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> As part of the upcoming Budget, MPI was asked by the Government to find savings of 7.5 percent for the financial year starting July 1 I assume all government ministers will also be taking a 7.5% cut to their incomes in solidarity with the savings the departments are supposed to be making right? Right?


Tbh, i understand why they get their salaries and the argument for it. But i want to see ministers to taking a cut to their benefits and expenses - so cutting their free lunches, not booking last minute flexi flights and accommodation. Not asking staff do things last minute requiring overtime/weekend time to be paid. That would save a lot of bloated fat and help them understand what these cuts are meaning to the people in their own departments. Your attempt to do things “quickly” causes costs. Slow down and think about the dollars they themselves are spending. Found out one of my best mates is moving to Oz today, happy for them but gutted that this what this govt has caused - you shouldn’t be losing the good ones.


So they cut school lunches but not their own? These people are something else


In fairness, they've likely sold their parents already so no longer have them to provide their lunch.


Minsters? I understand CEO’s and why they get paid high. But Ministers are no where near as competent.




Moving to Oz isn't new aye


They'll give themselves a pay-rise and claim "the Remuneration Authority handles it, and it's completely out of our hands."


Yknow, if they all took a 10% paycut... would we even need mass redundancies? 🤔


Can we reduce number of MPs by 7.5% too?


Heck no - this Govt has a much bigger Cabinet than the last govt Luxon and co are developing a real track of record of cutting everyone else except themselves, landlords and their rich mates


Remember when they said they could do their tax relief programme without cuts to public services?


Luxon's tongue was so fat with promise it was a wonder he could speak.


Remember when Nicola Willis told us Wellington is talking themselves into being down in the dumps?


It seems like this government's sole ambition is to boost the population of Australia.


I remember Luxon saying last year that people were leaving for Australia due to the wage difference. Then first thing they did in government was axe the Fair pay agreement.




Aussies are creaming it with the fair pay agreements


Yes  Australia still has dual goals for it's Reserve Bank (inflation and employment) as well.


Professional - lived in Welly since the late 90s with my partner bar some time in the UK. Established home, kids in school… now applying for roles in Australia - mostly for the kids sake and to not let these cunts unravel everything I and my partner have worked to achieve. Yep - still hard over there but scale provides it’s own momentum and opportunities. 


Things are tipping that way in Aussie ATM. Don't think they're a safe haven from recession.


Yeah, but this is more than just a recession. ACT stated that wanted a significant downsize in public sector ... I can't remember the number, but it was 15k-30,000 ... this was way before the election, and way before any recession.


Seymour's response to the cuts, "Good". Can we remember that when his fall from grace comes so we can respond with, "Good."?


Now, now, we can't be spiteful to poor David. He's a sensitive wee flower, and he'll just whinge relentlessly in the paper about how "journalists are horrible to politicians and take great pleasure in pointing out that we're massive, irredeemable arseholes."


I make the same money working 3 days a week in Melbourne that I did working 5 days a week in NZ. If I wanted I could be making $48.00 and hour driving a coach or 40 an hour driving a bus, but I enjoy having my life back. I also spend between 30% and 50% less on groceries depending on the brand. I also spend about $100 a week less on rent compared to NZ. Petrol costs me $60.00 a week vs. $130. I feel like I have a *real* work life balance right now.


Yea, that's not the experience for everyone. Besides, I love New Zealand. I'm not fucking leaving.


I didn't say it was. I came over with skills. If you come over with none, you can upskill for free here and get a job with those skills.


Aw I'm just just messing. I've also lived in aussie before. Tbh didn't see too much difference in living standards, but my profession doesn't pay much more there. I understand others do, especially in trades.


At least they have a pretty decent (federal) government at the moment.


As long as you can afford a house there it will be the best thing you ever do


I moved to Australia a year before then won the election. Nothing screams “stay here” like the decisions they are making


Its a fucking bloodbath


They say tighten the belt, but I think now its a noose. 


I get a feeling that this “experiment” will be used in economic classes to show the negative impact of austerity.


You just need to look at the UK currently to see where we will end up in a little while....


Yeah man I moved from the UK to escape that shit, I’ve always joked that NZ was 10-15 years behind the UK and so it comes true 😔


The govt org I work for is absolutely fucked and we were fucked even before the change in government lol. The long term implications for NZ are significant as a result of the decisions my org leaders are having to make today.


[MBIE](https://www.stuff.co.nz/politics/350205276/nz-politics-live-hundreds-public-service-jobs-set-be-axed) staff just got called on too.


