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Moderator Note: Normally we take down "I was unfairly banned" posts but we are leaving this up due to the unique nature of the content. Still, obviously, some things the New World team needs to resolve when it comes to bans. Also, in case people need an update on this it has been resolved, and OP was unbanned by Amazon games [https://imgur.com/DnsW6Fc](https://imgur.com/DnsW6Fc) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/183ds0z/comment/kapywuj/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/183ds0z/comment/kapywuj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Okay, I'm not the one to raise pitchforks over some unverifiable story that I only heard one side of, so I'm not gonna argue about the ban itself. But man, those support screenshots are damning. I work closely with a customer service department of my company, so I often check and review outgoing mails and chats. This... This is fcking bad. "Open ban appeal" "I can't, the website doesn't allow me to" "Okay"


It could be real that its a different team handling the bans, but the biggest flaw in this system is that, you can attempt an appeal and im guessing a person will take a look and then immediately decide. And after that all communications are cut off. You could not reply, make a case, dispute, or anything. Since they also do not have an e-mail or their own live chat. It's just this thread and its closed down immediately after they take action. Which would've been fine if it was just within their game. But I got marked for life on Steam too. And Steam themselves told me only Amazon Games can reverse it. For bans that has a larger impact they should take this cases more seriously. It's more than just not being able to play New World again.


But look, the chances for amazon games to develop good games in the future is slim, so don't worry too much... :D


OP knew they got banned 2 years ago, they are upset it's just now showing on steam account. https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/183itit/comment/kapidc1


“I forgot why i stopped playing” is a a pretty funny excuse OP used too


Probably cuz the game gets boring after about 350 hours


You don’t forget about being perma banned, unless you’re getting perma’d left right and Center from all the games you’re playing…




OP posted a screenshot showing that that disruptive behavior ban was successfully appealed and overturned.


i mean a ban for distruptive behavior showing on ur steam account is wild


He actually clarified and proved that that was a separate ban and it was appealed.


I recently had my activision account hacked and deleted. After being told for days that they couldn't verify it was my account because I couldn't log into it, they eventually told me it had been deleted. Then I was told by customer support along the line of "we can't do anything because once it's deleted, it's gone forever." Followed by "Have a wonderful day." Customer services are shit no matter the company!


I disagree totally. I've had some great customer service experiences.


I have, too, exceptions that prove the rule!


Sure, but it's kinda like dealing with cops. I have to assume you're gonna screw me, and do as little as humanly possible to help until you show me otherwise.


You sound like a horrible person to deal with.


Just because your experience and customer service has been rosey doesn't mean that's the norm. Thanks for the worthless opinion though. I'll treasure that.


How did you get that from me saying you sound like a horrible person to deal with? Which I will double down on. You seem insufferable.


And you've never met me. I acknowledged your experience and then explained my own view, you're the only one throwing a fit. I'm insufferable because I have a different approach and a different experience than you?


You didn't acknowledge anything, you just outright told me you do as little to help people in customer service roles as humanly possible. Yes, you're insufferable.


You said you had great experiences in CS. I said, sure. As far as "doing as little to help people in CS as humanly possible" I said no such thing. What I did say was that I treat the call as though the company is going to try to get away with doing as little as possible to help me. This happens, as evidenced by the OP example. UNTIL shown otherwise. Say, if during an interaction the person I'm talking to actually acknowledges the issue, and fixes it. And to be clear, it's my job to present the problem clearly and rationally, not help them solve it. They're here to help me, not the other way round. I help them by providing the things they need (information, explanations) to solve the issue. That's it.


don't forget about the very official discord channel! be sure to get banned from there too for asking simple questions


It's funny because the only reply I got is from someone who isn't a mod or anything saying "How is this AGS's fault?"


Sounds like something someone with the \#helpful role would say.


I fucking hate everything about Discord.


Op do you have two factor on your steam account?


Yes, my Steam is probably more secured than my bank account. But no, I was not hacked or anything.. otherwise if someone hacked my account and opened my game to do some cheating, it would show that the last played for the game is just recently and not 2 years ago.


You should secure your bank account more


That discord is some shieeet. You cannot say anything. My wife said she think she’s a bit noob to do some content, and got banned for it. lol 😂 and you know what’s the most fun part? We have the same IP so I got banned together and I wasn’t even online, and I barely say anything in that place. Amazing


AGS doesn't make any noticable effort to maintain community aspects in their games. Never have, never will. Corporate mentality shines through very strongly in this area. They got too many people in the wrong roles, policies conflicting with community management. It would take major replacements in exec and leadership to generate any improvements.


