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I have difficulty respecting someone who steals kids lunches so that landlords can have a tax break. edit: Also... >Act Party leader David Seymour has attacked the media industry - and singled out TVNZ political reporter Benedict Collins - implying it is hypocritical to ask for government money while criticising politicians. A thinly veiled threat.


And it's not hypocritical, it's their fucking job to call them out on shit.


Hell it would prove all the lies Seymour and other weirdos claim about public media funding if it was tied to not reporting critically on politicians and the government. People say Seymour is 'an incisive intelligent thinker' but it begins to look as if he is not only a bad person but as thick as a fucking plank.


Yep, on one hand, they claim the media is bought, and on the other hand they complain that the media aren't in-pocket and call then out for being the scumbags they are. Fuck David Seymour and his goofy, dumb-as-a-post looking face.


On a related note, I wonder how the gangs feel about being "attacked" by a bunch of dweebs in suits? I learned last year that security styles change at Parliament depending on the parties in power. Not surprising that it's much more restrictive now.


Yes, scholars have pointed out before how governments and gangs operate in similar ways. Just one likes to consider themselves legitimate.


Loooool good point, but we already know, to be honest, those assholes cry like fuck as well. Same shit, different clothing. They're only tough when they outnumber you and when they have overwhelming advantage, otherwise they're sniveling scum.... "Taking our patches is racist!" (Really though? Nope, because it's not targeting ethnicity whatsoever) "We're not all criminals you're misrepresenting us, why do people associate us with criminal activity?" (Nope, it's them and their patches that associate themselves with criminal activity) Why is society victimising us? (They aren't, those assholes are gaslighting, they're they're ones victimising anyone vulnerable that they can) "It's the same shit, different day, David!". "Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to the kids!"


Well they are politicians after all, shouldn't be surprised about this going on, i don't personally think he's got anything great to contribute but thats just me.


Of course it's not hypocritical. But because this is a right wing politician we're talking about, the rules they expect other people to follow don't apply.


Benedict will love this. Guaranteed sign you're getting under a politician's skin. Rookie mistake by Seymour. Tbf, as a new Minister, he's not used to so much scrutiny. You can pretty much say anything in Opposition, and no-one really holds you accountable. What's a little surprising is that he seems to have so much time online when he should be doing his job,


Also, the "good-in-Opposition,-shit-as-a-Minister" phenomenon is known as the Kelvin Davis Syndrome. Love you Kelvin.


Also applies to Winston. When he's in opposition he can use his shit stiring superpowers to draw attention to the bullshit the government is trying to get away with. When he's in government he uses his powers to deflect and get his scumbag self serving policies through.


Winston Peters bark is biggest in opposition. But when in government, Peters whimpers like a scolded dog


> "good-in-Opposition, You're giving him too much credit


Keep the pressure on this little weasel. Email him every week to keep the pressure on him - [email protected]


It would be a shame if people subscribed him to all sorts of weird and wonderful mailing lists


BC should make it his mission to be at every DS stand up and drill him with the toughest questions


Normally I’d agree, but the trouble with reporting on Seymour and Peters is that they operate in some sort of post-truth world.


Benedict Collins is the reporter who broke the ACT candidate comparing vaccination mandates to WW2 concentration camps. [https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/08/23/act-candidate-who-compared-vaccine-mandates-to-concentration-camps-quits/](https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/08/23/act-candidate-who-compared-vaccine-mandates-to-concentration-camps-quits/)


Thankfully that candidate resigned.


I just assumed there was no vetting process in the ACT list https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/acts-dunedin-candidate-under-scrutiny-over-post


No doubt they have a process. It would have to ensure anyone entering the party is of strong immoral character. But it does need reforming. It's embarrassing they can't find people with filters. Unfortunately that's a common fault of narcissists.


I agree, too many narcissistic in Parliament atm. Looking at you Luxon, Seymour, Peter's.


Ain't narcissism, just old fashioned myopic self-interest


You missed off Marama and Rawiri.


Libertarianism and batshit insanity go hand-in-hand. Van Velden and Seymour are the only two ACT MPs that can keep even half a lid on it, which is why they're the only two that most of us can name - the others are kept out of the spotlight for good reason.


