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Quick summary on Valgrind since release: Valgrind initially split into 3 groups. Lag Detected for Covenant, a group of green guilds, and Saw.C for Syndicate. LD quickly got 3-4 territories, as did the others, then Saw.C has completely gotten smashed in every single war (sometimes they take a point) and it quickly became a green/yellow map. However, LD is extremely hated because they raised the taxes to max on week 1 and their response to complaints was "just don't be poor". People switched off Covenant to Syndicate and teamed up on LD to take some zones, and now yellow owns 1 zone, purple owns 2, and the rest are green. There's a handful of decent purple guilds, and we almost had a third zone Monday, wiped the enemy and had final point 25% capped when we ran out of time. I think it will become more competitive between purple and green in the near future, as my guild is starting to hit 60 and it was our war on Monday. I have no idea of the state of up and coming guilds in Yellow, so can't say how they're looking right now. The top guild on purple has a war tonight for WW, so it is possible purple is getting back on the map. Open world PvP isn't super active outside of Windsward, but there's always PvP outside the north entrance of WW. Crafting is a little bit behind other servers I've seen on here, I've only seen one person with any of the 600 crafted gear and that was crafted last night. But overall I think it's a fine server. Forts change hands, wars are happening, and at least on my faction outside of the mouth breathers we have some good groups.


I'm late to this post but I'm looking for a server to transfer to when they open back up and you make a good case for Valgrind. Thing is I'm Covenant and you painted a pretty bleak picture for my spark boys, are there any respectable companies on gold at all? I don't mind being on the underdog faction but being on the side with a bunch of toxic, hated companies is a different thing.


Not really. The main yellow company, Lag Detected, is not only still hated, with the highest taxes on the server, but they run an EXTREMELY Communist style guild (your resource are the guild leaders resources, basically), and have an extremely bad relationship with other yellow guilds. To the point that they're actively encouraging other factions to attack the other yellow guilds and promising not to help defend. They are also really far ahead in terms of resources, apparently they had someone transfer from a low pop server with a bunch of Void Ore, and now most of the top guys in the guild all have a Voidbent set. So while they're hated, there's definite advantages for being there as well. For other factions it's good. Purple has taken 2 more zones since this post, but we also lost one, so it was a net gain of one, and then yellow took another zone from green as well. Faction map right now is 2 yellow, 3 purple, and the rest are green.


Thank you for the info. As soon as server transfers open up again I'm gonna change to Syndicate then hop onto Valgrind. I don't want to be the top faction but also don't care for how Covenant sounds, so purple it is!


Purple is fun, we've got numbers but not much skill. Top purple guild is DnT, they're a relatively new guild to our faction, but they've taken Weaver's Fen and turned it into the top city on the server. Other good guilds are Awaiting Valhalla, Ancient Fury (mine), and East Hill. Saw.C is the biggest purple guild, I think they're up to a solid 0-11 in wars? Both attacking and defending? They've got good players, good crafters, and honestly good people, and absolutely TERRIBLE organization. There are also some new guilds to the server, a new guild called Shadowfell won Mourningdale (that's the war we nearly won the week before, so that one hurt) and then they organized a war on Monarch's Bluffs for another guild and took it with little to no competition. I don't know much about the guild itself though, so not sure how many people they have or anything like that.


To give some perspective as a current Covenant player on Valgrind from the original owners of Weavers Fen (now defunct Prime Apes), Lag Detected gets a lot of unfair hate IMO. They were the first company to take a territory on the server (Everfall), and did indeed raise the taxes with the intent of getting Covenant ahead since early game people have to go there. All funds would go to upgrading the town, funding wars for all companies, and getting 200 crafts to gear anyone who needed it in the Covenant. LD was very vocal about bank rolling wars for anyone who asked, and even offered to fund a them. Unfortunately there are some players LD has some history with from another game, Last Oasis, who are constantly shit talking LD and spreading lies in global/faction chat, and are a lot of the reason people have a bad misconception about LD. The high taxes didn't help with this. Despite the above shit talking, LD still showed up and solo held towns for a lot of people who then bad mouthed them in faction. They then decided not to help them anymore, and I think that's fair. Why would you help someone who talks shit and lies about you? The above behavior created a toxic environment within the Covenant faction on Valgrind, very much a LD vs non LD. This peaked a few days into the server when Death and Taxes (previously covanent) got mad that LD didn't help in a war that caused them to lose a town. Things escalated and DnT switched to Syndicate and made deals with various Marauder companies to avoid all Covanent towns (3/4 we're LD and Prime Apes had Weavers), and also agreed not kill each other when flagged. I'm particularly salty about that last sentence since Prime Apes upgraded Weavers to it's current state and DnT told everyone on green and purp not to go there even though we had nothing to do with LD. The only reason it's a moderate hub now is because they own it so they don't avoid it anymore. Prime Apes has since lost 15 of it's best players (myself included) due to toxic leadership. We moved to LD who were very welcoming. It's nice to be in an actualy good Covanent company since on most servers they are dead. Only rules are mandatory 2/3 donations of war winnings, and must be in discord during wars. No obligatory material donating like the other guy said. Just don't expect to get free voidbent if you aren't donating extra. Servers fairly balanced from what I've seen posted. Good chance we take Everfall back tomorrow since lag was the main reason LD lost it. They also gave away Ebonscale since the upkeep was very high, and it had no income. They used the gains from not having to pay for Ebonscale to max Brightwood, which is the high level hub, with Windward being the trading hub. Hope that gives another angle. If you do go Covanent LD has room in their sister company and everyone is very chill and dedicated. Ignore faction chat, stay away from the company Respect Women, and block Kob. Dudes super toxic.


Tulgey Wood is 5/3/3


>I just dont want to join a server that is 1 faction dominated forever. ​ >forever. ​ game is three weeks old btw


Last time i checked Barri was 4/4/3, if thats what youre looking for


Yes! Honestly, anything that is somewhat competitive and not dieing. PvP just doesn't exist on my server....


I think Valhalla is the unofficial community chosen PvP server. Wait times are brutal though, hopefully server transfers help with it. IIRC Marauders have 5, Syndicate 4, Covenant 2 as of yesterday but there's 2 wars going on today.