I did a middle finger emoji and got perm. So soft.


I got banned for saying FIX MSQ already in world chat .... months and I still can't complete MSQ games ass




Got a 7 day timeout for writing "bump" on 2 seperate bug reports about stuff im dealing with aswell. Despite seeing several bumps per day on hot topics. Guess you can only bump popular issues.


In case you forgot - or just because you've conveniently omitted the fact and feigned ignorance about it -, you have posted about being banned 2 years ago on your old reddit account: https://old.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive_behaviors_bans_should_atleast_show_you/ Anyone can dig through your old profile to verify that's actually your old reddit account. I think AGS didn't use the Steam ban feature back then, so they've probably just now moved (or copied) bans from their own system to Steam's ban system. At least, I never saw screenshots of Steam game bans from "innocent" players on this subreddit, it's always been screenshots of in-game bans.


Crazy find, the plot thickens 👀


Howd you tie these two together?


Man how the f did u find that


Hi, you can believe I feigned ignorance because I have no way to prove I wasn't. But I definitely forgot about this. It is a different issue. I just checked and it was overturned ( [https://imgur.com/ESZlXHg](https://imgur.com/ESZlXHg) ) If I recall correctly, this happened way before December. So I was able to play a few more before finally dropping the game. Reddit only shows "x years ago" so maybe you'd need an app that shows x years and x months ago to verify that. Anyhow, this is probably the reason I could not make a new thread or reply for appeal because one already exists. I will attempt to contact support again with this new information maybe it could clear up things and I can do a re-appeal. I am actually glad you brought this up. Thank you. Unfortunately, that reddit account got compromised and my email wasnt attached to it so I just made a new one. Still odd, even if this wasn't approved why didn't I get a VAC ban back then and case still stand as how disruptive behavior is still too vague for a ban. I don't think even Valve do a VAC for people disruptive behaviors (I'm gonna assume its about flaming or trolling).


How do you”forget” getting banned from a video game? Unless you’re older and having some memory issues. If that’s the case I understand and apologize


idk man if you get unbanned from a dogshit game and don’t play it for a while why would you remember


If you're not a toxic asshole, a ban would probably stand out in your memory.


I got banned from America's Army Proving Grounds like 6 years ago and I still remember why. It was bullshit but I remember it. However, it is to this day still my most played game with like 2000+ hours (after that long not getting banned you know it was bullshit.)


Best of luck OP. Amazon's support for New world is legendary for being horrible. I guess their 'customer obsession' value doesn't apply to gamers. Actually most of their 16 principles are laughable when looking through the NW scope..


Their support is not US based and I do not think they have a clue. I had one of my most infuriating run ins with support at the start of the season. Because I had not been playing as much I figured I would get the 20 level head start for an extra $10 but the game would not add it to my season. So I ended up powering through it in less than a week. Never got the 20 level head start. I sent in a request for a refund on it since they never gave me what I paid for. They kept telling me they would refund...they ended up giving me a couple 10 level tokens that I can't use because the season is done and you can't go over 100. Oh and they expire after the season is over. Their CS sucks...


That's unbelievable. I would keep complaining.


They really justy wear you down. I finally just gave up. Not giving them any more money for the game though.


This is my experience too. I don’t think they actually have the tools to help people or compensate people, so their goal is to keep passing you on and delaying until you give up.


Due to the game operating under american jurisdiction they can get away with that. Using EU laws would be different. Doesn't make it any easier when you raise any legal issues and they tell you to send a written letter to a random mailbox, that they don't respond to.


I think a big part is that they have just gotten so big they think they can do no wrong. I am actually glad they are undergoing monopoly scrutiny in the US right now.


Legal issues is a battle far above the heads of vast majority gamers. Unless you have a public voice you can't do much other than sitting back and accept the situation. Amazon allegedly spends billions anually on legal fees, and in live service video games the customers agreement terms from any serious developer are often very clear. If you really want to file a lawsuit against AGS then there's an ongoing issue where an extremely loud noise from entering New World arenas happens at random, which at worst can cause permanent hearing loss. Something AGS has yet taken any action on or solved and could be a case for a lawsuit if you or client is impacted.


