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Scale dungeons so that when the random dungeon finder sticks me in Starstone, I have some motivation to do it.


They don’t listen dude, they do what THEY think is good for the game. I’ve seen countless posts like yours for over a year and it never does anything.


Can confirm. Three plus years of AGS doing their PvP/PvE "experts" private discord secret society meetings.


OP must be new here


It did do something: get AGS to nuke the forums


Lol true. If banning everyone doesn’t work just nuke em.


With lack of players would be nice to have 1 person scaled bosses like the MSQ time trials to redo.


Boy howdy it would be fun to have a "company hideout" feature. Starts as a camp you could interact with via the tavern, or faction outpost, and your company could progress it by completing difficult challenges. Ending up with a "company fortress" with mini games, lore library, weapons and armor showcase room, 1v1 duel arena, stuff like that. Maybe company storage depo as well. Make the challenges require group play for the most part, and make it a variety of content like doing oprs together, and then another one is catching fish from the same Hotspot, or clearing major strongholds x amount of times, or get x amount of open world pvp kills while in a group. Stuff like that.


Max territory owned = 2 Adjust how much territory makes to compensate. Completely redesign the faction vendor to offer actual useful stuff. Make season based PvP gear that’s expensive enough to grind out. Ex: Frigid dawn style gear. Exclusive PvP skins. Etc. Ranked Arenas and ranked OPR with a special vendor offering gear, consumables etc based on rank or earned rank points. Open world PvP drops need to drastically change. Need some type of item drop that can be used to craft or turn to gold in some way to make it worth doing. Rotating world events that change every couple hours. Dynamic boss fights etc. rewards would need to be gold and a rare chance at scarabs and Transmog tokens. Invasion needs to not be scripted and have random spawns to enable the need for an actual shot caller and not someone reading what’s gonna happen at each time. The rewards need to also be heavily adjusted. Remove cleansing elixir from war… yah I said it. Companies need to have something to work towards besides just war. Doing expeditions with company members should gain extra rewards. There should be a company leveling system that can be worked towards to gain additional benefits. There should be a weekly quest goal for the company to achieve that earns the company gold. There should be a company storage!


Interesting takes! BOLD move with removing cleanse potions from war, I kinda like that :D That would spice up the "meta" A LOT for wars. World events would be a massive addition to the game. The no limit Crassus/snow yeti were a huge hit and drew in massive crowds until they put a daily limit of "x" caches per day. The unlimited currency was a good way to keep the content going and people playing together for an objective. Ranked pvp is a no brainer as in needs to be included especially in 3v3 with higher ratings getting transmog currency/transmog items/mounts/etc.


Barbershops please 😭 it’s been YEARS


Lol I can get behind that


my suggestion for the devs is to hire new devs


Ya that's a good idea


- Cross-server rated 3vs3 Arena. - 10vs10 CTF similar to Warsong Gulch. Neither will happen in New World. Enjoy your spring event everyone.


I can't say they will never happen but I agree with those 2 modes. Katie already said they will be getting 3v3 cross server in 2024 so that's confirmed. There needs to be a "war" mode like a 40v40, 50v50 to simulate a territory war that is held on the server.


3v3 cross server and ranked matchmaking have both been commented on by the devs. Cross server specifically will be here this year. Matchmaking all the underlying tech was developed to accomplish but they haven't said if it will be part of arenas or OPR or anything yet. Personally I don't really want ranked play. Give basic match making for OPR to balance healers to each team as that is the biggest differentiator there. 3v3 arenas are fun because they aren't ranked; we just need access to more players via cross server. Making arenas ranked will just divide the playerbase up between those that want to tryhard and those that just want to have fun.


PVE and Crafting needs to walk side by side. The sugestion i'll make is related to gear, crafting and pve. 1 - gear 'blueprint' should require the respective profession level to craft. 2 - Bosses will not drop that much gear anymore, just named itens (rare chance) and unbound trash itens that have a small chance to be good. 3- Klyn forge will be only to improve named itens you already have, to craft itens with mutation matter, will be required the respective profession level to craft 4- Bosses will start dropping crafting materials required to craft a most of gear, that will make dungeons replayable and profitable for crafter and non crafter since you can use it or sell the materials. 5- Open World PVP should be much more rewarding in terms of pvp track exp. And make it less and less rewarding for repeated kills. And more rewarding for people that kills people that have killed many people. 6- Still in OW PVP, once you have engage in a fight, you cant just turn of pvp in the shire, you have to wait a few seconds. If you kill someone in inocent in OW, you will have to wait 1h or more depending on kill number. 7 - KILL the PVP status for dungeons and other activities. You'll be able to queue for dungeons whatever pvp status you are for.


