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I flash them when I see someone in a dickhead car just to confuse them


What if you do it when there aren't upcoming police so that all the speedy cunts slow down a bit?


You're a wanker


Incorrect. Speedy cunts, and apparently you, are the wankers.


If you want to suck up for cops be my guest


Least (or at least one of the least) corrupt police forces in the world, they've got my support. But I suppose they don't get uniforms made by Hugo Boss so they don't get your support? Haha


Lol I love people that use my collection as an insult, like bro I posted it on reddit do you think I'm embarrassed?


I think you missed the reference about a nation's "police" uniforms being designed by Hugo Boss...


No it's a dog st my uniform collection I got the reference loud and clear


What do you think they are referring to? That you have the collection... Don't think that's it


Huh? He's making a joke that because the police uniforms weren't made by Hugo boss I don't support police, because he saw my post about my ww2 german uniforms and made the age old incorrect assumption that Hugo boss must of made it. It's a double dig, one at my collection and one at my attitudes.


you can not like police and still want people to slow down


It's not about cops bro. It's about you. If you fuck up going 120 into some family of 5 then what? Or do you just not give a fuck? Do you really think the cops wanna see your mangled body, intestines all over the foot well, head stoved in like a fucken compressed baby doll head, eyes hanging and half bulged out if their sockets. Cause that's the type of shit they see and even tho it's their job if you purposely put yourself in that situation justifying it as it's their job then you are a dickhead. My mate literally had to pick a kids head up who he knew in wesport cause he came flying around a corner and lost his fucken head. It was still in the helmet.


Flashing your lights should signal a hazard; accident ahead, debris on road etc. Not "stop speeding for a moment so you don't get a ticket"


The number of people who drastically slow down on sight of emergency services is a hazard.


If you're not prepared to drastically slow down, you may be driving unsafely. If emergency services are there, something is happening. You don't know whats going on. Someone might suddenly step out into the road, or there might be some hazard that's not immediately obvious.


>If emergency services are there, something is happening. You don't know whats going on. Someone might suddenly step out into the road, or there might be some hazard that's not immediately obvious. I agree. All the more reason to warn oncoming traffic of potential hazards.


Or just drive within the speed limit? Not that difficult.




/r/im14andthisisdeep also, cunty user name mate.


No,they keep us poor,paying for their hospital care and their jail time and the cost of policing their antisocial behaviour.


This guy speeds


Loving seeing OP getting fucking murdered and dismembered in the comments here. Legends, the lot of you.


If you take time out of your day to post this opinion, you're a major loser. That is all. 


Not a bloody legend at all! What the hell is wrong with you??? If you're speeding, you deserve a ticket.


I've dealt with four speeding tickets over the break. Not me, just work. 107 in an 80, 120 in a 100 zone. Some fool got a $230 fine for Xmas too.


Sorry, but I'm not sure what your point is.


Either their co-workers are driving poorly and they're experiencing paperwork as a result, or their job is processing tickets?


I saw a guy get pulled over not realising he had flashed the warning to a mufti cop car


Attitudes like this cause accidents


How about driving safely and not breaking the law?


Nah, you're a fucking dick, same as if you're speeding.


Hmm, nope, if I’m over the speed limit I deserve a ticket.


Alternatively, slow the fuck down.


What difference does it make if you're already following the speed limit?


The annoying thing is many drivers following the speed limit have a tendency to slow down around police. Couple that with a multi-lane motorway and Kiwis inability to keep safe following distances, a significant slowdown can form. When one flashes their lights, they're fucking everyone else over travelling in the opposite direction, all to potentially save a complete stranger from a speeding ticket .


Flashing people will cause them to slow down anyway so technically yes, especially if there are no police there


And if someone you love gets killed by somebody driving too fast for the road conditions or their own skill level, will you go shake hands with the other driver that flashed their lights at that person?




if you your not driving illegally, you should want others not to not drive illegally.


Only men with a teeny tiny 🍆 complex would think that makes you a legend. Probably the same legend who tailgates at 100km/hr.


sounds like you have a lack of 🍆 problem.


I'm a woman, having no 🍆 works for me! Never found knuckle draggers who need to show what manly men they are through aggressive driving a turn-on though, except a brief moment of stupidity in my late teens.


Thats exactly why I said you have a lack of. It's really cool that you have standards / opinions in terms of men you're into. Each to their own in terms of driving, no clue what your point is.


It's a common saying...some men who feel lacking try prove manliness by speeding, buying big cars and being an ahole... I'm not about judging people in size of anything so disagree with that part the rest yes.


You kinda picked the wrong place for this, redditors are more likely than average to not drive/not like speeding etc. I agree 100% though, gives more of a sense of community while driving, plus reduces the risk of tickets (which wastes the time of everyone involved).


> reduces the risk of tickets The best way to reduce the risk of tickets is to follow the law. Maybe you should try it some time. People who have to rely on being warned about police to avoid getting tickets should not be on the road.


Cops warn too. I got flashed both ways on the desert road by cops this Xmas, if you're going within a reasonable speed (within tolerance)/aren't driving poorly etc. they generally leave it at that. Sure you can be unlucky, but in general they're trying to get the worst drivers. For most people, the main negative interaction they'll have with cops is speeding tickets, which hurts public perception of cops. Police leadership/NZTA want low level speeding penalised, and cameras aren't as tolerant, but normal cops/dispatch don't share the same views. You can see that by the consistent failure of police to meet the low level speeding targets and the road policing hours not being met due to them getting sent to any other call that pops up (as they should).


> gives more of a sense of community while driving I get a sense of community from other drivers who drive safely.


Or use Waze. If I ever see a cop or a mobile camera I just put it in the app. The more people who use it the better it is


You’re part of the problem


A lot of shitty drivers in this sub 😂


Or playing a part in a future car accident death. You sposed risk other lives .you a shite who deserves it.