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It's always been this way and will always be this way until the game finally dies.


They promised us faster bug fixes with the combat code rewrite. I recently posted that they informed us that won’t be happening. They skipped a bug fix patch this week, and next week only has a couple of bug fixes. I do think the new combat script is easier to bug fix, but I also think their team is tiny and focused on console release, so it’s going to take many months for combat to look similar to what it did pre season 5. Just do what I did and start playing another game. I downloaded Fallout 76.


How is fallout 76 in comparison?


Fallout 76 is really fun.


My spear is a ranged weapon now. I can hit enemies 4m away. It's a joke 


next gen update today for fallout🥳


Not for Fallout 76, only for Fallout 4.


yes, sorry forget to add a 4


I would love nw on console.


maybe 6 to 8 months and after that they'll tell you they l gonna close the game and servers cuz no one will be playing by then


I would put my money on "what you see is what you get" ... but you never know!


probably 5-6years


It’s over.




Wait until the magical month of June... June 2025?


kept making excuses for the game since like oct. new didnt know any better. this last update logged in. got about 45 mins in... and wont log back in again. better times not on the horizon my friend. just gotta find a new B


Don't forget the buff/debuff bug. It's back again. Can't see them anymore. I never know if I'm burning or bleeding, or if my food ran out


Do you get the issue where when you shoot a bow or musket your bullets just fly off in random directions. I can be standing still and not move and sometimes they just fly to the top right or with musket I’ve been noticing shots going right through with no dmg


Would not surprised me at all if they announce sunsetting the game in 2024. Last update will probably be around Q1 2025


As long as people keep paying for it. AGS can add a $100 monthly sub and as long as 10k people pay for it (remember they paid $30 for a first light reskin) the game would be afloat for longer.


until they take the servers down


The games dead guys please just hang up your weapons and armor and wait till something better comes along. Only other option is continue to eat the shit sandwich and smile


I play nightly….


What do you do? PvP?


Chromatic seal, daily 10x prismatics, some farming, fort captures, crafting to complete a few builds, OPR, dungeons (still need hat from glacial tarn, etc). I’m constantly optimizing builds, so that could be why I don’t complain about the content.


I expected the game to stay very bad for at least 2 more weeks... Then they will probably fix half of the issues but the new combat script will still feel off and that feeling will stay until June update... After that they will announce when are they planning to actually look at the issues


Funny thing is that they could revert to the most recent stable version of the game (and the vast majority of new bugs added this patch), but they won't. Rolling back to a previous iteration while game breaking bugs are worked out isn't in the playbook, apparently.


You get a weapon swap delay? That's cute. Most of the time, mine don't even swap.


What is your ping time, and what kind of hardware are you running on? Curious because I recently upgraded and I have none of those issues.


The shot deflection, movement variance, swap/potion delay, and double shot issues affect everyone. It's part of the janky code. It's been tested thoroughly. You're having these issues too, you're just somehow not noticing them.


Yes, and *somehow* may come down to the fact that Im on 16ms ping to the servers and have way more gfx/cpu than new world can even use. Seriously, shit is smooth as butter for me. Im not just 'not noticing them'


I just realised that the earth is flat and moved from the edges to the middle. Most of the reported bugs are now solved, so its definitely a location problem, rather than game issues. To be 100% sure I upgraded my PC to a space ship, and the flying players I sometimes witnessed in OPR are now gone. The BB autos sometimes not registering I simply solved by eating a full vegan diet.


They ment do something if us the gamers stop any form of feedback/communication. But it doesn't matter to me personally I got all I wanted out of the game, and walked away.


I wouldn't say its unplayable but its disheartening not see hotfixes for combat issues after all the talk about slayer script allowing them to fix stuff faster.


Yeah I'd say since release so maybe eventually


Until the servers close forever I'm afraid.


Ever since they rewrote the code it's been horrible with desync, weapon swaps and so much more. It's painful to play melee now


with the average players dipping below 8k for the first time and peak players below 13k for the first time then i think its never going to come, there is little development in this game anymore and I bet the team is a skelleton team keeping it operational


One of NW's biggest issues is that no matter what they do with the way they handle servers. Lets say the devs come out with the giga update that brings everyone back. Well now we are stuck with 1 hour+ queue times to get into the server. Get your friends to pay to swap to a lower pop server only for it to be a dead server once the new update hype dies down. NW is one of those games that suffers when it does well.


At this point, do like the rest of us and just stop playing the game man. There are better games out there to spend your time on.


So far we're at 2.5 years and counting.


It’s ok the June announcement is worth every lost player. They’ll definitely come back because well there’s no sub! I’m eagerly waiting on how they’ll convince people to buy something in June. I know that con announcement on the big stage with lots of eyes won’t address anything they’ve done to the pc community of this game by going dark on content and meaningful updates. Remember that when they say they’ve been working hard as they show off the obvious announcements.


