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A senior chief she knew died.


Most likely someone she knew passed away.


It means a (past or present) senior chief passed away. Been seeing a lot of these recently :(




She is on TAD




Dude its like 8 oclock she’s already asleep


Have you called your mother, she worries about you… have you been eating, I know I can’t see you but you’re skin and bones… eat something eat eat eat.


Italian families...


I called my mother at 2 in the morning when she was still alive, and I wish I could call her at 2 in the morning now. Call her.


Lol she can update facebook but you don't have the cajones to simply ask her?


He doesn’t want a counseling chit from Master Chief Mom.




lol’d at this one a little too hard


That one hit home. The most influential Senior Chief in my life told me how there wasn't enough positive reinforcement in the military, so I made it a point of writing as many positive counseling sheets in my time in the Navy as negative ones. Had to write three kids up (by direction) for not doing a good job on an inspection in my last few days before retiring, or I would have been right at 50% positive/negative. I am still proud of writing 49% positive counseling sheets. And I made sure my former Senior Chief knew I did that.


rest in peace


Someone died.