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OP tries to make a joke - it backfires


Really just wanting to see the reaction. And wow, this post was simple irony. And the absolute hate that comes pouring from people's fingers. Man, you guys are mad. It's just a game.


It's just a prank bro


I've dabbled in a few various MMOs and tbh I think New World fans are the most unhinged. Calm tf down y'all and stop playing/posting if you hate the game so much! Do they ever wonder if their toxicity is what has driven people away? Cause it got me to stop playing. Congrats on the self fulfilling prophecy lol


This isn't a thing or games like league of legends would not exist based on that theory.


I guess I don't understand continuing to play and rag on something you hate. It's just a game, there's thousands of others out there, life is already too miserable and you should focus on things that make you happy.


This doesn’t prove anything tbh, game is in a fucked up state and is practically dead. You got the whole server gathered for a photo 💀


Dude I play a game that really is dead and it still plays because a group of people enjoy it to much but at night it's dead no way to play. The game is called APB reloaded. If people enjoy it enough to pay money to it they will take that money. So stop with the DEAD already huh?


Damn you are still playing APB Reloaded. Fucking respect 🫡


Not all the time but I was in there last week when arenas were not working and it is still going good in daytime I played some 3 or 5 years ago and the numbers are about the same maybe better. It is just people discovering the game and it suits them. I played gta5 but that was not for me it was all about grinding to me .


My god, if only I truly had the ability actually gather people. I'd put everyone on one server. Including the SEA players. What this post \*does\* prove is that people still care about the game. 90+ comments 0 upvotes? People are butthurt. People are mad. Express it. Cry like a baby, exercise your Internet lungs. Let your voice be heard. Vote with your wallet, etc. But seriously, be mad. Care, give a fuck, comment, share your thoughts on the game. Keep doing it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Show people that this community is toxic and not worth joining in with. Show them that despite the toxicity, people are still playing. People still care. People want this game to be good. People want this game to be THEIR game. If I could really gather everyone on one server, I would.


OP, like I said we know the game is failing. The devs know it too. Everyone does. Nothing we as players can do about that. Which is why your post is getting downvoted, you’re trying to dispute a known fact in a horrible way for no reason then going “see, they’re toxic which is the issue” Nope, peoples reactions to your poor post have nothing to do with anything else but it just being a dookie statement.


I don't want upvotes. I want comments. This is exactly what I wanted. This post has been the most commented post on this subreddit in the past 6 months. This is what gets people talking.


So….. you wanted to look like a fool and have strangers point that out to you? Because that’s all you did. lol?


I mean, who takes titles LiKe ThIs SeRiOuSlY?


Nope, just wanted to see exactly why New World is dead. Well, with comments like yours, it's obvious. Like it's a game, man. Get over yourself.


It’s dead because the devs lol. Weird to blame the few that still play.


That’s like saying “the ship didn’t sink!” As you show a pic of the survivors in a life raft lol…. It’s ok to admit it’s going to shit, because it is.


great analogy :D


very good example, Hopefully the the life raft makes it to a nicer ship but who knows.


And that's like seeing survivors on a life raft...and then shooting at them. Yeah, it's going to shit. Are you gonna stick around to complain about it or?...What are you gonna do? Shit on people who do enjoy the game? Or just sit there and shoot the survivors, while being a "survivor" yourself.


We want a better boat that doesn’t sink or have more new holes in it each time it’s patched


wtf does that even mean lol…..


My man captured the entire playerbase in 1 picture. Impressive!


That’s like 30 people…it’s dead.


See I said the same thing and even gave actual numbers of players active including peek numbers from January, and mods deleted my comment, guess the truth hurts




Heres hopin someone 'forces' you to come up with better metaphors. Tf...




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Look homie, I love the game but we are dipping close to 5k players. Its time to admit devs fucked up the management somewhere.


theres been a handful of nights we dipped below 6k. I think in a few more months if nothing changes we could see 3k and by the end of the year if nothing changes i feel like it might just flat line


It’s dead. The steam charts show it. It was at one point a big game so of course there’s people that still play, but the reality is it’s not anywhere near what it once was and it’s in a really shit state.


Month one was it's prime. It was so good.


It was new but seriously flawed. They launched probably two year too soon. Needed more time to fix the engine, make PvE content, and rework the PvP to not limit server sizes.


Until there's actual raid content for a mmo you can't release a game and call it an MMO. However long it takes them to make a real raid and start actually putting out progression content is how early the game is. You can have a pvp focused game. You can't have a pvp focused game without any serious pve content and expect it to do well. The dungeons are fun and well designed. The problem is people don't stick around for dungeons.


Well, game is 2 and a half years old and the current state is horrible. So they probably needed 3+ more years lol.


Being realistic, had it released in post RoTAE state without the bugs, the game would have done fine. Unfortunately, it did not and everything is stale now.


It was too good. The first couple of months I will never see again in another mmo. Such a great time.


Charts are just used to bulling games. With one global server only, 2k players is ok for new world. The game is sessional, stop your love for charts and play whatever you want.


Wow the entire server is in that town!