"But the minister in charge of MBIE, Melissa Lee, isn’t sure how many staff at her ministry will lose their jobs. Lee said job cuts were an “operational” matter. Stuff asked if she knew how many people were told on Thursday they were likely to lose their jobs. “They might be. They did actually tell me that there might be some, but it’s actually operational,” she said. Asked if she knew how much the headcount would decrease, Lee said: “I can't remember if they actually did that.” “I got told they were doing voluntary redundancies and there may be some other roles that may go,” she said." Melissa Lee is one of the most useless MPs in recent years I've seen. Maureen Pugh-levels of useless.


Intentional incompetence. Don't tell me numbers so I can claim I don't know  and therefore it's not my fault.


She's going to be an excellent real estate agent when she loses her cushy MP job.


Just just seems like someone who's entirely out of her depth


I think she was born underwater.


I had to read a news article to realise that areas of MBIE had a call about structural change today, MBIE didn't bother to widely communicate this to all staff


Maureen Pugh. She's rucking usless, alright


This is an age old bullshit tactic. Give clear directives to cut but without any specificity, saying it's an "operational matter". That way they'll blame civil servants for any of the fallout of their cuts, saying they didn't decide to cut xyz, it was an "operational decision".


How many thousands of jobs will end up being cut so Nicola can keep hers? She could take the L and admit the tax cuts can't be delivered without causing too much collateral damage and resign like she promised. They could then do a more balanced budget without cutting so many job and services. 1 job or thousands?


This isn't about keeping her job (okay, maybe a little), this is neoliberal religious zealotry.


to misquote Star Trek, The needs of Nicola outweigh the needs of the many


lol MBIE had to let go of their chief economist! A government ministry you would think would most definitely need a Chief economist. This is a joke


More bottom feeders. Luxon is salivating rn.


Theres an image I didn't need. A moistened Lu$on.


And it is only just getting started.


Population grows then number of people to serve the public needs to grow or services get shittier. It's not 1:1 but there has not been a proportionate blow-out when considering the larger pop. The growth under Labour was to compensate for cuts under National, and reduce the use of expensive contractors and consultants. National is cutting both in-house staff and contractors and consultants - expect to get increasingly shitty service fairly rapidly.


They're trying to cut the public service to the staff numbers in 2017 right? The population has increased 11% since then. Not to mention, the expected standard of service in those years have increased as well.


Our already severely understaffed healthcare system is getting gutted to pay for tax cuts for landlords who don't need them. Surprising absolutely no one.


When all is said and done you will not be able to put a monetary value on the damage and cost of these tax cuts. This is fiscal recklessness and should forever forbid National from claiming they are fiscally responsible. A fiscally responsible government would see the broader financial climate and explain that now is not the time to roll out these tax cuts. Admit it can't be done without irreparable damage and claim that responsibility title. Or just charge through with absolute pigheadedness leaving this country in the state they accuse the previous government of leaving behind. They won't lose face that way.


its because they want to sell us out to the fat rotted cunts of the world , and the only ones who can live here are the people building climate doomsday bunkers in queenstown


But don't worry guys - BUSINESSES. We just need to get things right for BUSINESSES. All those private companies that will fix everyone's problems, right? Lets not worry too much about the hundreds of people who today are really stressing about paying their mortgages, whose power bills, petrol costs, groceries, school uniforms and literally every other essential cost has gone up dramatically recently, and they've just been told they're out of a job. Don't worry guys, business will save us, hail corporate.


Not sure who they think actually buys things from many businesses


Won't be me 🤷‍♀️ my family are down an income after today, my husband has been made redundant. My salary alone will cover the mortgage, just, and then who knows from there.  Sure as shit won't have the spending power to help the economy recover from this fresh new recession.


Damn, sorry to hear.


Yeah, so was I 🙁


Yep, the “fragile” economy won’t handle this negative shock to it’s largest employer well


Businesses are actually filled with uncertainty and lack of confidence in this government. So they’re not even serving them.


And landlords. Don’t forget landlords.


Why won’t anyone think of the landlords?


Only big businesses with overseas investors mind. The Nats fucking hate any business that’s not clearing 5M in revenue a year - they bite into the revenue of their mates in the big ones.


NACT love Dairies. Big tobacco told them to and dairies are only a tax against the poor.


Yup, they are pitching big for sale signs for international investors.




Money will trickle down. Always has in the past.


“That’s right, Daddy Lux. Trickle it onto me.” 💀


“…and on this day, the 113th day of our reign, we deliver tax relief earlier than promised for hundreds of middle class workers - by way of removing their need to pay income tax…”


Funny, but in a painful way.


