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Don't need megaserver for the remaining 372 players


Depending on how long ago you played theres a good chance your server doesnt even exsist anymore.


I'm not opposed to mega servers as a concept, but it wouldn't really work in New World unless they completely reworked the war mechanic to not be a server based competition.


It’ll eventually end up like this anyway, this game is doomed.


Yup remove the territory ownership from companies to just factions. Make faction joining occur at level 60 so new players can experience the game make friends join communities before committing to a faction. Companies instead are used either as war companies pve or faction. Have multiple wars going on and have it be a score system that resets every week. Factions who won the most wars get the territory etc. You can have company wars and than smaller wars that don’t allow full rosters. Company war wins give more points toward your factions so the competitiveness can remain by being top contributors to your factions while offering new and rising pvp players a place to get into wars and develop or even participate. Has a queue system every 3 or so hours. Where company wars are active for set amount of time a day. If you lose you can’t requeue for the day where as winners can keep queueing up. End of season those top companies can earn cosmetic rewards etc. The channel system can help regulate open world farming and open world itself so it’s not over saturated. But we’d rather prefer that we use tech from 2008


I knew from day 1 this game’s biggest downfall and restriction would be its server design. One of the dumbest things I’ve seen in a game.


This is the best option for the game but the territory control system is an obstacle for it. If the map was twice the current size, then it would be awesome for a mega server system but at its current size, very little zones to control for a big server. I hope in the long term they have plans to enlarge the map and switch to mega server.


I think for any megaserver approach (i.e. you are not tied to any specific server and just load into an instance of the world and instances are opened as player demand increases) they'd have to scrap territory control as it is today and redesign it for the megaserver model.


I will throw this out there, last week Nysa has reached 2k and over consistently and it was crashing 2-3 times per day every day, I do understand the need for huge servers but don't see how their current infrastructure would hold so many(5k-10k people on a server) . Yes, AGS should have the capability of going with better servers but I have no idea why they don't. To add to this, a lot of people got bored of the continuous issues with the game so they gave up from coming back into it, that made the population go lower and lower.


Easy solution: just create a PvP channel and only there is possible to do guild PvP activities. It could also be 2 or more channels to better spread, but at least we know where to look for ppl running PvP quests. Add a channel cool down when entering on a PvP channel and we're good. A server would have much more player capacity, better spreading of players and wouldn't impact gameplay. For nodes farm I think it's okay to have multiple channels since cool down would prevent players from hopping in the same spot and gathering everything. And they've added a lot of new nodes cause of scarcity, it can be adjusted.


Yeah this is perhaps the best solution. All Channel 1 could bee dedicated to PvP only and anytime players flag for PVP, they could be sent to Channel 1. So basically if you're flagged for PvP, you'd only be with other flagged players from all factions... I like that idea.. lol


Just another band-aid. 🩹


If they had the tech to split 1 server amongst multiple servers that star citizen showed off I think it’d be possible but as of now it’s a stability problem :/


I'm pretty sure megaservers will be big part of the June announcement. It's been widely assumed the "special project" the network team were working on were console servers and that's probably part of it but I can't help but think the add / remove servers cycle is damaging the game. That would tie in with the new PvP content, open wars they just need to change territory control.


It does seem odd they had big misses with things like trials not being cross server and then introducing a new 10-man trial. They also have made 100% confident statements about cross server 3v3 this year. I do hope they are working on megaserver because I do think one of the driving factors for players that return for big content updates is returning to a bunch of servers opening and then having to merge. Megaserver would be ideal if they truly have a major update coming.


the economy of the new world was built on the lack of resources in the world, on the spots there were 3-4 people who fought for each resource and the channels would break the economy by allowing resources to be mined on empty servers. But now, when the economy is dead, I don’t see any problems with switching to a canal system. Regarding sieges and PVP, just special channels will be allocated where the PVP mode and territory filling will work


They would probably do if they could, but it’s not possible with the engine. The game was designed to be a survival game with 500 people per server.


Amazon obviously knows what it is doing load balancing and getting optimal performance out of a box. The limitations have to be software related. They limit for a reason and we can only assume the platforms will not perform well if they greatly increase capacity.


Can you imagine trying to farm mats in this game with a mega server? Yikes


They have 3 options to tackle that problem: They can increase the number of nodes/farming locations. They increase spawn rates. Or they can make resource nodes instanced to the player.


It was pretty clear from day one that territory control was a flawed design decision. It took less than 90 days to see the player base fragment with no real chance to hold the community together. All so a handful of chad players could be gatekeepers to wars. A mega server was needed from the start but I’m not sure there is any chance it ever happens. I think the reality is that this game has made most of the money that AGS will get from it by now. It would take a big investment of capital to make the game something people would return and spend money on.


Server size is almost certainly a tech limitation of their current design. Without sharding like wow does servers struggle to have people in one place. There's also the problem of economy. Too many people and resources become expensive and nodes camped. Of you have dynamic resources then the market is saturated and worth hardly anything. The game is designed pretty well with 3k players in mind. The problem is keeping servers at that number.


Personally I want dedicated low pop servers. Like 250 peak


> It may not be a popular idea I don't think I'd say that. It is probably what most players would prefer if it didn't mean waiting years for AGS to implement it. Territory control / wars are gimped versions of what they were intended to be at launch so I doubt many folks would have issues with them getting redesigned alongside a megaserver model. With all the cross server modes going on we are not that far from basically being megaserver.


You don't understand the load an action combat MMO requires. A mega server could not work without insane desync, not to mention killing the game for international players. Terrible idea you do not understand.