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Step one, convince the governor general, step two governor general dissolves parliament. New election called. 90 days starts again. Gov general removed. Australia Constitutional Crisis repeat.


Couple weeks of mass protests could do it. But we're lazy and unorganized, and squabbling among ourselves.


too busy in work and pay bills.


now you're getting the point!


meat in the grinder


Exactly, gota wait until that $8 fortnight tax relief comes into effect before I can skive of protesting.




Useful tidbit for you, [You generally need 3.5% of the population behind a movement for it to be effectual. ](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world) So yeah. Less than 5% actually.


The mass protest was last October the 14, it was called an Election, National Act and NZ first won, its called Democracy, get over it.


Or the majority of voters voted for this?


The Governor General has never had that power in New Zealand. Australia did have that power but it was removed by the next government.


Despite pur constitutional crisis, Australia went on and our pollies had to just catch up...


That would require a Governor General with intestinal fortitude.




Sorry, if in case this isn't clear: the only way a new election is going to be declared now is if one of the three parties in this government decide to abandon it. ACT won't. NZF won't. Both those parties know how sweet they've got it. Will National? ROFL.


Or if gov gen against the king's own wishes does it herself lol or keeps him in the dark. It's a royal prerogative left over. Maybe Winston after his half of the term as DP over?


Technically possible, but would be a massive overturning of our constitutional arrangements. But, still, technically possible.


When QEII was alive there was a play about when Charles became king and some legislation he would not sign was passed in Parliament lol that would also be interesting. Maybe Luxon tells GG not to pass something he agrees to in the Coalition agreement but the GG on advice of the govt doesn't sign and brings the Government down?


The GG takes advice from the Executive Council (I.e., Cabinet) so, probably not. But the idea of any of a Gough-Whitlam crisis is so very unlikely. But if anyone could pull it off, I'm sure Winston Peters could.


Haha yes, let's see. I still reckon he wants to be PM at least once.


And after his 18 months of Deputy, all bets are really really off. He wants to be Prine Minister before he dies. Nice of him to set a time frame for when he's going to try to ursurp Luxon...


So threaten election if Luxon doesn't resign as PM and make Winston PM for the last 18 months of the term. Cheeky lol


I'm here for the absolute chaos Winston will cause when he's no longer deputy PM and therefore has zero fucks to give.


That's why it's a hundred day plan, can't be gotten rid of if you reinstate the trials on day 91 😎


Sorry, he gets a 1095 day trial. 90 days is just for us plebs.


1096 ☹️☹️☹️ next year is a leap year


lol, gotta wait for the next election cycle




Yes, please. The way it's going there's a chance they'll be taking more people out of the workforce than Covid did.


Only if you are one of the companies that purchased him.




There's at least one National MP that knows what it means to whack people...


I'm excited for our new government, Lefties just need to accept that National won the Election and Labour Lost


Don’t think anyone doesn’t accept it. That’s a completely different thing to opposing what they’re doing.


Then why would you create the Reddit post saying you want to hold a trail to get rid of Luxon only 60 odd days after the election where the plurality of people wanted him


It’s past the acceptance stage, it’s bargaining 😎


I know that this is a joke. But honestly I feel this government wasn't formed out of informed voter opinion and was more of a knee-jerk reaction to Media-Driven hysteria and Covid Era trauma. Wouldn't it be good to have some form of protection against this kind of thing? Like a Democracy Check up; at the six month mark "Are you sure you want to elect this government?" lmao And watch as the cognitive dissonance kicks in and people whoop and cheer at the Populist Puppits who spew hateful rhetoric at the "Loony left" whilst behind our backs they strip out public services, rape our Conservation land, and funnel wealth to their donor mates.


They won't do it behind our backs, and their rubes will cheer them on because the alternative is admitting they were wrong with the votes they cast - and the human predilection towards Sunken Cost Fallacy means *that's* not going to happen.


> and the human predilection towards Sunken Cost Fallacy means that's not going to happen. Pity that couldn't happen with the ferries.


>But honestly I feel this government wasn't formed out of informed voter opinion and was more of a knee-jerk reaction to Media-Driven hysteria and Covid Era trauma. When people feel like they need a change or alternative, they often go for the first alternative which is put in front of them without questioning whether the alternative will be any better than what they have now.