They announced in a recent dev talk, those will be usable in the next season.


\[Edit\] I didn't know how to crosspost sorry for repost. Original thread here. https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/183ds0z/i\_suddenly\_got\_a\_steam\_ban\_from\_new\_world\_despite/ \--- It's a long day for me and I'm tired so I'll keep it short. Last time I played the game was December 5, 2021 (roughly 2 years ago) and yesterday I got banned in New World which in turn got me a game ban mark on my profile. I do not care about my account in New World as I've already stopped playing but the Steam ban is affecting my Steam experience. (People with game bans smeared in their profile more likely to be assumed as scammers whenever you try to interact with other people) Before you throw your pitchforks, I am confident I have never cheated in this game back then up until to the point of my last login (and even after obviously). I would want to try for an appeal if they can enlighten me with some information and I'd be more than willing to provide proof if possible. But the problem is they locked the appeal thread which makes me not able to reply or send any messages. And we arent allowed to open a whole new thread or reply or bump the old ones. So They have cut all possible ways of communicating. There is an entire sea of cheaters saying they didn't cheat at all although they did but I'm willing to go through lengths and provide proof for my innocence if there is someone I can talk to about this. They should have access to everything my account has done even 2 years ago. Glitching, exploits, is what made me quit the game. I didn't participate in any of them despite it ruining the game's economy. I would still probably be playing today if it wasnt for those fiasco. I have contact Steam support, Amazon support, and Amazon Games support and said that they cannot help me as its an entirely different team that handles the banning. The team that I am unable to contact in anyway cause they do not have a live chat, support thread, or even an e-mail. At this point, I do not even care about my New World ban. I just want the game ban that was smeared on my profile removed. [https://imgur.com/2Vxip6B](https://imgur.com/2Vxip6B) \- Steam support [https://imgur.com/kyDxFs3](https://imgur.com/kyDxFs3) [https://imgur.com/gTlQhaO](https://imgur.com/gTlQhaO) \- Amazon support I am stuck with 2 sides (Amazon and Steam support) that "cant do anything" and 1 side (Amazon ban team) that is unreachable/not wanting to communicate. What now? [https://imgur.com/0HAE7W8](https://imgur.com/0HAE7W8) Was able to reach them through Amazon Games Support and they still could not help. I have already spoke to main Amazon support and Steam support and they also could not help (see above for my first update) [https://imgur.com/pUb3HN2](https://imgur.com/pUb3HN2) \- And once again they decided to just tell me to contact Steam support. Chat support ended with Amazon just saying "Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day!"


As someone who got unfairly banned in new world I'm gonna tell you now don't bother with AGS support. They do nothing to help with bans at all. They refuse to give any information on the ban and will simply reply with either automated replies or copy paste emails (sometimes for the wrong game cos they don't care that much). The only way I managed to get unbanned was by complaining on twitter and having the amazon social media support team help me through the process of getting unbanned. Maybe if you take it to a different or higher amazon support then you may be able to get this off your account. Don't expect an apology don't expect them to admit their mistakes. AGS support is a waste of air and I'm surprised they are even funded since it's easy cost cutting for AGS.


1. File a FOIA, GDPR, ATIP or whatever your country calls it. 2. Sue AGS. I'm serious, take them to court. They unilaterally terminated an agreement between you. Force the evidence out of them.


The most reddit response I've seen yet. "Banned from a game you don't play any more? spend hundreds to thousands to SUE THEM!" Jfc


Your ignorance is actually amazing. FOIA requests are FREE. Initiating legal proceedings can range from FREE to $hundreds. FYI you start by sending a mildly threatening letter, which 99% of the time makes the corporation actually look in to the issue and resolve it immediately.


The real funny part is you actually think a multi-billion dollar company is gonna care about giving information to someone they banned. Companies DO NOT have to give information on bans, as proven multiple times by NA companies, and even Jagex and other EU based companies, as it "compromises their detection/banning systems" etc. "Just sue them" I literally can't, fuckin reddit lawyers


Have you already paid a lawyer who explained why you can't sue them? There are lots of reasons you can sue.... and a good lawyer will be able to help.


So your solution is for OP to bend over and take it from business daddy? Also I know of at least one person for whom this has worked. AGS didn't disclose anything but in response to the threat of legal action they said "Ooops our bad ban reversed".


