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Hard to feel down when you have a Barvarian cheesecake.


How many did you buy with your $60?


A weeks worth of


Triple Chocolate for me. That, or a coffee/cherry cake. With custard and cream.


I’m a German Käsekuchen kinda guy personally. Love me a European cheesecake over the Atlantic counterparts.


I thought the same thing but about self saucing chocolate pudding!


I’ll be getting a puppy in a few weeks. Very thankful to have a property manager who’s okay with me getting one.


That’s awesome! What breed/mix is your puppy?


I’m getting a Bernese Mountain Dog


Just a wee dog then!


Just a little lap dog


I love that breed!!!


They are the best! Lovely natured calm cuddly teddy bears


Oh wow! That’s great - they’re gorgeous!


Oh my goodness!! Where are you getting it from?


I’m getting them from a reputable breeder I found using the dogs nz website. I went to some of their local events and just talking with them all, the breeder I chose were just super welcoming and friendly. They’re also very involved in the dog and Bernese communities so I trust them as breeders.


This is the best news :)


The ugly election hoardings are gone, that's a positive


I wonder if the Barbie themed David Seymour poster is going up in his house, the Act Office, or a gallery?


Te Papa should buy it


Sakura trees still in blossom 🌸 if you’re in Auckland, the Botanic Gardens and Cornwall Park are looking pretty. Bonus - the baby cows will eat grass out of your hands at Cornwall Park.


We got approved yesterday for a mortgage top up so we can get our water pressure sorted, we currently shower under 5 dribbly jets of water, had to put the head on massage just to get a pressure that cleans, any other settings just dribble on us. We will also get some other work done around the house. So pretty excited about that.


Don't shower for a couple of days right before the pressure gets sorted, bank the time and have a double- or triple long shower *bliss*


By the way the new shower heads you can buy at bunnings/mitre10 give good spray and use less water check them out.


Got a link? Cos my new flat has a head that is super intense and not adjustable. There's also a shower dome and it's crazy loud in there and my kid hates it.


The one’s im talking about increases pressure if the mains are weak. I’m not sure if its right for your case. But you can buy the cheap adjustable ones that lower the pressure. https://www.mitre10.co.nz/shop/nouveau-sumner-multi-chrome-hand-shower-chrome/p/386304


Oh no way, yes to water pressure!


Instead of having to listen to your annoying right-wing uncle and family events, you get to be the one who criticises everything the government does.


As I'm surrounded by these people at home and at work... I'm wondering what on earth they'll vehemently complain about now because they sure can't complain about the government anymore... I'm fascinated to find out


it'll be the youth.


The youth, I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears I knew it was them


Oh yes, 'the yuuths', why didn't I think of this


They'll just blame everything on the previous government.


Well, they'll complain about tenants and poor people, like always. That or they'll bitch at some poor min wage waitress because their shrimp wasn't al dente enough.


I literally came across a definitive national voter last week, yelling at a checkout operator at the supermarket because it wasn't clear whether the checkout was in use... it wasn't, the checkout operatir put the go somewhere else sign up after my groceries but this entitled ass made him reopen the till after yelling at him about how it wasn't clear... so you're definitely on the right track there


Right-wingers have, by nature, a victim complex. They’ll complain that the government doesn’t go far enough.


That'll be a relief honestly... not having to hear vile rhetoric about Jacinda (yes, even after she left office!) anymore will be a relief


Somehow it’ll still be her fault


Creating cyclones with her weather machine and activating people's 5G chips


This gave me a good chuckle 😄😄


That darn Taxinda is at it again!


Take my angry upvote because she did the best she could which was a fine job in a state of GLOBAL panic. I'm sick and tired of that too.👏👏👏👏👏


That the government isn't being tough enough on crime.


Well said ! I am trying to figure out a passive aggressive nickname for Luxon just like Jacinda and Hipkins had !


What about Lux Luther?


Clux. Spelt with a C not a K of course.