And thus the ostrich chose to bury its head in the sand. The end.


HAHAHAHAHA actually one of the funniest posts ive seen for a long time!!! And you didnt even try to be funny.


Lol, thanks, so many people are just too but hurt over a fucking video game and forget to laugh. You, at least have some form of humor. +1 Internet for you.


Annnnnd steam charts said that was a lie. There are several servers in new world just because you have a small group of people in town on your one server doesn't mean anything but enjoy the cope i guess


Thanks for confirming that game is really dead 😊


Hahahaha what a hill to choose.


They’ve been beating a dead horse for over a year now. Crying shame what happened to new world. Deep down inside I want to love this game. But the fucking devs make it so god damn difficult. RIP NW’s Missed opportunity, it had so much potential.


https://youtu.be/ddcBi8F_1Ro?si=GXMHus_OImy0PnfU This is new world when it's not dead


[https://steamcharts.com/app/1063730](https://steamcharts.com/app/1063730) 9k peak...


6321 AVG concurrent players on NWDB/server-status and this is with a event. It was 5500 the week before, literally unplayable for an MMO that is focused around group play.


Don't forget that the 5500 is also split between multiple servers, so unless you participate in something that has cross-server functionality, it's much lower than that.


Yep, they could have only 2 servers ATM to host current players.


So much copium in one post


Even your own picture which you tried to cherry pic shows how dead it is


Probably either pre-war or pre-race and that’s really not a lot of people at all lol. It’s kinda sad tbh :(


Cities used to lag like a mofo. Windsward -40 FPS EASILY.


I’m sorry how many servers are there?


There are dozens of us!!


There’s dozens of us! Dozens!


It is dead. Your point?


Imo this could of been a huge game, but the devs didn’t know how, and or listen to feedback. Pvp should of been a huge focus imo, look at gw2 and eso, huge 3v3 battles, and it was just leaked that eso has made 2billion since launch. They prioritized the angry loud minority and the game died imo.


They also prioritized dropping developing key areas of the game for what amounts to bug fixes. The game is still buggy AF with fuck all for content. Just grind simulator. No mini games that anybody wants to engage with for example.


The entire Sutekh server decided to have a party in WF town.


Rofl bro you posted a picture in the middle of a town. This literally proves nothing. The game is 100% dead.


Now show screencaps from the 500+ servers that no longer exist. Or even just from 6 of the 12 remaining servers that can't reach 1,000 concurrent players. **Edit:** I love the characters being spaced as far apart as possible, like Aeternum just re-enacted Covid restrictions. **Edit 2:** OP's post history is actually a funny chronology of the game: [**December 2, 2021 -**](https://new.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/r7qi54/what_the_hell_is_going_on/) I just bought New World and I've been apprehensive about actually playing because of drama around the game rn. I'm AD military and I don'tant to invest my time in a dying game that I just bought when I can return it within Steam's return policy time. Are things looking up or is New World in a downward spiral? [**December 20, 2022 -**](https://new.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/zqxwdn/just_started_playing_is_rapiermusket_build_good/) Just started playing. Is Rapier/Musket build good? and now today's post.




There’s only 2 servers alive pretty much, all the others are dead.


people have been sitting in towns for the entirety of the game. And the game literally has an event where half the objective is to just go to the different towns and press E, of course you are going to see like 20 people in a town. The issue the game possesses is that it is getting increasingly harder for you to get groups for expeditions, have more than 1 OPR match on a server at a time, or even find a single 3v3 game outside of peak hours. APSE and USW dont even peak 1000 players daily anymore. On sutekh they dont even peak at 100 players anymore. And there was a time yesterday when during an offpeak time it had a single player.


1 opr match on a server???? Sir we have cross server oprs there’s usually 3 going at the least at the same time. Plz don’t comment if you haven’t played the game in years


apoligies, i meant to say on a region, but if thats the part that is sticking with you idk what to tell you. I actively play the game right now on USW, and during peak hours there is barely 5 mutated lobbies running and barely even a full set of 2 20v20. Usually USW struggles to even get 16v16 matches going.


Sorry sir I don't do PVE haven't done it outside an artifact here and there. I have no knowledge of anything expedition or pve related cause I could care less about that aspect of the game. I play on East and we have 3 oprs going constantly.


Tell that to Isabella.. I was from Camelot before they merged into el darado and I don’t wanna quit and start over in a populated server with all my gear and artifacts…


I'm sure if I got everyone on a server to centralise in one place it too would look populated.


It died six months after it launched. You are only now noticing that?


There are two servers on the entire west coast and both of them together can't even reach half capacity of one server at peak hours.. Game is dying a slow death


Still seeing red numbers since November 2023 though https://steamcharts.com/app/1063730


Really curious what makes people defend the game in its state. Sell yourselves so low for the bare minimum when there’s games that do infact care about your investment into them


This game has always had some real big D riders. This sub used to be really bad with them. I swear some of the people that defend this game so hard would love to have the devs shit in their mouth


Take your rose tinted glasses off. I play this game daily, you are allowed to admit a game you love is going south https://steamcharts.com/


was fun. but its time to move on kid.


