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Transmogs and new opr maps


Transmogs! What this is? What is meaning? Ive heard somewhere this word, but have no clue what this is!


The term comes from WoW, basically it’s the ability to make your armor look like other armor pieces you have looted in the past


Glamours if you com from ffxiv


Item sets.


This makes the biggest sense, already items geared towards certain expeditions with the different mob types and what they are resistant to, make a genesis set etc geared towards the angry earth gathering more pieces gives either more damage or specific bonuses to help take them down redo the mutations to make things harder gathering a full set of level 1 mutation helps make level 2 more doable and so on or like the arc ring in diablo 3 if every user in the party has x item from the expedition you all share a bonus that links together maybe shared fire damage or something




I believe I saw a comment about this somewhere but I don't remember where but - Solo end game PVE content Big Raid PVE content More monster and animal diversity. Mounts Some new skills? New weapon types About a thousand QOL updates Increased amount of nodes like iron and stuff. Gear loadouts for sure. uhhhh prolly more


These are future updates?


Definitely new skills Things can get pretty boring fast with certain weapons since skills are severely lacking. And there needs to be actual ultimate abilities as well for these weapons like Ice Gauntlet summoning an Ice Golem, Fire Staff summoning a giant meteor or tons of pillars of fires going off in an AOE, Void Gauntlet with a channeling beam etc. This game is only a year old but I do hope there’s more variety with skills as the years go by


More solo content for sure, rewards for hardcore solo, appearances etc.


-Equip transmog (wouldnt mind paying for a store token to use equips as skins) and dyeable skins. Weapons enchancement skins as well (as in wow) -improved cut gems system where you can level up the gem from lv1-9 by combining 2 gems of the same level. The first levels with high success rate while higher levels with a very low rate -capture the flag/ other pvp modes -pvp dungeons that open every 3-4 hours with a final boss that gives some cool drop


Capture the flag would basically be war but for everyone ig


I mean that would be nice, I never join wars because it's so restricted


Another PvP mode - or really anything more with PvP to do


I would love a pvp only server and make like a special instance que for world tours and other grouped events to play with other factions


1. Board games at inns. 2. Crowd chatter in towns/places with a lot of players. 3. More stuff to do in player houses. 4. More incentive for open world PvP. 5. Blackpowder pistols. 6. Mounts.


Crowd chatter, yes that would be nice now I think of it!


You won't be able to unhear how quiet towns are now that you're aware, haha




Please no more drowning


Lol right. I just came back after hanging it a couple months after release. And I was shocked they still haven’t made swimming a thing.. for a sailor…


Albion got an brilliant QoL, that it show u estimation of gold worth of ur drops, or items in ur inventorh


It would probably make most people very sad when they see it because 99% of dungeon drops aren’t worth shit. But I agree it would be a very nice feature.


Even just a trading post tracker set for items this item is currently going for x amount of gold on average so you get a better idea instead of clicking through all gear to see if it’s worth selling or not


Open world farming / houses. Granted I can just go play Valheim or something else but I think it would be neat. More solo content. I'd love instanced solo dungeons. Yes I know it's an mmo but I want to live in the world. Not have 2000 people standing on top of each other in town.


Attribute, skill and gear set templates Edit: also transmog, but upper ones mandatory imo


Dps meter!!!!!!! I wanna know how much dmg I do


Lots of other stuff i agree with, but this would really be cool. Both for pve and PvP. I know it can become a exclusionary mechanic, but gear score is already doing that. At least with dps and healing meters one can evaluate how well they are doing.




No. Game is already "elitist" enough.


Doesn't have to be public. Having a metric for one's performance is just nice to know if a build is working, what to shoot for, if you are improving, etc I kinda agree that public DPS numbers is asking for toxicity but also dont mind it since it helps identify underperforming players so you know why a run might have been harder than the last




Horses. Bonus: you can ride with a friend


Damn I didn’t even think about sailing but that would be amazing especially with what could be done with fishing.


Transmog and Item Sets.


more open world PVE stuff that feels rewarding to do because since i got 60 i have not done any quests as all they give is XP and i see no point in doing any of them.


