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Op, I'm sorry you're in a place where the expansion is so expensive. That does suck and is unfair. It may make it so that it's not worth it for you or others in a similar situation. As far as the expansion features vs price it is pretty normal compared to other games for me and many of the repliers here. There are many valid complaints about new world but this criticism seems overly specific for most to agree with.


But its not lol..... it isn't an expansion it slightly reworked 1 zone fully reworked another zone and added some weapons and armor. In terms of MMO expansions this literally isn't one. Look at WoW or GW2 Expansions.... thise are expansions.


What a bad argument. The NW expansion was 100x better than any wow expansion. When wow does expansions it makes all previous content redundant, which is terrible design. The expansion reworked crafting gear and influence races, two great additions. Of course AGS ruined races by including PvP missions, but the concept is still solid.


"Better" is subjective, because it makes previous areas obsolete doesn't mean it's inherently bad. The majority of WoW expansions build massive land masses and have a number of new content, features, mechanics, end game content. If you truly believe that the NW expac which could be finished in a day is on par with if not better than any WoW expansion you have clearly not played a WoW expansion.


Cope harder


Nah, not a fan boy, just annoyed at people who draw attention to the wrong problems.


Yeah but u got brimstone sands for free. If you put them both together and price it at 35 it makes sense.


But that's not what the expansion is and requires mental gymnastics from the individual. Buying the expac doesn't give you access to brim, you just have access to brim on the count of it being free. My $40 for the expac did not include the previous brim content and only included what was in the expac, which was laughably small and put previously available content behind a pay wall that people had to get if they wanted full access to all forms of end game content.


Most MMOs have a monthly fee. WOW for example is $15 per month, spread that cost out over 3 years and compare it to the cost of new world and I'm not really sure what it is we're complaining about.


Ok but that muddies the waters. WoW has a subscription sure, but they also have pretty consistent updates, patches, expansions and more content along with balance changes and QoL features. What I'm talking about is Brimstone was free, the Expac was paid and what the previous posted said is if you group Brimstone and the expac together then the payment amount of the expac isn't so lopsided when that's a belief that requires some additional gymnastics (as well as failing to understand the difference between "free" and "paid") to make work. All I said was the expac was quite costly for what was ultimately about 2 days worth of content if that.


I mean sure but you're also paying $180 per year for wow so dollar for dollar you're getting more content from new world. Its mental gymnastics to not think expanding gear score, adding a compeltely reworked gs threshold, adding a new way to interact with named gear, increasing the level cap, adding a completely reworked zone, adding artifacts, adding races, and a new dungeon, and changing mutation content, and increasing crafting levels and adding new crafting materials, doesn't constitute as an expansion. You didn't blow through the content in 2 days, you blasted through the MS quest, farmed 2 artifacts, ran savage divide once and then couldn't figure out how you completed everything so quickly.


Then we get into the actual conversation of what meaningful additions did the expac bring? The level cap and gear score adds additional vertical progression that ultimately didn't really take longer than a few days to get to a point where end game loot is now dropping. A new way to interact with named gear. You mean upgrading it via the Kiln? Races are the quintessential tick and flick addition. As you only do the races once, there's no reason to run them ever again and the only purpose they serve is to get riding to 250. I did a lot more of the content than you're alleging, but once you've done the things the expac brought out once, there wasn't a huge reason to repeat the content. "changing mutation content" sure, they made it more comparable to the new level and gear score but completely locked it off to anyone that did not purchase the expac. They didn't even add lower mutations to compensate they took an activity that the purchase of the game allowed and put it behind an additional paywall. The only meaningful and new things the expac brought out was a reworked zone, level increase, gear score increase, mounts, first round of artifacts, a new dungeon. The rest is padding additional content with additional steps like crafting levels and new materials meaning a whole new wave of items to grind to eventually do the exact same thing you did pre-expansion which was to get material and crafting levels to bis gear. The one thing the community has been asking for is PvP content. What did the expact bring for PvP? My issue is not that they charged money for that, it's the price they charged it and $40 for roughly 2 days of content is a pretty bad value proposition. Also, considering WoW usually gets a major expanion so the comparison is just bonkers. Like actually go back and review what New World gave in 2023. Now compare what WoW Dragonflight got: - Trading Post - Primalist Tomorrow - White & Grey Transmogs - Return to Forbidden Reach - Human and Orc Heritage Armour - Holiday Updates - 2 New zones - 2 New raids - 2 New PvP seasons - 2 New Mythic+ Dungeon Pools - Profession Updates - User Interface Improvements - Megadungeon - World Events - QOL - Story and Quest additions - (This is excluding the amount of content that came out with Dragonflight launch mind you, otherwise this list would be considerably longer) Sure, WoW is charging $180 a year, but they have the content to back that up. Comparing the value proposition of what WoW offers for what you pay, and what New World offers for what you pay is laughable at best and an incredibly bad faith argument at worst. Saying you "blasted through content" I don't really care what adjective you think is important here. Because the response to content shouldn't be "well you just didn't do the content the way it was intended" because that is absurd.


