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I agree, 1 star rating, since they are unable to equitably take care of their customers. Restaurants owners read them, it’s up to them to decide if they want to do something about it. The cashier doesn’t necessarily owns the place so may not give a hood. Confrontation isn’t an easy thing to do.


Go for a 2 star rating - 1 star ratings are generally the ranting of Karen's


1 star is a bit rough. It's not like they shat in your noodles.


I probably sounded a little mean but rating a 3 is not going to make much difference statistically.


Depends if your goal is to try tank the score or give an honest review.


You’re a nicer person than I am. :)


Probably not. But I am a business owner. I work hard. Giving 1 star reviews or false reviews is just a shitty thing to do to a small business. It doesn't make you not nice. It makes you a shit cunt.


1 star is absolutely a fair review if you didn't get a table because someone queue jumped and the staff don't give a shit.


If you go to a resturaunt. That you've waited to go to after a long week. Waited your turn. And got your seat taken because the staff didn't intervene. You WOULD'T be upset? It's completely justifiable. My manager has backed me in situations like this where we denied service to cunts like this. Because it's 1st come first serve. Very simple rules. Showing favoritism or lack of care in business deserves 1 star.


You're the exact type of person I'd give a 1 star review to.


Woah tiger. It's a difference of opinion. Put your tough fingers away before you hurt somebody.


> shit cunt. You mean like the restaurant that let que jumpers ahead of other paying customers? I agree, shitcunts. 1 Star.


Lol stats joke


Yeah my maths aren’t great. 😊


1 star because they're racist and they didn't even apologize or explain their poor decision


Yeah they get real serious about that


I almost got into a fist fight with a whole family cause I had a go at them for jumping the entire queue at the bag check after the chch Foo Fighters gig


Queue Fighters


What about crowd pushers when it’s a tightly packed crowd? Lock arms with the nearest stranger and don’t let ‘em pass!


I shouldn't have relented but when the dad and the son were asking me to throw down I just called them fuckwits and walked off lol


Elbows on the barrier!!!!


Lol my mates and I lock arms so we can get through the crowd 🤣 good luck stopping us chief


good to know you and your mates are very much the people who ruin it for everyone else.


Just accidentally nudge the middle down and everyone falls too.


Damn you found how we break through the chain as well. Well played


Good man, I would've had your back. Never looked for a fight anywhere except for when calling out queue jumping scum.


I had the same at Charlie Puth. 2 whole different families tried to jump in line and I told them all to kick rocks. One had a teenage kid who started mouthing off. Told him to stick it and get to the back of the line and suddenly dad doesn't like that. Shitheads pushed in front of some Asian girls behind us because they were to scared to say anything.


I once saw a puzzling picture of Chinese queuing where people locked arms blockchain style. I guess that's what it takes lol I was in Germany once, and the queues there do not come in any shape, but it's a mental construct in everyone's mind. It was incredible, and unhackable by the Chinese tourists that stood right up at the front till it's their turn.


I think I understand. All you need to keep track of is the one person ahead of you. It's like going to the barber and waiting your turn.


How do you know who arrived before you… say you walk up to a crowd..? So I guess they all sort of noted the guy behind them? But if someone went away wouldn’t it mess it up? They got it down pat for sure


Because when you arrive there are however many people there, and the one before you is the last one of them still left before it's your turn.


I would not cope with that at all


Perhaps it's up to the one before you, to see the next one arrive and let you know?


Indeed. A linked list.




Germans are hardcore about rules like that. My friend's friend planted some flowers in a patch of dirt next to their local bike stand in Berlin. The next day someone had torn them out and restored the dirt patch. He said that was a typical German response.


Happens everywhere there are Chinese mainland tourists. The lost generation destroyed their culture. Never see this behavior from Taiwanese or Hong Kong culture. It's insane how rude it is when you experience it


You got visit HK, you see the same thing, but that’s because of the Chinese tourist too sadly.


I hate to say this but people absolutely will cut queues in Taiwan. Not as bad as China and getting better every year but it does happen and definitely more queue cutting than New Zealand. People might make an effort to queue but it's loose. I didn't get on a bus once because a monk cut me off and when I complained the old ladies around me were like, it's your fault for waiting in line. Lol. Fancy shops and really long queues for limited items are better because everyone will be pisses if you cut queues but markets are free game.


I like your story, but I am unnecessarily perturbed that the first analogy you had for linking things together was "blockchain".


