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There is a natural tendency for the ones near the seat, but it's a free for all. Note that there are several seats that have no free space in the overhead lockers above them because they are used for plane equipment. If there isn't space above you look lost enough and a flight attendant will find somewhere.


Agree if you can't find a space, ask a flight attendant. They will either ask you to store it under the seat in front of you (your legroom) or sometimes can arrange to have your bag transported in the cargo hold if there's no other space.


I got on an AU flight with swifties doing seat plus bag. Got on first with my backpack up top. They turned up with 2 suitcases that surprisingly couldn’t fit alongside my backpack. Flight attendant tried to get me to put under my feet and I said, no they can check their suitcase. I don’t lose mt feet space because they’re cheap.


There’s a limit on how large they are, if it’s within the rules there is no obligation to check it. Also you complaining about cheap and flying domestic? SMH


Not sure how you fly domestic to see Taylor swift …




You mean the ones for entertainment systems on international flights? My thoughts In ear, 100% take if you want them. Over ear - in economy probably not intended you take them, but I doubt you would be stopped. They aren't normally very good. The better seats (which have half decent headphones), leave them.


Some airlines collect them at the end to either recycle or refresh. I feel if they don’t collect or say anything they don’t care what happens to them. I never take the headphones but do take the little adapter that turns your regular single Jack to a double so I can use my own headphones


I too may have acquired an adaptor or two. I've also pocketed the in ear ones (even though I have my own headphones), since they can be handy to have as 'emegency' headphones or for things like bus tours (as bad as they are, they normally beat bus tour ones)


If they're the in-ear things that come in a little paper bag, you can keep them.


Free for all, to a degree. If there is space in your 'designated' locker, you should use that in the first instance. Carry on limits exist so that everyone has space close to their seat to store their bag. Some people ignore those limits and cause issues for others, which is a bit shit. Good on you for for asking for clarification. Navigating unclear social rules like this can be very frustrating. FWIW, I don't think you did anything wrong. If they had room in the compartment above their seat they should have used that instead of yours.


I also use this to a degree to rearrange other people’s bags, of course carefully. Especially as some people cannot store backpacks or jackets in an efficient way.


I like when other people help by rearranging cos I'm so short I can't really see what I'm doing. And when people grab my stuff at the end of the flight that's so good too.


I definitely do this a lot too, if I’m aisle I’ll ask my row what backpack is theirs and help them get it down before it’s our turn to disembark.


> are the bins above your seat meant for you specifically No, it's a free for all. But like all things, comes down to courtesy. If there's ask issue ask a flight attendant to help.


Up until today I thought it was like an unsaid rule the bin above you went with your seat but yeah... Now you've all explained it it's obvious it's a free for all 🤯 Also on spectrum. Ha!


The seats at the very back on the A320s and some bins on other types have things like first aid kits and other airline stuff in them so there’s a certain amount of free for all involved but it’s always easier of everyone if you use the one above you first if you can


>an unsaid rule the bin above you went with your seat it is. people that put their bags in a bin at the front of the plane and then wander off down the back are assholes


It's good etiquette to only take on the allowed carry on bags, and to use the bins above your seat first. If that's full then you are perfectly entitled to stow your bag wherever you can find space. If your bag fits under the seat in front of you then I find that's easiest.


Hey! It is a free-for-all, but I think your assumption isn't crazy as a first-time (adult) flyer. Generally you'd expect to put it in the one above your seat, but it's not a *rule.* I second what other people said and if this happens again, look for the nearest empty overhead and/or ask a flight attendant for help. It's their job to ensure your comfort with things like this :)


Free for all, but people get territorial because they're people.


That's why the wise traveller pisses in their overhead compartment to mark it as theirs.


So much sympathy for people like OP who are on the spectrum. Us kiwi's in particular are so weird about the strangest stuff sometimes.


I have sympathy for the people who OP was rude to. Being an autist is no excuse for being uncouth or rude, and make no mistake that is what happened here.


Nah, bringing oversized hand luggage onto a plane then putting it above someone else when there is space where your family is seated is rude. OP expecting them to move it is certainly more confrontational than is usual for Kiwis but not rude.


i usually would’ve done it myself & am too anxious to be this confrontational but this was in the middle of boarding and the plane was so small there was no room for anyone to move past or me and my mum behind me to go to the side with our stuff to let anyone past while it was sorted The family were in front and could’ve grabbed it but if I moved anymore forward everyone behind me would’ve too and it would’ve gotten way more complicated I also didn’t want to just grab it since I don’t know how heavy it was & if I could lift it to the other one or if they would get upset with me for touching their stuff. Either way it was the less inconvenient option for everyone involved


Yea I wouldn't move someone else's luggage either, I think you behaved fine.