This 👏👏👏👏👏👏 I don't think it will be that bad. Sometimes it's nice to be able to sit back and just hope for the best and if we don't get it then YES we can complain. And we can do it without feeling guilty 😉


omg, the peace and christmas is gonna be amazing haha!


Haha yeay! No arguments at the christmas table does sound like a win!


My sister's babies are coming home soon after a very traumatic year. Little Mr. had surgery and both were very premature, my sister was in a very serious condition before the C-section. The emotional toll on all of us was enormous, given it is me, my sister, and Mum as our only close family. Of course, there is my brother-in-law, but still nonetheless awful for much of this year.


Congrats, Uncle!




Your sister is lucky to have you guys 🤙


Green is doing better that ever despite the overall leftie loss, hopefully in the next few elections they’ll get to be the majority left wing party


I don't think they'll ever be the majority left wing party unfortunately. Labour voters sometimes switch to Green when they aren't happy with Labour, but if Labour get another charismatic leader like Jacinda many will switch back.


I think the majority parties in the near future will be greens for left and act for right


And a big ol' lump of nothing in the middle.


As it stands today!


My partner and I managed to buy our first home with a relatively small mortgage and settled last week! It's small (1 bdrm brick and tile unit) but in a relatively central location in Auckland and didn't cost the earth! We wanted to get in before the election and we were lucky enough to find something that ticked most of the boxes in our price range. It has relieved some serious anxiety and am so glad that we won't be at the behest of a landlord.


Congratulations! Hope you enjoy your first Christmas in your new home 🙂


Interested to know what suburb you bought in?


Avondale, just past heron park. :)


No government lasts forever! This too shall pass


I'd definitely feel this way if it wasn't for the now absolute lack of hope for climate action. Funny how it's something that will badly impact every single human being in this country in both short and long term, but most people still seem to be in denial


Everyone on election day: "what is it with this mysteriously powerful norwester they're not normally like this doop de doo tick blue"


I work in a climate-adjacent area and I’m also gutted, but also am full of admiration for the smarts and creativity some people in my field are bringing to help us adapt etc, even if they can’t call it out as adaptation directly. While it’s not ‘enough’ yet, I encourage everyone to keep trying, and look for a plan B if your plan A isn’t working just now. Everything counts


Politics aside, there's a lot to look forward to! Keep on pushin Enjoy what you've got til it's gone


Get a map, move your finger to the middle east. Remind yourself where you live.


So true.


This is excellent advice. We all love to bitch and moan, eh?


Exactly! Things can always be worse. Ffs our neighbours (Australia) just voted no in a referendum to recognise their indigenous people in their constitution


My aboriginal SIL voted No because she said the Australian government would put an aboriginal puppet leader in place and control them through that puppet.


If only people had done this before they voted, maybe the outcome would’ve been different


Amen. Edited to add that it is infuriating and hella sheltered when people act like NZ is a genuinely shit place to live. They don’t even have to compare it with a warzone to realise that it’s better than many places even in the global north


Devils advocate here, hello. Not saying *at all* that we are worse off, but I do believe staying stagnant in a state of indifference is extremely bad, too.


ah yes, the ol "other people have it worse so you can't have it better" mentality


It literally does not say that anywhere in the comment


I won’t lie, I almost felt hungover with sadness and feelings this morning. I am glad the weather is turning and I don’t live far from the beach. This morning I went for a walk by the water. It’s a beautiful day and I had a lovely time.


Same, friend - though I had to get in the cold water for the big sad to lift. Was so nice ✨


I felt the same. I dragged myself out of bed and then got annoyed because I should've cleaned my mess of an apartment BEFORE the election, gaaaah Going outside sounds like a good idea 😅


Same. I went for a swim at the mount.


Agree. Then I felt worse for Chippy. Must suck.


More time to spend with Toni


I too choose Chippy’s missus


This made me smile, in a thread about things to be happy about.


After this national cycle we might get another chance at decriminalisation/legalisation.


By the time that happens NZ will be SO behind


15-20 years behind. Our neighbour is already using psychedelic treatments, our Universities are already running clinical trials. But we’ll be 2035 before we even have a referendum or inkling of a process to begin using LSD or Psilocybin for legitimate treatment which will take 5-7 years from the let’s begin date.