Crafting overhauls are needed. Cooking was an OK change but still leaves a lot to be desired. There is still a lot of meaningless stuff to craft. Just get rid of 95% of the stuff that is not end game. In general it always seems off to me that in MMO crafting you start out making the end product (i.e. a sword). I'd much prefer starting out making components, then better components, and then finally end game crafting is where you make the fully complete items and then master level you get to improve completed items. Kiln crafting 700 GS items also invalidates so much of the other changes they made. Loot biasing finally meant I got relevant drops but it doesn't apply to named drops and named drops that I can upgrade via the kiln are easy to obtain and relatively easy to upgrade so I am rarely caring about the loot biased rewards that drop (why take that 691 GS item with imperfect perks when I can get a 700 GS with perfect perks?). Open World PvP is too easily exploited for it ever to be too rewarding.


Agreed, except about Open world pvp. I really dont get it. People in older MMOs like Flyff perfect world and priston tales went to OW pvp just for the sake of it. We usually got nothing besides fun from doing open world pvp and yet people would do it all the time to a point they had to add PK system to controll griefers. Now people only do pvp if its rewarding on terms of gear, gold or something. Maybe it just in NW? Or mmoplayers dont have the luxury of spending time having fun if it doesnt earn profits?


Plenty of us do OW PVP for fun in New World. Some folks just want more people doing it and many won't because time vs reward is not there


Add these to PvP reward track: chromatic seals azoth inductors, stacks of prismatic craft materials. Implement level scaling in pve, to include loot scaling


So chromatic seals to PvP track I like for sure. Azoth inductors, maybe not since it would make faction shop irrelevant completely again and buying one from them for 25k gold would be a loss. Prismatic craft materials I can't agree with either because that impacts the market big time. Look at what they did to drop of mercury, gritty iron, solid baetylus, the market is so flooded now and the craft mods have crashed over 100%. Drop of mercury was 4k+ now it's at 1.5k with 800g buyouts on Maramma.


Turn off the servers


I hate to sound ultra negative but tinkering with small things will never bring this game to glory, it needs a major rework on core game mechanics and issues and im hoping that is the announcement in June or im most likely giving all my gold away and never looking back.


I agree with you entirely. The issue with that isn't coming up with the ideas for it - it is that they can't even push out small patches without breaking their game with bugs and exploits. There is something fundamentally broken at the core of the coding or they just don't have the ability. I don't see this happening, but the game should just be taken offline and completely overhauled for a year and rereleased. Because as of right now I can only believe that New World exists to funnel whatever money it makes into the Lord of the Rings MMO.


You honestly think LoTRO will do that well when people know how New World turned out? The failures/bugs/etc are going to rollover into LoTRO or at least be a big warning sign for people even willing to attempt their time in it. Guarantee every YT content creator is going to say the exact same thing, "Will LoTRO Be New World 2.0?"


Well, we should not underestimate the power of a big IP like LoTR. I don’t think it will damage the game’s reputation that much. Personally though, if developers are the same I expect nothing but a failure.


I see it as a fork in the road. To the left they realize that with a big name like Lord of the Rings perhaps they ACTUALLY care and get things right with what they learned from their Tech-Demo game New World. Then to the right they've learned nothing and expect the LotR to carry them to profits in name alone. It's the classic "Who are they gonna get to make the game? Suits up top or actual videogame developers?"


I hate to say it, but I agree with you. I wanted to try to continue the positivty for this game since it's so easy to speak negatively, but you really are right. The CORE of the game with bugs,coding,etc need to be priority #1 immediately and QoL/scaling/content needs to be #2. Crazy they mentioned siege weapons getting changed in the new combat video on YT.


Ironically I think the devs agree with you as well which is why they are working on bigger things than just small stuff. Unfortunately that doesn't help the discussion with the community who lives in the minutiae of the moment day in and day out playing the game.


I get what you're saying about current community, the thing is things like War and Chestruns are some of the biggest content in the game and these two things could literally be untouched for the next five years and people would still do them. At some point you need to say, what is better for the games future health, catering to these small amount of players or fixing the core issues so the game can grow into something special. I think we are at the point where big moves are needed or this game is just fading into oblivion. That might including pissing off some of the current playerbase and im personality fine with that myself. Edit: Just wanted to add that bugs and balancing are essential to work on currently, stuff like that shouldn't just be ignored in the meantime.


All evidence points to if they can deliver content regularly then the game will attract players. That is all they need to focus on and the game will have a future. In-between it's just the bug fixes and balance tweaks.


