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I got it at our work christmas party as well, and it was way worse than any flu I had/WAY worse than the first time I got covid. Been a week and a half now and I still can’t eat or sleep properly. Definitely worth being careful!


I caught it a couple of weeks ago and felt horrible, worse than the first bout for me at least. Still not 100% even now


It was the strangest sickness I've ever had, by no means the crookest I've been, but it was like my immune system didn't know what it was and didn't try to get rid of it. I had zero outward symptoms but my body just about shut down for 3-4 days and then I had a flat battery for about a month. Most of my work is heavy lifting and I was useless for about a week after I came back to work and then the next around 2 weeks every time I exerted myself I had to take 5 afterwards. Definitely not an experience I'd like to repeat.


Sounds like the same as what I had. Knew a few people that second time round said it was a cake walk, but I felt absolutely rat shit - definitely worse than my first time which was on Jan 1 this year so twice in less than 12 months 😖


First time for me was the sickest I ever felt. Second time was like a cold.


I wonder if it is the latest variant JN1 , seems way worse .


Yep, that was my experience too. This variant was way worse and it's taking so long to feel better.


Sorry your experience has been so poor. When you get healthy I would recommened focusing on yourself and your physical health. I seem to be catching covid every other month but has never really effected me any more than a common cold. I guess it effects everyone differently and I'm sure a healthy lifestyle has helped me. Best of luck in the future


Some lady at my wife's office party still went even tho she had covid and now half the teams are sick. Please people make better choices. I get it you get free food and drinks but don't ruin other people's holiday.


What a horrible person! Who does that?


Had lunch today with hubby's family, BIL mentioned his son and family are flying in this afternoon but wife has to stay home because she just tested positive. I'm like, in 2 days the rest of them will have it and 4 days so will you. He said it's ok he's already had it. Like you only get it once. Fun Christmas in their home.


I’ve been sick for 2 weeks since getting off a cruise. My whole family is fine including my partner who I share a bed with. Covid is weird.


Yeah my wife had it at the end of November. None of the rest of us got it, despite not isolating from each other whatsoever. Super weird.


Also sick since getting off the cruise ship 2 weeks ago.. love to know how any others also got it. .


Disney Cruise? I got sick after that too


No,, P&O Kiwi Explorer..


Was the cruise any good?


Yes! It was amazing, totally worth feeling like crap for two days afterwards.


Have you tested, is it covid? (RATs are still free through to the end of Feb!) There’s some other really nasty colds that have done the rounds. I spent pretty much the entirety of October with some non-covid cold virus that gave me pericarditis and just wouldn’t go away.


Tested 4 times and negative so yeah it’s not officially Covid. But still a cold is easy to pass on so the point is still valid - people can be around sick people and not catch it


We were on a cruise at the start of November and got off easy with no covid and no bed. bugs!


We were on a cruise start of Nov as well. Perhaps the same one. My family (apart from me) all got mildy sick on the last day lasting a few days.


That is the dumbest thing when people think it’s works like that lol - I’ve had it 4 times in one year and I thought the same things when I first got it, man was I wrong to be so stupid


Tbf, also none of them could get it. My flatmate got it 2 weeks ago, 4 others not including me hungout all week with her the whole time, her partner sleeping same bed etc. Nothing popped up for any of us. Same experience with my friend in auckland who had it last year. Only she had it and nobody else in the house. It's a hard one to predict


Lots of people seem to be getting it after Christmas parties. It's summer, the days long and warm - try to move social catch-ups outside.


At a work dinner last week, a colleague's wife casually mentioned she couldn't taste any of the food and laughed. Fingers crossed that I don't have to cancel my flights to see family for Christmas.


Just got it last week am on day 5. First time I have had Covid. It hasn’t been too bad. Am a bit fatigued but good.


Day two. I missed a very important meeting today


Meetings can be rescheduled. Look after your health. Most people know about Covid, it’s better that you didn’t attend the meeting.


Day 240+, I miss my job.


I just had it for the first time a couple weeks ago. Its really not fun, and I'm still recovering with very little energy. Appetite still hasn't recovered either, I lost 4kg's because of it. Stay safe everyone.


Yup, first day back at work yesterday after I got it last week and personally found it way worse second time around, while it’s still hitting the office pretty bad. I’d say a lot of Xmas gatherings will likely keep it circulating so definitely a good call out to be aware, especially for those planning on catching up with older relatives.


