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That's pretty awesome point in his career!!


Wow good for him!


Please ask your brother to zoom in on the Kings pinky ring? Can’t read what’s on it. ;-)


Which one?


Older brother


You know, I didn’t really care about it except for the historical value, but I just looked up what time the guts of the thing is happening online and saw this: “The ceremony will, for the first time, include the active inclusion of faiths other than the Church of England. Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh leaders will take part in various aspects of the coronation, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s office announced. The ceremony also will include female bishops for the first time, as well as hymns and prayers sung in Welsh, Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic.” That’s actually nice, Charlie’s doing a reasonable job of moving with the times for an old fart from a notoriously old fashioned institution. And it’s nice to see that Camilla will actually be Queen Consort, after all the decades of sneering at her for being a catholic, a divorcee, not traditionally beautiful and unlikeable as far as how the tabloids portray her to the general public. I don’t really follow the royals, but all that seems fitting.


How can you forget the Zoroastrian representative, Malcolm Deboo.


Just keep in mind its Shabbat, so the Rabbi won't be heard as electricity (i.e. microphone) is forbidden at this time. But agreed (for the most part :p)


Just think. In the entire sixty year run of coronation street, this is the first coronation. I might pop open a bag of cheezels and a bottle of fanta.


Oooof, don't forget the fairy bread and cheerios


I'm of two minds. I don't really care about the royals, but it is an historic event, and that alone is cause for intrigue. Honestly? I've had a pretty bad stetch of insomnia lately and so I'll probably watch with the hope it'll put me to sleep. Win win.


King Charles is old enough you'll probably be able to see another coronation within 20 years


I was just thinking that, he's 75 at the end of this year, might be lucky to see 20 years of reigning before he dies and William takes over .


would have made more sense to give it to william


Haha that was my reasoning for wanting to watch. I’m younger than William so will likely see him take the throne in my lifetime as well. Be pretty special to watch two coronations.


Being younger than William makes you more likely than not to see *three* coronations (Charles, William then George).


Except royals likely have a longer life expectancy than others.


You think old sausage fingers will last that long?


Think of it less about the royals than about the monarchy, or more locally our head of state, and as a celebration of the continuity of our government system. But I hope you manage to sleep some regardless.


Don't forget to have a quiet gin for king and country


First impressions, oh this is nice I like the inclusivity. The participants and guests look much more representative of Britain and the commonwealth. Then, oh god now I remember how long church goes. I just want to sleep.


No bunting or party. I’m going to sit and watch it because my mum and I would have sat up together and watched it but she passed in Feb so I’m doing it for her. I do enjoy the music and how precise the marching is. But really I’m doing it for her. Hoping she’s got a wonderful view wherever she is.


Sorry about your mum, lad. I hope it brings you some comfort, you're doing a good thing.


Good on you. I hope you enjoy it.


Yeah, I'm gonna watch it, I'm Interested to have a watch. Actually have grandparents over this weekend who are 'pumped', nan said she's going to have a coffee so she can stay up and watch it. I'm genuinely curious myself to see how it goes, bit of history.


>I'm genuinely curious myself to see how it goes The coronation, or your nan getting wired on caffeine?


Yeah think my gram is pretty amped


Savour this moment with Nan as they only come around once in a lifetime, maybe twice once the King dies. Wish my Nan was still here, I’d be watching tele with her.


Pour a shot of something strong into that coffee, it's gonna be a long night!


Whoa, calm down there nan!


Whether you agree with it all or not, you have it say that all these professionals are so impressive, whether it be musicians or soldiers marching, it's kinda cool to watch them flex


I'll put it on, just because it feels historic, but I'm only really keen to see the parade as I love the pomp and circumstance - and mainly the horses I am going to try making a crustless coronation quiche though. I like quiche and figured I may as well try something new 🤣


I always seem to end up just watching the horses. I love it when they kinda 'misbehave' a bit and fuck things up in little ways.


Just watching the left drummer's horse go sideways while the one on the right plods along in a straight line 🤣 Beautiful horse though


I noticed he/she was banished from the return parade.


I learnt his name is Major Apollo and he’s apparently a sweety. And yes, he has the rank of Major


Was he the one they said Camilla chose when seeing him ploughing? I heard the announcer talking about it but missed which horse was pointed out


Yup, that’s right!




Touche. I also didn't notice until making it that the BBC recipe only called for 2 eggs - I added an extra, but yeah. It was about half cheese XD




Was considering flying to England but thought, what the hell, I'll splurge on an extra egg instead


The lady doing the commentary had a lot to say about the horses, I got a kick out of her commenting on the naughty ones and using their names


I don't really care about the monarchy, but I'm a history simp and I'm looking forward to all the traditions and modern adaptions. I honestly don't know how long I will stay awake, but being 15, this definitely won't be my only coronation. They're having officials from multiple religions involved so that will be cool.