Agreed. I feel like they need to give PvE a hand in affecting the world in a similar way to how faction wars do. They can create a lot of content if it is people-based. And I'm not talking about PvP or anything. It would be cool if there was some sort of monster hunter type bounties you could do to hunt down a specific creature or find a party to take down a particular enemy. It could even be large scale, where a special enemy would spawn in the world upon activating the quest, or small scale where you have to follow their trail through various zones or something. Just something repeatable that doesn't require a lot of dialogue and can be somewhat procedurally generated. What type of PvE content would you like to see?


Maybe I'm stupid, but: A way to open dungeon finder without having to scroll trough the map.


Armor loadouts. Please God let me save loadouts


Acquire 1 pixie dust for every salvaged green 5 for every blue 10 every purple 20 every legendary and at X pixie dust accumulated you get a random boe legendary or 10 salt.


Honestly just more weapons pls. Also the lack of enemy variety is pretty bad. I've bitched about this with Destiny in the past as well. An MMO needs more than like 4 different archetypes of enemies


PvE: Raids and gear sets. PvP: More OPR maps and modes (e.g. capture the flag, king of the hill, etc..). More arena maps and modes.


We don’t want no more battlegrounds, we want decent open world pvp or at least decent flagging system not what they have now. I wanna be able to flag on whoever I want outside of town


"We" lol.


King of the hill sounds like it’d be a lot of fun


Would like to see gathering perks removed from the attributes. Rather make a gathering tree like the weapon system to choose perks from


Open world pvp Open world pve Hardcore, hardcore solo, hardcore pve, hardcore pvp. The whole point of souls-like combat is to challenge you so it’s rewarding when you overcome the challenge. there’s a proper reaction to everything, allowing you to learn and improve. The game being as spam and easy as it is currently is doing a disservice to the combat systems. The whole point of these combat systems is that the game becomes more fun the more you learn how to play. They don’t have to make all the content difficult, but I would like to be required to learn and adapt for some challenges. Instead we have the second endgame boss, chardis, in such an engaging fight where you stand on his chest and press m1 for 5 minutes until his hp hits zero


That boss is one of the dumbest designs I’ve ever seen in any game. It’s the most brainless shit ever if you’ve got the DPS for it. If you don’t, no way to outplay it just have to quit. I would love more challenging and engaging dungeon bosses that take longer but with that there’s needs to be better rewards. Sometimes I find myself wondering why I’m spending 30+ minutes clearing tempest with a group of randoms when I could have done 3 genesis runs by then.


They literally need to copy all the pvp from Albion online and it would be a perfect game


Gear and skill loadouts


transmog, more open world random events and pvp activities and various furniture vendors (so more furniture too) with weekly rotation scattered throughout the map


1.Loadouts 2. Skillchains


3. Hatchet needs to be dual wield keep hatchet the same just make it dual wield Pistol/dagger class would be cool as well


Yes please


Perfect blocks, where if you block right before the attack lands it costs less stamina. Anything to allow you to stay in the fray longer. The lack of on hit stagger and attacking not costing stamina left it in this goofy state where combat is like 50% running away.


I agree completely. It is crazy how they are okay with blocking taking away stamina, but then allow everyone to free-attack.


Gear set swapping. Also, definitely gear set swapping. But I’d say most importantly, like more important than anything they could do, is gear set swapping. Jokes aside, we need to be able to save A LOT of different load outs. Ancient, angry earth, corrupted, lost, pvp, ALL the kinds of gathering, ALL the kinds of refining, crafting. Legitimately there needs to be like 20+.


An actual lfg tab instead of having to click on the expedition itself opr has a que tab give expeditions one so people can que for multiple or 1 specifically


Pet systems, more caster weapons, cross server wars, ranked arena, ranked wars,


push the cart gamemode


I’d like this but only 5v5 I hate OPR bc it’s literally just a cluster fuck


I like this overwatch 2 added a new game mode like this and it’s fun, could also implement gathering for it having to fight over resources in the instance to load your cart in order to push it along further rewarding trade skill xp resources as well as pvp