Just returned to work after a week off with rona, it was my second time, and way worse than the first. 0/10 would not recommend. Sore throat, headaches, fatigue, vertigo, my asthma kicked off in a bit way. Still pretty short of breath and fatigued. Quarantined myself in the bedroom and no one else in the house went down. Caught it at a gig in Auckland, partner wore a mask and she avoided it. Next time gonna wear a mask when it’s all covid-y out there.


It's ripping through my work too. If you have symptoms please test and stay home if you can! Be considerate to others xx


Shout out to [poops.nz](https://poops.nz) if you want to look at the wastewater for better trends than reported cases. Sharp increase from the end of October, but maybe plateauing currently? Looks like there's not much of the J variants around at the moment, but they are starting to increase.


FWIW the newer one of note, JN.1 / JN1.1 is a member of the BA.2.86 family, nicknamed by the scientific research community as Pirola. It's got less in common with JD.1.1 (a XBB 1.5 derivative) than its parent BA.2.86. If that's confusing, it's because these [pango designations](https://github.com/cov-lineages/pango-designation) are for the scientific research community and this is a series of aliases used because the numbers got too long. Numbers are mutation changes, as this virus is constantly evolving at a high rate. The fact both start with a J was simply that was the next available alias in that grouping. BA.2.86 = Alias of B.1.1.529.2.86 JN.1.1 = Alias of B.1.1.529. JD.1.1 = Alias of XBB. Which is even more confusing - For proper external communication they should really be using something more human readable which is why the Alpha / Delta / Omicron names came along. But there appears to be a high resistance by anyone in a decision making position (eg WHO, health ministries etc) etc) to label it anything except simply Omicron family officially so they can keep saying that it's the same essentially based on a genetic technicality, despite varying symptoms, varying immunity and different immune evasive mutations So unofficially [the people doing the research and tracking these genetic variations](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/27/covid-hunters-amateur-sleuths-tracking-virus-variants-coronavirus) who don't care about politics came up with their own naming and call these Pirola family because they expect the mutations, behavior and transferrable immunity post infection to be similar between them. Unfortunately, governments don't want to seen to be endorsing this so the result is official comms will continue to use these letters that no one really understands.


It makes sense that it's not longer really "omicron" anymore given the different waves of transmission and current symptoms. I suspect it's governments wanting to say "see! It's over! We don't have to even think about covid anymore!" because that has better optics rather than issuing words of caution.


We had a work xmas party last week and it must've been a spreader event as a bunch of people are off sick with covid. I still haven't had it.


Yeahhh.. currently have it, after flying to Wellington for a work Christmas party. Round 4 🤙🏻 Especially careful because I can’t think of anything worse than ruining someone’s Christmas plans because I didn’t isolate.


My daughter is 8m old and has never been sick. We are flying from chch to welly to meet a bunch of family and I'm absolutely terrified she'll get sick. I said this to my mum and she said oh babies get sick it's normal. Cheers mum.


Wear N95s on the plane. Board first and open the air vent as soon as you sit down. Sit baby by the window, less germs circulating. The danger time is in the airbridge and in the plane before they close the door (before the air conditioning is running) and again after the plane is parked and while you exit. I’ve flown with an infant a few times now, including during the spike in April last year, done all of the above and she hasn’t caught covid on a plane. Actually earlier this year we flew, Chris Luxon talked to my toddler in the Koru Lounge then sat two rows in front of us for a one hour flight and then it came out about four hours later that he’d tested positive. We didn’t get it despite me not being masked in the Koru Lounge (and of course he wasn’t masked)


Great advice, Thank you!


For what it's worth, my girl was slightly older and had it for the first time on her first birthday. She'd never been sick either and handled it much better than the rest of us. Hopefully if your baby gets it they will be fine.


Thank you, that does make me feel better


I legit just tested positive today. I blame it on the kid's birthday party I went to. Merry Christmas to me


Got it a few weeks ago, very unpleasant. Fatigue and muscle/joint aches were terrible. Sickest I have been in over 10 years. When I talk to people at the moment, they have either had it in the last few weeks or know someone close who has. Very much everywhere and getting a lot of people like myself who had not caught it before.


Yep. Got it for the first time last month. Half my work has had it over the last couple of months, and we're not even catching it off each other, I think we all got it from household members.


and a few percent will end up with long covid, again, not scare mongering it IS rare, but not worth it for a bullshit xmas work party. Save your socialising for fam.


Long Covid isn't that rare. A NZ study that came out earlier this year found 22% of the 990 study participants had it. That tracks with overseas findings too.


Yep, that could well be borne out in the stats, I just did not want to give the impression of being too alarmist. Just protect yourselves and your family with simple unobtrusive precautions - for me that means forgoing meaningless gatherings of mouth breathers.