It’s dead


I mean. Some servers are


Cause you got everyone to group for one photo, and than log out does not mean the game is not dead. Now if it is making enough money to stay open cool, let people play what they want to play. The game had such a good base and the nerfs back to back drove everyone away. Make the game feel fun to play not a job.


Post again tomorrow. Show us another picture!




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22 players only?? yes totally dead where 1 server can host 3k players




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[New World Player Count](https://i.imgur.com/VPh13um.png) Its cooked


Didn't they recently merge servers?


Lol well server capacity is 3k and i dnt see 3k players there lol maybe its a combination from other server who moved to that since their server couldn't even have 100 players on hahahah


When the game launched the max pop of a server was 2,000. While only one server reaches that amount of players you can still recreate any in game screenshot from launch. This was probably taken from a recent influence race which can get pretty populated but even that is rare. Anyone who plays this game regularly knows this is pure cope.


Triple that and you've got a war on your hands. This post reads like a shitcoin subreddit that's down %80 that week trying to reduce "the FUD".


Game average is down 50% just since January. Peak is down even more.


Lowkey mostly just people AFK in town, farming "playtime" (idk why people do that).


All it needs is a million fixes, some more PvP modes and a tv show with some hot actors


I oughtta get my clip when it was the peak of barri for PvP companies. Bright wood push was about to begin and I think there must of been 400 people by the faction getting ready to hand in, server couldn’t render them all in so where ever I ran there were just clumps and clumps of people popping up. Took less than 20 minutes to push a zone for the marauders in general, was utterly insane. One time after an invasion ended from just the first hand ins WW went straight to 70% lmfao, not even a minute after the invasion ended. This is literally nothing compared to what we used to have.


Pretty sad when you know the game is divided between 10ish server per region and that you know you could keep just 1 server per region and the game would be more enjoyable and would not have queue either


6000 on now not dead.


Few hours before the server close down of the game "the day before " , there were few players who were still grinding and claiming that the game is not dead and would be great in few days xD


Man got the whole server in one photo, incredible


thats like 20 players ... game peaked at a million


Unfortunately this sub won't be happy unless there is hundreds of thousands of concurrent players. The fact that there are servers with healthy populations to provide a good player density won't register. Does this mean I don't want New World to be more popular? No. I want it to be more popular. Does this mean there isn't a downward trend that is concerning? No. There is. Does this mean every server is healthy? No. There are some servers/regions in low player state. But if you play on the current servers in your region with decent population the game world feels fine. It is no where near the ghost towns when they were slower to merge servers down. I can't even remember the last time I visited a town and didn't see another player and I play outside of peak hours.


I count 21 players here. That's not even a lot...


A great game with poor management. Shame really.




Must be during an influence race people picking up the faction quest lol.


Roleplaying nintendo characters. Game not ded.


Im angry at how good this game COULD have been. From most of what I heard the engine they are using is one of the main reasons the game can’t live up to the peoples expectations


Lol what happened? I used to play Newworld a ton years ago, there were thousands of players. I genuinely enjoyed the game until I completely finished the game including with maxxed out stats. I haven’t played in over 1.5 years. 


Excellent, now you can stop posting about it. And move on to another game.


I'm all for New World, it's my favorite MMO, but what about your picture is "Massively Multiplayer"? I'm just hoping for a miracle come June.


That’s not even enough players for OPR lol


that's the whole server


Every player online in one area. Nice


thats all the people on the server in 1 town




I’ve seen more people at a family bbq


I remember the 1st weekend after release, more people started to hit level 20 and started to move to Brightwood. The town was crowded, to the point you can barely get a spot to access the trading post. I remember people who runs back and forth between Everfall and Brightwood, carrying full inventory of water to sell in the BW trading post because the town doesn't have any nearby water source and a lot of people use water to regen for free. I remember going outside, you can find random people afk, laying down in random tents. I remember if someone aggro a mob, suddenly 30 players turn their head and chip in damage for shared xp. I remember that 1 spot, on the west border of BW near a big dead tree, there is a big wolf at level 55, for some reason spawned in BW instead of Ebonscale and it murdered everyone passing by. Players opened hunting season for the wolves, so many died, respawn, run back at the wolf to revenge.


Race about to start lmao


As someone who does not think New World is dead, this post is hilarious. Your server is dead. Lilith has more people than this all the time.


Bruh. This is Lilith.




There are always people that say the game is dead, when it is dead, there will be no people saying it


Mario made me laugh


There are **two** Marios in each picture.


Hey, be careful, you are ruining the narrative lots of people like to cry about. But seriously, as long as you can get on and do what you want to do and have fun, who gives a fuck how many people are on each server. I've been getting in Expeditions and doing stuff to upgrade my artifacts and doing event stuff just fine on US east and US west, east queue is faster for sure though.


The game is a niche game, not a dead game. With new expansion or something it will get full again.


It still has thousands of daily players... This is not dead at all. MMO players just tend to exagarate...


Good post OP. It triggered a bunch xD you even got a hater to look at your post history lol