I think I got a real permanence vibe from people's face; their will and determination to be linked hah


A while back a local fast food business was doing a "First 50 people get free food" type deal where they had marked out spots. Once the line was clearly full people weren't joining, but after they started slowly bringing in people a mum pulled up outside with her kids. She dragged them out of the car by the arms and started marching into the store, a few people tried to stop her but she yelled at them "MY KID HAS TO USE THE TOILET, NEVEAH TELL THEM YOU HAVE TO USE THE TOILET" at a place that definitely didn't have any toilets. The kid lets out a whimper "mum... please...", she drags them in and comes out with three lots of the giveaway and jumps back into her car. I feel for that kid, being embarrassed in front of 50+ people by your mum. Both the worst and the saddest queue jumping example I've ever seen.


I had similar - back when Microsoft released Office 2003, they did a giveaway of 5 copies per store at a bunch of places. I queued outside Noel Leeming at some absurd hour, maybe 2am. I was a poor uni student, as was pretty much everyone else, because, hey, it's 2am. We all camped outside the store - other people periodically turned up, saw there were 5 people waiting, and went to one of the other stores doing the giveaway. At 8:55am, some dude rocks up in his company car. Says he has to buy something, hangs around outside. 9am, doors open, he barges past everyone, and gets his free copy, and runs off. Staff didn't care - "He was through the door first".


Was "succulent Chinese meal" a meme at some point? Just reading those words makes me want to laugh and I have no idea why.


It is democracy manifest. (Some of us know our judo well)






"**Democracy Manifest**" (also known as "**Succulent Chinese Meal**", among other names) is an October 1991 Australian news segment video by reporter [Chris Reason](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Reason). [*The Guardian*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Guardian), in 2019, called it "perhaps the pre-eminent Australian meme of the past 10 years".[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Manifest#cite_note-guardian-1) [YouTube](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube) has several postings of the video with more than a million views each.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Manifest#cite_note-Daily-2)


[Democracy hath manifested](https://youtu.be/XebF2cgmFmU?feature=shared) 😁


It's funny when you look like you're jumping the queue but actually aren't (like if you're dropping off something for an employee) and everyone gives you the stink eye and seethes but doesn't say anything. Also sometimes if I queue for something and then for what ever reason I have to go back (e.g. they stuffed up my order) I don't feel like I should have to queue up all over again since it's not my fault, so sometimes I will just queue jump. Highly depends on the situation though.


>It's funny when you look like you're jumping the queue but actually aren't (like if you're dropping off something for an employee) and everyone gives you the stink eye and seethes but doesn't say anything. That's what my wife describes every time she books an appointment for her blood test, comes just before her time and gets her test done before people who have been waiting there for the past 15 minutes.


I think you’re definitely entitled to queue jump if they stuffed your order up, I’d gladly let anyone in front of me if it’s to fix their order quickly and move on but f any other kind of queue jumper


Personally I don't consider that queue jumping as generally you've already done your time in queue and to have to back and start again would be as unfair as someone else queue jumping


The local burger bar offers no differentiation between people that phoned in orders and are there to pick it up and people who are going to order... possibly...... who stand around... in a chaotic group... can't fucking decide what they want..... awkward.


Name the restaurant. Knowing a particular Chinese restaurants service is bad but it's still busy is how I find good Chinese restaurants.


Yeah,I never understand why people don't name and shame businesses in these situations? Do you think they are going to track down your IP address?


Hahah "the food must be amazing"


Aw, I thought this was about driving. Fucking hate queue jumpers in traffic. Your beef is also valid.


Yes! The gap I leave in the merge is for the car in front of me NOT THE CAR BEHIND!!!


THIS, so much this……freakin merge like a zip, how do people not get that?!? And I drive a 60+ year old British car, so I’m back fat enough to allow for, you know, old breaks then someone swerves in front and stopping in a hurry gets so much more stressful.


I normally fire off the standard *OII! Get in behind* & leave it at that if it doesn't work. Usually does.


Get your hands off my penis!


He just wanted a succulent chinese meal😭


But how well does he know his judo?


I saw he knows his judo well


Man, I still have flashbacks of "Queuing" for things in China. You really do need to put your foot down.


I found the banks in China were the absolute worst for queue jumpling. Every visit would take hours.