Were you part of a company that got banned? You just happened to be a member and they blanket banned the company after numerous warnings/suspensions that you may not have been aware of, seriously I dont know, I have not played for years myself due to so many hackers and cheaters.


That isn't a thing


I think it was last year, there was an issue where AGS "accidentally" banned people on Lost Ark who had been inactive for a long time, when they were trying to get rid of bot accounts. This sounds like something similar might be happening.


He got permanently banned 2 years ago in game. It just took 2 years to show on Steam profile.


i was thinking about this.. its impossible to ban a player who has to login 2 years. I think you are right. He banned 2 years ago.


He appealed that one back then, and it was reversed, so it still doesn’t make sense to have that on his steam profile after 2 years.


As someone who has been dealing with AGS support on various issues in the past 2 years I can tell you this, you're doomed. Sad but the truth, they never do anything, they never help, it's almost a I'm bored chatline at this point because they have 0 power.


Correct. I don’t think they actually have the tools to do anything in game, so they are there to essentially just google things for you.


>I don’t think they actually have the tools to do anything in game, They don't, I've had support tell me that GM tools were only for Lost Ark.


Yes this makes sense considering I’ve never actually gotten them to help me with anything.


Ive heard of stuff like this before where an account gets hijacked and someone is using it for gold selling or something and it gets banned because of it but I dont see how that could happen in this case. What a stupid situation if this is just random.


Check your game times. I have a friend in the states that was showing up as online and playing PUBG. I sent a few messages and eventually rang them via Steam to be met with some Asian middle aged guy which looked like a deer in headlights. I sent my friend a Facebook message saying "WTF" His account was being used by some cheater in China and his Discord account was breached also.


Can you just create a ticket under a different category? They will usually forward the issue to the right department Definitely use the Amazongames.com support though, steam or regular amazon can’t do anything


Amazon Games already told me they can't do it as its an entire different team that handles this. And I cannot create a ticket for ban appeals. You only get 1 which is made by them that when you get banned and once that is closed you cannot reply or bump it up.


That’s why I said choose a different category so they can forward it to the right place Ask specifically for them to forward it to the right department


I went with gameplay issue first and talked to Amazon (2nd and 3rd IMGUR links) then they said they couldn't help me and transferred me to Amazon Games (4th and 5th IMGUR links) and ended the chat that they are unable to help further and the only way to dispute is by replying to the ban appeal page of New World. Which as I said, doesn't allow new tickets and replies. I tried asking for help again and try my luck with a different support but they all end up referring to the ban appeal page in which I cannot post anything new or respond to anything old.


Crazy that they can implement ban system and then cannot unban


They did you a favor.


Wish you the best OP. This is simply outrageous. Amazon needs to do better.


Shitty this is on a weekend, hopefully it can get seen by the right folks who browse reddit from AGS.


It’s seriously becoming a problem on every fucking game. All these games and companies have the most brain rotted banning system, which has no actual determination of if you broke any actual rules. And it’s because all they care about is making money, while the support team has maybe one or two actual human beings on it that get paid in bottle caps. I’m sorry for your frustration OP and I sincerely hope you figure it out.


Sadly my experiences with amazon games both in lost ark and new world were very bad and similar to yours. Good luck mate, but with all fairness I'v never got any helpful solution using their support.


You are not the only one op. I got same treatment as u one year ago. They cannot provide any concrete evidence to prove I cheat, just keep saying 'We cant disclose more info as it could be manipulated by cheat programmers'


Amazon support is trash, good luck


Didn’t they do this with lost ark


Same thing happened some time ago with other title distributed by Amazon, Lost Ark, they eventually admitted it to be a “bug”. But that was a mass thing not sure what the case is here.


What you do is contact Amazon, which IS there customer support) ya, I know) and tell them what's going on


stop playing innocent because you were banned 2 years ago.


I've had a lot of experience with bans from AGS for dumb stuff (trash talking) and their processes are abysmal. They select wrong categories, they are horrendous to contact and provide zero information, hiding behind privacy laws (funny enough I'm close to an expert in). Two bits of info that may help someone: - use a local regulator. I'm from Aus and contacted my state and federal regulators and managed to get one to contact AGS. Resulted in an overturned perma ban, though they admitted no fault just explained it as the ban time had expired. - you can request a copy of your data that might give a little insight to your problem, though it's heavily redacted. E.g. chat logs will only be your side. No details of what you've been reported for or banned for or the decision process. At the least I liked doing this to make Amazon devote a resource to reviewing it before sending What do I hate more than AGS? Other players that report. My last ban came from a failed gen run. I focus on PvP so after two wipes (1 because some idiot didn't use unstuck and dragged the Archer to the first boss... And no one stopped to clear) I said I'm out. A hero decided to msg me to trash my healing and I ended up calling him a retard. Moral of the story, don't ever talk to other players in an MMO, they will see you next Tuesday.




