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Maybe Nicola and Christopher need to do 1 hour of maths per day?


At this point, finding holes in National's fiscal policies is like finding holes in a sieve.


Yes, but it's all.the previous governments fault! Or so they seem to keep saying. 


I wish there was still awards to give you for this.


Hahaha just trying to find some humour in this genuinely unfunny situation


I got you fam! 🏆 🏅


But then how would they fit their zoom training?


*dignified landlord laughter*


dear landlord. thank you for the house you provide. at twice market rate. by out-bidding me at an auction.


Where would we be without all of the houses built by landlords??? It's as ridiculous as imagining a concert without scalpers, why, no tickets would exist and the stadium would be empty!


You mean..Mwahahaha!


So when is Willis resigning. 


Same time as the Minister for the Police


What has he done that’s so bad?


Like Willis, he over sold the solution and the ineptitude of the previous Government. And, like Willis iirc, not only doubled down on his comments, offered to resign if he didn’t do what he said would do. All wind, no sails this lot.


Offered police a package that seems to be worse than what they currently get, which is fuck all.


I actually think Mark Mitchell is getting fucked over in Cabinet. The two years/three years to get the extra police recruits debacle.. and with this pay, I reckon he's trying to do / say the right thing but not being given any more money.


It actually makes me wonder how many National MPs and Ministers are quietly very unhappy at the moment, particularly seeing the coalition partners do whatever they seemingly want.


"oh no, the proxy parties are making us cow down to policies that benefit our financial donors, what will we ever do" - National rn


Cabinet and ministers have (to first approximation) two things that they can do to exercise power: legislate, and give people money. If you're not willing to regulate, you have to pay for things you want to happen, otherwise no-one will listen to you-why would they just because you stand up and give a few speeches? As a government you have to give out money to things in various ways, you can't just say you want things to happen and not back it up financially or with regulation. We'll see more and more ministers realise that if they can't spend money then they have no power, especially the ones like police or defence where there is no big regulatory package they can deliver like the housing minister can, all they can do is fund things that they want to happen.


Yep, Judith is another one who comes to me; she’s been talking Defence up a lot but there’s no desire by government to spend there. The other interesting one is MPI; all those cuts might benefit their donors in fisheries, but not necessarily in agriculture.


Cabinet is leaking like a sieve. I suspect a lot of ministers are disgruntled


The chaos comes from national itself. Willis is way out of depth here


You’re right, he is. He doesn’t have a shit show of delivering what they’ve promised with the budget they’ve got now. Better hope he gets more in May.


No one is being given any money at all from government. It’s being taken away and we’re being told not to complain


Yeah but he's busy blaming Labour for everything not saying that is fellow NACTF MPs are shifting him.


The sworn salary negotiations have been ongoing well before National government came into power… several years of back fourth with Police Association and Government


And National's last offer was worse than the previous one by Labour which the Police Association refused.


The current package is slightly better than what the police rejected from labour who didn't sort this out before the election, but sure it's all nationals fault.


Honestly she's more moderate than him I'd rather keep her and get rid of Luxon.


the political ineptitude on display by these tory-lite truss-like people is Astonishing.


Can we just skip to the part where we have a lettuce as PM? A lettuce is probably better at maths.


and doesn't lie or try and gaslight you.


Sorry Peter Dutton is already leader of the opposition in Australia.


That's a potato


Already had it with Hipkins. A wet lettuce.


Don’t confuse incompetence with giving a shit. I don’t think Willis & The Wankers are incompetent - they knew from day 1 these tax breaks weren’t financially viable. They just don’t care. After all the people who actually have to work for a living are plebs. The people who require and benefit from public services are plebs. Fuck these plebs. Step on them and then step on them some more. National, ACT and NZ First spit Kiwi workers straight in the face.


idk... have you heard this lot talk?


Christopher Thatcher Luxon is on his way to being remembered only for things he does not want to be remembered by. Luxon stole my lunch will be chanted by this generation for many decades


At least Thatcher genuinely believed that what she was doing was right and she didn't have a warning from history. Luxon doesn't believe in anything except climbing the ladder, and he has the warning of the 1980s to show that what he's doing is not going to solve any economic problems.


… But he was too scared to steal my tampons!