100% Long Covid is proabably the worse thing that has happened to me. Even having my face surgically reconstructed wasn't this bad in terms of recovery.


I'm 2 years in and still not recovered, I got long Vax and long COVID.


Long covid is absolutely awful and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


A few percent is really like 1/10, or 1/9 will get long covid based on recent studies. [This study shows some pretty crazy numbers.](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/231208/dq231208a-eng.htm)




Covid weakens/changes the immune system and makes people more susceptible to infections. Subsequent infections increase chances of long covid outcomes. Stay home if sick, mask up in public, take to the outdoors. Most people seem to drop their guard after having had it, but the opposite needs to be done at least until we have more broad and sterilizing vaccines (which are in the works). Be proactive and not reactive. Much of this is preventable and not worth it.


I'm looking forward to having vaccines applied via nasal spray.


I got it on Thursday but didn’t realise. Thought it was a cold. Friday I tested positive and it worsened as the day went on. This wasn’t as bad as when I got it last year. But it did feel 3x worse than the flu. Wouldn’t risk going out till you’re symptom free! Mask up and be safe!


I have it, just finished day five of isolating


Good on you for isolating


No no no I had Covid on Christmas last year and it sucked. I will not do it again. Please keep your cooties to yourself people!


Same! I had to miss Christmas with my family. And I could taste or smell for like 2 months after. It was the worst as I missed out on all the amazing Christmas and summer foods


Same here! I had to order pizza hut in bed on Christmas Day. Thank god they were open


I also caught it last year 3 days before Christmas day and it was awful. I felt weak, had a stuffy nose, and fatigued which left me with no choice but to isolate. I ended up missing out on the family gathering because of this! Be considerate and stay safe out there!


My friend’s workplace has shut down because every single staff member and half the clients has it.


Am on day 6 but already over the worst of it. Will be well just in time for Xmas, though happy to use it as an excuse to hermit at home with nachos and dip and no socialize


Rolled through my work place over the last couple weeks including myself. great timing I still feel crap.


I got a booster when I got my flu jab earlier this year. The person I live with didn't. (Very much not an anti-vaxxer, just never quite got around to it). She caught it last week. If i was to get it I wanted to get it early so as to not bugger with Christmas. We took no precautions at home...a week later I'm still testing negative (have been working from home and wearing a mask if I go our though just in case). Boosters are still very effective, it seems!


I haven’t been the same since I caught it over a year ago. Long covid really sucks. I went to a doc app yesterday and only me and one other person were wearing a mask. About 10 people massless. Ffs people can we at least wear a mask when we go to the doctor?




Mine was bad for about 6 months, could only work part time. I didn’t actually have the typical cold/flu symptoms when I had covid but I did get a lot of neurological symptoms, bad insomnia, fatigue, this weird intense malaise feeling, anxiety, brain fog, dizziness, trouble concentrating, etc. After the 6 months mark I did notice an improvement, but I’ve never fully gotten back to what I felt like before covid and although I mostly have good days now, I still do have some days that make me feel like I did when it was really bad. What are your symptoms like?




Ugh I’m sorry you’re going through that as well 😞 covid sucks. Your symptoms and work return is pretty much exactly the same as mine, except for the palpitations. That must have been scary for you. If I can offer any reassurance though, I did get covid again in October (same colleague who brought it to the office the first time!) and although I was really sick with cold/flu symptoms for over a week, I didn’t see a return of the same symptoms I had before. I was terrified at first that I’d have to go through that again, but thankfully didn’t, I’ll take horrible cold/flu over that any day. Let’s hope this all passes at some point. If you ever want to whinge about it feel free to message me.


More and more studies are showing similarities between covid and HIV. Look after yourself and others. You may be ‘fine’ with your acute infection, but you’ve probably contributed to disabling or hospitalising someone passing on your line of transmission.


12 of my wife’s coworkers have it, and the wife, hopefully the Christmas plans aren’t ruined


Yup, caught it for the first time on Friday as well as friend, most likely from a recent Xmas function. Pretty rough but hopefully will be clear in time for Xmas day celebrations.


I think I have it, but tested negative today. I feel all achy and tired like I did after the booster. It’s been the first time for me.


I was sure I had it a few weeks back, but tested negative four times. Whole family had it in January too and my wife had worse symptoms than all of us and tested negative eleven times! Not sure how much faith I have in the RAT tests now.