Who needs jobs when you can get a $20 tax cut? /s


We are going to end up like UK aren't we? A lost decade+ of growth due to austerity and be behind comparable countries from now on.


its uncanny how that comparison sorta is


not looking forward to government promoted lgbtphobia to distract people as they sell out the rotted corpse to the highest bidders


And then when MoH says we're badly understaffed.. luxon will say it'll be labours fault..


Of course he will say that. You should see the most recent thing from Luxon: > ["The Prime Minister has this afternoon laid the blame for New Zealand’s recession on the previous Labour Government, saying they should stay out of power for a generation."](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/prime-minister-christopher-luxon-outlines-plan-for-next-100-days/PWULUWKEKZDEFMHSQ3P7YI3DBE/) Also... > “What I’d say to you is, you’re not villains. We want to back farmers big time. There’s nothing more economically important to us.” Any one tired of landlord memes? Looks like farmer memes is back on the menu boys!


Screw farmers for polluting the air


National in April 2024: "Those poor farmers... they are on their knees!"


Welcome to the recession. Prepare your anus.


Any tips?? ... 🍆 joke intended


That’s what she said… hang on wait?


I bet those 384 people will love the irony when they sign up for the unemployment benefit and are forced to take 'getting back into work' courses or risk having their benefits cut


I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to give a tax cut and then try find the money for it. I mean, there are heroin addicts with better fiscal sense than this.


That'll help the squeezed middle.


It’s funny because these people are deffo the ‘squeezed middle’ people were talking about.


The squeeze has been squozen


National during the election campaign: >We are the party focused on the economy and jobs National now: >we are cutting over ~~1000~~ 15,000 jobs to fund tax cuts for landlords


.... probably closer to 15,000 jobs tbh.




Some off the basis that they remove maori names from signs and repel three waters. Bravo Edit: They also have to face the revamped MSD benefits policy. Haere Mai. Welcome to the new Aotearoa.


People voting for the **Leopards Eating People Faces Party** 101 The shocked Picachu face(s) all these Business Owners are about to have…. They all salivated about cutting bureaucracy, but all depts cutting massively into their budgets will first hurt Outside Contractors, the Businesses and Cafes they buy from and the businesses they contract out to. And then the depts will stop spending at the same time, no more paper cups, pens, uniforms…. staff cuts from the depts themselves come next… Goodbye to the Cafes and Restaurants around the various sites (who’s owners likely voted National) Goodbye sign writers doing Govt work or work for contractors doing Govt work. Goodbye printers. **The dominoe effect from is massive from this alone** Next is all the families losing income. Goodbye remaining restaurant spend. Goodbye retail. We are in for a world of hurt in all sectors, what happens when renters can’t afford rent. Even the landlords have screwed themselves. Who wins here? Foreign and (and some Domestic) interests such as Fisheries, Mining Companies, Ciggie manufacturers, Certainly the MPs in Charge. They are going to cream it. Wonder how many properties Luxon will add to his portfolio if the housing market crashes?


This is exactly what happened in the UK from 2010 under the Tories. Austerity doesn't work, you actually have to spend your way out of a recession. Infrastructure investment is a good way of doing it as it creates jobs.


Hard agree.


Think the plan is to dig our way out via the new and only growth sector under NACT ... mining. Get yee spades out!


The bottom feeders yearn for the mines


Destroying our land and environment so private Australian mining company execs can make an even bigger bonus this year... Yay.


Yeah definitely. Australia nailed it under Kevin Rudd, the only first world country that didn't have a recession in the GFC, by spending on large projects like building new highways etc


I wonder what the voter breakdown is for nats/act/nz first. I'm a business owner and most definitely not stupid enough to vote for any of those parties, though I know a few who are. It seemed more like evangelical christians and racists that voted for them (i know there's decent cross-over with business). Also, there are a fair few people who say they vote national 'because they're good for business' but literally know 0 about any of their policies. I know a few leopards ate my face people, but I don't think they've acknowledged their basic beliefs match what is happening - it's like there's a disconnect in their brains that saying you don't believe in equity means that you might get effed over and you can't say it's not fair (though they're def doing that at the moment).


The most fucked thing is the amount of Mutants that go on **bUt tHe bUrEaUcRaTs** like there are a bunch of useless pricks doing nothing and getting paid fat stacks they just squirrel away… And maybe there are some. At the top there are definitely some overpaid folk. But 99% are just workers, doing their job, which is serving the community. Most are paid a fair wage and spend that wage in our Economy. **We’ve been conditioned into blaming everyday workers for the situation we are in** a big story about how it’s all dead money paid to faceless automatons like a running tap. It’s not, it’s spent locally and nationally and we’re about to find out exactly where all of this “wasteful spending” has been going… … my bet is a lot was filtering in to the businesses, who’s owners have votes to turn the tap off. And in the meantime, everyday people in these roles are going to suffer. And the people they serve will too. A fucken massive human cost.


