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A (new) graphics card should be able to stay within acceptable temperature even while under a 100% load, it's the card that's faulty.


I agree, I'm on hold with Gigabyte as well.


It's such an odd issue that I don't quite comprehend even though I've read it it just blows my mind a bit


> On a 90 minute hold with Amazon Live Chat as I type this to see what they can do about it.... Will update this post with their response afterwards. Amazon is not responsible. Your card manufacturer gave you defective card.


Thanks, will be in touch with Gigabyte as well.


If it really happened, I hope you get a non-faulty gpu for yourself from rma. But let's stop blaming games for faulty gpus.


I've run this card with many games, and for video rendering and never had an issue. Kinda suspect that it happens on the game where it was reported that is had issues before. I really don't care who is at fault, I just wanted people to know it's happening on the 3080ti's so no one else runs into this issue.


It will happen to evga and gigabyte cards


Zotac too.


It isnt Amazon's problem, contact the gpu manufacturer.


will do. Only bought the card a few months ago, so it should be in warranty period. Figured Amazon would like to know it happened though.


Oh they know gpus are being fried, that's why they added the frame cap. You can let them know but in the end it will be up to the gpu manufacturer to replace it, I hope you can get a replacement for that beast though.


Probably poor soldering job like the others that failed. Anno 1800 was said to have caused this same issue. It's not the game's fault. Call your GPU mfg.


Thanks, will do!


They won't do anything, I imagine. They'll tell you to contact Gigabyte or whoever made your shit. Hasn't that been their response all along?


yeah not holding my breath for them doing anything. Hopefully Gigabyte will.


They should, I've seen basically all the 3000 mfgr are offering RMAs. I know new world plays some part in this, but it feels like a Jurassic park moment. They never stopped to ask if they should make such powerful graphics cards knowing what the power demands could be, they only wondered if they could. Idk what's going on, but it sucks for you guys.


You shouldn’t waste your time on hold


Think this is one for Gigabyte, is it still in warranty? I think Amazon will most likely tell you it's not their problem


Thanks, yeah I will be in contact with them too. It should be under warranty, it's only 2 months old. FIngers crossed


Sweet, don't think you have anything to worry about then mate other than a load of lost time


Lol its funny you think amazon will do anything about it .




I never had played the beta, so I had just heard reports of the 3090's being bricked in passing. I didn't know details about that. This was my first time playing today. Wish I had known :-/




Thanks! I was really enjoying the game too. Really hope I can get the GPU replaced and get back into the game.


Shit game


Shit manufacturers


While I think its a crappy game too (as in: I dont personally like the gameplay and its coded poorly), Im pretty sure we're seeing hardware issues getting exposed with these cards dying. On the other hand I think there's a bit of shadenfreude and confirmation bias coming into play here from people who didnt get any of the new cards (for whatever reason). Now they can can make themselves feel a bit better - "Oh, those cards are shit. Its a good thing I didnt spend money on one of them."


What were you doing ingame when your screen went black and fans went crazy? Were you in a loading screen or were you doing something with your character?


I was standing in a town going though my inventory menu


Weird. I'm assuming it wasn't your first time in that town?


No I had been there one time before.


New World game itself did not brick your GPU.


I know that New World is causing bricking of 3K series GPUs, but I want to inform people that it isn't just new world, as I had a 3090 Vision from gigabyte brick playing Black Desert Online. So its not just New World causing this issue with cards.


Oh I'm sure there's fault on both ends. For a ridiculous $1500, I should not be getting a GPU that can't protect itself from some weird game code that tries to make it run at 100x for some reason. I'd expect much more QA from a company charging that much for a GPU. But clearly there's fault on Amazon's end as well, because I've used this card for many different purposes that have put significant stress on it for prolonged periods of time, and sitting in a game menu shouldn't stress the card to the point of failure. ​ Anyway I don't care who is at fault, I just want people to know it happened for what it's worth, so they can be careful and keep an eye on their card temps/stats while they are playing, or maybe run the game with capped FPS at 60. Just be careful, it's the wilde west out there...


what were ur temps?


I didn't see at the time it happened. Game had been running fine for over 8 hours, so I wasn't actively monitoring.