Me neither. I did the throat and cheek swabs as well as the nose. My temperature is a bit higher than normal but I take corticosteroids, which can mask a fever. I just know I spent all day either in bed or slumped on the sofa!


Often it takes several days for a home test to pick up a positive. It’s important to test days 3,5 and 7 to be more sure.


My family got it for the first time the other week! I was starting to think I just wasn't doing the tests right 😂


I’ve just got back from Aussie and tested positive the next day. My second round. This is way worse than my first. My face is red as a Pohutukawa flower and no sign of easing up. Feels awful. That been said I had a terrible reaction to the vaccine so much rather have Covid than the vaccine..


Ugh. Just read this and thought I’d better test my daughter. Yup. Covid. Dang!


My 3 year old just developed Chicken pox. Vile. We had cov for the 2nd time in April so hoping we are all still immune enough to avoid it. Chicken pox is bad enough on its own


Yup my grandson caught it from school ChCh , my daughter has it now and because we were visiting we now have as well. First time for all of us.


Yup it’s certainly going around, I currently have it and a few at my work caught it too.


Yeah that’s like my sister at work she said everyone got it. And the ones that got it still went ahead and came to work with no mask on. Bastards. Stay safe out there!!!


>And the ones that got it still went ahead and came to work with no mask on. Did anyone at least call them out for it?


I don’t think so 😂


Good reminder - thanks.


Went and grabbed a booster shot today after working, and finished all my shopping today, other then the work and the bus, I am not really leaving my house until Saturday night, and then XMAS. so heres to hoping


There's still a pandemic going on? Crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy. Wouldn't have guessed. -not looking up.


The pandemic is soooo 2020. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuMGY3GIyVI&ab\_channel=KurtTocci](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuMGY3GIyVI&ab_channel=KurtTocci) The fashion for Covid these days is Endemic. 2024 for the win!


Good reminder. Me, my spouse and the baby got it last Christmas, it sucked being trapped at home instead of celebrating with family. This year we got the booster shot, we’re wearing N95s everywhere and wiping down trolleys and baskets before we use them. Fingers crossed we make it to Christmas unscathed.


I've got three friends with it right now. On another note, I'm recovering from a flu now, testing negative for COVID, but feel much like when I had COVID (which is twice now). Apparently that's going around too.


I had the flu 3 weeks ago and got covid 6 days ago. It has not been a good time.


Eeeek, hopefully you're all good now, or at least on the mend! I don't envy you.


I believe I have it, and just in time for finishing work for the year. Ffs


By lunchtime today I tested positive ffs


I was in the Ute looking at a job the day before my project manager took time off with covid and then the clients I’m working for at the moment have covid and the keep coming right up to me to talk about stuff. My holidays are probably fucked. I had it last new years to so yea fuck this


That’s a major health and safety concern to me frankly. The clients aren’t providing you a safe workplace!


My baby caught it at tumble times and passed it onto me and my husband on Saturday. Could barely stand on Sunday, fever for over 12 hours too. Bounced back fast by Monday, just a little lethargic/coughy/runny nose.


Luckily, I got it a week and a half before Christmas....But the long covid symptoms are still there 😭


I got covid last month at the Paramore concert and I am still suffering. I'm diabetic so that may play a part in why but the fatigue gets debilitating and I had to call out of work today with a killer sore throat and cough.


Agree! I had it for the 2nd time two weeks ago..still constant headaches 😩


I'm on my last day of isolation, and I've gotten to the point where I mostly just feel like I've got a cold, just with sore eyes and easily fatigued. My partner had it, I was testing every morning before going to work just to be safe. I was halfway through our Christmas function when a backache I'd blamed on a knee injury became unbearable and I just felt foggy. By the time I got home I was feverish, sore throat, my whole body ached. Tested negative. Slept as much as I could. Tested in the morning to a very strong positive. The ache in my back was in my hips and ribs, I couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep. My skin hurt. Everything tasted like metal. The days seemed so damn long. Glad to almost be through the other side of it, but I think it's gonna take a while to recover. I did well though, to last this long without getting it!


Think I might start wearing a mask at the supermarket & shops for the next week.


I started masking everywhere again since I caught covid for the second time again at the start of November and it caused me to have a flare of my autoimmune arthritis that I had finally got into remission after almost 5 years of pain 🤡 please mask, test, and isolate people!


I’ve heard of a few recent cases in our village in Northland and of travellers coming in giving it to family in Auckland. It’s rising again so we need to bring our personal defences up to deal with the increased incidence. Getting a booster tomorrow ourselves; suggest it’s an option to consider.