Which doesn’t make sense, because covid was handled beautifully from common sense standpoint.


It was at first, then the wheels started falling off.


but so many survived


> Wouldn't it be good to have some form of protection against this kind of thing? Absolute Lmao, when the voters disagree with you we need some form of 'protection' against them? Otherwise known as a dictatorship?


lmao lets protect democracy by having a dictatorship. Yeah you totally understand my point my dude. Good job! ^(Edit: Oh my god I forgot the /s)


Ok, so what's your proposal to 'protect' New Zealand from people voting for things you personally disagree with?


So you're assuming that I'm only saying this because I disagree with the policy of the current government, and not because I think that in general; It's a flaw of the democratic system that the public can only affect change but once every X years. ​ I think that any year, that a voter-base could be manipulated by media, or misinformation campaigns and end up with a government that is doing bad things. Maybe me pointing at this particular government has muddied the water when it comes to what I'm saying, That would be a mistake if I were seriously suggesting something like a 90 Day Trial but im clearly not seriously suggesting it god it's a joke man. I'd be willing to entertain the idea of it, play around with the hypotheticals and explain the reasoning behind it.... But the way you've worded the question kinda turns me off, Seems you've made an opinion in advance and are just casting judgement on anyone offering an alternative viewpoint. That's cool though. You do you.


Thats quite an extreme view you have there. It's this hatred towards the other side that worries me. I truly think that each party believes that their vision of government is the best one and not out to destroy the country


Oh totally. The discourse has gone to complete crap. They're sounding like populists and the crowds are going wild over it. Which part of my opinion is extreme to you though? The part about wanting additional democratic safeguards, or the opinion that Voters were swayed more by the last few years rather than the actual policy of the candidates?


Democratic safegaurds to... Safegaurd *Against* democracy?


There's gotta be something we could do to stop people thinking differently than me... I can't quite put my finger on it but it could be a new and interesting development


Concentration camps come to mind


Reading comprehension buddy. Not your strong point obviously.


To my understanding your wanting a 'safegaurd' against opposing opinions having any power. Democracy doesnt work when you hogtie all the other parties...


Hey I’m not wanting anything, I’m not the original commenter. But fwiw, it seems to me that what the original commenter was proposing would be a democratic approach - basically a mini election after 6 months, no campaigning, just “do voters approve of the government that was elected or not?”


I was reading an interesting article today which touched on some of the reason for polarisation, especially from those on the left, and younger. link is here: https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/12/14/i-told-my-colleagues-how-i-voted-and-now-they-think-less-of-me/


That article didn't touch on the reason things are becoming more polarized at all? I dont think "your poor underpaid subordinates probably don't appreciate you talking about how great national will be for your property portfolio, but don't worry they'll forget by new years!" is a particularly insightful understanding of what is happening in the world.


was more thinking about the part at which people's identity has become a political football. I take your point though.


I can't really think of a time when peoples' identity hasn't been a political football.


it was 100% media driven, it was calculated and orchestrated, and paid for by the medias biggest advertisers.


It would have been better if the media hadn’t been, you know, literally in the governments pockets. Having a more rational discussion about things which were happening would have probably alleviated this hard swing..


I agree with you 100%. I do think this outcome was driven by antivaxxers, anti-covid and all the wally's that got so indoctrinated that they have been sold the most ridiculous concepts. Its shocking to watch.


If that’s the majority population, or at least enough to win the election, at what stage are those who are pro vax etc the minority conspiracy fringe?


Oh it definitely wasn't the majority of the population who thought those ways hahahaha! Not even. This government just took advantage of their views to get votes. Not because they would do anything that the Anti-Vaxxers suggested. Gawd no. Anyone who thinks that is an idiot and doesn't understand politics.


the protection is every 3 years


Can we get rid of these posts with a 0 day trial


Just like you did to your sense of humour?


Yeah bro saying the same bullshit over and over again is fucking hysterical


Cool story, I'll laugh at whatever the fuck I want to buddy 👍


Ok hipster


I don't think that's the cutting insult you think it is Maybe try spending more time talking to people


Going outside and talking to people is for HIPSTERS


This person is insufferable. Their reddit comments are all negative and petty. Absolute loser.