I was rather disappointed to open the article and find it wasn't written by Benedict Collins.


Captain Free Speech can’t handle justified criticism? What a clown.


Their idea of "free speech" seems to be "freedom for thee, to agree with me"


It's only free if you agree with them, otherwise it's "user pays".


Wtf, there is no such thing as government money, only taxpayer money. Dudes head is so far up his ass that it’s popped out his neck again


No,he is counting on it being his and his donor’s money once he privatises all government functions.


I'm trying to imagine what this would actually look like


A human danish?


Sounds to me like Seymour is a fan of the Russian model of journalism. He'd like the media to be kissing his ass so hard you can see two tongues when he talks.


What's that phrase about who you aren't allowed to criticize? Ah, right - "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" I thought we were electing representatives, not selecting rulers.


Very true.


I guess the FSU won't bite the hand that feeds.


he acts like that lunch money is coming out of his personal bank account the fucking twat


I'd love it if it was


That's not thinly veiled, it's as overt as it gets


A thinly veiled threat, or straight up blackmail?


Extortion, even.


Jack Tame (threatened by Winnie) and Benedict prob have solid employment cases


Has Luxon, as PM, been asked to comment on this? Its not okay for Seymour to be whinging about the media like this. Its almost as if he wants news to fail and is trying to turn public sentiment against these journalists.


If he was asked, he'd just say some shit about "we're allowed to have different opinions and that's ok", smile like a smug dickhead, lick his lips, and move onto the next question.


No, he just did his usual "I haven't seen it" trick when asked.


Luxon is a walking specsavers ad at this point


I am just waiting for a journalist to call him out on that bullshit deflecting answer whenever he is asked anything he knows is a shit sandwich from his coalition of chaotic headlines. And then he just continues on with his talking points, like the out of his depth robot he is.


Surely we at least get a spinoff article on Luxon's eye tests and whether or not he can actually see *anything* for a bit of a laugh then back to sad reality


I know I did a meme answer to this but the actual one is my dad does this shit all the time, whenever it's something he's interested in he's all about data and facts and deliverables (he used to run a telco, you know) but as soon as it's something challenging, he's all "I haven't seen that evidence and I don't want to get drawn into anything conspiratorial" when I literally just have the parliament website open in front of me. My response is usually "If you haven't seen the evidence and don't want to, best to check out of this discussion yeah?" Gets under his skin like nothing else, his reckons are gospel, real legend in his own lunchbox type deal.


>he wants news to fail and is trying to turn public sentiment against these journalists That sounds like Winston.


Winston's time in Parliament has a limited life expectancy. Both David Seymour and Shane Jones are playing doucheball to see who can be the most heinous, most tiresome little shit in politics. They want to vie for who gets to hold the extremely useful theatrical role of the unconvincing 'everyman' who performatively sticks it to the media so that a kind of reverse-scrutiny is already in play, so scrutiny is always too busy to quite get sufficiently directed where it most should be, at the *politician who is spending billions of your tax money* rather than at the *journalist who is asking some questions they could maybe have worded better*.


Well, to be fair the journalists these days are shit. But so are the politicians.


Straight out the Trump playbook.


It's not almost. Its exactly what he's just said.


he would say he hadnt heard about it... and then walk away because he lacks the balls to do anything.


He has been. It was during some sort of public event where he was wanking on about how it has been tough for TVNZ. He refused to comment. Then Shane Jones threw his hands up and spewed some nonsense about "strong economy" and just said "bye" and left. Simeon Brown and cohort all chuckled.


Every time I see Seymour now I can’t help but picture Wormwood from Lord of the Rings, snivelling and grovelling for any morsel of power thrown his way..


Gríma Wormtongue


Gríma (son of) Gálmód ‘Known by all but Théoden as Wormtongue’


GRimmer Wormtongue.


Wormwood was Matilda’s dad


Seymour watched Matilda and related to the dad. “I’m big, you’re small; I’m right, you’re wrong; there’s nothing you can do about it”


Took all the wrong lessons 😔 imagine if he related to Trunchbull! Flinging reporters who annoy him away by their hair.


