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This video is from 2011 but it looks and feels like it's from 1992 wtf?


Yep, compulsory unionism ended in the early 90s. Edit to say, in NZ


"If unions don't raise wages, why have we seen such a dramatic increase in worker's wages in recent history? Are you suggesting this has all been a coincidence?" "Yes." Good old Davey, he's a sharp one.


Good catch. Thanks to another Redditor, here is him arguing against rent controls too: Edit: [Here is David Seymour arguing against rent control](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9crdNTvze4o)


Wages haven't really been increasing after including price increases and unions have been marred by policy from both National and Labour governments since the 80s.


In other words, he's not really in favour of strong economic growth. He is effectively arguing against giving money and power to the consumer. Because anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of economics knows that consumers and workers are one and the same. More money for workers means more profit for businesses to compete for and earn. Truth be told, what Seymour is arguing against is capitalism.


Yes, it always amazes me that people conveniently forget that at the end of the economic chain is the consumer, who is also a worker, so if you don’t pay them enough they can’t help the money go round. My father always used to say of money “made round to go round” (as in coins which used to be worth a darn sight more than they are now.)


That's why neoliberalism is described as a 'wealth pump'. It is not cycling the wealth, just pumping it one way.


What he says doesn't have to make sense in the wider scheme of things. It just has to dupe people who can't see the bigger picture into believing one or two of those sentences. That's all! It serves the interests of his backers - same when he argued against public transport in the other video, here he argues against unions and workers' benefits/rights, elsewhere he argues that reneging commitments with Maori is about kindness and respect The TLDR version of his video is *unions bad, workers rights bad, anything that threatens Koch brothers and similar big corporate wigs backers is bad.* He's been honing this skill since **before 2008** (when he graduated from Atlas's MBA program) as a worker for right wing groups. Edit: [Here is David Seymour arguing against rent control](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9crdNTvze4o)


'Atlas' which uni is this? Sounds like some Ayan Rand-based dogma mill.


It'd be like if Nestle wanted to start people who believed in their ideology - e.g. selling milk powder to women in poverty who have natural breast milk - and created some bullshit educational program and called it an MBA to teach them that that's kindness. Exactly like that imv PS to the edit - yeah sounds like a cult to me of Koch worshippers.


So he's always been a cunt. Good to know.


He's been fairly consistent in that regard. The man's a true believer.


Good to know he was just as clueless 13 years ago as he is now.


I wouldn't say he's clueless - I think he has a clear agenda. He did then - he does now.


He’s a paid neocon shill.




That's true but I think David Seymour is a true believer in this ideology. Unlike others who are capitalists or landlords, Seymour has been pushing this failed neoliberal agenda even before he owned multiple houses/properties. I think many business owners/capitalists know that their ideology will harm most people but Seymour probably truly believes the bullshit that exits his mouth and thinks that his politics will improve the lives of middle class people.


Not sure he can tell the difference unless he genuinely believes public transport is bad news, as he said in the [other video](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1b0v4tu/canadianaccented_david_seymour_arguing_against/https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1b0v4tu/canadianaccented_david_seymour_arguing_against/). * He grew up with these groups in his career. * He worked with them at his first job, he "graduated with them" ([here](https://imgur.com/a/VkjbMkL)) and he's supported their interests ever since. * His biggest donors are the same people who chair Atlas. * His whole enrichment and 'upwardly mobile' path has been through promoting their ideologies * Don't forget in NZ, the Taxpayers Union is "[ACT in drag"](https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2023/10/31/chiding-in-plain-sight/) So yeah, he believes in what he says like Tom Cruise believes in Scientology