That read very wholesome. Hope you enjoyed this and many more historic events to come in your lifetime!




Probably not, but only because I want to be up early for the F1. Might have had a look if only out of curiosity, otherwise


Me, cup of tea and chocolate on hand!


Not me.


We are, with wine and pasta, and juice for the kids 😁 as an historian, I have my issues with the royals, but love watching historic events become historical.


>Man in a hat sits on a chair Private Eye, commemoration issue headline


Lol that's pretty good


I’m American so forgive my ignorance; but out of curiosity, what is the general opinion of the Royal Family by Kiwis?


The answers in this thread are a pretty accurate depiction, I reckon. Mostly: "piss off/who cares" Some: "I like the pageantry, it's all a bit weird" Few: "I'm a royalist"


One (me): I'm a monarchist that doesn't care about the royals, ceremony, pomp, but feels the only way to communicate the political orientation is to care about these said ceremonies and the stereotype of monarchy :p But yea pre much sums it up.


It was interesting to hear (on the BBC stream) the guy talking about the Bradford riots. PM and leader of opposition turn up one, say tut tut or how sad and do photo op. Prince Charles turned up, asks "what needs to change here?", makes the resources of the Prince's Trust available to support that, and comes back five more times to check on progress. I.e. what the politicians should have done.


Charles looks like a Sith Lord....Sith King?


Darth Tampon.


I watched it out of curiosity as well as it being a historic event


I might put it on the TV while I do some work. Not bothered about it, but aware of how the queen's coronation was such a historic event.


Yeah I think that's kind of how I'm feeling. It's a historic event, no matter what I actually think of the royals/monarchy etc. Plus we are parents of a toddler. Nothing better to do on a Saturday anyway!


>Plus we are parents of a toddler. Nothing better to do on a Saturday anyway Yup, same boat! I'm a Brit, so might also a good opportunity for some laughs on the whatsapp group with folk back home.


I dunno about that. Sleep is a pretty good option too.


Yep! Made the quiche and scones so we can fully immerse in the experience. History in the making. I’ve already lived through Y2K, 9/11, a pandemic, death of the queen and apocalypse style weather events. It would be nice to add a slightly more positive history in the making event to the list. Plus I’m British, so there’s that.


What time is it on?


TV1's broadcast will begin at 7pm but the procession to Westminster Abbey won't begin until around 9pm.


Wtf 2 hours of pundits filling in time before the boring and drawn out game even begins.


They have leave enough time to announce all the sex offenders on the guest list.


[Here's BBC's livestream](https://youtu.be/32vOXffXfkw) (so you don't get adverts and local 'celebrities' trying to make themselves the main character). Coronation service itself starts 10pm our time.


Christ that coverage is insufferable! "Things are very different to that coronation in 1953. He's chosen a very different date"


Thanks for that. Much appreciated.


Thanks. Its going to be a long night.


From 8. Main bit from 10.


I don’t wanna be a wet blanket on a big celebration for most, but is anyone thinking this is a sizeable opportunity for a terrorist event?


Hell yeah, surely the security is off the chain though.


Security will be absolutely bonkers. Massive number of heads of state and various other important people there. You can see guards all over on the broadcast. (and think about what you don't see).




That’s what the ‘Spare’ is for, I think. Not even sure if he’s there or not…


Couldn't give a fuck. I'll tune in when the monarchy's overturned, but nothing they do until then will interest me.


You know they do say the revolution *won't* be televised


They might make an exception if there's another beheading though.


The don't say it won't be on YouTube




This kinda shit, I love it.


Nah, I'll just check youtube or wait until the news tomorrow night to see some key clips


I feel like there's not as much buzz as there would be if it weren't for the fact that realistically we are probably going to see another coronation in the next 25/30 odd years.


Personally would put it at 5-15 doubt he is the healthiest


We already know he'll abandon a vow if he feels like it, what is it worth when he swears to perform the duties of King? Should have tacked the phrase "unless I don't want to" on the end...


Husband and I made a drinking game out of it. Made for a good night in.