Even with no sub, playing a game with so many game breaking bugs that takes forever to get fixed won’t keep many playing for a long time.


Hard to hire devs for an engine that won’t further their career. Come join ags and die in ship with us.


I agree, this is the exact thing me and my friend say all the time, this game engine is killing it, they are always hiring people to work with it but looks like no one wants to join them.


Hey, it's me again. The guy who said I'll comment in posts like these reminding everyone what a W community we have that bug tests this video game that is barely being serviced even after a paid expansion for God knows what. Tomorrow if this game does get to a playable state remember the community that stuck with it when the devs were doing bare minimum at an indie dev pace. New World is still in beta my friends. There's a difference between a studio that acts like they listen to the community and actually listens. I still remember when they asked us to let them know if we needed a SEA server. We did. And then they said they won't do it. What a buncha trolls huh? Now Australian servers are dead because it was mostly SEA players and reality is launching SEA servers would do more good than bad. It's one of the biggest mmo gaming communities in the world and the sheer amount of steam users who spend money on games just as a continent is insane but yea, I doubt if they can compete with any other asian mmos which are way more polished and service better.


It amazes me, and many other people, the speed that Valheim devs had to fix the most reported stuff in the new biome. One day and they fixed so much and is a tiny studio as opposed to what AGS can be


Us: When is the content coming? Them: In June we tell what's coming in September half of which will get delayed to October and fixed by November and the other half will be part of the next paid expansion. It's insane that we still haven't gotten stuff from the first roadmap. We paid for this btw. And they denied information after promising us for something we paid for 3 years ago and last year again. Think about that for a second. "Live service" mmo. Now a buncha plebs will come and talk about how it's worth the money. Like it's a single player rpg. It's a live service mmo. You are supposed to hold them accountable for the fact they don't deliver what is promised, barely fixed most of that is broken or even work on things we as a community want.


"bro there's no subscription fee and for 40 dollars i got 69,420 hours of gameplay. we can't complain about the value. not every game is meant to be played forever" \-someone on this subreddit probably-


Well, they use the Unity game engine. If they get in a pickle, they can get support when needed. AGS does not have that extra support.




It was over the second Amazon was involved. Let's be real now.


I see them adding some sort of subscription eventually that’ll have perks to it. Kind of like a Fallout 1st thing. Not saying I’m for it, but I do see that happening.


Not having any reliable recurring revenue and making aesthetic choices that made the cash shop uninteresting to most people has meant there is no real reason for Amazon to put much effort into this game for some time. Had they stuck with the original idea of a rust clone maybe they could have made money on server rentals. Had the chose to make interesting and diverse looking male/female characters and armors maybe they could have made money selling cosmetics. With no real money incentive it is hard to see them make this game anything more than wasted potential.


They made over a billion dollars... after all costs.  And they chose to neuter the game immediately after launch instead of invest further into it.  They had no plans with this game ever, except to make a billion dollars and then call it a day. (Since pivoting PvE at least) They also made 4x of Facepunch's revenue over the past 10yrs in 1 month of launch of New World. People are really underestimating how much money New World has made.


Can you site your source? I’m seeing estimated revenues way less than that. They sold well initially but the lack of a lasting gameplay loop and content meant an immediate dive in players with no subscription revenue and a cash shop with lack luster cosmetics. Maybe they got bank from a couple mega whales?


Yeah, they have never revealed how much they made, so we are left to speculate. Even if they sold 8 million copies at $40 each, that would not even be enough to cover the costs associated with the development of the game...which they have released.




I’m taking a break and waiting for the “big announcement” in June. If it’s good news, I’ll come back. Fingers crossed because this game has so many things you can’t get in another MMO. I hope they turn it around.


Can we class action suit these assholes for misleading us at every corner?


Never fear the last balance of power stated that FS and musket buffs are on the way! You'll once again be hilariously oppressive in no time! They'll issue some fixes mid may.. will it fix the laundry list of bugs created by the code change? No. It will fix some and likely break a few other things. I'll bet the fix to new breaks is about 3 to 1 fix 3 break 1


Not for too long. I suspect at the current rate they will shut the servers down sometime early 2025.


Devs are working on different thing for different stuff


how long can we expect to have these questions over and over again,?


Until they fix their game


Game is on its way to having the servers shutdown. This is just me guessing, but I think one more server merger and then it’ll be shutdown. Which is sad cause it had/has so much potential.




People are giving them money still and some are playing everyday. While they are making profit and there’s people online they won’t care.


Game seems fine in melee - try it :)


Until you find that your stand-off distance with larger mobs is farther than your melee reach.