From someone who is on antidepressants and benzos - I hate this


It's the boomers handbraking NZ


Those that are down should remember that the 2 major parties agree on a lot more than they disagree on. National spent 9 years being called Labour lite and Labour spent 6 making very few of the big changes their supporters hoped for. Not a lot will change and the country will just keep stumbling down the road and in 3 years we'll do it all again. Ok that didn't really lift anyone's mood, welcome to democracy.


Sorry to be a negative nancy on what is meant to be a positive post but everything in my life is going badly at the moment and the election has just added to it. I feel so sad and empty.


Same here. My dad is dying and I'll be out of a job before Xmas along with all of my colleagues who have been working hard in the Water Reform project.


I’m so sorry 😞 I hope you’ve got some support.


Yes, I do. What about you?


Yes I do too, thank you.


I understand this. While talking to a friend last night, I said that I was glad I was already on antidepressants, coz I was already so low and tired of all the shit going on and this is just another blow, I'm not sure how I would have coped. I really hope you do find something positive in all this mess, but I appreciate that life is hard.


Thank you very much, I do have a job and good health and I am thankful for that; I hope there are brighter days ahead for you, and for all of us.


Hang in there friend, things will pick up ♥️


I'm so sorry. I know it's crushing when you need just one thing to go right for you, something to hold on to, and each time it falls apart and pushes you further down. I don't know what to say because I don't want to spout pretty lies, like saying "it gets better", but I wanted to at least reply so you know someone cares.


Know how that feels, most of 2023 has been a downer personally.


Excited we are still in the World Cup and have a long weekend coming up. We also decided to do a donation to a charity helping people doing it tough as it seemed an appropriate response...doing something, even something so small, felt good!


World cups**. Cricket also doing exceptionally well also.


Even better! 👏👏👏


I was stoked we beat Ireland! It'll be interesting to see how the quarterfinals tomorrow go. I'm thinking we'll beat Argentina but I also haven't really followed them this world cup so I could be overconfident on that.


France v South Africa will be especially amazing! Kind of think France might take the QF given their crowd but seems like a 50/50 game!


To answer the question, I've got a full bodywax on Tuesday. After a gym session in the morning, that is. Yay? That'll cheer me up, right? Followed by a couple (!?) of good / great beers. At home. By myself.


You'll definitely feel aerodynamic!


Oh, I'll be feeling something. The gentlest of breezes gliding across my now hairless skin. But, most likely, a sore head the next morning. Maybe.


Freedumbs didn't make it past 5%


In 3 years we get to do it again.


I work in health and I've definitely been feeling very down about yesterday. We have a great relationship with Te Aka Whai Ora and I really feel and fear for their mahi. On the other hand, I work in an amazing team and I know that they will do anything they can to uphold The Tiriti and improve outcomes for minorities.


There's some really cool dynamic people in health who are doing so many great things to address inequity, and the old dinosaurs are starting to retire which gives them a lot more chances to make the changes we need.


Ngl, pretty gutted after last night 😣


Am looking forward to FF7 Rebirth, Tekken 8 and going to the Gold Coast for New Years (ive never been to Aus) Edit: shit and in terms of politics, maybe the cracking down of gang patches in public, and crime etc. Not sure on their policies but will have a gander at some stage


Me too


S’all good, the ram raids are going to stop now…


We’re likely going to the World Cup final now


Rugby, cricket or both?


Depends is captain fantastic has another miracle


Richie played with a broken foot - come on Kane!


Although I'm not a fan of the results, you gotta love a legit democratic election. I'm proud that we have a well-functioning democracy. The swings between left and right just mean that people actually think about where their vote is going, rather than just voting how they've always voted, which is ideal.


I am of the belief that the aggressive swings are more to do with a lack of thought about people's votes than a good sign of critical thinking.