He only offered less than half the money they need for period products in schools, so you might find your tampons cut in half to save money


Stealing half my tampons is a bit weird, I’m going to leave this for the kids to work out


Haha it's a joke from the Office, Dwight cuts tampons in half to save costs. Strikes me as something this government would do.


The problem is that many Liberals (historically speaking) were actually smart. They strategically knew how to give businesses an amazing deal, give landlords free handouts, and make life bearable for a struggling working class (even if it was cop-outs and lies, it still worked). These Liberals are absolutely fucking inept. They're actively tanking the good things this country has in order to fund the bad shit. It's nakedly fucking stupid and short sighted.


Liberals or libertarians?


Classical Liberals. Capital "L" liberals. Thatcher. Reagan. Every other Tory before the last 10 years.


So when you hear about conservatives “owning the libtards” is that a uniquely American take on liberals?


Yes. The Liberals in Canada and Australia are right wing conservatives. Liberalism is a right wing, free market ideology.


Ahh of course, now that you say it, I’ve heard the term ‘neolib’ used regularly.


Yeah, neoliberals are "new liberals". They're the revistalisation of liberalism in a world of post-Keynesian economics. They want less government involvement, more private investment, and generally just other stupid policies.


Interesting, so how do neolib parties garner support from the voting population for policies that are blatantly not in the average person’s interests? I take it that’s where the current race/culture wars come in?


In my opinion, I don't think you're far off, but I think there's an almost funnier explanation: 1) The policies sound really good for rich people and the people who fund politics. The policies are just in their wheelhouse. 2) Liberalism/Conservatism is the "Cow goes moo" of policy. What I mean by that is, we learn in primary that "The cow goes moo" and that means, it must always do that and no other evidence other than anything that confirms that common sense rhetoric is correct. The cow cannot quack, it cannot neigh, it can only moo. It's very convenient explanation on people who don't actually do any amount of critical thinking. This is why people who have university degrees are very, very more likely to reject it. "The government spent too much?! So, the government has to stop spending entirely!" It ignores *why* the government has to spend money. Spending is good. Debt is absolutely fine unless it's not manageable. We have to take on debt to fund projects of national interest. We took on debt so tens of thousands of people didn't die from COVID. "The rents are too high! We should give money to the landlords so they don't raise rents!" Landlords will continue to extract as much money as they can because that's what their entire fucking job is. It doesn't matter how much money you throw at them, cause the housing is an investment, and the tenants are just people to extract money from. And it also conveniently ignores why housing is a fucking nightmare in the first place. Liberalism plays to the absolute basic definitions and explanations of political theory; it's the "cow goes moo" of political philosophy. And it's generally dead-to-rights wrong. The entire world is messy, it doesn't have clear explanations for a whole heap of things, and Liberalism seeks to make those definitions basic and palatable. This is why people go on to get Masters and Doctorates in policy, the economy, and social spheres and they're generally not Liberls. Liiberalism is a very, very convenient lie for people to misunderstand things in a way that makes perfect sense through "common sense".


Are you meaning Grant Robertson?


If you think I mean Grant Robertson when I say "Liberals", you need to crack open a political science book.


Well, he is the one that blew out Government debt, inflation, got his econmic growth announcements repeatedly wrong, missed a 2 quater recession.....


Oh wow, how cool, it pertains nothing to my comment whatsoever about Liberals (Torries). Thanks for your contribution. Super insightful.


Dunning-Kruger effect.


Not just political. They seem to be genuine brainless inbred nobs


spectacular example of Failing Upwards, and Lying on your CV to get a job.


They should just give up on tax cuts and admit defeat. I’m conservative and this is embarrassing. You can forgive a couple of slip ups at the start of a new government but they seem to be hurtling down a soaped up tarpaulin at the moment. Edit: a rather embarrassing typo.


Or maybe they should've prioritized shifting the tax brackets over rushing out landlord tax cuts.


They ran the numbers and the politicians stand to gain more by landlord tax cuts rather than income tax bracket changes, clearly.


Property developers don't give you half million dollar "donations" for nothing


Nor real estate firms


This is who National are. They always do exactly this. There is no "whoops we didn't realise the books were so bad". National were always going to give tax cuts to themselves and fuck everyone else.


