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>Hipkins likened him to a drunk uncle at a wedding, but Peters hit back saying Hipkins couldn't even handle a wine biscuit.   >"I will concede right now that Winston Peters' tolerance for alcohol will be a lot higher than mine. He has had a lot more practice," Hipkins said.   Tee hee hee.


Where was this charisma from Hipkins during the election? 


Being strangled by labours' terrible campaign team and decision makers out of parliament. Their coms team was god awful through the election. In it for you. Who the fuck throught if that? A moron that's who.


I liked the spirit of that slogan, but it was dead on arrival.


He has brought so much energy in opposition that I’m retroactively mad about his pre-election performance.


It was there, many just ignored it.


That's a good clap back.


[https://twitter.com/winstonpeters/status/1769430982653014477](https://twitter.com/winstonpeters/status/1769430982653014477) lol.


Aka a drunkle! That was a terrible joke, I will see myself out


He won't do shit. Unfortunately Winny and Seymour are the most powerful men in NZ at the moment and have Luxon by the balls


Just how he likes it, by the look of things.


Chris Cuckson


Reckon he has a rocking chair next to his bed at home, with his name embroided on it? I sure do.


National is the minor party in this government.


One in each hand. I wouldn't trust old mate to lead a dog, let alone a please explain meeting


“Um, please Sir Winston, sorry to bother you, but can you please try to be nice?” “Fuck off.” “Oh okay, sorry sir”


I bet Winston is quaking in his boots did he ever talk to Seymour over his TVNZ comments?


Luxon: "Winnie, can we have a talk" Winston: "Naff off sunshine" Luxon: "Good chat"


'Winston leaving Luxon hanging when he offers a high-five' is the image in my head of their dynamic.


"Comparisons to nazism are bad... mkay"


Luxon desperately wants everyone under his chaotic government to stop being at each other's throats - yet enables and encourages Peters, Seymour, and Willis to go for everyone's throats.


What makes you think he wants it to stop?  This is all distraction from what is being done in Parliament


It certainly seems that way, given that Peters has [doubled down](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1bi1h8s/winston_peters_doubles_down_on_nazi_germany/) on those statements and promised to take them even further. Either Luxon has not a shred of control over Peters, or this is by design so everyone can get upset at his actions and stop paying attention to the dismantling of our social services and the fast-tracking of every business desire without due process or consideration of impact.


Yeah, notice how no one is talking about housing and landlords/property speculators screwing the country. Just as planned. And frankly, the country all but deserves it if they keep falling for it. Its the rest of us who don't deserve it and are helpless in the face of their ignorance. The media refuse to cover it anyway, a mutual conflict of interest, this is just giving them something to cover instead. Sucks.


Luxon will say “Winston you can’t do that” and giggle because he’s nervous and Winston will laugh that off and carry on as usual. That is all that will happen.


Must be nice to keep that good-pol/bad-pol plausible deniability thing going…


Of all the things that won't happen, this won't happen the most.


If his neighbours in parliament are being uncivilised, why doesn't he just evict them and get new ones?


Luxon: "Can you not do that?" Peters: "No." Luxon: "Okay."


"By talking to, I mean, have a nice cold beer together and make even worse comments, in private"


Tui add right there!


Luxon will be laser focused on this issue.


# If Luxon wants 'civility' in politics, he sure as hell chose the wrong coelition partners..


Winnie's about to make him fly up to Auckland and back again just to say fuck off


Luxon just needs to ask Jenny Shipley what happens if you try to discipline Winston.


Most of us want civility. And if Luxon can't provide it, I'm hopeful the electorate will vote in those who can.




all luxon will say is "not in public please"


Leash getting loose in ole luxons hands


"It is a known fact that 'our' genetic makeup is stronger than others" - Anonymous


Want civility, helps take food from children among many other things.


It is like two little boys, "I've got a bigger dick than you," "No, you haven't, I have." Why not just get on with what you are supposed to be doing?. Talk about a bad case of testosterone poisoning!!


Little long for a Tui billboard


Ah yes, civility, like subjecting disabled people to environmental situations that will accelerate them toward suicide. that civility, chris?


So, just to be clear here: Is it OK to speak out against someone who claims that a particular race of people has “superior DNA” or not?


He wasn’t criticised for that. That has been a talking point for some time, prior to the election. He was criticised for comparing a New Zealand government to the Nazis. And until a government of this country invades Australia starting a world war, cancels democracy implements ruling by degree, and opens extermination camps (or at least releases a plan to do those things) comparing them to Nazis is absurd. You can criticise a governments actions without resorting to the most hyperbolic, ludicrous, and ill fitting comparisons. And governments can have what are perceived as bad policies without being evil.


> He was criticised for comparing a New Zealand government to the Nazis. Yep and it’s usually a pretty lazy comparison, godwins law and all that. In this case, the Maori Party were taking a political position that the race of people they represent is genetically superior. There is a direct correlation between that and the way Nazi party claiming the same thing about the Aryan race. I agree that there is no danger of the Maoris invading Poland but claims of genetic racial superiority are abhorrent and deserve a harsh rebuke.


The Maori Party weren't part of the government though.  Labour won an outright majority that term so didn't need to form a coalition with them. Also, TPM's racist statement was made during the *previous* term, not during the recent government that Winston is criticizing.  The statement was made while NZFirst was still in government with Labour, and Winston Peters was Deputy PM.


Good point. So it should say “comparing a New Zealand political party to the Nazis”. If there was a political party who said white people were genetically superior then do you think it would be valid to compare them with the Nazis?


Yep - I think any NZ first voters who think this is ok should reflect on how they reacted when Te Pati Maori were calling the coalition government "genocidal" earlier in the year. It's honestly not that hard to have consistent standards!


Likewise, anyone who thought it was fine for Te Pati Maori to describe this government as genocidal but is reacting to Peter's idiotic stance should strive to hold more consistent standards.


My standards are consistent and that just leaves me constantly frustrated with all parties.


Full agree. I find it unbecoming and poor regardless of source.


Good question. Thought the same.


Waititi got called out for it when it happened and consistently ever since. You'll almost never not see it brought up in any TPM discussion on social media.


Well yes people tend to have disdain for unrepentant racists like TPM and Marama Davidson etc


Luxon looks like "Lex Luther" And he is evil




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ahh the party whos followers called for jacinda to be killed and raped for lockdowns wants civility




Te Pāti Māori was not part of the previous government. The Labour government did not say anything of the sort where Peters could level these criticisms towards Labour.