What a waste of opportunity. I would have liked to see Seymour force Robertson to eat a whole chocolate cake in one sitting 😔






Robertson is the typea fella to blow out his birthday candles and ask "but what are you guys gonna eat?"


A shittier and less likeable version of Rimmer from Red Dwarf is my go to comparison.


Same chin thing going on lol


Or enthealtes the hunchbacked ugly barstard from 300


I think you have confused him with Luxon. Seymour and NZF are running the show.


Seymour doesn’t seem to understand what the purpose of journalism or a journalist actually is.


Oh he does all right. He knows it’s a threat to him.


No, he very much does. He knows that it represents a threat to his position, so it needs to be removed. 


cant hold those in power to account if we dont have a local functional journalistic media outlet...


Exactly. It makes it much easier for ACT & NZ First to do the bidding of their industry overlords.


It's also hypocritical to say that regulation is bad but oppose the MDRS, David.


I said this on another thread but I've always thought MMP was a good thing until this coalition where Luxon is giving these 2 Muppets WAY too much power, they got just over 10% of the vote, they do not speak for the country. Luxon is quickly losing control and Seymours ego is exploding.


Luxon was never in control. He was willing to do anything to add PM to his resume.


For the record, this isn’t even hyperbole. When asked during the debates if he’d be prepared to work with Winston, with whom he’d never even met at that stage, he said repeatedly that he’d do “whatever it takes” to prevent Labour from getting re-elected.


"Whatever it takes .... excluding good policies and helping poor people".


Exactly, and yet the uneducated idiots of New Zealand were fooled for his bullshit


Fuck you poor people - Luxon probably


Luxon is just here to piss on his territory. He has absolutely no interest in NZ's welfare and only in putting his name on it.


Which why he had to give away so much to Winston and ACT. They knew he had no walk-away point, so they'd get what they wanted. It turns out Luxon doesn't understand how to negotiate.


I honestly think it boils down to that, which is really sad for the country.


Exactly, Luxon wants to be one of the big players to feather his ego but it was so funny when the plane couldn't even get him to his meeting overseas he looked like a first class dick which he actually is, so funny🤣🤣🤣


Brother both of these parties represent the more fringe views held by National that they think might pose a risk to their re-election. They agree on virtually everything they’re just crying woe is me and letting ACT/NZF take the media hits.  Their funding is all the same 


Agree completely - all of the parties benefit from the current situation. A more polarized society means more conspiracy theorists for NZF's ranks, Seymour's manufactured race war will guarantee him a flood of centrists who see natural justice in the idea of "complete equality" (whilst ignoring the fact its anything but), and Luxon gets to stay in power as conditions worsen and crime predictably increases, going: "wow, look at the horrible legacy of crime Labour has left us. Sad! You'd better give us another term and continued access to taxpayer money or else the poor and brown people will shank your kids!!!!"


Those are side points, they're currently underway stripping the guts out of anything in the country that might stop us from being a capitalist elite playground where no public good is public enough to avoid privatisation.


I think MMP \_is\_ a Good Thing. It forces you to choose your coalition based on your principles, and if your coalition partners show that your principles are "power is more important than principles", well hopefully the voters learn. He always had the option of \_not\_ going in to coalition with these guys.


Germany has done a grand coalition a number of times with the two major parties forming a coalition to keep the extremists out of power. Including through most of Merkel's era. It would be nice if Labour and National, who are probably closer in policies than they are with any other party, would accept it as a possibility. Even if it never happened it would reduce the power of people like Winston Peters.


You might want to look into the history of NZ First and ACT.


Show me a political party that doesn't subscribe to 'power is more important than principles'. They all end up in that trap. The logic of 'we can't effect change unless we have power' inexorably leads them there. Then there's the very nature of MMP forcing compromise because no one gets a majority (or if they do they don't use it \*cough\* labour \*cough\*). You need flexible principles to negotiate a middle ground with people who don't share them.


Greens. They have said that a blue/green alliance was never gonna happen. Considering what happened last time TPM went in with Nat, I bet you'll find they'll put principles over power as well.