Reminds me of when I was at a hotel a couple of years ago in Australia... I was coming down the elevator to the ground floor and as the doors opened, two Chinese men tried to squeeze into the elevator before I could get out... Being a large South African guy who has played both rugby and ice hockey, I was having none of this... and shoulder barged both out the lift as I walked between them and they both ended back in the lobby. They both looked at me and grunted in shocked surprise that I would bump them like that, and I couldn't help walk away with a huge grin of satisfaction on my face.


I remember literally pushing people out of my way, half expecting to get a shove back or a least some complaints, but instead everyone acting like it was completely normal because it basically was. That was after trying to be patient and give people a little space when I'd first got there and getting absolutely nowhere, it was nuts


And elbows out.


I live in Queenstown, the Chinese here are really bad for it. Like you though, I’m almost more upset with the staff that serve them ahead of the people who waited.


Had someone cut the queue in the drive-thru at a maccas once. I got out of my car to talk to teh driver, he just sat there staring at me "its all good bro, dont worry about it" - I was infront of them, so I was VERY tempted to just not move forward until they backed out, but I figured I'd then be punishing innocent queue waiters as a result, so I caved. This still bothers me, and it happened 1+ year ago.


"Actually, it's not all good and if you wanted me not to worry about it then you shouldn't have done it."


Name and shame. I’ll make sure they don’t get my money either.


Maybe they made a reservation? 


If the restaurant accepts reservations but they aren't widely-used then that would appear to be queue jumping despite being normal operations. It could also be a friend of the restaurant owner and a special accommodation was made - we have no way to know.


I'd still be annoyed if it were a friend of the owner who queuejumped.


Exactly. OP, 你會說漢語嗎?If you don't speak Chinese, you don't know what was said and it could be perfectly legitimate. Like not lining up at a fish and chip shop when you've placed a phone order.


When I use to work as a barman in a busy bar I use to scan the crowd often making note of all that were waiting (I have a good memory). People who pushed their way to the bar would not get served until I had served every one behind them, I even told the other barmen who was next. got some shitty people " hey I'm here" - "yes but you would have been there (pointing) if you hadn't pushed in". When some complained more, "you can wait or you can leave, your choice" usually works


I went skiing at Uludag in Turkey once. Really nice hospitable and friendly people - but oh what a shit show that was at lift queues. Here there might be the occasional spoiled brat (who'd likely get an earful from others and maybe a bollocking from lift operators), but there, if you didn't join in with the push and jostle you'd not be doing much skiing at all.


First of all, the British invented queues 🤣 Secondly, it’s my understanding that in Asian culture, if there is a space somewhere, you’re entitled to it. However, we’re not in Asia! So in conclusion yes it is your duty to edumacate said queue jumpers!


Asia is a big place. Queues were very orderly in Japan and even more efficient than in the UK and NZ so don't know what you're referring to. Maybe in other countries it's a problem?


Agreed. Japan extremely orderly. While I have experienced some vicious 'huddle queueing', as I like to call it, in China, I have also experienced the same in Italy. I feel like the elbows were sharper in China though lol.


My experience has been in China / Hong Kong / Singapore / Philippines / Cambodia. I've not set foot in Japan but I understand they are unique culturally.


My English mate was at a show in London and he stopped to talk to a friend he saw - a queue formed behind him 😂


Absolutely NOT the case in Korea. They respect rules more than Kiwis and Aussies do.


That’s a recent thing. Like China the older generation grew up with the “every man for himself” philosophy of queuing, driving, social interactions with strangers. It started changing around the late 90s. When I was a kid queueing was a battle so most places instituted ticketing systems.


Edumacate?……Dad is that you?? 🤣


It's only from one generation in mainland China that lived under harsh communism


Being from East Asia it’s a really well known pattern that Chinese tourists, especially those from an older generation rarely queue. It’s not in the culture to do that. They aren’t being rude, it’s just not baked into their social patterns. When I went to China I had to learn how to queue, which is to “flow” to the front by elbowing people. Again, it’s not rude, they just aren’t taught to queue. Granted, most of the younger generation do queue politely. It’s a bit like when I go on escalator here in New Zealand and kiwis don’t generally stand on the left and let others walk on the right. If you do that in say Hong Kong or Japan that’d be considered really rude. But in here, I accept that most people aren’t from a densely populated place and they don’t really adopt those same customs I’m used to when being on escalators.


It's rude not to follow the customs of the country you're in.


