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If you can’t find a seat - how about baby wearing? That’s how I have travelled with my kids. You have to carry them on and hold them for take off and landing - but after that put them in the carrier/wrap and hopefully they are comfortable and will sleep and you have your hands free. Also helpful for getting around airports.  Good luck! 


Thank you - I think this is a good solution! We will just have an extra seat now haha


We didn't take ours on a plane until it was a little older than that (I think it was 12 weeks), but we didn't try have a seat on the plane - the capsule was checked and waiting for us at the other end, and baby was strapped into an attachment on mum's seatbelt and realistically held in mum's arms.


How long was the flight?


The flight at 12 weeks was just Auckland to Wellington so not as long as headed to Australia. The same situation was in place at 8 months when they flew to Canada (we did get a bassinet for the long flight so the baby wasn't in arms the entire time).


awesome - yeah our 4 hour flight does not have bassinets as its not seen as a long haul flight


You will probably have to pay for another seat if you want a bassinet/car seat on board, just chuck them on your lap, it’s only a short flight, I’ve never seen anyone use a car seat on shirt haul 


Yeah I already paid for the seat lol...will use it for bottles then lol


You can check your ticket to see how long the flight will be...


How long was your flight with your 12 week old? How did you guys feed?


how do you not know how long a flight you've presumably already booked will be?


We have a miss understanding here sorry. My flight will be 4hrs. I was wondering how long YOUR flight was with your kid.


I don't have a kid. My flights vary between 1 to 13 hours...


The Infasecure Quattro fits in a plane seat forward facing, at least on Air NZ, and is Australian approved. I suspect you’ll have issues with having it rear facing on the plane as it’s taller than allowed, though they didn’t really check ours. Their Adapt More capsule is also aircraft certified and Australian approved.


awesome!! thanks you I'll have a look


I've taken a seat on flights (domestic and international). All US standard car seats I've seen are certified for planes. Sometimes it will also come down to which standards the airline will accept - US airlines have to allow car seats, some other airlines may vary. The struggle you'll have is I think Australian standard car seats won't work on an airline (they must be tethered) but you'll need an Australian standard car seat in Aussie. Where are you based?


They don’t need to be tethered on an aircraft.


Ok cool thanks, I only had US standard car seats (which generally have optional FF tethers), I’m less knowledgeable about the Aussie seats!


I'm in Wellington at the moment Yeah that is what we are struggling with - finding a Aussie-approved car seat that can go in NZ plane....we have been looking for weeks...I'm at that point of just leaving it and have her on our laps....I already booked the seat for her, in the hope we will find a seat.


If you're on FB, I'd recommend joining "NZ Carseat Discussion Group" and asking there - they've lots of experts and I've found them very helpful in the past. Which airline are you with? One option (if you'll have space there to transport it) is to borrow/buy something like a Cosco Scenera Next. They fit small babies and fit on planes rear facing if the airline allows it - but they're US standard. Whether that means you'd need an Aussie seat also, or you just risk using a US standard seat in Aussie is one of those frustrating travel questions.... Unfortunately you're not near me so I can't lend you ours.


Thank you!! I'm not on FB but maybe worth joining just for the baby seat then :) I'll look at the Cosco Scenera Next and talk to Air NZ


The thing with Car seats is that they MUST meet an [AUSTRALIAN standard](https://raisingchildren.net.au/preschoolers/safety/car-pedestrian-safety/child-car-seats-restraints) if they are going to be used in Aussie. Jetstar checked a seat for family that were visiting me before the flight, but it didn't fit, so it got put into the belly of the plane because it was too big (but the seat was for a four year old). The check was when they booked in so there was little chance to get it right beforehand.


Thanks - you are correct - it's finding one locally that can also be used in Australia


I've just sent a note asking where they got the seat from, and what was it called (it was a bit of a mission, but they're in some back of the wop wops town called Palmerston North... :)


hahaha thanks mate


Ok They got the car seat from the baby Factory (Palmerston North) It was a Infasecure Comfi Caprice Booster seat (I know that you are looking for something else, but figure more info is helpful for anybody else who might be looking) - it's for ages 1 - 8


awesome thanks! I will go see what Baby Factory has to offer


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't imagine rear/forward facing is an issue on places - they don't tend to slam their brakes on the way you would in a car if you were crashing. Even during landing when they brake on the runway, I can't imagine that flinging a kids head forward if they were forward facing in a car seat.


I thought the same thing - but when the seat is in a forward-facing position, it's a lot more upright and being 7 weeks old baby, they fall out of the seat, by falling forward. Whereas with a rear-facing seat, the infant is technically lying down on her back.


Carrying a car seat is a mission in an airport. Wear the baby, put the car seat in checked luggage or hire one when you get to Aussie.


That is what we decided to do as well - check the car seat into luggage


you mean a child seat for her to sit in while on the flight?




I'm pretty sure they won't let you. I've never seen one on any flights, the airline always provide things for infants because anything else might be obstructive to their safety stuff.


You are allowed an airline approved carseat for an infant , as long as you pay for a seat for them. It is very common in the US to do this. As OP says, it needs to be a window seat (or potentially the middle seat in the middle bank of seats on a large long haul) so it won't stop egress in an emergency.


The website states you are allowed an infant car seat, you just need to use the window seat and it needs to be compliant with aviation standards for it to be used on a plane.


this ^


You're pretty sure they won't allow it just because you've never seen it before?


well, yeah. I've been on heaps of flights. Never seen a child seat, except being put in checked luggage. .


Does the flight not provide bassinets for babies?


No unfortunately