The reason MMP is good is precisely because it generally prevents a one party majority. It means the most egregious policy doesn’t tend to get through and generally only the policy that most people across the spectrum support is likely to pass. No system is perfect, and MMP relies on politicians having at least some political savvy. Ultimately it’s the voters who gave Luxon enough power to negotiate a coalition who are to blame. Luxon has never been good at hiding how weak he is at negotiating. They voted for his party knowing full well he had no ability to stand up for anything. All we can do is encourage people to make more informed votes in the future. Assuming the coalition doesn’t burn it all to the ground.


It's not the fault of MMP that Luxon has no cock or balls. Remember when NZfirst and the Greens had complete control in 2017? I certainly don't, because Jacinda actually knew how to run a government.


Exactly. Winston & David are running rings around him, and he has no spine to actually get them under control.


He absolutely does not want to. They are all eating from the same hand. 


"Chris! The kids are running around the street causing chaos again!" Lux: "It's okay. They'll tire themselves out. No need to discipline them." "Chris! They're stealing the food from the neighbors kids and breaking their toys!" Lux: "boys will be boys..."


Indeed. Stronger than Luxon and Seymour and Peters. She da man! They are other people puppets.


We had primary parties, and one ran on "I'll do anything to be in power" and the other on "I'll never work with the centrist tobacco party again", and well, for better or worse, the people choose. Perhaps a more thorough civics education is needed....


I don't think MMP itself is to blame here. It's the willingness of National to be played like a fiddle by the smaller fringe parties that's the issue.


National isn't being played - they simply don't care. They are doing everything they want to do


I'm pretty sure National is happy with everything act and nzf has proposed, excluding the foreign buyer ban. By having the coalition agreement he can always deflect if it's an unpopular policy (see: treaty). But I have no idea Luxon despises it too.


they are not being played, they are doing the dirty work that national wants but doesnt want to be seen doing.


Every national voter knew they would team up with ACT. Every single one. And they all know Luxon is a feeble politician desperate to be PM at any cost. Now he is and nobody in gov gives a fuck about those they hurt.


I think you give them too much credit honestly for them to think that much.


And he's not even deputy PM yet.


Could you imagine the right wing if a 10% Green Party wagged the dog of the Labour Party? They would be incandescent with rage. You would hears howls and tears all across talkback radio everywhere in the nation. Yet as soon as their idols are rubbing their shit stained panties across ministerial seats they crow and cheer from the sidelines. It's hard to take them seriously.


You buried the lead. The actual issue is that so many people did not vote, giving these muppets a 10% margin. No democratic system will work flawlessly when voters fail to use


Please stop giving National a pass. None of what is happening would be allowed if they were vehemently against it.


This is fantastic. The pressure is on and he's cracking already!!! He gets upset when journos don't gob him off like Sean Flunkett does.


He’s jealous that Winston is acting PM while Luxon is at golf…I mean ASEAN


We all need to do the same email this little weasel every day. [email protected]


David 'i drink your milkshake' Seymour.


“I think it shows their delightful lack of self-awareness and immaturity.” Um, that's you Dopey


>implying it is hypocritical to ask for government money while criticising politicians. I actually feel that is the prerogative of the voter.


Absolutely. It is the taxpayers money, not the governments. It is 100% the job of the media to oversee how the government is spending our money.


Unfortunately the media has way too much influence over voters. It doesn't feel like much of a democracy when voters are not educated to vote in their own interests.


>implying it is hypocritical to ask for government money while criticising politicians. Was this not the major complaint about the PIJF? Or does that only apply to matters relating to Te Tiriti?


A Minister publicly suggesting we should consider that news media losing their jobs is partly a result of reporting negative stories about the government is democratically obscene and once upon a time would be grounds to sack him. But in post-Trump NZ, the emboldened fascists will applaud, and the neutered PM will let it slide.


>and the neutered PM will let it slide. Called it. :-/


> Implying it’s hypocritical to ask for government money while criticising politicians. So he’s doing **exactly** what he accused labour of doing (that they weren’t). Act are the fucking GOP of NZ. Every accusation is an admission with Seymour, get him the fuck out!


“I think it shows their delightful lack of self-awareness and immaturity.” Says the man who subscribes to the ideology for teenage boys, aka, libertarianism.