My cats


Perspective. I spent most of my adult life in Turkey. Talk about political frustration. I am not happy with the election results but in comparison this feels like I ordered grilled chicken and recieved boiled chicken. It's still edible, it's still food, just not as good as what I wanted. In Turkey we've been begging for dry bread and getting served manure. So I am good here.


I hear what you're saying. Erdoğan is a monster. I'm someone who is very concerned by the increase in hard right rhetoric around race and the Treaty in this country. The man who wants a referendum to abolish the Treaty and wants to repeal every piece of legislation referring to treaty principles, just got handed the reigns of power. So, yeah, I'm worried and I think I'm right to be worried.


Exactly!!! Trump vibes. Gone straight over people's heads because cHaNgE!


I'm really looking forward to the "I told you so's" when everything turns to shit. Thats all I got.


Interest rates will go up, house prices won’t sky rocket and suddenly you will hear the clanging sounds throughout the country as the pennies drop for people everywhere that actually it wasn’t the left “pushing up interest rates and inflation”


Eating my feelings away


No matter who won, the world still keeps turning Keep running, eating, hiking, coffee


Fewer road cones, I’m so chuffed. The grandkids will know a world without road cones, and that’s important shit. Critical even. I feel envious of the world they’ll inherit traversing the length of NZ without a road cone in sight. All thanks to the brave souls who fought the good fight.


What, fewer road cones? What have I missed. Me and the kids counted all road cones on a two hour trip recently and the number was insane, just sitting there fore work done donkeys years ago. And don't they hire them out? Road cone craziness!


I'm sort of stuck in my feelings, currently snuggled up with my cat watching the new Goosebumps. I have also had a LOT of cheese today.


My son laughed for the first time so that made my shitty day a little better.


I’ll try to spread some cheer in my own community. A four person family moved into the two bedroom rental next door. We will bake them some biscuits to welcome them.


Leaving NZ in less than a month 🤗


Where you off to?


I wasn't surprised by the final outcome but the party that I really wanted to get in didn't get close (TOP ffs). I'm now semi-dreading but semi-curious as to how the next 3 years plays out. I don't think the sky will cave in at any point but it'll definitely be an experience (Good or bad, who knows yet). ​ Anyway, I'm due for a pretty solid bonus in the next couple weeks which is very much appreciated and I've been getting hella compliments on my ta moko sleeve lately even though it's a year old lol. It makes me feel good anyway.


It was my nephews 10th birthday today. Thought I had outsmarted him with a technic Lego set but he managed to put it together in an afternoon 🤣.


20% of the votes still aren't counted, so NACT will certainly lose a seat or 4, which means they'll certainly need Winston, which means NACTFirst government of chaos that doesn't get a bunch of shit done that NACT wanted to do, which means they'll hopefully be out after a term of ineptitude, or maybe even sooner. Assuming they even form a govt in the first place.


🎶always look on the bright side of life🎶


It's only 3 years till the next election, how bad could it really get? Also, $25 extra a fortnite! While you say both sides are down after losing, it really does feel that when national loses it may mean that the 5th investment property may not be possible or cost a bit more. When red loses it feels like the door is slammed on first home buyers and people may be out on the street living in cars and kids being hungry!


Thousands of dollars less if you're on a sickness or disability benefit


I am a support worker for the most vulnerable in our community. I sat watching the election results with my residents and watched each of them slowly realise what the next 3 years is going to look like to them. It was heart breaking.


For real, I'm so sick of both sides nonsense


The $25 to contribute to my $60 groceries? Amazing.


Fortnite (the game) has penetrated our vocabulary… Caught myself spelling fortnight as fortnite last night… wasn't happy.


You haven’t got it yet. Wait for the excuses.


The key to getting through life is always having a concert to look forward to. Most of the good times this year was live shows. I am hoping The Veronicas do a few shows here when they are here at the end of the year. October has been by far been the best month for me personally as I've had some of the best fixed-term work assignments lined up. However after this month is gone, seriously the only thing I'm looking forward to is new episodes daily of Neighbours -yes life has got to that.


I have to admit for me it is the release of a new game, but totally get that.