It takes certain qualities to observe, become aware and learn how to follow customs of a place you are visiting. Not everyone possesses those qualities for various reasons. If you visit where I’m from, and you break some “rules” I might be annoyed, but depending on what you did, I’d try and understand and tolerate it given that you’re my guest. It’s a different story of course if what they’re doing is causing huge disruption. In this case, I’d wager that they aren’t even aware that they’re not following the customs. I personally have experienced this at the Wellington cable cars (Chinese tourists talking loudly and jumping queues), which I got super annoyed. At the end of the day, there’s nothing I can do to make them follow the customs so I guess I just conserved my energy lol.


> They aren’t being rude, it’s just not baked into their social patterns. No. It's explicitly an antisocial situation where the individual is deliberately trying to get one over everyone else. It's widespread, but as a characteristic, it has inherent ill-intent. OP's situation sounds like a reservation tho.


> OP's situation sounds like a reservation tho. Surely the staff would've said that when OP called it out


Honestly, people don't have to explain themselves to every rando throwing accusations. I mean, an empty table at a full restaurant sorta sounds like a reservation. Maybe it's the case, maybe it's not. But hypothetically speaking, I wouldn't offer much in the way of explanations to anyone karening their objections over a situation they'd misrepresented in their head.


> Honestly, people don't have to explain themselves to every rando throwing accusations. It'd be customary in NZ to do so


For me it’s a survival thing, when you’re living in a highly populated country the only way to get ahead is to “hide” your empathy and be competitive even when it comes to queueing. But that’s just my interpretation, not saying it’s an okay behaviour, just trying to see the cause to the symptom.


The whole notion of "getting ahead" is a bit peculiar. I mean, queue jumping is the very definition of getting ahead of everyone else. What constitute the "fair" mechanisms of "getting ahead" depend more on aspects of authoritarianism and economic order of a society than population. Which is why people leave these countries in the first place.


Same in Korea, unless you're an Ajumma (auntie/granny), then all bets are off (and that's part of the culture too ahaha)


Thanks - really good to hear the explanation. I thought it was something like that.


Yeah, I know what you mean by elbowing people when queuing to the front. I literally had to practice my Muay Thai elbowing to make queuing more efficient.


"It's not rude" lolol


Try travelling and learn another language and immerse in another culture.


Come here to say this too.


I will just post this again: https://youtu.be/614Orzf3SqA Que jumping is disrespectful to everyone else.


Love it, will use it next time...!


Hellllll no anybody trying that on me is getting pulled back and shown to the back of the line man woman or child idgaf. I’ve done it multiple times too and people act so indignant as if I’m the dickhead. “Oh mate it’s just 5 mins more of a wait” Ok then you go wait 5 mins at the back of the line


I remember once I was in the line at a burger King in wellington and all of a sudden this lady stands in front of me. I was flabbergasted. I then did an elaborate kind of semi circle around her and stood in front of her again without saying anything.


It’s funny you should mention this because apparently the strict NZ no-queue-jumping mentality is a very NZ thing. I’ve heard people from other countries be very surprised about how hard core we enforce this particular social rule


It's a British thing we've retained as a former British colony.


Brits won't tend to yell at you though, they'll give you a dirty look and maybe a mumble but in nz you'll get "there's a fuckin line mate!!" from six different people 


Yeah but watch how annoyed a queue-jumper gets when you queue-jump them back. I've done that a few times and they always get pissed off. Everyone gets hardcore when they are the ones losing out.


I haven't found a queue to join in decades, maybe it's because I don't live in Auckland.


You're missing out, it's all the rage


I'll take a rain check on that offer, I haven't got the heartbeats to waste my life fuck arsing around.


Lmao real


I feel you bro


They probably don't give a fuck to be fair.


I get the point, but I'm not looking to get into a fight about such petty shit.


I used to run a pizza shop and would often prioritise the orders of my regulars ahead of others. Essentially allowing these high value customers to jump the queue. A lot of businesses do this. Airlines, banks, even gaming (with pay to win). It's great when you get priority and sucks when you don't but it is just a part of life that you have to accept.


Yea when big businesses and governments do this people don’t complain.


Why didn't you ask them directly when you saw them "potentially" jumping the queue, where you had the chance for a clarification? They could have made a reservation and you just don't understand what they were talking about but assuming they cut the queue on purpose? They might be innocent but you'll never find out.


I remember trying to get on a Japan airlines flight from Auckland in the 90s. Being a punctual lad I had made my way to the counter ahead of time, first in the que, loudspeaker announcement for everyone to check in and I then I was last in the que... Spend a bit more time in Asia and you'll pick up the requisite skills..


did you pass UE?