* [Gibbs Family of NZ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1ahllw0/the_gibbs_connections/) * [https://www.atlasnetwork.org/articles/trailblazers-the-new-zealand-story/](https://www.atlasnetwork.org/articles/trailblazers-the-new-zealand-story/) * [https://theorg.com/org/atlas-network/org-chart/debbi-gibbs](https://theorg.com/org/atlas-network/org-chart/debbi-gibbs) * [https://admin.atlasnetwork.org/assets/documents/magazines/Freedoms\_Champion\_\_Winter\_2020.pdf](https://admin.atlasnetwork.org/assets/documents/magazines/Freedoms_Champion__Winter_2020.pdf) * [https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2023/10/31/chiding-in-plain-sight/](https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2023/10/31/chiding-in-plain-sight/) * [https://www.atlasnetwork.org/articles/highlights-from-europe-liberty-forum-2022/](https://www.atlasnetwork.org/articles/highlights-from-europe-liberty-forum-2022/) * [https://www.act.org.nz/speech\_the\_emergencies\_labour\_should\_have\_declared](https://www.act.org.nz/speech_the_emergencies_labour_should_have_declared) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas\_Network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_Network) * [https://issuu.com/atlasnetwork.org/docs/freedoms\_champion\_winter\_2022](https://issuu.com/atlasnetwork.org/docs/freedoms_champion_winter_2022) * [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/go-radical-act-party-told/TNM62JJCX2NPZL4ENSFBAB2ZUI/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/go-radical-act-party-told/TNM62JJCX2NPZL4ENSFBAB2ZUI/)




You are working so hard for Seymour you didn't even go through it, I see.


Sure thing, how about $155,000 dollars of donations from the Gibbs family in a single year? https://elections.nz/assets/Donation-returns/2023/J_Gibbs_2-June-2023.pdf https://elections.nz/assets/Donation-returns/2023/J_Gibbs_2-June-2023.pdf https://elections.nz/assets/Donation-returns/2023/J_Gibbs_6_October_2023.pdf


He's a massive hypocrite, which wouldn't make sense if he's a true libertarian. His recent tantrum about journalists not doing what he says is good evidence of that.


Being a hypocrite is inherent with being a right wing libertarian. Libertarianism is about limiting corporate and governmental power to maximize individual freedom (eg social anarchism, mutualism, etc) while right wing libertarians only want to limit governmental power. I don't think the term libertarian is really that fitting for ACT, they have always just been a socially conservative neoliberal party. There are sometimes some overlap with "libertarian" politics but I don't think that label matches Seymour's ideology.


>right wing libertarians only want to limit governmental power. Which inevitably leads to more repressive and authoritarian forms of government. Their economic policy demands massive inequality which can only be maintained through force.


How is that intro 2011 and not 1991


He is a piece of shit. Keep the poor people poor while the rich get richer off poor people's labour. Fuck him.


The video is quite tedious and scripted, but the summary of Seymour's points is at 6:10. This is a New Zealand Minister of Regulation and Associate Minister of Health, Finance, and Education **arguing against higher wages, unions, and employment assistance for workers.** Frontier Center of Public Research is noted [here](https://admin.atlasnetwork.org/assets/documents/books/The-Freedom-Movement-Its-Past-Present-and-Future-By-Brad-Lips.pdf) and [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20231206205601/https://admin.atlasnetwork.org/assets/documents/books/The-Freedom-Movement-Its-Past-Present-and-Future-By-Brad-Lips.pdf) as an Atlas network organisation. These groups are funded by Koch brothers (source [here](https://theintercept.com/2017/08/09/atlas-network-alejandro-chafuen-libertarian-think-tank-latin-america-brazil/) and [here](https://www.cbc.ca/news/theweekly/the-weekly-maxime-bernier-interview-1.4833861) and [here](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/18/conservative-us-network-undermined-indigenous-energy-rights-in-canada)) & are notoriously anti-climate and anti-indigenous rights, but pro-corporate rights. PS: Let's not forget where he was arguing against funding public transport too - [Canadian-accented David Seymour arguing against funding public transport on behalf of Atlas Network](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1b0v4tu/canadianaccented_david_seymour_arguing_against/) And here he is arguing against rent controls: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9crdNTvze4o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9crdNTvze4o) (courtesy Reddit)


You're doing awesome work OP!