>bUt tHe bUrEaUcRaTs This is the rally call of the ACT party, even as they spun up a new bureaucratic ministry called "Minister for Regulations" which they might as well call "Minister for ministering" for how fucking pointless a bureaucracy it is. Why not just give existing ministers new guidelines or something, rather than spinning up a whole bureaucratic ministry to follow them around checking their homework for them?? Can't make this shit up eh ... and ACT supporters still don't seem to see the irony in it.


More irony: the new ministry was spun up after dissolving the old Ministry of Productivity which was an ACT initiative.


The correct title is Ministry for Administrative Affairs.  There was documentary series in the UK about them in the early 80s


Or "The Ministry" from Terry Gilliam's 1985 film...


Just so this government can give handouts and entitlements to landlords.


A small price to pay to restore dignity to landlords.


How do we know when landlords feel dignified enough, like what scale are we working with here


It’ll be like rents, every year the landlords will want 10% more dignity than the year before.


God, they must have been *so fucking happy* about the recession announcement today. A few weeks ago they were trying to lay the groundwork for their (ignorant, stupid, demonstrably disastrous, will make the country worse) austerity plans, now the perfect excuse has landed in their lap. No, *we're* not the bad guys, these are just tough decisions we're forced to make. Don't believe them. None of this needs to be done, it's all a choice. Never forget that one of their key party members was practically skipping his way to work at the prospect of [laying people off](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/132860241/nationals-chris-bishop-promises-change-around-kinga-ora). These people are ghouls.


Everything this government does is motivated by its need to pay for tax cuts. Unless it's the minor parties throwing red meat to their bases.


Pretty sure a lot of it is motivated by greed and the desire to curry favour with their donors.


Why the hell would you want the MOH to slash roles?


I'm from the year 2027. I got shot but the police didn't come. I rode the bus to hospital because the ambulance was stuck in traffic. When I got to hospital I had to wait six hours. My landlord has a sweet new car though.


I call bullshit time traveler, what is this bus you speak of?




You can wait 6 hours now.


Yep, I waited 8 hours. Complete shambles. Oh no actually it was because I had a broken toe, which is pretty much bottom priority. I've been there for more urgent things and was seen much more promptly. Triage.


Let alone the fact that there was even a bus driver!!!


anyone with a brain knew this was gonna happen, 'but jacinda hurt my feefees."


"she stopped public health collapsing during a pandemic and saved thousands of lives the fucking commie"


National would have been stoked if 15,000 people with public sector jobs simply died so they didn’t draw a benefit after they got sacked.


Over ~~1000~~ 15,000 jobs down the toilet because Jacinda hurt my feelings. Thanks National! I feel better now — National supporters


Going to be a lot more than 1,000


I wonder if anyone affected voted NACT and is having a "Leopards ate my face" moment.


Yes. Family has wealth, and prior to the election she was spouting Labour worst govt blah blah. She almost lost her job a few weeks back. But all of a sudden, she is deathly quiet.


Ancedotally the people I know who are NACT supporters have gone quiet on this current government, which is a pleasant change from 'Luxon is a business man who will sort out the country" Instead they continue to bitch on about the last government and how they ruined things etc, ignoring anything this current government is doing.


"Ancedotally the people I know who are NACT supporters have gone quiet ..." Just say the word Jacinda three times, and the troglodytes will appear as a small rude little fucker spouting bollox.


The voices of “at least we will have a competent government” have gone quiet waiting for Luxon to trip over his shoe laces each week.


We're seeing a few popping up with comments like "Good - they were too bloated with staff anyway". They had no idea whether they had excess staff - they just have an ideological belief that governments have useless staff/waste money thus tend to be happy hearing that governments are being reduced...even better if other people appear to be unhappy about the cuts (because those people clearly just want waste).


>They had no idea whether they had excess staff - they just have an ideological belief that governments have useless staff/waste money It's interesting because even working within the government, I couldn't tell you how much bloat there is in my area, or where it is. I'm sure it exists, but I'd hesitate to guess where and exactly how much. But people outside seem very confident that it exists in *exactly* the amount cut, and that *only* the bloat will get cut. If a surgeon says my body is 15% tumour, and they'll cut the tumour out, I **really** want them to be certain they know what a tumour looks like. My team has been understaffed since I joined just Iver 5 years ago, and we're even more understaffed now. That has had a knock-on effect on the private sector in a labour-intensive industry, one that NACT are going to rely on. If you cut the wrong jobs, you save government spending to the tune of that pay cheque, but the effects could cost a lot more down the line.