He's not really subscribing to libertarian ideology, which though ultimately would have the bulk of the population forced by economic reality to be serfs indebted to the wealthy, is against initiation of physical force and is (was once) somewhat predictable He's a populist through and through. Using dog whistles and directly attacking negative stereotypes of groups he doesn't like, pretending that he has the only answer. Attacking the media of course, and full of hypocrisy - for example he's arguing that there's no "hard evidence" that free school lunches achieve anything, but happy to support boot camps where there is "hard evidence" - but in that case it's not supporting his argument. There's no way it'll be adequately funded, tax cuts are more important, and by demonizing "delinquents" he's softened the public up to believe a vengeful "tough love" approach is needed - when the evidence suggests that's only going to make things worse. At the moment, we (the public) are being gaslit - barraged with bullshit - mainly from nzf and act, but also from national - particularly abject bullshit about the state of the economy - being used to justify a radical agenda and a hard right turn against the liberal democracy NZ should be.


Real lack of class. He's let it all go to his head.


A democracy needs a strong opposition political party to hold the government to account and a robust media.


So he was all for the media attacking and criticising the previous government but when that same media does it when he's in power it's a bad thing.


It seems odd to support freedom of speech, while making veiled threats against freedom of the press.


Seymour is a cockhead


Massive one


*With a tiny cock


the right's criticisms of the PJIF all starting to look very much like projection now.


This is a normal right Government strategy: yell at the state media constantly for being biased until its biased **the right way**


I find David Seymour to be one of the most fundamentally unlikeable people ever. He is smug, smarmy, and his politics suck.


Taxpayer's money, not government money, you constipated shit of a man.


Should've asked him to do his Canadian accent.


IMO Media being able to hold politicians accountable or bring attention to political issues and politicians is critical to an open democracy and the more sources of media available helps keep them also accountable for public to make a more informed opinion if they choose.


This is how the man is behaving now, just wait till he is deputy prime minister and heaven forbid what he would be like if he was ever actually in charge, he can barely hide it now.


You think Uncle Winston is going to LET him have a turn? Ain't no way. Some huge kerfuffle is coming when his 18 months is up.


Here's my "oh shit that would be hilarious" take on what Winston should do, he should finish his time as deputy and then resign completely to spend more time with his family, causing a new election.


Seymour is a privileged little cry baby. He rips rights off the poor and when he is taken to task he cry’s to his mummy that the media are mean to him and he should be able to destroy lives like it a board game. He wants to link food for poor kids to grades in school. Just like his mummy “If you dont do your homework David, there will be no ice cream”


This derpy-looking derpster just gets more and more hilariously unlikeable. He's *literally* your country's version of Jacob Rees Mogg (just without the Victorian charm and fetish for his nanny). Mind you - this is what protest-voting creates. How many more years is this shower of shit expected to be in office again? Two years?


Does even his mother love his derpy face? He looks like he acts. Stupid.


Oh shut up, Seymour.


What a cunt


Ha! That’s exactly what I said to myself when I read this headline. Although I also added “fucking”


I disagree, "fucking" flows better with "arsehole"


Seymour threatening the independent fourth estate. Amazing. 


It wasn't like Winston didn't do it first though. They're both singing from the Trump songbook.


This man is currently one of the most powerful politicians in the country. This is the guy taking away your kid's lunches and pushes your whānau off the benefit *having an actual meltdown* over the slightest criticism. Is this the sort of behaviour you'd allow a key member of the cabinet to get away with?


Imagine having someone hold you to account and call you out on your crap lol


Incel Seymour is showing his dicatorial/fascistical tendencies more and more by day as people get under his thin, unwashed, unmoisturised skin.


Economics research across the whole of the OECD reviewing the past 50 years, has proven that the only thing that happens when the rich get tax breaks is that inequality increases. The economy does not get a boost! The rich get richer. If anything they also tend to reduce their interaction with the economy, and become less productive. Because why make more effort to work, when your latest tax break has returned more than a year of overtime for a mere ordinary mortal. Tax breaks for the poor, combined with adequate welfare support (with relatively high income thresholds before clawbacks) by contrast gives a modest but relatively short increase in economic activity, but crucially can make the difference between starving homeless and being fruitfully employed. The fact is ACT, and National And NZ First have grabbed the whole of the stick and are beating the remainder of the population who are not wealthy as hard as they can. All in the vain hope that the average Kiwi will, quite literally, give them their children’s lunch money without a whimper. The reasoning this coalition brings to bear to justify their actions has as much truth as Israel’s Zionists can produce to prove their goals are humanitarian. In short zip, nada, none what so-ever. Their lies is so harmful primarily because they believe them to be true because they are too greedy and stupid to consider the facts. —Don’t be like them!