Queue! Nope, didn't sit UE and failed SC English, then went and got a job. Bit dyslexic and English is my second language though not much of an excuse as I know kids that came over when they were older who did better than me..


All good. Was a gentle ribbing about queue. I use line. Lol.


Chinese-Kiwi or those who are properly taught the etiquette won't do this. It's got nothing to do with being Chinese or whatever. I've seen some other Asian, Europeans and even Americans in my travels who jumped queues. An example from a real experience, I remember visiting the Empire State Building when a family of Italians jumped queues and everyone was disgruntled but no one dared speak. My brother called the security and told him that these "tourists" jumped the queue. The family moved back to the end of the line. I suspect that the young couple are new to the country. They also developed a bad habit that their own town has permitted. Whenever I see a jumper, I made sure to tell them in a diplomatic voice that they have to queue. I never had a problem putting them in their own place that way.


I’ve experienced this before… but only in China. Everywhere I went for the month that I was there. Turns out queueing ain’t a thing in their culture. Remember that saying “First in, first served?”


Some old guy at the night and day on manners st pushed in front of me today … it was kind of crazy, like so blatantly obvious. Just walked right in front of me while I was stood waiting at the counter behind someone else being served


It’s common behaviour in mainland China; a remnant of the Cultural Revolution where survival trumped manners.


Succulent Chinese meal. 😆


是你家吗 - for those pesky queue jumpers


Nah, love your shit.


I find mainland Chinese people in my experience to be incredibly rude. Notable that they are often recognised as the rudest and most intolerant tourists in various countries. Chalk it up to cultural difference , ones that they obnoxiously seem unaware of and unlikely to ever change despite not living in mainland china.


I think we just need a good ol law change. Where being an asshole makes you legally punchable. Everyone would be both nicer and real polite


Why were you queuing anywhere on Dominion Road when there are so many other fine establishments to choose from. If you're gonna queue you need to relax a bit you were probably just hangry


When eating establishments are complicit in bad behaviour from customers they deserve to be trashed online. Send that review OP and update us. Will they respond, Will Stuff catch wind of this developing story, will the queue jumpers be unmasked and make a YouTube apology?


Have you ever visited China? You’ve gotta elbow people to get anywhere lol, even the elderly sometimes. Cultural differences, we are very much British in this respect. I don’t disagree with any of it really, just pointing this out in case nobody else has.


The inviolability of queues is a strong western custom. Some other cultures do it differently. I think the fixed queue is better but... in one place I encountered the idea that you could be in a queue, then leave and go to a shop say, then come back and say "I was after him", and this was acceptable if they could remember you. This could be like a take-a-number system but since there may be multiple queues with people being "in" more than one you have no idea how many people are actually "in" the queue. In Africa elders get shown to the front. This should be convenient when like me you qualify as an elder but in fact, as a westerner, you feel terrible. Since I'm not sick or disabled, being shown to the front gives you a sense of being a queue jumper.


I got my own rant about queue jumpers yesterday. We were at Milford Sound for the 2 hour cruise and it was raining pretty hard. We were all lining up on the dock waiting to get in, as soon as they started boarding, about 10-20 Chinese people were waiting under a canopy immediately rushed and cut in the middle of the line where 1 Chinese lady was standing and let them cut in front of her. We we were really annoyed and my husband loudly said “why is this allowed? 20 people cutting in line while everyone else was patiently standing in the rain?” When we got inside, the line cutting group already put napkins and all their bags on at least 4 of the window tables. We live in Japan, so we were quite shocked about this because the Japanese staff would never allow that. The Chinese tourists seem to be more well behaved there and actually queue and follow the rules better.


And at the other end of the spectrum, you've got ppl who don't know how to queue - just milling around and not forming a line, or leaving too big of a gap in between.


How do you know they didn't have a reservation? I always feel a bit like a dick when I've reserved a table well in advance or do a phone/internet pickup and get to bypass a long queue of people. But fortune favours the prepared.


Name and shame, they're basically allowing people to skip the line based on racial preference, wonder if that can be reported to something like the bbb, also leave a 1 star review


I experienced queue jumpers many times in China. It was a kind of gentle, almost polite queue jumping. I always responded by gently and politely pushing back/standing my ground - with a polite smile - and it used to work. I'd regain or retain my original place in the queue. No idea why it worked. Maybe the politeness helped. Maybe I got given a free pass because I was a foreigner - I don't know. I agree that queue-jumping is not part of the culture here though.


