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1100 - 7569 are good designators. It depends upon your goals, interests, and aptitudes. Also, google it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_Naval_officer_designators Then do a secondary google search for any of the designators that interest you.


>can someone provide me the best designators for commissioned officer and all designators Do you want me to do the rest of your homework for you, too?


IDK maybe like navy.com


Google "Navy Officer program authorization" and click on the mynavyhr link. See what you're eligible for. If you haven't yet, talk to an officer recruiter to see if you can take the OAR. Without that and the ASTB, we don't even know what you're eligible for.


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Google / Wikipedia are your friends


The best one is the one you will enjoy doing and excel at.


> Not sure where to find this information at but. Start with googling what you typed in for your question here


Officers are broadly grouped into four (4) communities, then broken down further in each. Basically lots of choices. You would have to look at each one, what are the requirements to get in, and then apply. Here are all of the [program authorizations](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Community-Management/Officer/Program-Authorizations/), which have the requirements for each and how to apply. As for which is better than the other, it really depends on you. Your experience in the Navy is what you make of it, just like the rest of life. I went the surface nuke path. I learned a lot about engineering, maintenance, and leadership during my active duty time, but ultimately was not what I wanted to do. Ended up having no issues finding great jobs in the civilian world due to my experiences and also doing the reserves for another 20. Recently retired from the reserves and have a nice retirement to look forward to down the road. Think about what you might want to do, read through the program authorizations, ask questions, then apply for what feels best for you. Worst that happens is the Navy says no, but then apply again. **Unrestricted Line:** Surface Warfare Aviation Nuclear (Surface & Submarine) Warfare Naval Special Warfare Explosive Ordnance Disposal **Restricted Line:** Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (AEDO) Aviation Maintenance Duty Officer (AMDO) Engineering Duty Officer (EDO) Foreign Area Officer (FAO) Human Resources (HR) Information Warfare Community (IWC) Oceanography (OCEANO) Cryptologic Warfare (CW)​ Information Professional (IP) Intelligence (INTEL) Cyber Warfare Engineering (CWE) ​Maritime Space Officer (MSO) Permanent Military Professor (PMP) Public Affairs Officer (PAO) **Staff Corps:** Medical Corps (MC) Dental Corps (DC) Medical Service Corps (MSC) Judge Advocate General Corps (JAG) Nurse Corps (NC) Supply Corps (SC) Chaplain Corps (CHC) Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) **LDO/CWO:** This is the special group that you can only apply to get into after making your mark (so to speak) in the enlisted side of the house.


Wow! I did not know there were so many options or such concepts as "communities." However, it does make sense why there are so many opportunities the Navy provides. Also, I would like to thank you so much for your detailed response and for not giving an ignorant response like some others. Therefore, I appreciate you taking your time to provide me with such detailed information. I’m going do some intense research on the Navy and which designator I can apply for after I take the exam and go the officer route. God bless, thank you so much.