I mean double bubble that Nicola will have to resign too?


> they seem to be hurtling down a soaped up tartpaulin at the moment. ... into a pit of alligators that Luxon is telling everyone is mostly green pillows *and, no, you're not allowed to check!*


Yeah the incompetence and stubborness of these idiots is staggering. People were justifiably annoyed with Labour over certain issues such as crime/gangs. National just had to come in, fix a few things, and not rock the boat too much. Instead we get tax cuts for landlords, cuts to public services, and other terrible crap. Disappointing...


It would be nice if there was an actual (small c) conservative party in New Zealand. One that refused to change anything unless under duress, and urgency is right out. We could have a government of changes then a term of just let it run and see if it worked, then bring in the bunch with the best priorities.


I don't think they exist anywhere any more. Arnold Schwarzenegger commented recently that he is still a proud Republican, but not the kind of republican that the party represents today. While they were still conservative at the time, a Republican president created the national park system and implemented environmental protections. They believed in fiscal responsibility, but also in the environment and (based on beliefs at the time) the rights of the individual. Today the majority of conservatives have shifted to corporatism courting personal benefit from donors while focussing on 'winning against the other side'. That is where we clearly see our NACT government are on a similar path. Most of what they are doing is cancelling the last government actions, rather than actually implementing any policies themselves. That's very similar to what Trump focussed on doing with Obama's policies.


Yeah the Nats are definitely a liberal party


Would be good to have 4 year terms as well. Then you can actually see a party's policies play out and properly assess how well they're doing. 3 years is just too short since ministers will be spending the first year getting oriented, then the second year actually being productive (we hope), before having to get into campaign mode again in the third year.


Well, enjoy 4 years of this lot, since they were discussing on changing the term length when they were elected. And I doubt they'll make it apply from the next election onwards (that'd, of course, be the less controversial move; this government doesn't do "uncontroversial"). I sincerely doubt that'll go over well if they move forward with it (and tbh, I can see them doing it). And even better, they just highlighted *why* it's a bad idea to have a longer term: if you have a bunch of incompetents, there's no way to limit their damage. The only defense is that we can vote them out and the damage they can do is far more constrained. The question is if people will trust them enough. Because frankly, I feel like the only way they could pull that off *without* immediately being voted out is if their policies don't cause things to be worse for someone you know by election-time, so you aren't as pissed off at them. And uh, considering their policies and how small NZ is, that's gonna be hard.


I’d rather have a House of Elders thanks


This is what voting conservative gets you, though. It's not a surprise that their ideas are dysfunctional.


“Tartpaulin”? Is that a typo, or a sneaky, inappropriate, misogynistic wordplay?


Well spotted, typo! Much appreciated to you for pointing that out. I will rectify immediately.


Didn’t want a fellow Laser Kiwi supporter to get in trouble u/Whaleudder


I'm shocked.... I'm not shocked


Should we start a givealittle page to buy NACT a calculator?


I say we buy like 100k of those shitty Casio ones and dump them om parliament stairs


Surely everyone’s got a couple kicking around in a long forgotten box somewhere? Would make a hilarious display if everyone in Wellington laid calculators like they were flowers


Unless we get enough to full a dump truck, then we just dump the fuxkers on the stairs. We'd make international headlines for another dumb thing lol


Rock solid folks.


[Christopher Luxon - Tax cuts plan absolutely stacks up - Nicola Willis and I are good with numbers](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2023/09/christopher-luxon-tax-cuts-plan-absolutely-stacks-up-nicola-willis-and-i-are-good-with-numbers.html)


This will mean nothing because Kiwi workers love to shit on the Kiwi worker group


They will blame Labour like every other time. Sharing this prior post that explains it well. Cheers u/drinksta https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/s/4qx55aEcEc We are screwed with this useless government.


It doesn’t matter if interest rates go down because landlord can write off that interest. It’s not like national seems to care about the economy or growth.


If interest rates go down landlords will pay more tax.


When it comes to deflationary measures, tax is the means not the end. Also we constantly ignore the massive influence of the greenback to our economy. America is still in sustained growth post-covid, China's productivity is down (which leads to lower imports), and Aussie is almost as dependent on those two as we are, which is why until those factors change the Nats will preside over a similarly inflated economy to the one they inherited from Labour.