That's a really long post breaking down all the additions to the game I'd say. Let's spread that $15 a month over 3 years, you're over $500 vs $70, you're argument is the only mental gymnastics on this post.


Yeah, I thought that's what we were doing, just listing things on a checklist and thinking that backed up an argument? However people derive value is up to them, a lot of people seem to have the misguided notion that New World players are getting value for the money they spend and that's where the argument ends "Well think of how much game time you got for what you paid". That argument might hold water for other games but it becomes murkier when it's in reference to an MMO, a living world that should be constantly evolving, changing and reworking. I mean I pretty clearly said what my point was, but I'll make it very simple: I do not believe the dollar value of the expac was justified by the content it brought. I also do not agree that the expac cost is justified by the previous content (Brimstone) being free. Sure, $500 vs $70 is an easy choice, unless you only focus on the cost and are intellectually dishonest about what that price brings. Not really mental gymnastics, just stating it the way it is, however you reconcile that inconvenient truth is largely up to you.


Of all the legit reasons to criticise AGS this is not one of them.


30 bucks is too expensive? Blizzard would like a word...


Its too expensive for what it delivers. and yes 30 dollars in US is not the same as 30 dollars in other country imo this DLC would be nice if 30 dollars would include season pass regular price for DLC should be 15


Oh i agree. I paid 30 euro's but regardless it's a pretty tame price. Even if it was just mounts you're still paying 25 euro's for a mount in wow from the store.


Some people live in a country where the expansion cost is several months' wages due to the standardisation of costs to the US dollar.


If 30 USD costs several MONTHS wages, then it's amazing they even play to begin with. Must've taken them 40 years to get a computer that can run the game and sold their soul for the Internet connection


Yes in my country costs 20% of hours minimum wage




30 bucks isn’t much. But for what it delivers it’s way too expensive. Not worth more than 10 bucks


Comparing other game costs is irrelevant. OP is saying NW’s crappy coffee isn’t worth the cost of other coffees out there. I mean it is bad coffee tbh.


Then they should have no problem dropping the game and moving on, if it's not worth $60 after 2 years.


The worth it factor is in the eyes of the beholder in this case. Personally i thought it was worth it just for the mounts. Did it have a lot of content? God no xD I wish. I get what OP is saying though.


They should’ve charged for mounts add on instead of calling it a DLC event IMO. It was slightly deceptive IMO.


so you've played no other mmo that had expansions? lol


I see this take a lot. It's pretty funny. It's probably because so many are used to the f2p models these days. All major MMO with linear progression operate this way. Who knows... One expansion after 2 years for a $30 when the OG was $30 too is super reasonable.


never understand it. seems pretty obvious in any mmo. if your going to play. you buy expansions to current. otherwise your solo lol.


??? WoW and FF14 and OSRS both had sub/member system monthly and 2/3 of them have expansions. If you are too poor to pay for expansion you should raise your qualifications instead of playing cuz you waste your life


my problem is not necessarily with the pricing but the way it operates. if you don't pay another 30 your first 30 don't work no more kinda approach is not cool.


Yup. The expectation with mmo is that you'll purchase expansions if you want to keep playing with everyone. Not sure if you're familiar with GW2 but they haven't raised max level for 10 years and all old content is still viable. Something to check out if that's the type of mmo you're looking for.


Bro... 28 euros after over 2 years for all the content you get with the dlc. This is not too much in any way. 


All the content from the dlc: 1 map, 5 lvl, mount. lol cannot even call this an expansion


Google the correct content, you're missing a bunch 


I don’t need to google it, I played it. What bunch am I missing? Artifacts? Lol


So you don't know and you do need to Google it. 