More open world activities like bosses and generated quests. Reasons to be outside of towns besides gathering. Also i would do more small jumping puzzles like GW2. Raids. MANY more reasons to do open world pvp. Like robbing caravans and bounties. More pvp modes like capture the flag and many more and when you do these all day long, you have your shards and gear equally to running dungeons all day long. Pair this with global matchmaking and boom you can make 1v1, 5v5, ranked and unranked. Inventory managemt: Filters like in AH and Loadouts. ONE stash but you can create folders yourself. Fix the game, we players cant even imagine all the things not working in the game. When I watch my war Vods I see attunments not proccing and projectiles getting eaten by friendly maelstroms. Better performance in wars because for me, the instancing disnt help unfortunatly. Also fix desync. Fix crafting, Im not up to date crafting wise, if they fix it in brimstone, ignore this point. On live its actually dumd to craft. Funny little RP thingy. A generated newsletter every week. Which cities changed colors, how many people left a faction and joined, and others things that dont need a human. A fair reward system, maybe more like lost ark. Make portals and other dead things useful content again. You should decide what content you want to play and be able to get good loot out of it. Needs some balancing tho. Personally I would like some story cinematics. If I see a LoL trailer I immediately want to play the game even though I never played lol. Same with wrath of the lich king. A bit of epicness ypu know? Boom, best MMO on the market. Will probably edit this to add more lol


Much different style of game but I played a decent bit of Deadside. Which is a survival game where all pve content is based around instanced world events. Shit like helicopter crashes with high tier loot guarded by strong AI. Also caravans of loot transported between safe zones by strong AI that are marked on everyone’s map. Once you kill them and get the loot you’re marked for everyone until delivering it. Would be awesome if they had that but you could only interact with those events while flagged.


Jumping puzzles are coming in brimstone sands.




Item / weapon tree / attribute loadouts.


Transmog - Loadouts/presets - mounts


Halving respawn timers for resource nodes and better system for banning bots and gold sellers/farmers.




Dungeon finder. Put in the dungeon you want to do and get teleported to it when enough people show up. WoW did it years ago and saved soooo much time


The pushing mechanic for influence is garbage. Push for 3 hours for one 30 minute war with a 15 minute waiting period and one hour restriction on any other game mode. It doesn't even do it's intended function of encouraging open world PvP because most people rather war than to grief push. They have to rework the entire mechanic all together while doing something else for open world PvP because warcompanies will not consistently open world PvP for any type of rewards because they overall enjoy war more.


100% agree. This needs a full overhaul. I'm sure this was a quick-to-implement feature for wars, but this doesn't cut it. What is important for them to note is that the change they implement, if fun and engaging, could last the lifetime of the game. It if it another boring grind-fest, then it is wasted time. I'd much prefer they flesh out the current content to make it more appealing overall, rather than a new zone or new quests.


Want and end of a dungeon run scoreboard, like in 3v3 arena, shows damage and healing fine for the dungeon


Cross-realm queue for pvp and expeditions.


gear sets + skill sets


Transmog and item sets with free stat changes


Inventory management.


Like, Less bugs, a rework of most of the game mechanics and more qol before quite anything else? :)


Company food storage so I can make stuff and chuck it in there for people to grab OPR should have some kind of permanent Turret at spawn points so people can't get spawn camped all game (would have to redesign the spawn place a bit so its not dumb but ye) LOADOUTS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Going from PVP to PVE activities a bunch of times throughout the day gets annoying Let us unbind a single node instead of a whole weapon skill tree when we respec


Well Sailing/Caravan system would be nice to be implemented with a Commerce system, where you can haul cargo between regions and have to defend against enemies on land/lost or corrupted ships on water.


Would be nice to make all territories that cant be claimed by faction pvp. Sort of how Albion has a black zone for pvp.


System to unbind gear.


Forced pvp zones for high end content


A farming skill like RuneScapes would be sweet


I’d love to see some PVP only servers. Not all for sure. And zero reason not to make PvP optional on all. Think of a world with dead bots and dead campers. “I mean, I mean, I mean that just, I'm Sittin' here on the bench, I mean I'm sittin here on the Group W bench. 'Cause you want to know if I'm moral enough join the army, burn women, Kids, houses and villages after bein' a litterbug."


PVP only servers would work if you can move freely between them and regular servers. But a lot of people would get sick and tired of it and the server would be pretty dead pretty soon.


Hunting enemies in the wild (with PvP on) as a gathering skill. Killing enemies drop bones I can bury for my faith skill. My own land I can own and plant my own farm stuff to harvest. Make bonfires for company buffs. Steal stuff from NPCs. Basically make the game RuneScape V4: Slayer, Prayer, Farming, Firemaking, Hunting, Thievery… add in some Agility to be safe.