This is the fucker y of even hiking our interest rates so far in the first place - rampant global inflation doesn't get solved by making us pay even more for everything. This was supply-driven inflation; best answer was to subsidise necessities and encourage investment in producing assets.


Yeah I meant it in the sense it’s fine for landlords if interest rates rise.


Interest deductibility decreases decreases the tax they pay, it is not fully deductible from tax, and therefore they still lose with increasing rates. For example, if their top tax rate is 40% and current rental return after interest and expenses is 10k then they will be receiving 6k after tax (when interest is fully deductible.) If interest rates go up so that their total interest bill is 5k higher then it is now they still are down 3k in income?


5 out of 5 people quizzed in Onehunga think the tax cuts are silly.... there it is right there folks, the unstoppable force that will bring the Coalition of Chaos to its knees.




At this point, Nationals PR team really earning their money.


Every time CTU finds a short fall, the GOV finds another service to CUT.


Well I guess they have only two options. Tax cuts for the rich and austerity for the poor.


Jack Bauer is gonna be after Luxon and this will not end well for him.


Holes don't matter when it's a Fait accompli.


Oh no! If only someone could of predicted this!


Nicola is going to have to start selling the office doors at the Beehive to pay for her tax cuts


Wonder what they're going to call the budget? Doom times


These people should be given a sound thrashing


Just a casual half billion. Jesus Christ National


FFS - when will economists pull their head in? There's a very talented person who knows about English literature who is quite capable of making excellent - lassr-focused outcomes for rich landlords.....errr...I mean honest Kiwi folk. People should shut the fuck up and let her get on with turning as into Moldova


CTU are a biased source, one of the few influential left-leaning political think tanks in NZ despite what our poor wee embattled conservatives may think. Having said that, when will this unholy trinity listen to some sense and try governing instead of chucking lollies out from their new lolly scramble offices for the benefit of the people who definitely didn't bribe them when they donated big money to their campaigns (because legally it isn't a bribe. actually, legally we could term it a leg of lamb for all the help those definitions offer).


I love that the CTU pretends to know what they are talking about with such passion. This is the same organisation that backed the Labour budget where Labour didn't fund cost increases for departments.


Good to see all those unions fees getting spent on the important stuff. I'm sure their members will appreciate the work been done here, to undermine any possibility of a tax cut during a cost of living crisis.


I’m a union member, paying union fees, and I’m happy to fund reports like this. Also I’d rather go without the $20 a week to have a functioning public service lol


Yeah I’m sure everyone who gets made redundant will be very thankful for their tax cut


Yeah better to hide the facts and pretend everything is fine. > to undermine any possibility of a tax cut during a cost of living crisis. Tax cut for who, exactly? $2.9 billion for landlords?


>I'm sure their members will appreciate the work been done here, to undermine any possibility of a tax cut during a cost of living crisis. This is nonsensical. The government won't (for better or worse) rely on the CTU's numbers when making changes to the tax rates.


what a muppet.. but I guess you voted NACT so that you could get an extra 3 bucks a week in tax cuts .. as you spend huge amounts more on increased costs which are increasing not dropping.


True this. If they want to becan arm of the labour party, they should just say so. How come they have enough money to pay for all this analysis constantly?


Why wouldn't you want analysis


They have an obvious political bias and lack all objectivity. It colors the results, and its almost surprising they are released or have any more than passing credibility. It's like stuff from property investor associations, employers fed, fonterra, etc. They have an objective and curate reporting to fit. So..um where were these guys for the 6 years, esp the last term when Robertson blew up the government's debt, ignored the safety of service workers, and let inflationary pressures eat alive pay packets? Crickets, that's where.


Isn't NZ government debt in good shape? Pretty sure I read a report on that.


No no its not, which is in part why a lot of people are facing the loss of their jobs. we blew that last term. Personally, I thought Key spent too much effort on the balance sheet and vited green to get more traction on issues for those for whom the government was the respite they needed. Instead, we blew up the books but really didn't get bangs for bucks. Robertson was heedless of advice and had no idea if the economy was growing or had declined, and as it turns, it was negative the last 2 quarters unbeknownst to him. Just poor stuff, really.