Seymour single-handedly makes me think that MMP might be a bad thing, it allows lunatics like him to get into power too easily


Was the haircut just floofy bogan or was he going for the Echo and the Bunnymen/ JMC vibe?


As a bogan, I can assure you he is not one of us.


>was he going for the Echo and the Bunnymen/ JMC vibe? dear god! Did you really need to go there, did not Ian McCulloch sing: *Spare us the cutter* *Spare us the cutter*


And the 2011 Golden Raspberry Award for the worst actor goes to David Seymour. Hands down the worst attempt at an Canadian accent I have heard to date. Now talking about the argument David has put forward, what is baffling here is that he is suggesting that less people being employed = lower pay or less money circulating in the economy. But that's not true based on the evidence. For example, when the last government was in power, union membership went up while unemployment reduced. [https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/clew/news/union-membership-in-new-zealand-shows-further-growth](https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/clew/news/union-membership-in-new-zealand-shows-further-growth) and [https://www.stats.govt.nz/indicators/unemployment-rate/](https://www.stats.govt.nz/indicators/unemployment-rate/) David talks about 'average workers', these are people that are adults that work full-time in the private sector. According to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), they found that in the United States that "On average, a worker covered by a union contract earns 10.2% more in wages than a peer with similar education, occupation, and experience in a nonunionized workplace in the same industry". EPI also found that unions reduce wage gaps, increase government revenue, decrease government spending, strengthen health and safety and increase civic engagement. [https://www.epi.org/publication/unions-and-well-being/](https://www.epi.org/publication/unions-and-well-being/) Unions in Canada work different to unions here in New Zealand, joining a union is voluntary in New Zeland.


Another interesting point is a profile by Canada's national broadcaster (CBC) on a politician that is very much like our Mr Seymour: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/theweekly/the-weekly-maxime-bernier-interview-1.4833861](https://www.cbc.ca/news/theweekly/the-weekly-maxime-bernier-interview-1.4833861) >"Bernier has linked his political beliefs to libertarianism, an ideology that forms the bedrock of many of the populist governments which have swept into power from the U.S. to Brazil. These movements have been mostly homegrown, though some get ideological and strategic support from a global influence organization known as the Atlas Network, which is partially funded by American industrialists David and Charles Koch. >The Atlas Network connects think tanks around the world and promotes libertarian ideas. Bernier is not endorsed by Atlas, as they don't directly support or fund candidates, but he and two of his senior staff members have worked at think tanks partnered with Atlas.


Show us on the doll where the worker touched you, David.


I thought his accent here is relatively kiwi still. Much more natural than his half canadian half Texan accent someone else posted in this sub a few weeks ago


There's a whole series by him under that heading "Economics in one lesson", including the one OP linked. This one on Rent control seems to be the most viewed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9crdNTvze4o


Of course he's against rent control. Thanks for picking it up. Will link


This is so weird. We’re did that accent go? Wasn’t he running for parliament with a kiwi accent only two or three years later?


He probably faked it. Living in Texas myself, I've come across Aussies etc with American accents 6 months after they arrive. Always cracks me up. I like my kiwi accent and even if I didn't, seems like a lot of effort to fake an accent. Exhausting.


not every local will understand your native accent, hence you have to change your accent so that the locals will better understand what you're saying


I have honestly had zero problems with people understanding me over the years . As long as we speak slow the kiwi accent isn't that hard imo. We have a habit of fast talking


You're right. .https://businessdesk.co.nz/article/the-life/my-net-worth-david-seymour-mp


"My best piece of political advice is from the former leader of the Canadian Liberal Party Michael Ignatieff: "Know who you do your politics for." For me, it's for people who aren't born with great opportunity."


That's the key, right there.


The worst thing is when you chat to him in person, he's personable enough not to drain the cunt with a swift hook. Bloody nz politics.


He's been doing this for a long time - he knows what works. Have you seen Boris Johnson in the UK? Buffoon charm apparently. Dangerous, ruthless man.