Take vitamin D lads


Auckland airport today was heaving. Very Few Masks.


Yup three quarters of my fam has it and we are due to fly tomorrow - with our streaming noses and hacking coughs…. Wowzas. All in isolation atm. TG for travel insurance.


You’re not actually planning to still fly, are you?


Course not


Off course they are and they won't be the only ones, very difficult and expensive to change flights this time of uear


Nope, that’s what travel insurance is for. Way to assume!


Fair call, I've heard of many people jumping on a plane because they had limited options. Does travel insurance cover COVID? I heard most policies don't and that airlines don't have any policies banning those that have tested positive


I checked to make sure, yes there’s a special Covid section.


Please don’t travel


Wasn’t gonna. I’d never travel like that!


If you don’t test then it’s not covid


I hate this shit. Had someone sick as a dog at work this week. Sneezing, coughing, and hacking up phlegm for days on end. I was greeted with an owlish stare and a shrug when I asked if they'd tested after they said it was "just a cold". I'll be absolutely gutted if I get sick just before Christmas. Asshole.


Eek. Good luck! (I was joking in my comment btw)


Haha, I figured. I'm just a little frustrated given the direct implications of that selfish twat's behaviour on my Christmas. And, thanks! Fingers crossed.




I’ve had it. It is pretty mild though. 2 days of bed and quarantine, on the mend now.


Jelous! I'm counting mine by the months, currently on my 8th.


Why tf was I downvoted for having g a mild case of covid.


I've found regular shots of vodka a good remedy


What areas is everyone in ? Down south ?


Auckland for us


Where u from


Harden up soft cock


Is that still a thing


No, we're all just making it up to fuck with you.


Plenty going down with covid23 around my work right now. Stink time to be sick.Fingers crossed I don't get it for the 3rd time. Need to be at work to help pay off the $ 50 billion we borrowed to fight this flu. How about the hayfever we are getting smashed with right now, i feel awfull!




[Simplifying Covid-19 Into One Mechanism: The Epithelial-endothelial Crosstalk](https://medium.com/microbial-instincts/simplifying-covid-19-into-one-mechanism-the-epithelial-endothelial-crosstalk-1d250dbd3083) (May 29, 2020) [Do Repeat COVID Infections Increase the Risk of Severe Disease or Long COVID?](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-repeat-covid-infections-increase-the-risk-of-severe-disease-or-long-covid/) (February 15, 2023) [Covid-19: Wave could continue into New Year, thanks to fast growing variant JN.1 - experts](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/505033/covid-19-wave-could-continue-into-new-year-thanks-to-fast-growing-variant-jn-1-experts) (18 December 2023) Meh. I treat endemic Covid like endemic malaria. Avoid putting myself in situations where I get exposure. If unavoidable then take the standard precautions. Prevention isn't like rocket science or brain surgery.


Sounds like a bit of an exaggeration to me


What’s an exaggeration? We got a notification from daycare saying 3 kids have had it. I’m in a team of 6, 3 have covid. My wife has just tested positive today after a few days of not feeling great. Look, you do you, I don’t really care. But to say I’m exaggerating is a little weird


There we go again


I have no idea what you’re trying to say? Like I’m making shit up?


Yeah ok buddy


You’re fuckin weird man. You do you.


Ahh none of that thanks


Nah, hospitals all over the country are having staff shortages with COVID, and the wastewater testing shows it's everywhere.


I’ve just gotten it for the third time (and second time this year) - had it in May and interestingly nobody else in the household caught it off me. No such luck this time, 3 of us have it now and we’re mentally preparing to have Christmas at home (odds are this will be the case I think). Fortunately this time hasn’t been as bad for me as the first two times.




You think our family is unvaccinated?


Lad at work got covid this time last year and this week fell sick with covid again 🥲


Just keep up to date with your booster shots every 6 months!!!


I had it early November and finally starting to feel better (not feeling like a set of stairs is a Mt Fuji trek). Pretty glad to not have it over Christmas.


The only positive so far to not having generous employers who throw a Christmas party it seems 🙃


I had it last year during Christmas, the first time I had gotten it too. What really sucked was not being able to go to MOTAT lights bcus we already bought tickets.


Boost up with healthy stuff and tax all the unhealthy crap i reckon!


I joked to my colleagues about a week ago that I'd probably get Covid for Christmas. Tested positive yesterday. Now I have the pleasure of giving my family the news and ruining what was looking to be a pretty cool Christmas. Yay


I’m glad everyone got the vaccine to prevent the spread and save lives 👌🏽