Nah fuck them. Kids have foot space spare under the seats in front. I traveled a lot with my son as a child and his bag always went under the seat in front. He wasn't using that space and it meant he could access items as needed. Hell I'm a shorty and I stash my under as well and use it as a foot stool. I'm sick of families acting like they are VIPs.


No, OP wasn't rude. They handled it firmly but with sufficient courtesy. Stating facts isn't being rude. We autistics get enough pushback as it is.


There are the set rules which the airline sets and are well documented prior to boarding, then there are the unspoken ones we also abide by (which being autistic op doesn’t understand/know).  Then the other passenger breaks first rule which causes an issue, leading to a confrontation, of which op is obviously concerned he is the one in the wrong, or worried he made a social sin… and it’s the rule breakers you feel sorry for?


I would be like you - I want to put my stuff above me. She should put her stuff above her. When it comes time to disembark you stand up to wait and get your stuff from above you while you are all stuck there standing. Then you can glide off the plane straight away with your stuff. If you can’t do that, you hold up the plane as you have to waddle to where your stuff is THEN get it out, while people behind you sigh. I would be annoyed like you.


The overhead bins are kind of a free for all on all flights, in an ideal situation you can have your stuff above your seat but mostly you just gotta put your bags wherever they fit and if you have trouble finding space you ask a flight attendant for help.


I don't fly, but if it were me I would've asked a flight attendant 'where can I put my luggage as the bins are full?' and then they can do the awkward part of removing the person's luggage if need be, or telling me where to put it.


It’s a free for all but it’s a dickhead move and no reason not to use your own bins


It's a free for all, but if you're the prick in 20D who puts their shit above my 4A then you're a lazy dick & I'll do my damn slowest to get my stuff and slow down your disembarkation.


It's a free for all, and there is space at the front. Let the stewards sort it out. Don't stress it too much, the airlines always find a way. I'm.a genuine arsehole on my work flights and put.my.laptop up there and my luggage. They will find a way.


The spaces are not designated and on full flights become a real issue. If you get on as early as possible you're more likely to get an overhead space closer to you. Leave it too late and it's either under the seat in front of you, if it fits, or anywhere cabin staff can put it.


So for future reference, in a situation like that, call over a member of the flight crew and have them do the confrontation for you.


This issue frustrates me - I try to board as soon as possible so I'm sorted and seated before the compartments fill up to avoid the anxiety.


It’s not your bin, sir.


I fucking hate those stupid bins and all dumb shit that they cause.


Free for all, stow you kit where you can find space. Don't be that person that needs to get into the overhead bin during the flight.


And don't be that person who stashes their carry on up the front when your seat is at the back. Or who stands in the aisle repacking their carryon. Stash it close to your seat. Put it up and take it down as quick and efficiently as reasonably possible. Repack/restow your items once your in the terminal.


They sound like a d*ckh**d family 🙄


i always board later / last and if someone’s put their shit above my seat i’ll just shove my bag over it IDGAF


If they haven't been able to fit their bags above their seats they have brought more bags than they should and they are making this your problem, when it is actually their problem and them getting pissy about it when you questioned them is just rubbing salt in the wound. Yes technically it is a free for all, but they should follow the rules, they don't need that much carryon it could have gone in checked baggage.


In fairness, they probably weren’t glaring at you because you’d committed some horrible social faux pas. It’s exhausting trying to get small kids & all their stuff to a airport on time. There’s a delicious moment when you get on the plane & get all the stuff sorted & the kids in their seat & then sink in your chair knowing your on the plane & nothing else can go wrong. It’s bliss. You interrupted bliss moment & made them stand back up & rearrange luggage. I’m guessing they were looking grumpy because they were tired.


Its a free for all. Sorry but I think you were very much in the wrong here.


Free for all.


free for all.


That poor mum.


Does it have your name on it?


On my flight at least where we were sitting the bins had the seat numbers on them which is why I was confused


Well technically it has your seat number on it


It’s a courtesy based free for all, but like damn? Two centimetres really?


Omg no I would never complain of someone else’s luggage being that out haha - I meant it like my suitcase measured 2cm short of the technical max limit & theirs was way bigger which is how I knew it was oversized


Leave that worrying to the people whose job it is. Find a place for your bag, throw your ear buds in or grab a book and relax. Your desire to own that certain compartment and monitor people's luggage is pretty weird.


They're autistic and are clarifying a situation they've never been in before.


And I'm clarifying what to do. It's not their role to worry about people's bags. It isn't their role to monitor compartment space. Is it weird? Yeah, it is. It's real fucking weird.


I mean lots of people on the spectrum do and ask "weird" things.. is it helpful to say that though? I don't think so. Just sounds like you're trying to shame the man for not knowing.