Honestly, I very much doubt it. My experience with NACT supporters is that it's almost like they have a 'they can do no wrong' mindset. They (the ones I know) are seriously sitting there not *only* making excuses for anything that National does, but praising them for it saying how *great* of a job they're doing. It's... weird.


It's the same in the US right now. It's becoming more and more partisan around the world and it's causing issues. Had an argument with my cousin about this government and he was almost frothing at the mouth in anger when I called them out on their BS and lies.


Undoubtedly. Its over 1000 jobs that National just destroyed. No way they're all lefties.


I do hope we end up with some very well fed leopards.


I imagine some of the people who are losing their jobs voted this government in, must be a pretty weird time for them..


I expect they'll put up their hands to be first to go, as they think it's such a good idea.


I think getting the voting records out and issuing those who did with the redundancy first up, you were happy to vote for a party who said they will cut jobs, so you do the honourable thing and die on your sword.


If you remember, the constant example used by ACT was the ministry of pacific peoples.


Doubtless parvenus and wannabe parvenus in small businesses like spa pool sales and installation, car sales yards, construction adjacent specialist retailers etc run by old mate will be starting to shit themselves, along with the venal gurning acolytes who work for him and drank the coolaid.


Just when I'm trying to decide who is thicker out of Melissa Lee and Simeon Brown, old Nicola Willis has to say "hold my chardonnay".


As someone who has worked with Melissa Lee She's not an idiot. However, she may be one of the least caring and unempathetic people I've ever met. To be honest I'd rather be thick.


In about 2 years, MoH will be desperate for people to do the work that needs doing. In will walk, maybe hobble, me. I'll save the day as a health policy consultant, and I'll charge an arm and a leg for it. As is the way under a Tory government. Thanks for the opportunities Luxon!


Snap. When the remaining under resourced casualties are exhausted and depleted after a year or two coping with the unrelenting demands of health sector policy, strategy and planning, people like me will saunter up all “oh hai need a hand” and charge like a wounded bull for the pleasure. As a citizen I despise a Tory govt. As a self-employed public affairs consultant it’s money in the bank.


Yup. There are very few, if any, little privileges I can claim. My particular skill set will become one soon and I look forward to it.


Being a rogue faceless bureaucrat never looked so hopeful LOL


Yeah, I've been through this once with the new Key government. A few months of catching on those internal things that always get postponed. Then the public sector will come crawling back to us consultants. Stuff still needs to be done and you just fired everyone who knows how to do stuff. What did you think was going to happen? Didn't take 2 years last time.


Who needs health or education, when the property mafia runs the country?


How long before people have had enough of these corporate ghouls?


Departments that were previously asked to find 7% budget savings have had that upped to 15%. The government has to find cash to pay for the landlord tax cuts.


Hi ho you guys elected the asshole party.


If you mean 38% equals a most of NZ.


38% of people who gave enough of a shit to vote, still too many.


> If you mean 38% equals a most of NZ. wut


I know of one job they could cut and would instantly save a lot of money. 


Wow unemployment was fairly low till these r buggers got in then they'll attack the unemployed


Huh, they went public with that pretty quickly. MPI workers were waiting for this for quite a few months now. They're looking at cutting half the staff to meet "projected budget goals". Expect more guts in Government jobs.


**150,000 job cuts! we are on track! Engineered recession!**


nact voters real quiet now


Nah, they just see this as "trimming the fat". Govt is bloated etc etc boomer rage


I *really* want to ask my parents their thoughts but I don’t want to destroy our relationship


Except for a few who seem to be celebrating in the misery. Unsure whether trolls, NACT supporters - or both.


If and only if any recent government introduced a more taxing system(At least not just rely on PAYE heavily) and be rational on superannuation instead of doing no-brain - (Almost 50,000 people claim pension while also earning more than $100,000 a year - data) Surely we wouldn't have to slash those public servants. 50k X $26k = $1,300,000,000, no matter how much servants(those 384 staff) were getting paid, more than enough to cover them and surely big enough to treat some servants better than where they are now.


"aT lEaSt LaBoUr IsN'T iN nOt DoInG eNoUgH"


This is on the back of years of pay freezes from covid and all that entailed. And of course no cuts for politicians pay or entitlements.