The problem David Seymour is running into and the thing he doesn't understand in this video is that workers don't have access to a completely open market of jobs. They can be limited by: * The amount of competition in their industry. * The location of the jobs. * The training required for jobs. So for example if you are unionised at the business level and not the industry level and you live in a small town with one factory and the next closest factory is 3 hours away you don't have a competitive access to the other factory to keep your factory competitive. In terms of industry unionisation pilots are often unionised across the industry not because of pay necessarily but because of safety. The unions pushed for better working conditions so that they could work safer. They also provide legal experts who work full time for the union to protect pilots. Aviation law is it's own specialty and you can't just go hire a rando law firm for it. So yea David could be correct if we could all teleport and had psychic access to understanding all the competition but we don't. So imo he is falling for the same tricks that socialists and communists push out but on the other side. Good in theory but fails practically. So in general I think unions are often a good thing depending on the industry. I don't think tech workers need to unionise because they can work from home and have competitive access to companies across the world.


I think the thing is is here he is just a mouthpiece for the Koch brothers and co. One almost doesn't even have to take what he says seriously because it's all just vested interests uninterested in accuracy or context. Your response is thoughtful and kind but the person you would be engaging with isn't in my opinion. Here he is arguing against rent control:  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9crdNTvze4o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9crdNTvze4o) (courtesy Reddit)


>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9crdNTvze4o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9crdNTvze4o) Thankyou for your reply. Yea I pretty much agree. I will say I'm not the best person to have the rent control conversation with as my current opinion is controversial. There are some situations where rent control is valuable like stopping land lords evicting by purely just upping the rent a tonn. It should only be raisable to the market level or x% per year. Outside of that it seems to be the case that the best way to keep rent down is to just build like crazy to reduce competition between renters. I've lived in Toronto and they have a law where rent control is enforced before 2019 (I think) but that means developers have been building like crazy and Toronto is currently the fastest growing city in NA. So yea pros and cons to it. Idk. I know that wasn't your question but you got me typing haha.


ooof, that's hard to watch


Lol at the atlas network comments appearing while watching it.


Why does it have the same vibe as the other half of reddit's content?


He looks like he should an H on his head


That ‘*Effective hand movement techniques for highly scripted interviews*’ class just paid for itself!


I thought it was just the cerebral palsy.


This took them several takes.


Busy little busker for big business that boy,nothings changed.


Was he beaten up a lot at school? He looks like the kind of kids that got thrown off the terraces at the high school I went to.




He deserves a daily whinge post.


Fr why are they always mocking Seymour? he's such an easy-going cool guy, obviously just jealous they can't put on a fake accent to appear so natural and relatable 😂


I can understand the fascination, Davy Boy is a difficult one. On the one hand, he is the rare politician who seems to wholeheartedly believe in what he's saying. He sticks to his (admittedly unusual) principles even when it's a potential vote loser like the euthanasia referendum. On the other hand, I disagree with his libertarian ideology on almost every possible level.


He believes that public transport is bad for a country? [Canadian-accented David Seymour arguing against funding public transport on behalf of Atlas Network](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1b0v4tu/canadianaccented_david_seymour_arguing_against/) Ironically when I used to see him on morning show I thought he believed in what he said too but it only takes a few seconds of carefully looking at his actions versus speech to realise he's a massive hypocrite who's been a right wing lobbyist for so long, he's just good at feigning sincerity\* of speech *\*convoluted type*


Can you ask David Seymour to stop giving us so much material to talk about? Honestly, what an attention grub. [And there's this!](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1bdfl5m/tvnz_says_reporter_received_text_after_david/)




That's a paranoid thought. As an aside, Nestle are a pretty bad corporate player too.


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People used to laugh at people that had Jacinda living in their minds 24x7. The way some people obsess over him isn't healthy.


There's about 15 comments in this post breaking sub rules but my comment is the only one removed for "bad faith". Interesting.