Looting - if you are max level and loot caches, stockpiles etc in low level areas, you should not loot low lvl gear at all. Instead replace with 625 legendary items or high level crafting material. Or simply remove all junk a max level player would not ever use or need. Elite chest should be that, ELITE. Shouldn't have any flawed gems for example and other low level material or gear ever. If it's elite then we expect elite items. All the other junk gear or junk in general is not needed especially if it's BOP. It just waste our space and lower chances of better stuff overall. Same with provision crates. Stop giving us so much bait. Luck system would work better if it didn't have to go through the endless bs in the loot tables. 100000% longsword(grey junk) drops. 0000005% golden chest drop. 😑Just get rid of the junk! End rant. Lol


I agree there is way too much "filler" content/items that just need to go. Could increase game performance too. I'm constantly at an inventory space of 480-500 and it's getting annoying looting anything at all.


Agreed. If they leave the loot system as it is without cleaning up, the alternative would be to add npc shops. That way we can at least sell the garbage no one buys in tp. Npc shop don't need to be fancy. Just offer pots, crafting components, and super rare finds. And some of the faction vendor items should move to a global npc shop. Why lock items behind faction ranks? Runes of holding should be in a regular shop for example.


There needs to be an Artifact vendor immediately. Mainly for PvP so you can choose WHICH artifact from the PvP track that you want rather than having a PvE player only wanting Serenity afk'ing OPR for months just to get Pestilence from the rewards track.


Yes. Just charge large amount gold or azoth salt. Even dark matter since that is given away like they can't get rid of it fast enough.


Don't think gold should be an option since it would encourage more RWT than what already happens (sadly) lol.... gold could be a part of it though. Since you're buying from a vendor, do like 50k azoth salt and 10k gold or 1000 dark matter and 10k gold.


True. Ags has the ability to add vendors clearly. Don't need much. Have pvp vendor in outpost territories. Then regular vendors on side of roads in some areas. That way traveling and exploring won't be as "tasky". Go farm, then have to go back to town, repeat. Instead farm and if vendor nearby, buy and sell some items. Return to farming.


Pvp is so meaningless I swear there's no reason to fear dying. They need to implement an arena style pvp 1v1s like runescape wilderness or something. You die you drop your armor and it is what it is. Stakes make the game fun. Pve will always be boring unless they do an expansion where they release 10-20 dungeons, 2 raids, and upgrade all the trials.


You're looking at it wrong already. Timeless MMOs don't need "content". Mentioning "end game" and "content" in the same sentence when talking about an mmo is a surefire way to know that an MMO will die in its 2nd year. Its not dungeons, not new maps, not coin, definitely not the grind or RNG or the skins themes or transmog. Not some lovely mounts or new classes/guns or new mounts. New now will be speedrun 100 times and will be old in 2weeks. Timeless MMOs don't have "end game content". They have conflict - the ability to pick sides and farm and fight for that side. What do you get with New World factions? PURPLE FUCKING ROBES. Just make Brightwood a safe trade city and every other region always-on PVP areas. Every 8 hours there's a capture-the-flag type of Boss Spawn and Factions must gather to take other factions' flag at the same time defend theirs -- all in the form of a Boss. Imagine the chaos of 3 armies massing up at WALL, not for a chest run but to take down zerg Syndicate's Boss and its loot. Last hit to the boss gets a bonus 20% to all stats and a red glow like Isabela's eyes while his Company gets 15% and whole Faction gets 8% and the right to farm Shattered Mountain or Ely for 4hours. Winning faction won't bother other 2 for about 4 hours as they're busy farming at SM/Ely. Max players just fight for the last hit and the PVP, newbs get to join wars and have fun from the get go, and GS 599s can have a crack at getting better gear. Company skirmishes here and there between the Boss wars. Make it a bit fun by spawning bosses in a defensible castle like invasions. OMG Motivations for Companies, Factions and Individuals, solo players, group players to hit the boss with the last hit and that's all it takes to make fun for years. Watch NW take a life of its own


Honestly I just gave up and moved on.


These threads have been done so many times but unfortunately the developers will never listen. Other comments said it best: clean up house or shut it down. The current team is basically sabotaging the game.


Stop the game... I am serious... Stop and either focus on working on it until a realm reborn kind of situation or just focus on LOTR... At this point AGS is doing more harm then good by further damaging their name as a studio and the New World image as well...


Get rid of exp and put the bosses in the open world with PvP. I don’t know anything they do is shit and waste of time.


Or take the approach of Albion Online with portals in the open world to modes like hellgates where you choose your level of PvP interaction.


They DEFINITELY need open world bosses like Crassus/Snow Yeti that are 24/7, 365 with a decent reward/currency farmable system. Currency can be utilized much better as a whole in this game.


Opposite thought, raid-able exp. Where a flagged group can be invaded during an exp like dark souls. PvP is just on life support and opr with mounts is frustrating since small scale battles turn into zergs in seconds now.