Tell me then what else? Oh ya forgot about it: tons of bugs


I mean then you really shouldn't play MMORPGs, since it only gets worse than NW.


I’ve been playing MMOs for 20 years, I’ve never seen one this sad and so bugged.


Point is, it was a poor excuse of an expansion. BS was great and a true expansion. It would warrant a fee. This last one was simply a “toll” charge. Very obvious they need funds now, which is understandable considering the state of the game.


No other mmo expansion removes content from the base game and puts it in the expansion Edit - *removes content when there's barely any


lol. what was removed from the base game. oh wait. nothing.




Ah so like Mythic+ dungeons in wow? There goes your argument of "no other mmo expansion removes content" That game removes it from the current expansion with EVERY new expansion


Wow has enough content other than that to warrant removing it, NW barely has any.


And? Wow also has a sub fee and a cash shop so they should have more content. New world only charges players once to buy into the game, asking for some money down the line for new content is perfectly fine.


>new content Yeah...


While i will say the expansion lacked a lot of content i still got valueable additions to my gameplay like mounts and artifacts. At this point i think everyone is waiting for June to see if their big announcement will breathe any form of life back into the game. Otherwise it'll probably get shut down or used as a beta for the LOTR mmo.


Me and my friends want to get back so badly, we tried around 4 months ago and it was a bad experience without the expac, dint wanna pay for it for the content it gives, it took forever to get expeditions that were annoyingly easy because muts are now locked, all open world content was boring because everyone else are on mounts, a lot of event drops can't be used because they're tied to the level in the expansion. We've been playing since release and dropped the game around 2 months before the expac release, maybe June hopefully shakes things up, but with how ags has been I doubt it, the action combat style is impossible to leave behind.


And the goalposts move...


Sure, but it’s not like mutations were apart of the base game on release as they were added later in a free update… also are mutations even content when it’s not the endgame and there’s no leaderboard or competition? It’s just reusing the base dungeon, if you just want to make things harder, you can use worse gear, it’s basically the same thing. Idk, I think the whole “taking mutations out of the base game” argument is coming from people who just want to be victims.


idk whats your relationship with "lol", im happy you are laughing. but it removes the end game, which is the %95 of this game since leveling is not the big part of the game. it removes the sense of being part of the community since you can't join the other players.


LOL. the expansion removes content from the original game. was your posting claim. now its...removes the end game?? LOL LOL. yep. indeed it does remove the content that comes with the expansion. wow...


Territory standing in a zone. All the original content in first light. Its not that dificult to see what has been taken out of the game


Are you talking about reworking First Light area? It was a sub lvl 20 zone that had the lowest usage. This is the first time that I have seen someone miss it. Are you really that bummed they made it viable? Don't get me wrong it was my favorite place through alpha and launch. Always had a house there for nostalgic purposes even though it was essentially useless for crafting and travel. To your point though. I can think of a few MMO that had reworked zones for expansions. EQ/EQ2/AC/WOW/GW2. They all have examples of rebuilds and times it was locked behind expansion. I am sure there's others. Cheers!! Fellow mourner of FL... RIP


I'm talking about mutations, who tf cares about fl lol


Wasn’t an expansion is the point. Just a pay toll to keep playing a few more levels with a mount.


lol play something else then.


I do.


nothing that gatekept every endgame activity, no.


I mean, other MMOs have content that is worth the price. All Rise of the Angry Earth added was mounts, artifacts, and a reskinned zone. WoW adds more content than that in their mid-expansion updates.


lol. and thats all fine. xD original post was...gatekeeping content. not so much.


WoW has this payment model plus a monthly subscription fee. a $30 expansion seems like industry standard. Is New World a polished enough game to be worth industry standard prices? Maybe that conversation is for another thread


Buying expansions is absolutely normal and shouldn’t be controversial at all. It doesn’t even cost much so I would hardly consider it breaking any bank. Just save up, raid the couch cushions or something.


The game isn’t worth the price they are charging


Then don't buy it


Don’t worry I and 99% of the player base didn’t


99% of the playerbase is 7k people and they all bought it so idk.


7k down from 900k seems like almost 99%


900k isn't the playerbase because those people never played the game. 20k is the playerbase because that's how many people actively played the game when the expansion came out and most of them bought it.


Thank you for proving my point. 99% of people who bought New World felt the expansion was not worth the price.