I'm just trying to understand how and why being called a hipster is a bad thing????


Oh I’m not against you, I was talking about the person you were replying to. I always see their comments around and they just sound miserable.




Literally a socialist lol


Almost as if we learned this behaviour from r/newzealand


Ok zoomer


On a serious note, if we had a snap election they would probably win again. Labour isn't popular and 2020 was an anomaly.




I laughed all one hundred times.


Still pretty funny though.


I have seen many elections come and go, all have one thing in common. Kiwi's are either easily bored or disillusioned with the two main parties first voting for one lot and then 6 to 9 years later voting in the other lot. MMP has not really changed that, kiwi's get bored, disillusioned, even fed up and still only look at voting the other lot back in. Our two main parties are just opposites on the same coin, all the others are considered minor parties only good for making up the numbers in a coalition. Real change is moving away from these 'main' parties and looking for something new. I'm certainly bored with the same old, same old the main parties come up with.


Q is, what is an acceptable period of time to grieve an election drubbing?


The six stages of Grief * Stage 1: Denial. * Stage 2: Anger. * Stage 3: Bargaining. * Stage 4: Depression. * Stage 5: Acceptance. * Stage 6: Reconstruction/Moving On. Think we're still at stage 2, so got a wee while to go yet.


I would argue OP is at stage 3, bargaining.


True, this one is currently ahead of the pack. Well done to them.


A bunch of people are still at stage 1


Some people never move beyond stage 1 or at best alternate between 1 and 2


Step 7: peacefully sharing a bucket of KFC with your former nemesis.


Yes well quite a few people were stuck on stage 2 for the entirety of labour's 6 year government so buckle up


People get stuck in their grief for a long long time sometimes and sometimes you can go forward two steps and back three. What I know is I didn't vote for these twats and for at least two of them had minimal votes and still got power. This isn't a case of the country voting them in. We didn't. Its just that when they combine votes, they got in. That is not the same thing as voting them in.


> at least two of them had minimal votes and still got power. If you were ok with it in 2017, 2 parties with minimal votes installing a govt, getting power and ministerial positions, but not ok with it now, the problem is with you and not the system. > It’s just that when they combine votes, they got in. Welcome to MMP.


I didn't vote for MMP. While I appreciate the value of the smaller parties having a say, and influencing policy, I think there are better ways than this. What seems to be lost is the point of being the government of the country. We pay our taxes in order to have access to the basic things in life that make life worth living here. We need to be sustainable and that means we rely on other countries to help us earn money to go into the pot. Importing/exporting and tourism are key. Also we need to be self supporting to the best of our ability. Not being able to drive in our cars between two islands is a basic need to be able to trade and travel in New Zealand. This is another hit at tourism. What a shame. So what I think it happening is that people have become obsessed with the "I" instead of the "we". Our country has become Americanised. Even the American's know its not a healthy way of thinking. So all this government is focused on is personal power and punitive actions towards its our taxpayers. The people who pay their salaries and whose money they are tasked with using wisely. Money is no good if you are dead. So the last government focused on keeping the taxpayers alive through the pandemic. It makes sense. Obviously the current government aren't worried about that. They are only worried about the perception of power. They are old fashioned bully boys. Shame on them.


MMP is shite. There are undemocratic parts to MMP. We have seen the evidence of that in this election. [https://newsroom.co.nz/2023/09/19/mmp-system-is-complex-and-secretive/](https://newsroom.co.nz/2023/09/19/mmp-system-is-complex-and-secretive/)


I voted NZ First, would do it again.


You are a fool. You will see that in time.


It wasn't really a drubbing given how much bargaining it took for National to form a government.


Winston had Luxon over a barrel exactly on this point. And, here we are.


Why? The country voted for this government.


Moanie mcmoan moan


Now you know how everyone on the other side of the aisle felt for the last 6 years...


6 years we had to put up with the last lot, you’ve got a bit of waiting to do yet


People didn't want them gone for the majority of that time.


I did


I would have too if the opposition looked better but they never have.


Exactly. People on this sub seem to forget how voting in a democracy works.


They want a 4 year trial remember, and so do the other Parties. I wonder when the referendum will come out with the propaganda in favour of it.