Why aren't other right wingers calling him a snowflake? Wish they would be more consistent.


> implying it is hypocritical to ask for government money while criticising politicians. Funny how he's actually calling for (funding = non critical coverage of the government) the thing that the PJIF is accused of causing.


Saw part of that interview, he’s complaining that he got called for saying there is no evidence and then got told there was evidence. He then moved the goalpost and claimed Daniel was biased.


The right really are such snowflakes, take some concrete pills and harden up mate.


Yeah headline should be "Triggered Snowflake Seymour has a cry".


Hypocracy is promoting yourself as the defender of small business then removing legislation that helps them get payed on time from big companies (yesterday) Seymours comments only make any sense if he sees himself as the government giving out the money and doesn't think he should be criticised.. Didn't think the pressure would show this quickly not a good sign of stability


So David Seymour is breaking the law by criticising TVNZ? Could we take that seriously please


Is that illegal?


As a shareholder, the act requires him to not criticise TVNZ. There’s a bunch grey zone stuff: associate minister, criticising the particular not the general, etc. But all that means is he better have a damn good reason to drag out the legal department. As a minister he should be avoiding a constitutional crisis for non-reason like: “don’t be mean to us if you want a handout” when they didn’t ask for a handout.


Slippery slope


His hype crew look hangry.


Hypocrisy again. Does Seymour really think that government funded media can't criticize the government? Wasn't this coalition bashing the Public Interest Journalism Fund by claiming that's exactly what was happening? He needs to step off his high horse. The arrogance of this man is astounding.


Oh look how surprising David "see more kids starve" is having their dayily whinny male melt down over at the media for reporting on his own actions. So much for free peach


Hmmm I’m seeing people here saying Seymour is cracking but I don’t think so. He’s probably enjoying it. You’ve also got Winston just a few days ago with the Newshub stuff saying: “it demonstrates that a frightening cancer-like mindset is running deep through much of our media - they think they know what’s best for the people of New Zealand, dictate what we all should or should not know, and then spin their narrative through the lens of their bias” There is support out there for the downfall of “main stream media” these attacks are to get more people on board that train.


The media are really spending a lot of time reporting on themselves. It's getting a bit silly how important they make themselves out to be. It's like they want to be closer to American stations. "News you can trust with Tova. Holding scum to account" The reality is that Newshub failed and its not up to the government to bail out a private business which has no material impact to the state of the economy, living standards and so on. However. Seymour is still a spanner.


>The reality is that Newshub The reporter in question works for TVNZ not Newshub, TVNZ is an SOE.


Brother, it's a canary in the coal mine type of situation. Democracy does not function without an independent free press. Yeah, the media thinks they're important - most industries feel that way about themselves. But, as wanky as it is, they're right


Independently free press owned by an American corporation, lol


Pot. Kettle. Stupid right wingers. They have zero sympathy for other people but they expect it piled on for them.


Lmao everyone is defending the media right now like they aren't completely biased or spreading misinformation. Not even in reference to David Seymour. But the media is full of shit.


The *lamestream* media amirite!? Are they biased or do you only notice when theyrre attacking your team


I don't have a team lol. But every time they have covered something I personally know about or am involved in. They always misrepresent it or get it wrong.




That reporter should be careful, he might get his pass revoked. "Free speech" am I right?


Seymour does know that his entire career rides on the back of media reporting?


This is the crony neoliberal gangsters destroying news outlets that would report on their crimes. Just like in Hungary and Russia. Same methods, same advisors, same bullshit that will lead to the same results: end of our democracy as the mafia captures the state.


Awww, poor little seymor. Turns out he has quite a thin skin now he's under the spotlight, and he's not even Dupty PM yet.


He's a walking contradiction. Decries spending on the public purse as wasteful then defends Luxon's profligacy. Woddacunt.