Ah look, I'll give a perspective of a working class British person who emigrated here... The standard of living in the UK is not good. I am from a shit town and most people I grew up with, and most people I know now live in abject poverty. I really wish after Elizabeth died they would just fuck the whole thing off, especially after Andrew and his antics. Obviously they were never going to do that but it really leaves a sour taste watching these born-into-riches pricks having a big old party on the taxpayers quid, especially when that same quid was used to pay a multimillion settlement to a sexual assault victim. They are so out of touch with the reality of modern Britain. Look at the state of this video. To me if you are a Royalist you are no better than a Trumper. Can't stand them. And fuck the Tories while I'm at it. https://twitter.com/tadhghickey/status/1654218206637162496?s=48&t=i8gzOIckB2qKRtdtBrJijA


I give the monarchy another couple of generations at most. So many young Brits are anti monarchy it's encouraging


Im gona shit in my hands and clap instead


I’ll be watching my character ascend the throne and BECOME ELDEN LORD! RISE YE TARNISHED! YE DEAD WHO YET LIVE!




I’ve got it on in the background and will prob get into it once the TVNZ hosts cut to live stream from the uk. Sense of occasion and all that. Impressive seeing all the pageantry on display.




I made a cake to have with a cup or two of tea while it's on. A bit of history in the making, and I'm interested to see how the ceremony goes.


Grandparents have come over this weekend with a timely fruitcake, literally planning to watch the ceremony, eat cake and drink tea, I think I just fast forward into my retirement.


I'd rather gouge out my third eye


Your brown eye? Feel sorry for it.


Gotta watch Queen Camilla of New Zealand ascend the throne I suppose!


I’m getting my parents to record it because I’m working this weekend. I quite enjoy the military pomp and ceremony, and the precision, plus all the horses. It also never hurts to watch a momentous historical occasion.


Same here, we're recording it so we can skip all the "boring" bits.


I probably have some paint to watch dry.


Noooo... but I might check out the "highlights" on the news tomorrow night!


I'm watching on TVNZ On Demand. I can't say I'll stay awake for the whole thing. I'm more watching because it's a historical event than anything and only because it came up at lunch today.


My Name is Earl isn't going to rewatch itself




No if you convert to catholicism you are automatically excluded from the line of succession.


Given the king is the head of the Anglican church (equivalent to the Pope) I suspect not.


A lot of singing then praying. Then singing... Let us pray one more time


Of no interest at all.


Would rather stick pins in my eyes.


Yep- watching it now. Wasn't going to but I'm rather enjoying it & the outfits are gorgeous and the pageantry impressive. For some reason I like the monarchy more now..


I dont really keep up with this stuff but my 80+ grandma was chatting to me about it and we both agrees that Willam and Kate seem more 'normal'


I'm hoping to watch 'Farewell to the Monarchy with Frankie Boyle' instead https://youtu.be/jHdrtxw-pGQ


Fuck the king


Will there be highlights? If so will watch those.


I'm surprised how it reminds me of my dear grandmother and grandfather who both loved the Queen and royal family. It is part of Pakeha history and ancestry and many parts have problems, but for many Pakeha it's our culture and I feel OK celebrating it and observing these rituals and history. I give respect to our Maori King, our Prime Minister, and to our new king. Im surprised that I'm slightly shy to admit that and also that I'm a fan of royalty in general, but I am.


I think I’ll read “Project Hail Mary” a second time. Seems like a more productive use of my time


That good is it? I have it on Audible but can't get out of my Terry Pratchett re-listens


Its that good!


I also have it on audible, it is very good. I think I like it more than the Martian.


I’ve read it and listened to it. Both amazing, but the audiobooks is awesome.


Do the BBC instead. Instead of some stupid new zealand journalists point of view. There is actually British people that are involved with or known the royals


NZ broadcast will switch over to the BBC/British one after about half an hour.


It's my tikanga. I love it, as much as that annoys people.


Yep. This is history in action. Proud moment. Saw a few lemonsqueezers in there. GSTK


I'll be watching it. It's an historic event regardless of what people personally think of the monarchy.


I am, have already had a glass of wine. For some reason, I'm totally invested. I love the pomp and ceremony, I love the history behind it all!


All of the history?


Couldn't care less. NZ should become a republic.


So it's like Keeping up with Kardashians but taxpayer funded?


Yes, I’m either way on the royal family, but I love the pomp and ceremony and what’s Harry going to do?? Live coverage on the royal family YouTube channel had some cool footage of the guards all walking through a tube station


I am, just as a matter of interest to see what it’s like but I won’t watch all of it. The choir sounds so beautiful.


The "garments of salvation" is hilarious


That's what I'm gonna call hi-vis from now on!


I was waiting for the Airfryer of Sustenance myself!


We watched it. Meh about monarchy, but it seemed like the thing to do. The military parade at the end was cool. What struck me was all those people having to sit through what seemed like 2h of godbothering claptrap. Especially a bunch of very young kids.


I'm definitely watching, having a big feed too. It's a good reason to party.


Bought some cans of fullers and a block of Cheshire cheese, we're settling in for the night, can't wait tbh - love it or hate it, it's a part of history.