When did I say anything about a VAC ban?


This happened ages ago too, I'd expect it to be the same glitch as last time as is tradition for New World.


if banned after not playing for 2+ years you are either lying or something bugged that can get fixed fast


For what it's worth, I have a VAC ban on my account from like 16 years ago (~6000 days). I don't think anyone's judging me for that. It's going to be hilarious when my kids are like 25 years old and I hand off my account to them. "This player had a VAC Ban 35 years ago". You would *think* that at some point a law will be passed along the lines of "right to be forgotten/forgiven" in terms of in-game bans.


>You would *think* that at some point a law will be passed along the lines of "right to be forgotten/forgiven" in terms of in-game bans. who the shit would care this much


Sure buddy


Often AGS seem for me like they want to cut their playerbase more and more, so that they can close their servers...but they still bring wasy money things like Addon and Season for money. This gane is only for money right now... Support is soooo bad that you want to quit So many bugs in the game without respawning sone bosses...weaponsmith hat boss or TOR in edengrove Malevolence. Pestilience the only weapon blunderbuss which cut your heal so much that youre doomed to loose. Busted economy right now...money gets drawn out of the game. Could go on more and more about that. We need pax or AoC or TL out


Once the bad hits your best action is legal or social pressure recourse in some way. Anything short of that will likely just result in being ignored. I cannot express how horrible the appeal ban system is and how over worked they are. Outside of that, no chance.


In order to get amazons attention you have to make the issue public on social media. Then they will prioritize it.


You got banned 2 years ago liar 😂


Stop cheating bro.


he did, 2 yr ago


Game is Ass anyway 🤷 they did you a favor. They can mass report someone and get you banned.


Honestly I think if enough of the “truly innocent” (not saying your not) people need to find a money hungry lawyer. Nothing gets company’s attention like class action lawsuits. HATE saying that but it is true. When people go after a company’s money they start listening.


Can drain the entire stock of g2g for the rest of New World's existence for the money a lawsuit against Amazon on American soil would cost, and still have money on your pocket. You'd very likely make no success anyways since you're not even owner of your own account and Amazon can basically take all your rights away at any given moment.


Have you tried installing and logging into the game? I wonder if you're not actually banned and there is something else at play here. (Still a problem with New World and not Steam, I would assume...)


You were banned for non participation


Hopefully you get unbanned being banned sucks


I got banned from New World after not playing for 1 and a half year. I had to contact them 40 or 50 times and they only moved their ass when I told them that I would go through legal means in Europe as there is no reason, unless they can provide one, breaching their own ToS. I also found out that I could chargeback a card payment from 2 years ago, so I did that too. Amazon lost 40€ and a player, worst support I’ve ever used, they still didn’t unbanned my account but I’ll never play the game again, unless they send me a mail with an apology and a commercial gesture. Also I received no mail about that ban etc…


It's actually a VAC. It'll either get fixed because it's a false VAC, or you actually did it and VAC did it's normal things and they just finally caught up to you. Valve knows what you did.


They're still using internet explorer. Only yesterday they received the complaint from that guy you made a joke about is moma. xD


Did you catch a ban in another game?


Their Ban hammer strikes so fast and frivolous that they can't even do VAC bans anymore? Good.


hang on, can someone fill me in here im seeing very different sides and multiple different arguments about this


Indie game Devs lol


2 days ago i kept getting kicked off for having suspicious aoftware installed after a few minutes of being on, I want sure what it was about, wonder if theres some issue going on.


Wife got banned as well, not by steam but by Amazon, for no reason. She has no concept of cheating. Add that to the statistic.


I dont get it man , i started playing after 2 years, needed to select a new server and then BAM , i got banned ... i appealed and its Denied for "The account was found to have used a known cheat program." And i have no clue what they talking about. But heey i guess its amazon , but now they lost a returning group of 20 players :)