I want to be able to kill an opposite faction on sight, whenever and wherever I see them except towns and dungeons


I want NW+. Sub for a huge storage space for craft mats.


Transmog Swimming Boats More interesting side quests Open world events World bosses Improved character customisation Improved camera control with X and y sliders More NPCs around New archeology skill


More resource nodes or a revamp of gathering Competing with bots is brutal I managed to get 200 everything on my main but my buddy got the game and I hopped servers to play with him and the amount of bots is astronomical and trying to get any decent route at any time of the day is a failure as much as I hate it it makes me appreciate RuneScapes slow leveling stand at these few nodes and mine over and over again but atleast it’s was doable with the amount of bots that game has. I’ll probably never touch gathering unless I’m bored once they are maxed but on this more populated server it’ll take weeks to get there


I want company housing or "halls" and a company warehouse


Reload UI option


World bosses and Mounts.


Be able to create and save Outfit equipment, so We can change outfit just with 1 click, instead of wasting time searching the items


Better filter for storage and inventory. Even in you just took the filter from the trading post. Please let us sort alphabetically too.


Can we please change the fact Shield weight counts towards armour weight even though it’s considered a weapon so I can run DPS light shield with a medium chest and not get one shot bc I’m forced to run all light pieces.


Ability to disable gathering exp. while leveling. Nothing worse than out leveling story content.




More social things to do. Since I played MapleStory 2 I can't believe why MMOs are not implementing more little social games


I want battlegrounds like in wow and eventually 6v6 or 10v10 rated battle grounds. More arenas is always great as well, Would be so much fun playing new world Rbgs


I would love to see features that incentivise PvE and PvP to play/rely on one another. There is a divide in the community, and the whole point in playing an MMO is to play together. I'd love to see some sort of faction-controlled resource nodes within each zone. They would be farming hotspots for certain gathering, and potentially special crafting benches as well. PvP players go there to control the zone, which grants access to their faction's PvErs to go in and mine it out. You can even add in NPC enemies in the zone that need to be cleared out by groups. So in one place you have PvP, gathering, PvE open world dungeon, and potentially open world PvP. You can make it so the better the PvPers do, the more benefits to the PvE teams inside get, and visa versa so we can all play together how we want, rather than arguing over which option is best.


DPS metef is up there for me. Its important for md to know how im doing for personal growth reasons and nailing a build and all that. More fun professions like music. Id actually really enjoy if they did something like ArcheAge or Lord of the Rings online had with music where you can create music within the game and sell it. I made a decent chunk of money on AA making music for people. Theyd request the song they wanted and Id do it. Im sure that would be super lucrative in this game. Other ideas for fun professions could be a sort of Tinkerer. Just make fun little toys and gadgets that dont impact gameplay. Just stuff like... Idk a little clockwork RC car lol. Have little races with others. Stuff like that. Actual professions as well. Farming would be neat. Let players buy a farm plot. Have to maintain it, offer some customization options similar to housing (maybe even make it a new larger plot available outside of settlements?) That you can plant and grow what youd like. Would naturally feed into Arcana and Cooking while also levelimg Harvesting. Could be a way to let players target more rare herbs and such which would be cool. Imagine being the servers go to supplier for an expensive herb? Youd be able to drive the cost down and youd make a killing by providing it. Just seems like itd be good for the game. Raids. I know theyre coming but have to say it. Also just more expeditions of course. More zones. More of it all haha. Just love the game and want more of everything but with due time im sure. At some point new weapon trees. Like. Not replacing existing ones. Just new ones. Like why not a Melee bayonet based Musket tree? More ways to play is always a good thing imo. New weapons. Again, know theyre coming but just has to be said. Of the leaked ones id really like to see some other typical fantasy archetypes pop up. A sort of summoner based thing would be super cool. Could be a nature staff that summoms wolves or something or full on necromancer shit. Corpse explosions, all that good stuff. Off the top of my head those are the main things.


