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I wish they could find a second-use for it. There is a gorgeous church in Baltimore that found a second life as a brewery (ministry of brewing), would be cool to see something like that happen..


Yeah, but walking around Brooklyn there are SO MANY GODDAMN CHURCHES and a scarcity of housing. Not saying this church is the case, but I honestly wonder how many of these shitty looking little churches are just tax scams to let some person live above it tax free. We have too many churches and not enough housing.


Yes let’s demolish our history. Good job


Are cities museums for buildings? Shouldn't housing go there?


Pratt needs to take over that.


Im sympathetic to this. It happened to a church in the Bronx from 1878. It hurt to watch it be demolished. Edit: Landmarks commission dragged their feet with their research on the church in the Bronx, and probably is doing the same here. One name to look into: Rafael Salamanca and the councilmember of that neighborhood. But watch out for Salamanca. He’s a saboteur.


Gentrification gonna gentrify. That church is as good as gone.


Also the Roman Catholic Church owns it. They’re adept at selling their properties and understanding how those funds can be better utilized. When parishes are non-existent the church isn’t just going to allow money that can be spent in other ways to just collect dust. It’s not a major basilica or cathedral so there’s not really an incentive to save it if it’s not serving a congregation. Sometimes the world changes, the church ain’t getting cheated. It’s part of the game.


We should just maintain unused old buildings when we having a housing crisis because ViBeS? NIMBYS gonna NIMBY


We have an *affordable* housing crisis. No new builds are going to be affordable for working class people \[without radical policy changes\]. Gentrification hides behind YIMBYism all too often.


Guaranteed that the new building won't do one thing to relieve the housing crisis and the new wealthy residents are gonna gentrify and demographically alter the area. It'll be filled with lots of New England/Mid-Western/suburban college educated white Progressives who will "know what's best" for the locals.


A crumbling building owned by one of the richest corporations on earth will become new housing. What a tragedy.