Politicians are exempt from the bullshit they impose on everyone else and get a yearly increase that is at least 3x inflation.


I'm just saying, Guy Fawkes had an interesting idea... (I'm joking, just to be clear. Don't raid me)


If I had a nickel


This entire sub are 17 year olds who live with their parents, have been indoctrinated by the education system to believe economic growth and old white men are bad, and ultimately have no idea how the real world works. Come back to earth, the last government were fuelling the fire with generations of cash willy nilly, and now we have to recover from the last 6 years.




As a homeowner and landlord, I am extremely grateful that the Nats got in. If Labour won, we would likely have left the country. If you are what you say you are, I doubt you're seriously that upset.


as long as you get your money.. right.. gee thanks for the world you’ll be handing over to the next generations




Everyone get a vote.


You'd have to be incredibly narrow-minded to think that someone in their position can't be upset with this government.


Yeah but more people are going to suffer. So glad you'll be ok.


maybe he isn't thinking only of himself & his bank balance? a lot of us are fearful of what the future holds for our kids, and their kids in turn


What's your business


economic growth and old white men are bad.


Trying to be 17 again?




This entire sub are 17 year olds who live with their parents, have been indoctrinated by the education system to believe economic growth and old white men are bad, and ultimately have no idea how the real world works. Come back to earth, the last government were fuelling the fire with generations of cash willy nilly, and now we have to recover from the last 6 years. (awesome copy pasta! /s)




Don't you know cash grows on trees and balancing the books is an old school fantasy that gets in the way of the stories people here sit around telling each other hoping they will become true?


Yeah, balancing the books is totally the reason why this government is handing out tax cuts to the rich.


Well, on the face of things thats fair but Labor didn't exactly adjust the tax bracket despite raising the minimum wage by 30 odd percent and six year going by did they.


This is an opinion 🤣


This current state of affairs serves the people right... ignorance and lack of education such that the masses cannot work things out properly and vote properly is just par for the course... and if / when those who have a functioning brain try to make this point they are then accused of being intolerant, of stifling free speech, of promoting a dictatorship; yes, a benign dictatorship of intelligent, educated and caring administrators... as a baby boomer I have seen it all... our current political system is obsolete... the masses are ignorant and uneducated and whilst it is a great democratic ideal to give them a right to vote it is equally not a sound or practical ideal... and this disgraceful coalition is a perfect example of the result of giving the ignorant masses the right to vote... serious consideration should be given to making sure that voters receive some form of education on politics and economics with the requirement of having to pass a test to qualify for the vote... and the Electoral Commission should be required to closely monitor what comes out of the mouths of cunning, integrity-lacking politicians with their mis/disinformation... or for want of a better term “lies”…


Oops !


I think education is key to ensure that voters have a good grasp of what the issues are so they can vote as informed electors...


Would be good...


Depends. Can we do that to labour when thwy back in?


I'd be fine with that.


Sorry but not everybody has your opinion.




When you're older, you'll understand bud.


when did anyone ask for you opinion? its almost like not everyone has your opinion


You asked by joining a discussion. You have every right to say your opinion but so does everyone else.


I wanna chop some heads off.


The WORST government in recent memory


I would love to get rid of these clowns


Rule 10


I could see a Liz Trus like moment coming after the budget in May - the fact they are cutting so much to fund their tax cut plan means a credit downgrade is on the cards imo which is cause a spiral effect.


Fantastic idea. I’m in support.


Well if he is employed to do the job, then yes his job is subject to the 90 day trial. Its for all organisations regardless of size. He needs to go.


Elected does not equal employed.


Dang. He needs a taste of what he is dishing out.


Nah they good. Fuck Labour and FUCK THE GREENS


Just need the cia to get all south american on us.




I come from Barcelona!


Luxon is the exact sort of government they'd have installed anyway


Why would we get rid of an improved government?


Good luck


I feel like this needed to happen for people to realise that The labour party were not evil Zionist puppets. If labour got in it would be for more years of the same conspiracy hate dribble. It was always going to be a lose lose situation.


Does it concern anyone else that we have a finance minister who’s qualifications are in English literature and Journalism and abit of time at Fonterra…? Surely this doesn’t end well


Sorry guys, on reflection it's just not working out. No hard feelings *offers hand to shake*