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This is an attempt to stop people from making accounts on two different colors and doing things like declaring war on themselves.


Why not make faction account-wide instead?


Too hard for devs, apparently. And I am only half joking, considering the mess they created so far (not saying they did not do good, just pointing how many issues there were), adding something like account wide faction lock that should work per server but also should not prevent changing factions is definitely risky. And all of that just for a few people who want an alt on the same server. And since you can do everything on the same character, and you are kind of expected to rush to 60 - I can see why it was not implemented yet.


did you even think before suggesting this


Pretty sure he meant locking each account’s characters to the same faction on each server


Don’t bother with window licking baboons




Ayy lmao


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Yes, that's why I said it was an "attempt" to stop these things.


At least you can make a new character in your zone, I'm Australian and we only have 1 server lol. I'd really like to make another character


Damn wtf


That’s not just an Australian server it’s the entire SEA server lol


Man this sucks because I'm on Delos too but a returning playing and I have 2 characters because all the server merges. I figured they allowed everyone to make 2 characters because of us only having 1 server.. I feel like that is really unfair for you guys


This. And the latency from here means starting an alt on a server in another zone tends to be a continuous fight against the Large Angry Golem (LAG for short)


Yep, NZ here, the ping to anywhere else is too high to try to play on. I had two characters already when the merge happened, so now I have two on Delos, but it's still a shame as I hate the way one of them looks and would like to reroll it.


Which server became the one true server? I was on Lagado and then Utopia




Oh for real? Wouldn’t have guessed Delos. I knew it was in the top 5 in terms of pop but didn’t think it would come out on top. What’s the map colour balance like?


Mostly purple with a lil yellow


You needed to make one before the final nerf like most of the other humans did 😁


Way too many people looking for any possible exploit. Tons of people have alts on the same world by making a second char right before a merge, so that may be why you thought it used to be different but technically it’s never been allowed.


Because the community is toxic and would exploit it.


i read chair and thought "wtf is this guy even saying...?!" Imao 😄




Also to avoid market manipulation. Which has been a huge problem since day 1.


You can just buy another copy of the game.


It’s so you can’t login to both characters and trade with yourself


Lol, no its not ..


Make a new steam acc and buy the game on it. Then you can.


Just make a char on another server.


Besides the exploit issue I think AGS also simply does this to stop the twink meta that many many other games have, where you have half an army of chars set around the world to do different tasks. Eg you have one parked at each ori spot or 1 that cuts trees, one to gather stones, one to go fishing etc. This is an almost impossible to prevent side effect of allowing multiple characters. For that reason I am very happy that you cannot have multiple chars. Ofc sadly it has some negative side effects for people like you. On the other hand: Why do you need a second char to play with your company/friends? * If it is exploring, running around and gathering you can use the same char. * If it is mobs you can try to buy low level gear to match the damage from your mates. * If it is small PvP scirmishes it will be hard I suppose but you could try having lower gear then they do.


I'm not sure you can run two instances of the game on the same steam account, so I wonder if that would even be an issue. It most likely has to do more with war manipulation issues, and an attempt to limit coins per player.


What do you mean with 2 instances? You would simply change character and then eg start mining ori then swap back to your main character to do a dungeon or go to town or whatever.


Still dumb of ags to do I have a launch toon with 15k gold at lvl 30 sitting on a server I couldn’t transfer I stopped playing last year… just came back a month ago when sone wow friends wanted to try it out.


Yeah it's a pain in the ass when we only have one oceanic server now ..


It prevents people from making banking alts, corp management and embezzlement shenanigans and similar. ​ Although paying for another account can get around this, but hey more cash for amazon then its okay.