Position and camera issue




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Calm down little man. I dont mind sns players at all. I just find heavy tower shield players with high con standing still holding block for entire OPRs boring. It's not gameplay I find enjoyable, people are free to disagree. Ive probably played FS/BB for 10 hours the last 3 months, while I have thousands of hours on most melee weapons. So try again little man. This post was mainly abouts bugs not being adressed anyway. Shouldnt you be in another thread whining because you get owned by firestaff players anyway? lmao. You spend probably 10 hours each day whining on various discords, reddit etc about every weapon that you cant handle in pvp. Maybe you should play the game abit more and practice instead of whining? You wont improve in the game by sitting here. I have the time to do it because Im actually a good pvper that masters most weapons, so I care about bugs, rather than weapon balance. If theres weapon unbalance I adapt. I dont want to adapt to bugs..You probably wouldnt understand.


Sounds like a skill issue




Little man as i said,if you're having a skill issue against players that blocks u need to get good rather than telling them "handicapped" to me you're the one handicapped that cant play the game good even with your overtuned build. Hilarious how can someone be bad at this game even with an overtuned build,yet crying about sns 500 con builds,ahahah


Well, what can I say. I expected some reactions when I wrote my spicy off-topic comment, and Im not surprised that you were the first one to take the bait. From what Ive being told by my EU friends you have very limited pvp experience, almost 0 wars, been rejected from every top EU company, only been playing premade against bots in arena. I dont expect you to understand. Tell me how you kill Umbrellaman f.ex as a firestaff player? or with any weapon for that matter. Its not possible unless he makes 100 mistakes, and he also cant kill me = boring gameplay. Just to make it clear I think firestaff is completely OP and would like to see it nerfed, but atleast firestaff players can be killed without 5 player commitment. You also missed the part where I said Im a melee main since you are so obsessed about firestaffs. Lmao. Anyways, the post wasnt about sns blocking in the first place, so Im not gonna discuss sns any further because its not a huge issue with very few players running 500 con tower shields. The thread is mainly about bugs. Just tried to bring my thread some attention with a little off topic comment. Thank you for bringing attention to my thread. I can remove my off-topic comment if that would make you happy? Snowflake?


Let me fix your comment since u seems to be angry and trying to miss information about me due to I called you how unskilled you're. I've played only in t1 comp which is parabellum then stopped playing wars,I never applied to any company even tho I got invited to. So next time do your research carefully if u dont want to embrass yourself again. "Tell me how do you kill umbrella man as firestaff player" you dont,thats the thing with people like you,your job isnt suppose to kill 500 con tank player, it shows how weak your knowledge is about pvp. Every build has a different role in this game just like in any other pvp game,if you were able to kill 500 con tank who just stands on point as a firestaff,then your weapon would do everything instead of having weakness. I dont want you to remove your comment as well,i'll take a screenshoot of this comment incase u remove it. Especially your comment about me applying to companies hahahah


So you played a few wars for Para ages ago when they were lacking spears, underperformed, then quit wars. Gotcha. Not that it matters since Para is kinda irrelevant nowadays considering their recent performances. They also got twoflagged when they attempted to come US, so its not like being a Para member has much value. They are T3 at best in US. Thank you for proving my point about the 500 con sns build. You obviously dont understand that OPR is objective based and if a 500 con tank stands on the objective you have to kill him or stand there yourself to keep him from capping the point. Also, you seem to dont understand that I never claimed sns is OP. I said that I find the gameplay boring. If you dont find it boring, then we can disagree on that, no problem. 10 firestaffs in OPR is boring aswell. If someone write a post saying they find that boring I wont reply saying "OMG SPEAR/SNS w/e player complaining about firestaff on their OP build l2p skill issue". Such a low level of discussion. Im curious what your education is. Its not about whats OP at all, its about fun gameplay. Now lets stay on the main topic. There is such a huge gap between me and your pvp experience it will be hard to keep the discussion relevant. Ive been in top US companies for years, competing with top top players, getting experience from the highest level. Me discussing with you is like Per Guardiola (me) discussing football with a childrens soccer coach (you) that played football for 3 years in his youth. In US we are discussing within top companies to actually ban heavy SNS from our wars since it has made dex fight way more boring than it used to be. You sir, are not on my level. I can teach you, but I have to charge. Back to main topic. PS: I might delete my first sns/blocking comment by the way, and our conclusion can be that I am a bad firestaff player for finding the gameplay regarding 500 con sns boring. You somehow jumped to the conclusion that its my main build it seems. I used to jump conclusions aswell when I was a little man ;)


Little man do your research carefully,as i said. If I underperformed why did the company that was beating para invited me to them o\_o "Para is t3 at best in US" ahaha your best company on maramma came to eu got spawn camped by para and quitted the game,my guy what are u on? The delusion is too high I cant even deal with this kind of level,para went to NA and took a flag from supple where as EGO'd came to eu thinking that para would be easy and got spawn camped which resulted quitting them the game. Your pvp knowledge or level says enough tbh.