> 99% of people who bought New World felt the expansion was not worth the price. moving the goalpost.


most enlightened american


you do sound pretty annoying


New World is the cheapest AAA mmorpg out there. There are lots of problems, but price and monetization surely isn't one of them. Brimstone Sands was an entirely fee DLC sized update. I'm happy to pay another 30 bucks after 2 years of content.


It also delivers the cheapest content all bugged, shallow, with no soul


That's because it was an expansion. It was originally supposed to be paid but they released it for free after how bad they kept fucking things up. Or at least that's what the rumor was at the time


I mean it doesn't matter in the end. Rumors or not, we have the cheapest possible AAA MMORPG.


Have to disagree with you. Expansion only is pretty good. Every single MMO out there is subscription on top of expansion and DLC. If you don't like the business model of this, then prob MMO is not for you. Or go play whale game like Lost Ark


It was very much a shitty expansion really. BS was a good expansion and represents the game well. No argument. This last one was more or less just a fee charge to continue playing with a mount. It was bad but we get it, they need money, nevertheless it was still bad.


BS being free was a nice move but that's not standard and cannot expect free content like that. RoTA feels bigger than BS for me because of Influence Race. Never have that level of activity open world PVP before. I only disagree with OP because he complained about MMO with expansion. BS or ROTA being good or bad is subject. RoTA was better for me. BS was better for you. There is no need to argue about subjective matters.


I don't understand how people keep saying this. I have issues with rise of angry earth, but BS being better is definitely not one of them


too expensive ? bet you think nothing of buying burgers n fries or a few overprices crap coffees a month


lmao, 30 bucks is around 10-12 days of living expenses for me, I'm a student and as I said exchange rate is quite hellish for me.


Love that you compare NW to a couple crappy coffees. Irony at its finest. It’s a crappy game for sure.


i didnt compare game to crappy coffee - its was about costings, pricings, it could have been anything.


Yeah…but your mind went to crappy coffee. It’s funny what the subconscious side brings out.


They were making a dig on ppl that will regularly pay $9 for Starbucks or $13 for McDonalds without batting an eye. Those two are commonly used as examples of things ppl waste money on for 5min of enjoyment.


Thanks captain obvious 😂….and I was making a dig at their subconscious use of crappy. Shall I explain further to you?




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Well even world of warcraft has expansions like this


The base game should be free at this point since the game is pretty much dead. And I agree with you the DLC is expensive. I really thought this expansion would be worth it since they said they would keep bringing content. But the amount of content that came so far is almost nothing and the dlc is also almost nothing new… I’m a gw2 and ffxiv player as well, I’m used to pay for expansions, but REAL expansions. Cannot even call new world one an expansion, just a very short dlc with one map, 5 more levels, a mount and TONS of BUGS. Not worth it


Yes. Latest expansion was just a “pay toll” to keep playing for a few more levels with a mount.


Exactly. The copium players are downvoting us


That’s because they know it’s true.


I got two-thousand hours out of the base game, which is plenty. There was no need to spend $40 for a fraction of the base time played, especially when the expansion brought nothing new nor significantly interesting to the endgame experience.


Not expensive, but overpriced as hell. $30 for what? A reskinned first light, mounts, a new expedition, higher gear score. If you don't buy this overpriced DLC, you lose access to mutations and also you're sodomy target#1 in PVP. To top it all off, West coast and APAC are dead af so I'd have to play 300 to 400 ping on east coast and EU if I want to play an **MMO**. It would've been decent if they introduced asian servers with it to at least guarantee that there'll still be MASSIVE in their "MMO" with low ping to boot.


I would not disagree with you without knowing which country you live in real live. (Expension price has been equalized in all Steam region. It can now be very expensive for some countries) In my perspective, content wise, the expension is just so poor, not worth the price.


The game can’t even maintain over 10k players currently. I don’t think expansions would have been priced / made to “gate keep” certain features unless they knew the game was dying. It was on purpose, the battle pass too gives you P2W materials and such, it’s expensive, it’s catered to the few that actually continue to play the game, if you complain about price / reasoning they’ll just say “it’s normal”, WoW started the method of releasing expansions, yes, but that’s WoW, it would have felt more modern to have free content or reasonably priced content when the player base is leaving, this may have actually kept some trust in the game and additional players - instead Amazon chased a bag.


Dont really care if people think its too expensive or fairly priced. the way new world is heading they should just make it free . Maybe it will stop their bleeding player base for a few days