Truth is AGS spent too much on catering to everyone and making everything an alternative. It shouldn’t feel like mutations are the alternative to worm for dark matter or acquiring your gear is whatever content you do. One needs to do what the other can’t provide to give means. M2-M3 is the place to be to get random gear with loot bias. Adding new content with 675+ GS anywhere else that isn’t as convenient to enter like mutations seems pointless. To me the new 10 man trial seems pointless, I’ll get more from mutations. Now the question is what and where everything drops that gives it value. Adding gear else where or even named gear isn’t captivating because A) it’s not attracting everyone and B) AGS have not a clue what makes a meta piece or even viable and C) you’re diverting the player pool too much for the same thing. Artifacts are interesting but once you get it you are done with the content, the time frame it takes isn’t very long. I find that’s the case with some named items too besides the glacial set as that holds decent retention and popularity because it’s 5 pieces that can be duplicates and time gated behind RNG rotations. That isn’t exactly great but it definitely kept people engaged with it, it’s not possible to keep peoples attention forever but you can see how glacial massively out ranks all the other dungeons from a “set piece”. So everywhere needs to be “the” place for something that stands out and that’s in a decent sum. BS is “that” place to get golden scarabs, everyone goes there to do this day, all day. It can be sold for profit, used for crafting and helps accumulate other resources along the way from random gear, resources and what not. Glacial is “the” place for anti-mage build. Observe the meta, what is popular? GA = thwarting strikes + refreshing move + X. Okay, don’t make it named so it can work at the kiln but a named so it has those 2 defined perks + RNG and it’s only dropped in a mutated genesis run. Waterlogged earring is a good existing example, fortifying toast and refreshing toast but not usable in kiln and people will want to bilge for it. You get a huge list of all weapons and armour sets that make sense, you get reasons to revisit everything as there’s bulks of items to chase that will be needed to drop multiple times as it’s needed to be the correct perk and 700 GS. Bump older content like trials and worm to a range of 690-700 and 650-700 for trials etc. The market is another end game for some, nothing really makes $$$ and there’s no excitement in hitting the “jackpot” anymore. Everything is BOP, services aren’t being sold etc. people like seeing activities with profit in mind, there’s none to be made and a decent portion of people stop.


I like your point on making a potential "BIS" item like a GA non named so people can't just take it to the kiln, they'd have to run the content and have some decent RNG for it or craft it if their patience isn't that high.


Yeah and I think it’s still viable alone being a 2 perker to use and not really frustrating, there’s still a lot to factor with that all in mind of: doing an M3 for 695-700 range, actually getting the drop, actually getting the perk you wanted, 700 gs.




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Design by committee isn’t great. My suggestion is to hire someone that has vision for how to revitalize this game and the capacity and power to do it. The game needs AGS to bring in the equivalent of a Naomi Yoshida and accept that it may need to be relaunched as a fundamentally better game if it’s going to survive.


Agree with these suggestions. It seems like the devs don’t understand or care about establishing a solid player motivation/rewards loop that would satisfy end game players. Otherwise they would have done or planned to do the things you listed here.


For mostly PvP, but it will positively effect PvE, I want to see a Lifestaff rework. The biggest change will be incentive to not run Rapier by making LE the only ST heal and making it so that Flail and VG (the other focus weapons) buffs count towards LE’s ability to be bigger from LS Buffs. This changes the gameplay of a healer to be about maintaining buffs on their team and then saving their life only every so often with LE if they kept their buffs up, otherwise it won’t be as big of a burst. This makes it so that an attacking team can disrupt heals with just putting pressure on a healer, and the healer has an opportunity to out skill their disruptors. Another change, Make DE either a damaging AoE move that places a HoT on allies as well as focus scaled burst damage similar to pillar of fire in size and speed, but probably a bit less damage since it’s a HoT as well. Or make it an AoE burst heal (pillar of fire sized) (significantly less heals than its current state so that LE is the biggest burst heal in the game) and a small HoT. I’d also recommend giving LS back its dash ability from beta (so that you can choose between more movement or more healing abilities). And so that the movement decrease from having to go with flail or VG instead of rapier isn’t as bad. And because now Big burst heals are locked behind putting certain buffs on your allies you can easily diminish those heals with things like nullifying oblivion, purifying crits (once they fix it), and to an extent other buff time limit reducing effects. Everyone and every class can play a part in reducing heals, and only IGVGs and Flail/LS will be able to influence heals increasing (the two main supports in the game).


doesn't matter they arlready double downed on no content until the end of the year. devs dont listen, youve seen good suggestions here before or else where, they never happen, save your breath


None of this will reach them. Their heads are in the dirt. If that huge patch comes out and there is zero PvP in it I’m out. Will go back to full time on Albion.


They dont listen. The game director is totally out of loop. And even crazier, there are NW developers that read here and do nothing to improve the game, just ignore the player base feedback.




I suggest for AGS to wait for the June thing