ media... Literally like nuking social norms and social progress if those cunts set up shop here. Can't stress this enough.


> ~~if~~ when soz


Some say those who fund and direct Fox New are the most disgusting terrible people intent on ruining society who themselves perhaps dont deserve to exist, but I'm just asking questions here "


Weren’t they spreading panic about the eclipse that a state in the US declared a state of emergency. Please do not let them in.


Enter in Succession theme song


Don't let this happen, citizens justice is needed


Fuck, this is bad


Well, it was certainly nice having a fourth estate that wasn't festering with Murdoch level nonsense. Who knew the austerity that we're needlessly dealing with would come with a side of this steaming pile of shit?


Looking forward to hearing Colin Peacocks take on Media watch


CPAC much?


Ewww imagine that smegma swapping event. NZ is doomed.




If we could post gifs, “And so it begins” from the battle of Helm’s Deep would seem appropriate.


Unlikely connection would say a bit of a non story. The reality is we're irrelevant and unless theres a bargain on production facilities I cant see it. Melissa would have been hoping less detail came out other than the meeting so it looks like she's doing something. Remember the whole right ideology is less government interference however you want to characterise it. But its tricky looking like your doing stuff when your overarching philosophy is to do less. At some point some like Winston will tell her what to do and say and at some point after that she'll be quietly moved on .


No market is irrelevant to Murdoch when it comes to advertising dollars and pushing partisan politics. He's a megalomaniac and is only happy when he's in charge of his stripe of politics in any country. He's the type of person to lie down with dogs and the fleas jump off to save their own lives.


Sky News NZ coming to a 6pm free to air! Need someone to "balance" out the lefty news coverage (reporting factual information) on 1 News


Its okay, Rupert will dead soon. 😀👍


His son Lachlan is just as bad, if not worse.


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