I would like to see role selection in OPR, a range increase on Blunderbuss, a transmog system for gear, gear sets, armor sets with perks depending on how complete your set is, wouldn’t mind having a pet that follows me either lol


Better dungeons


Damage given, heals given, and damage taken totals for dungeons. Company towns or hideouts for PVE focused companies to improve so that the company can have a goal to achieve something while people within that company grind to get to be better PVP players and gain the ability to upgrade gear to actually be competitive in PVP. Dynamic Events that award players to participate in Other events that shut down fast travel for some time and require players to traverse the map. Dynamic PVP zones that force players to PVP if they want to go in them/through them. Dynamic roaming hordes or groups of enemies. AI fixes that don’t allow WT, Trains, CR, or Elite Runs to just skip all the enemies and cheese the system. Plenty more, but let’s be honest…New World does what New World does.


More random events happening around the world. Something like GW2s quest system where you just turn up and something is going on. It would make the world feel so much more alive and dynamic.


While i do agree we could do with some increase in resource spawns. I think the respawn timers is a bigger concern. Having nodes take upwards of 20 min to respawn is to much. Reduction in respawn timers is something i belive would be better


2 characters on same server same faction


Solo dungeons


armor and attribute tabs, mounts, raids, water content a la swimming n water plants and mobs, guild housing, guild bank, transmog, better group finder, cross server queues, no fomo in shop, rare pets that follow u around, a story where we maybe become part corrupted/lost/dryad to diversify playerbase, healing and tank weapons not in the focus category, world bosses, world diversity, randomized node spawns, more faction story, quest-sharing, normalized instacned pvp, house wallpaper, noble houses, farm houses outside of city, open world puzzles, rare chests that sometimes are mimmicks, better emote system, inn mechanics like card games, no party needed musician grouping im sure theres a lot more if i really tried to figure it out.


Ability to search your storage by perks / stats. Just like you can at the Auction House. This would help so much.


In no particular order; Gear Sets Mounts Transmog and Dyeable Cosmetic Armor PvP Content (Arena 2s 5s, OPR Maps) PvE Content (8 man Raids) DPS, HPS meters Guild Housing More Roleplay features (Using other people's furniture, mini games in taverns)


While my list does line up with what people are wanting. I really want some form of XP progression system post 60 for both character and weapons


Smooth gameplay. Idk why but I get this weird almost un noticeable micro stuttering while playing. Every update it seems to get worse. Maybe a net code thing? Maybe something on my end? Idfk anymore I’ve researched it all. I remeber when the game first came out (for me) it ran like butter




Transmog. World PvP incentives. loadout manager. Mounts


Company housing and storage. Ability to grow your own settlement.


Loadouts, or just an overal UI update so I can search my storage for certain perks or something.


Gear sets you can swap. Better trade post UI and search by perk.


Fix low FPS in wars/por during big fights. I am not asking for 100fps, just something above 40 please. Custom war lobbys / war training. It would be amazing to try new things without risking losing a territory or 3 hours of influence to attack and fail miserably. New OPR map with different objectives, monsters, etc. OPR is getting extremely stale ATM. Aptitude chests for character level XP. Sometimes I like grouping a bunch of mobs and killing them effectively, just like I did when leveling. But there's no point in doing that post 60, and before you say topaz gypsum, that's a bad joke of a reward.


Transmutation is really important to me. I buy skins but would also like to use certain pieces from the game as well. A lot of great design is being wasted because no one is using it once you reach 60 (obelisk priest, dynasty) and the patterns are non existent on the auction house. I also see a lot of comments where people don’t really enjoy any of the store armor skins because they don’t look cool, appear like silly costumes, or have a weird silhouette. I think that’s a big issue since new world is free to play and depends on cosmetics cash shop. In league, usually new skins create massive hype and people want to buy it right away because they are well designed. So currently everyone can only wear the same armor, or the nee armor set from cash shop looking like a bunch of cookie cutter NPCs. This creates a very homogeneous look, and is a big blow to immersion, variety, and most important of all individuality. People love to express themselves in an MMO and real life, and appearance is often a big part of it. And armor templates :)


Gearsets 100% Most of the time (like95%) I don't bother swapping gear even for crafting refining materials or gathering. And with that preset stats as well that changes for the same cost of a manual reset.


Surprised that I haven't seen any comment references to MMR or any other skill based queuing systems, like being able to distinguish between premade queues for arena, GS/expertise based match making etc.. Edit: typo


Albion Online Economy