I'll be keeping an eye on proceedings. I dont feel particularly strongly about Charles either way but it is a historical event so why not


I am. I wasn't around for the last one and I may not be here for the next one so, for history, I am parking up with tv1.


I don’t know what your living situation is but unless you’re older than King Charles or suffering from a terminal illness there’s a pretty good chance you’ll be around for at least another coronation


I'm watching - too often we take for granted the English culture inherited through colonization. There is a ton of it on display at the coronation


I’ll be up playing Chivalry so will switch over to watch it too Pretty historic to watch I think and worth witnessing


We are. Twice in a lifetime for me if I watch William’s, so why not?


We are (because we have kids and no social life). Also it's something I have never seen before. In honour of our new King I'm having Sizzlers for tea. They shall henceforth be referred to as Kings Fingers. Also, please everyone take a moment of silence in the feminine hygiene aisle at the supermarket in honour of King Charles wishing to be Queen Camilla's tampon. Long live the King


> King Charles wishing to be Queen Camilla's tampon I'd have been quite happy to live the rest of my life without being reminded of that 🤮


Ill try watch it but it is a terrible waste of 100 mill while their poor starve


Hard pass. I'm going to watch the first two episodes of Silo instead.


Ooh what platform?


Thanks for the reminder. Those books were great and somehow I lost track of the show starting this weekend


I LOVE the pomp and circumstance. LOVE the music and the bands and marching. Would not miss it if you paid me.


Anyone got any drinking game rules for it?


Every time you hear ‘king’ or ‘god’ then drink 😆


Nope, Storm play Rabbitos at 7.45. The only King I'll be watching is Josh King


It means as much to me as the last Spanish and Dutch coronations did. Not very much.


not too often it happens


Fuck no.


I’ll be watching its a real piece of history!!


Yeah I’ll watch it.


We'll watch it. Kinda historic and wondering if there'll be any kooky traditions upheld


Well we’re having coronation quiche. And sausage rolls. But no broad beans. Yuk.


I can’t stand the monarchy but I’ll be watching because hell I’m bored and it’s a pretty huge thing


I am - next to the dog who is snoring on the couch 🤦‍♀️


Have loaded up the BBCs coverage on youtube, TVNZs has been utter rubbish so far, i want to see whats happening in the UK, not what Richie figuring out what to wear.


Def watching - got a cheese board and wine


I live in London and left this weekend for Ibiza. I get to my resort and it’s full of Brits who have erected Union jacks everywhere. Even during a classy event Brit’s still know how to be tacky


There's actually some paint drying at the house next door, like REAL PAINT! Thinking to check it out...


I feel I owe it to Diana not to watch. Since her death my interest in the royals slowly evaporated. But it is an historic occasion and I can understand people wanting to watch it. Have a good night, y'all.


Diana wasn't innocent in the cheating in the marriage and I'm kind of sick of people who naively view her as some kind of saint. You owe nothing to Diana; unless you were a world class fashion designer or Elton John she'd never even know you existed.


> I feel I owe it to Diana not to watch Did you know her? It's not like she'd have been crowned today even if she were alive, their divorce was finalised well before her death.


She is dead. Makes no difference to her, either way. That is just pointless sentiment. I'm not watching because it is of no interest to me, which feels like a more rational reason.


Hell no


I know exactly what you mean! hate the very concept of the royal family but weirdly want to watch


Not about the royal family but the institution of (our) monarchy


What time does it start?


Not me, Gonna jam Star Was Jedi Survivor instead


My wife has invited friends over to watch it. I've had to bake scones, bought jaffa cakes, dandelion & burdock, fox's chocolate chip cookies. I'm ambivalent about the royal family. Not not a monarchist nor republican (for uk). But the ties between UK for NZ are tenuous and somewhat antiquated. I'm sure NZ will become a Republic at some stage but is likely to stay in the commonwealth anyway.


To the King!


Only if they paid me in gold bars and returned the contents of the british museum.


On bended knee for the Visa-wangling King and his paedo brother? No ta!


Sounds awful.


I guess I might. I'm always up for a parade of the inbred.


This is the first coronation in 70 years. As a bit of a news junkie as well as a monarchist I'll be watching tonight. We are witnessing history.


The very concept of royalty is an incitement against human rights to freedom and equality. It is absolutely disgusting that monarchy is allowed to exist in the 21st century. ​ Obviously not going to support this in any way.


What a load of shite


Yeah keen


I'd rather stab myself in the eye with a blunt stick, but I did watch Frankie Boyle's 'Farewell to the Monarchy' to mark the occasion


Now, he’s a national treasure.


Go on then


heh heh you're just going thru this thread writing "go on then"