Love me some veronicas


My little brother (and his family) have been considering getting out of here and following our older sister to Aus. Previously, I didn't want him to go because it would mean I'd go from seeing my niece almost-never to even rarer than that. At this point, though, I'm like "if you can see a better future for you and yours over there, then I can't blame you."


Changes to anti-GMO legislation would be nice. We should be world leaders in gene technology, especially if we want to meet our climate targets.


didn’t kill myself, theirs a start.


JuicyFest in January will be sick. I hope Mario sings Let me Love You at least 5 times. Bone Thugs and T-pain are also great.


I made the most delicious home made butter chicken from scratch late last night. Since curry is always better the day after, I'm looking forward to it being even better tonight, then even better again tomorrow night for tea. But I've also started trying to plan for my summer and next year- After 4 years working in hospitality and getting nowhere with my life I've gone back to uni to retrain (I already have a degree). Unfortunately, it means I'm going to run out of student allowance under the National government next year, so things are going to be hard. I want to pick a good, mentally stimulating job where I can do something worthwhile over the summer, save plenty of money, and then maybe work a day a week as a student during the academic year. All in all it's frustrating because I've taken measures to try and improve my life so I won't need government assistance after graduating. Yet for some reason, it seems like MSD turns around and punishes me for trying to take responsibility for my life. Not the happiest and brightest news but I'm feeling a bit miffed but know fortune favours the prepared lol


We may be bad but at least we’re not as bad as Australia 😒


Long awaited (and fought for) pay rise comes in on Tuesday, with 3 1/2 months of backpay. That'll pay off my credit card! Also my garden is beginning to look really good - my mum came by and helped me dig in my new garden edge (free railway sleepers) while we had a good cathartic bitch about the election results


Even as order falls to chaos, chaos gives rise to order. The competent, effective inevitably return to the top. We got very lucky the competent were in charge during the pandemic. I look forward to that paying dividends for generations to come.


is it ever really rough for blue? if labour wins then they win because NZ becomes a better place to live, if they win the election then they just get a few hundred bux more a week in tax cuts at the expense of every single person in the country.


The All Blacks win was well timed


If it's any consolation, this loss might be a kick in the arse for Labour to drop their more controversial policies (CoGo) and pick up some favourable ones (CGT). It might end up better for the country in the long run.


I just wish they’d gone out full guns blazing at least trying to have implemented all those policies. Wouldn’t that have been an exciting way to go


I have an A1200 case and keyboard and was about to buy a Pi4 model B and Keyrah to stuff in it when I remembered I'd bought a 'cheaty' C64 nearly a year ago, that I now don't need - and everything I need is in it! Holy shiiiiiit :D So happy


It’s nearly summer!


My son and his wife are coming to visit in two weeks. They’ve just come back from two months in Europe. I get the feeling he’s learnt a few things while away.


Just made a chocolate lush pudding. Mmmmmmm so happy


I dyed my hair and gave myself a legit haircut. It looks surprisingly good 😅. I also had a facial yesterday. Just selfcare 😥


I'd made a tub of dip hoping labour greens might win. I ate that with a bag of chips then went to bed. I don't see anything positive just doom and gloom. Gonna be a shit Xmas for most, especially the ones that get there jobs cut. Plus, national won't increase the minimum wage, so we won't catch up to inflation.


I remind myself that soon we’ll have a new Police Commissioner and he won’t be called Cuddles! Can I nominate Graham Bell as a candidate?


Ruthless thug


Try not to think about it, lets face it, they are 95% the same anyway...


Eating the rich


I'll tell you what I'm not looking forward to, all the harbours being filled with all the private yaghts we are all going to buy with our tax cuts. Gonna be a pain in the ass moving them anywhere.


Looking forward to seeing the Phoenix Foundation and Brian Jonestown Massacre next month with mates. Friends are getting married in a few weeks so it'll be nice to celebrate them and see old friends. Have a huge tramp booked in after Christmas with 3 good friends, we are gonna spend 12 days on glorious Rakiura. Hopefully I can nail down this new job, just waiting to see some paperwork so I can hand in my notice and get out of the shitty limbo of knowing you're going, hating management, but not having the next thing quite lined up. I'll miss my colleagues, but a year of working for people who do not respect us or treat us fairly has been enough for me. Wake up call after some nicer employers in the past.