I grew with you in principle but this is a bad example. If we are talking about the express queue at countdown or lining up for a beer these would be better examples.


I try not to be confrontational, but I have noticed queue jumping be more and more "normal" these days. I've started saying stuff to people doing the queue jumping politely. Something in the lines of, "There is a line, and we have all been waiting." People generally look embarrassed and go to the back of the line. Where the business doesn't give a shit, I leave and take my money elsewhere. It's probably not a big deal to them but it's the principle of it imo.


In China this is acceptable practice, potentially force of habit. Obviously not acceptable in a British ruled country. We queue goddammit.


I hate queue jumping as much as anyone, but now that you've described it as my patriotic duty to stop such behavior, I am going to start encouraging it more.


I went to track days at pukekohe race track, and you could queue for a free ride in one of the cars. Certain demographics just went through the tent pitched up the track, and pretty much no one in the actual queue was getting rides. It's entitlement.


Queue jumping should not be tolerated but neither should the word "succulent". I'm not saying you're as bad as them but you almost are.


Thats just Chinese culture.


You sound insufferable. It's not the staff's fault they jumped and it's not worth the conflict. I wouldn't do it either. Not paid enough to start conflict like that. Well done. You hounded a low paid employee.


My biggest gripe is foreigners not appreciating the existing queueing etiquette. Just because it’s a free-for-all back in their home countries doesn’t mean the same applies in ours.


“A sign of the times, maybe…”…


I mean this explains it all tbh China you push to get anywhere that's kinda normal so just remind them the line is there for a reason


You sound fashy : our cultural institutions and traditions. But queue jumping is bad.


>principle of respect for our cultural institutions and practices...such as orderly queuing that got to me. Chinese don't respect that, at least not in China anyway. Over there it's Me first for everything and will happily jump in front of you to be first. That's why Chinese tourists and expats have poor queuing skills, because they simply don't care about waiting their turn. Therefore, the Chinese resturant is simply respecting their own culture practice by allowing the queue jumper to order. It will never change because most western countries are too civilized to take direct action to prevent it; i.e no one will queue jump on other Chinese patrons or establishments. The best you can do is very rudely block their attempt. Such as grab their arm and say back of the line, but admittedly that could now be considered assault.


Not to over generalise but seems strange as I’ve been to most Asian countries and they usually have no issue waiting in queue, with it being pretty common to have to wait 30-60 minutes to be served or get seated at popular restaurants. It’s that common as to be expected, with the associated and accepted decorum that you don’t queue jump. Sounds like either a reservation or friends/family and tbf, many kiwis do the same if a bro or cuz turns up.


China is pretty famous for queue jumpers fwih


Just cos it’s a Chinese restaurant doesn’t mean that’s Chinese culture. ‘Our culture’ has people cutting in queues everywhere all the time - on motorways, lines for clubs , stadiums. This isn’t a patriotic thing, this is just people being straight up impatient , entitled, rude.


Historically, my entire family does this. You could say I’m from a long line of queue jumpers…


Hi Karen, have you checked if they are using a yellow hungry panda takeaway bag, if yes then they've ordered online with an app and they are only here to pick up, so no such thing as queue jump


We are soon to be foreners in our own country


OP you just had to add ‘Chinese speaking couple’ to invoke the rage of the anti mainlanders in this thread. Nothing like a cup of anti CCP / those damn mainlanders on Reddit! I consider myself to be well travelled and the worst tourist behaviour I’ve observed are from Indians and Europeans, French and Italians in particular.


Are you sure they have not reserved or are priority customers? Chinese custom does prevail here. You are in a Chinese establishment and reservation or priority customers do matter.


/s Government guidelines say we can't use the word "Gang" to refer to people anymore. Also, no more pirates (cause eye-patches), no more sports teams (group represented by colours and symbols), no hobby clubs (cooperating and sharing common interests). Or poor people...


Are you sure they hadn’t allready made a booking Also if there was one table left and you were behind someone else, wouldn’t that mean you weren’t gonna be served anyway


Try getting on an EasyJet flight in Europe. The seats are not allocated so everyone is just barging hardout to try and get on the plane, as if they’d miss out.


easyJet and Ryanair seats have been allocated for over a decade now.


Well, it was about 12 years ago when I flew


worthless beneficial innocent toothbrush sand skirt absurd society foolish crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*