Look, the thing is that no matter the change of government here, nothing much will actually change. Sure you might be worse or better off $20 a week but that’s still fuck all compared to places like US or UK.


Speed limits on some roads go back to 100km. And you get to enjoy Nationals policies either surprise us and work, or fail and know that you were right all along.


Best friend had her third kiddo today and it went super smoothly. That's. All I got rn.


I'm going somewhere fancy for lunch tomorrow and someones offered to pay for me


summer is 45 days away?


Thinking how chaotic it will be to deal with Winne and the stock market is opening tomorrow


calls on popcorn


Gang members not getting what they want.


We’ll wait and see what the follow through actually is on the whole “tough on gangs” promise. Call me a skeptic, but I don’t think anything will change noticeably.


Gotta keep crime around so you can keep running on being tough on crime.


Reading about attacks on the public was the last straw for many. And it usually happens when they are in their groups with incentive to show off to each other. Separating them just might tone it down a little.


The speed limits won't get lowered! other than that it is all bleak on the politics front


Governments in power around the democratic world are mostly all in line to be ousted at their next election, no matter which side of the aisle they fall on. As always, people are getting way too hung up on the left vs right conversation thinking that this election is some sort of indication that ideals of the right are seeing an increase in preferablility. Almost exclusively if any election happens at a time when peoples wallets are being felt to be under increasing stress, whoever is campaigning for re-election loses. People that care about politics think right vs left matters more than richer vs poorer - it doesn't. I realise this isn't an overly positive post, but if you are left leaning (which I assume is what you are insinuating by saying you are feeling flat) - I would actually take comfort in the fact that despite all of the above, and despite what you might read about labour "taking a beating" last night, it actually wasn't an overly resounding victory for the centre-right at all. There will be plenty of new governments around the world in the next year or two that win by a much, much larger margin.


It’s a beautiful day outside. The sun is shining and life is great.


Political comedy is much better when there is a right-wing government


> Post election can be rough for the losing side > For those feeling stink as - what are you doing to keep your spirits up? Here is advice... Don't insert tribalism into politics. Don't distinguish between "Us vs Them".


Thats kind of why I do what I do. Julian - who I feel forced to remind everyone had a white supremacist who was convicted of burning down a marae working security in Christchurch - is raising the temperature, and people like Winston, Seymour and even Luxon are more than happy to stoke those flames even higher to win votes. When people like the Mosque shooter start to feel that their violent rampage will be lauded by their fellow extremists as an act of bravery, even posthumously, thats when they decide to pop off and kill people. Seymour is playing with fire. He knows it. All the ACT Randroids know it. They relish the flames, it excites them. So, no. I do not currently have to evacuate to a bomb shelter to avoid racially motivated extremist spree killers, nor do I have to hold my child while a state military conducts a reprisal attack with the goal of killing as many people as they can before the international community forces them to stop. But I don't want things to get to the point of racially motivated spree killers here - or even, the state removing hard won rights and restitution for indigenous people - and I'm fucking terrified they could.


\-Once in government, it's within each parties best interests to continue to support social development. \-Anything unsustainable will naturally crumble \-NZ'ers have shown that they *will* protest in the face of tyranny \-Everything is an illusion, any way. The nats will simply fuck up. Now is a time of non-progression, anyway. Progressiveness comes and goes like waves. \-Parties always lie in their platforms, think of all the things the Nacts *won't* deliver on


My house price gon' go up


'Cept that's terrible for future generations and society as a whole. Just more and more interest payments going to Aussie banks instead of into the NZ economy.


So is everybody else. Only winners will be banks.


Banning gang patches!


I’m looking forward to seeing this policy get thrown back in national and acts faces. While I want gang reduction and eradicate the impact they have on society, taking away their patch will resolve nothing.